2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... css touchups +
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... get rid of <small> in the db
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit...
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit...
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... auth
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... rework sessions a little
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... xnet config
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... factorize config code a bit
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... adjustments wrt sessions + configs
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... make be platal/
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... platal rework to include xnet
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... copy some images, css, pdf from
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetbackport bug homonymie inscription
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetfaute de frappe
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetbackport upgrade table paiement
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... +5 bonus if the match is exact
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetbackport doc pocketpc
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetfaute d'orthographe dans la notif deces
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... smaller sql index
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetbackport notice obligatoire paypal
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... one remanent preg_replace, removed
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... now we cope with usage name changes. the soundex part...
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... obsolete since ages
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... brand new search
2008-06-26 Jeremy Lainefix typos in hooks/
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... makefile : backport
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... prepare release
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetajout du hook pour paypal
2008-06-26 Pascal CorpetChangelog
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetdoc pour SMTP secu pour pocket PC
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetmicropaiements - menage + paypal
2008-06-26 Jean-Marc CoicBug fix: do not display too many numbers when not necessary
2008-06-26 Jean-Marc CoicAdded a navigation bar with numbers
2008-06-26 Jean-Marc CoicExalead : Parameter to override the default query
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetwish 82, recherche avancee pour le poste et la fonction...
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetajout d'un lien admin pour la page de synchro AX
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetextension du nom d'epouse a un nom d'usage
2008-06-26 Raphael Marichezbackport
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetfautes d'orthographe
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport carva
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport (epouses)
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetvalidations rules : mineurs
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetfixes bug for new photos
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetvalidations rules
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport (epouses)
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... typos
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... more validation rules
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... this is the correct policy
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... some improvements for deconnexion
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... members that try to register again have a warning
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetfix homonym cron bug
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport
2008-06-26 Pascal CorpetChangelog
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetcloses 278 : site web pro
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetforgot the file
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetaffichage des emplois
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetwish 278 : email pro
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetcloses bug 283 : corrections docs/services
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetcloses 286 : corrections FAQ
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetcloses 287 : docs smtp/nntp private
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetcloses 289 : photo publique enlevee au lieu de photo...
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetajout de regles de validations pour les admins
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetvalidations for homonyms : closes 291
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... typo
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport, the real one
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetbug 291 : change bestalias for homonyms when loses...
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetchangelog
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... the big redirection script
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... yann's upgrade to mailman templates
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... better like that
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetbug 279 : deconnexion partielle / totale
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport tiny modification
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... typos
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... prepare templates for mailman
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... not used
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... not used
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetforgot a coma
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... missing GPL header
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetcloses 279 : deconnexion en plusieurs temps
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport
2008-06-26 Pascal CorpetRSS Feed link in head for Atom
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport ML stuff
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... backport
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetbug 285 : orthographe dans doc/contact
2008-06-26 Pascal CorpetChangelog
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetfix bug 285 : vouvoiement dans la doc/contact
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetbug 282, retouches mineures de la page d'accueil
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetbug 288 : fixed, ordre des criteres de tri
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetbug 288 : choix d'ordre sur plusieurs criteres, nom...
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetbug 288, fix fleches inverses
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... some reindent, just to say it is a real good work Car !!!
2008-06-26 Pierre Habouzit... closes #109
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetoups forgot the main file
2008-06-26 Pascal Corpetcreation de XOrgSearch