2006-11-08 x2003bruneauSame as [1062] xorg/0.9.11
2006-11-08 x2003bruneau[1061] => prod: closes #529
2006-11-06 x2003bruneau[1048] ==> prod
2006-11-05 x2003bruneauGive sense to $hook['perms'] ==> non-admin cannot acces...
2006-11-03 x2001corpetbug pour afficher toutes les adresses sur la carte
2006-10-30 x2003bruneautypo
2006-10-28 x2003bruneautypo
2006-10-26 x2003bruneauProd: Fix missing URLs at the end of the default footer...
2006-10-25 webFix cacert download with IE
2006-10-24 x2001corpetresoud #487 a condition qu'un root mette en place le...
2006-10-24 webJMY wish on moderation
2006-10-20 x2003bruneauDon't show mail link for non-admin on xnet
2006-10-15 webOops
2006-10-15 x2003bruneau#509: Can see the trombi for promo 2006
2006-10-14 x2001corpetpage profile/private accessible en cookie et non en...
2006-10-12 x2003bruneauFix #500: sort lost users by promo and name
2006-10-11 x2001corpetregion valides uniquement dans le profil professionel
2006-10-11 x2001corpetbug dans la verif d'adresse
2006-10-11 x2000habouzitcopy the template before subscribing people
2006-10-10 x2003bruneauFix link
2006-10-10 x2003bruneauFix NL's footer links (baseurl is not defined when...
2006-10-09 webFix panne_level update in some cases
2006-10-07 x2001corpetforce_login => profile/private, #486
2006-10-07 webproper fix: there was a bug in assigning platal before...
2006-10-07 webmissing assign !? wtf
2006-10-07 x2000habouzitfix links
2006-10-06 x2003bruneauFix JMY's bug
2006-10-02 x2003bruneauFix user insertion
2006-10-01 x2001corpettitre different pour le sujet du mail et le titre dans...
2006-10-01 x2000habouzitfix #472
2006-10-01 x2000habouzittypo
2006-09-30 x2001corpetfix signaler un bug sur IE
2006-09-27 x2003bruneauUgly hack, but google maps now works when the address...
2006-09-27 x2003bruneau==> Prod
2006-09-27 x2000habouzitbackport
2006-09-27 x2000habouzityet another problem
2006-09-27 x2000habouzitfix michel coudreuse problem. #482
2006-09-26 x2000habouzitfix bug with melix, due to bad configuration use.
2006-09-26 x2003bruneauhotliners@p.o => hotliners@staff.p.o
2006-09-25 x2000habouzitstupid me: we ened $globals to be globa
2006-09-25 webstupid bug taht munged mail list domains
2006-09-25 webstypid typo
2006-09-23 x2003bruneauFix other baseurls
2006-09-23 x2003bruneauAs baseurl is being defined at runtime, it is not corre...
2006-09-23 x2003bruneauFix URL in notification mail
2006-09-23 webQuelques alias en plus pour la compatibilite avec les...
2006-09-22 x2000habouzitthat one is very used. redirect it
2006-09-22 webAlias deconnexion.php -> exit
2006-09-22 webLe script n'utilise pas le new/x/ ou new/ext/ mais...
2006-09-21 webfix manageurs webservice
2006-09-20 x2003bruneauFix password recovery page !!!
2006-09-20 x2003bruneauFix URL
2006-09-20 x2003bruneauFix text encoding in some city names
2006-09-20 x2003bruneau* Really include javascript files
2006-09-19 x2001corpetfix gestion des liens internes a la page dans les annon...
2006-09-19 x2001corpetsite xorg toujours en https => liens dans le wiki
2006-09-19 x2000habouzitfix missing XDB include
2006-09-18 x2000habouzitregression on
2006-09-18 x2000habouzitreinstate evenements.php as it has been used in mails.
2006-09-18 x2001corpetfix le lien remonter en haut de page
2006-09-18 webAvoid encoding issues
2006-09-18 x2000habouzitfix link
2006-09-18 webI don't understand how that was supposed to even work ...
2006-09-18 websame goes for xnet
2006-09-18 webeven worse hack. needs to be fixed properly
2006-09-18 webstupid http/https problem. can't compile that.
2006-09-18 webfixes.
2006-09-18 x2000habouzitrelease
2006-09-18 x2003bruneauRelease 0.9.11
2006-09-18 x2001corpetfix un bug d'affichage des adresses actuelles ou de...
2006-09-18 x2001corpetmettre a jour la table des cartes de chaque ville quand...
2006-09-18 x2001corpetpreciser les coordonnees a l'insertion aussi
2006-09-18 x2001corpetfix du bug qui décalait les ronds sur la dynamap et...
2006-09-18 x2001corpetupdate dynamap display : don't forget to get the new...
2006-09-17 x2000habouzitbe logged when you arrive on
2006-09-16 x2003bruneauFix mYk's issues
2006-09-16 x2003bruneauMake menu text a bit greater
2006-09-16 x2000habouzitgross hack to reinstate NL navigation
2006-09-16 x2003bruneauFix #463: messages marked as read stay read.
2006-09-16 x2001corpetbug #459, optin pour NL/ML promo a l'inscription
2006-09-16 x2001corpetfix charte manquante lors de l'inscription a cause...
2006-09-15 x2003bruneauFix #453: Feed promotion groups with everybody and...
2006-09-12 x2000habouzitbackport
2006-09-02 x2003bruneauFix URL catcher for events
2006-09-01 x2003bruneauSmall improvement
2006-08-30 x2003bruneauFix #454: layout of adresses
2006-08-28 x2003bruneauBackport
2006-08-27 x2003bruneauFix some layout issues
2006-08-23 x2003bruneauMinor text update
2006-08-21 x2003bruneauRemove rewrite rules when deleting an alias
2006-08-20 x2003bruneauMinor changes
2006-08-20 x2003bruneauRemove dependences to default.css in my skin
2006-08-19 x2003bruneauAlso for openweb
2006-08-19 x2003bruneauFix layout issues in debugging mode
2006-08-19 x2003bruneauCreate a new Newsletter if none is defined when validat...
2006-08-18 x2003bruneauAdd nickname in vcard
2006-08-18 x2003bruneauAdd photo in vcard... (I think this is useful)
2006-08-18 x2003bruneauFix address parasitic indentation in vcards
2006-08-17 x2003bruneauReally fixe hostname storage in session logger
2006-08-17 x2003bruneauImprove tabs in my skin