Style guide =========== This document describes the main coding rules in use in the plat/al codebase. Python ------ Plat/al mostly follows the :pep:8 rules and `Django's coding style`_. .. _Django's coding style: Mostly: - Lines are limited to 120 characters - Indent with 4 spaces Annotations """"""""""" - Use ``TODO`` and ``FIXME`` annotations with the name of the assignee:: # TODO(x2006barrois): make the spam more explicit # FIXME(x2008gelineau): this may fry the eggs - Use ``XXX`` for things we can't improve, such as limitations in Python:: # XXX: OrderedDict does not exist before Python 2.7 Imports """"""" **Do not use** ``import *``. When importing from the same package, use relative imports. Otherwise, use absolute imports: .. code-block:: python # xnet/foo/ # Absolute import of xnet.blih from xnet import blih # Relative import of from . import baz Imports should be ordered from most general to most local: #. Standard lib imports #. Django imports #. Third party lib imports #. Plat/al imports #. Current app imports Exceptions """""""""" Exceptions are quite powerful, but should be used properly. Each module defining custom exceptions should define a base class for its exceptions; other exceptions from the module must then inherit from that base exception. This makes it much easier to catch module-specific exceptions: .. code-block:: python # blah/ class FooError(Exception): """Base class for exceptions from""" class SpecificException(FooError): """A specific exception.""" def some_fun(): """Demo function for exception catching.""" try: do_something() except SpecificException as e: handle_specific_exception(e) # module def other_fun(): try: do_something() except foo.FooError as e: handle_generic_foo_exception(e) Only catch the errors that you expect. Let the other errors propagate. Do not catch an exception then raise another one, as this hides the true cause of the error. Avoid generic excepts, or worse, naked excepts: - ``except Exception:`` will catch import or syntax exceptions - ``except:`` and ``except BaseException:`` will catch all exceptions, including ``KeyboardInterrupt``, thus preventing ``^C``.