2008-01-04 x2003bruneauTest group name with grp_pattern before showing its...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauAdd message subject in a tooltip in spool view
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauDisplay the list of pages in a shorter way :
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauRegexp cleaning
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauadd _b_
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau** // __ do not break url catcher anymore
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauEasier way to switch between subscribed newsgroups
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauAccept quoted charset names (charset="mycharset" instea...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauCharset conversion from an unknown charset do not erase...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauUse link abstraction for xface
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauOops
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauAdd height parameter to makeImg
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauForce row height to fit tree images size
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauUse dynamic image links
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauAdd vim modeline and retab sources..
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauFix cache issues
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauGroup names are case sensitive
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauFix full unsubscription
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauOops...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauCan use a user-defined array instead of _GET
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauUse new link format in form action=""
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauChange redirect function name because it conflicts...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauPlace formatting before html conversion of the article...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauInterpret **, // and __ as formatting in plain text...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauNew link format in redirect() calls
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauBrand new link abstraction allowing link format customi...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauOups, I commited the wrong test-folder
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauFix : & instead of & for redirections
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauDo full URL redirection instead of Location: ?...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauAutomatically add fup if newsgroups contains multiple...
2008-01-04 x2000habouzitprepare new package
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauTypo
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauImprove error handling.
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauStyle for quotations
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauAccept multiple syntaxes for destination newsgroues :
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauAdd text on button because "Submit query" is not User...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauOops...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauMise à jour du Changelog
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauPareil, mais en mieux
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauFix les x-faces en php5...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?Compatibilit=C3=83=C2=A9=20php5
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauMets à jour Changelog et AUTHORS
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauMeilleure gestion des signatures sur les messages html
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauParce que certains clients news n'aiment pas les majusc...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauBugfix : non régénération du spool si tous les messa...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?Corrige=20la=20gestion=20des=20url=20:
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?Permet=20le=20formatage=20des=20x-face=20diff...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauNettoyage...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauPrise en compte du paramètre can_attach pour dire si...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauDésactive la recherche d'url dans les messages html...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauAjout de la reconnaissance des adresses mails ==> ...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauwrap plus intelligent... evite de couper les url en...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauPermet d'accéder aux messages sans sujet
2008-01-04 x2003bruneaubugfix
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?*=20Meilleure=20gestion=20du=20wrapping=20...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauN'utilise plus de pj.php distinct du index.php pour...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauCorrige une faute de frappe
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauEvite que wrap retourne une chaîne vide si Autoformat...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?*=20Gestion=20de=20l'encodage=20'quoted-print...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?Bon=20en=20fait=20skinnage=20des=20blockquote...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauRend les citations valides html/xhtml
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauAffiche les citations de messages antérieurs à l...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?*=20Gestion=20des=20multipart=20imbriqu=C3...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?*=20Principalement=20du=20nettoyage=20de...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauGestion des piÚces jointes uuencode dans le cas de...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauBugfix
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauAffichage des erreurs lors de la consultation de piÚce...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauGestion des erreurs d'upload des piÚces jointes
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau* Supprime du code inutile
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauAjoute le support du 'richtext'... avec un jeu de balis...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauPossibilité de filtrer la liste des newsgroups à...
2008-01-04 x2000habouzitsmall fixes
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauCorrige une balise incorrecte dans le formulaire de...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?Possibilit=C3=83=C2=A9=20de=20choisir=20un...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?*=20Affiche=20le=20lien=20'aper=C3=83=C2...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneauPermet de citer proprement le message d'origine si...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?S=C3=83=C2=A9paration=20de=20la=20signature...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?*=20Meilleure=20gestion=20de=20l'upload=20des...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?Ajoute=20la=20possibilit=C3=83=C2=A9=20de...
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?Gestion=20du=20multipart=20suite=20:
2008-01-04 x2003bruneau=?utf-8?q?Ajout=20de=20:
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... I'm stupid : I have to delete Re: not replace it
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... debian
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... really fix escaping
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... changelog entry for byg 353
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... should fix the encoding problem and bug 353 for good
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... changelog
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... fix wrt Re:
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... fix wrt Re:
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... fix wrt IE.. sucky browser
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... last glitches
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... new tests wrt encodings
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... spool fix
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... fixes
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... fixes
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... packaging bits
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... packaging issues
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... ¤ thing + #294
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... damn I hate euro symbols
2008-01-04 Pierre Habouzit... add en locale