Development tools ================= Plat/al relies on a few tools and base libraries. Django ------ Our base framework, we're using the latest released version (currently 1.5.1). Feel free to browse its excellent documentation at Bootstrap --------- Our web layout relies on Twitter's Bootstrap framework. We use a minified version based on Bootstrap v2.2.2. The documentation is available at factory_boy ----------- For testing, we rely on `FactoryBoy `_. This library allows to define custom "factories" for each model, which ease populating the database (in ``xnet.datasets``) or writing tests: .. code-block:: python class SomeTestCase(unittest.TestCase): def test_disabled_account(self): # Get a disabled account, don't bother filling any required field. account = factories.AccountFactory(is_active=False, password='foo') self.assertFalse( auth.authenticate(account.username, 'foo'))