2007-04-11 webFix crontab xorg/0.9.13
2007-04-09 x2003bruneauTidy should use latin0, not latin1
2007-04-09 webupdate for new tidy, stolen from dev
2007-04-02 x2001corpetdisplay change when ajax succeed
2007-03-19 x2002bobillotbackport rev 1587
2007-03-09 x2003bruneau==> prod
2007-03-05 x2001corpetfrontport to use admin and members infos from auth...
2007-03-03 x2001corpetfix avertissement de secu avec IE
2007-02-28 x2003bruneauRevert tidy plugin commit
2007-02-28 x2003bruneauFix NL subscription on registration
2007-02-15 x2001corpetfix auth pb
2007-02-15 x2001corpetfix warning
2007-02-15 x2003bruneauFixes again
2007-02-15 x2003bruneauFixes in CSV Importer and AXLetter CSV Importer
2007-02-12 x2003bruneauFix issues with some F****** curly-quotes
2007-02-10 webHum, oops !
2007-02-10 x2003bruneauFix templates inclusion
2007-02-10 x2003bruneauFixes
2007-02-09 x2003bruneauFix synchro
2007-02-08 x2003bruneauFix Xnet authentification issue
2007-02-07 x2000lajoiexmlrpc_encode_request buggues sur une valeur vide,...
2007-02-05 x2003bruneauFix relatives paths in javascript on IE
2007-02-04 webFix issues with promo1953@
2007-02-03 x2001corpetcheckdb are now send to br@staff and not br@
2007-02-02 x2003bruneauFix content-type check for emails
2007-02-01 x2003bruneauFix massmailer memory usage
2007-02-01 x2003bruneauFix lists skin on xnet
2007-01-31 x2003bruneauFix user info send when the user reports a bug
2007-01-31 x2003bruneauFix marketing constructor
2007-01-31 x2003bruneauFix wiki cache issues
2007-01-31 x2003bruneauFix emails parsing in case an email is invalid
2007-01-31 x2003bruneauTypo
2007-01-30 webFix crons and xnet "lose you admin rights" behavious...
2007-01-30 webFix menu when an entry is too long (mYk)
2007-01-30 webBugfix - titles on two lines make the header two high...
2007-01-30 webOops
2007-01-30 webMigration fixes
2007-01-30 x2003bruneauRelease
2007-01-30 x2003augustinTag ChangeLog with release date
2007-01-30 x2003augustinAdvice for NL articles is now taken from the wiki
2007-01-30 x2003bruneauBetter behaviour of table editor when editing a tip
2007-01-29 x2003bruneauCan configure banana spool_root
2007-01-29 x2003bruneauTrack proxies
2007-01-29 x2003bruneauCache check_ip value
2007-01-29 x2003bruneauSupport of Banana "show external images"
2007-01-29 x2002bobillotPetit probleme de decompte : si n personnes en tout...
2007-01-29 x2003bruneauFix contrast issues
2007-01-29 x2003bruneauDo not show letter background on the web.
2007-01-29 x2003augustinImprove NL skin
2007-01-29 x2003augustinChange picture compression for AX mails
2007-01-28 x2003bruneauDo not cache empty wiki pages
2007-01-28 x2003bruneauBetter email-hidder
2007-01-28 x2003bruneauOops
2007-01-28 x2003bruneauhandler_login becomes a core feature
2007-01-28 x2003augustinImprove fonts in NL + fix typo
2007-01-27 x2003bruneauActivate message sources visualisation for the admins
2007-01-27 x2003bruneauFix subscription to event not associated with a payment
2007-01-27 x2003bruneauOutput filter to remove windows specific chararcters
2007-01-27 x2003bruneauDo not show login form when the user doesn't...
2007-01-27 x2003bruneauCatch accentuated characters in url catcher
2007-01-27 x2003bruneauRemove unuseful htmlentities
2007-01-27 x2003augustinfix a bug with the default skin (and other skins who...
2007-01-27 x2003bruneauFix spool browsing in banana
2007-01-27 x2003bruneauFix NL menu on non-Css clients
2007-01-26 x2003bruneauFix image links in xorg skins
2007-01-26 x2003augustinDisplay priority of tips.
2007-01-26 x2003bruneauMake addFirefoxEngine global
2007-01-26 x2003augustinbetter this way
2007-01-26 x2003augustinproof reading login template
2007-01-26 x2003bruneauMerge xnet and xorg wiki code into the same file
2007-01-26 x2003bruneauNotify admin when someone got registered
2007-01-26 x2003bruneauAdd a check on publicity flags
2007-01-26 x2003bruneauis_IE is defined in xorg.js
2007-01-26 x2003bruneauOoooops
2007-01-26 x2003bruneauBetter visibility of the https
2007-01-25 x2001corpetcloses #535, autorise le caractere / dans les numeros...
2007-01-25 x2001corpetcloses #493 fixe le bouton 'Lister les camarades de...
2007-01-25 x2001corpetbandeau
2007-01-25 x2003bruneauShow wether wiki pages are cached or not
2007-01-25 x2003bruneauAdd a link to the "RecentChanges page" on wiki admin...
2007-01-24 x2003bruneauJust because a day without commiting is not a good day
2007-01-23 x2003bruneau#603: Show QoS informations
2007-01-22 x2003bruneauInclude SMTP and NNTP docs in smtp pass modification...
2007-01-22 x2003bruneauHum
2007-01-22 x2003augustinBetter readability for H2 titles in openweb skin (espec...
2007-01-22 x2003bruneauAdd a test on registration to catch too hesitant usurpers
2007-01-22 x2003bruneauUser can't remove identification footer from bug reports
2007-01-22 x2003bruneauDisplay becomes a common get arg to force the skin...
2007-01-22 x2003bruneauFix encoding issues in wiki page names
2007-01-21 x2003bruneauHide empty pages
2007-01-21 x2003bruneauShow email if the user has no name
2007-01-21 x2003augustinProof reading templates
2007-01-21 x2003bruneauUse wiki as documentation in emails/broken and add...
2007-01-21 x2003bruneauShow users with broken email in xnet
2007-01-21 x2003bruneauAdd documentation in spam submission form
2007-01-21 x2003bruneauForgotten file
2007-01-21 x2003bruneauBroken marketing becomes a validation
2007-01-21 x2002bobillotGestion plus propre du htdocs/.htaccess
2007-01-21 x2003bruneauOops (again)
2007-01-21 x2003bruneauDo not show broken marketing link on the public profile