MANAGE_PY = python ROOT_DIR = xnet APPS = $(shell find $(ROOT_DIR) -name '' | sed 's,/$$,,; s:.*/::') # In order to help newcomers, this variable holds a full doc of the current Makefile. # Please keep it up to date with regard to new commands. # # Structure: # - Group commands in sections # - Align command descriptions define help Makefile command help Available targets are: Running: run: Start a development server on shell: Open a development Python shell using the current database Database: resetdb: Reinitialize the database schema Testing: test: Run the test suite Misc: clean: Cleanup all temporary files (*.pyc, ...) doc: Generate the documentation help: Display this help message endef default: all all: help: @echo -n "" # Don't display extra lines. $(info $(help)) .PHONY: all default help # Running # ======= run: $(MANAGE_PY) runserver shell: $(MANAGE_PY) shell .PHONY: run shell # Development # =========== test: $(MANAGE_PY) test $(APPS) resetdb: rm -f xnet/db.sqlite $(MANAGE_PY) syncdb --noinput .PHONY: resetdb test # Misc # ==== clean: find . "(" -name "*.pyc" -or -name "*.pyo" -or -name "*.mo" ")" -delete find . -type d -empty -delete doc: $(MAKE) -C doc html .PHONY: clean doc