From ff3eb9b7ade4406804e721579111384a768e7791 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: x2003bruneau
Date: Sat, 14 Apr 2007 09:48:58 +0000
Subject: [PATCH] Close #656: PlSet and Ajax for mentor search Coding rules for
search autocompletion
ChangeLog | 3
classes/plset.php | 3
include/ | 25 ++
modules/profile.php | 159 +++++----------
modules/search.php | 415 +++++++++++++++++++----------------------
templates/profile/referent.tpl | 143 +++++---------
6 files changed, 338 insertions(+), 410 deletions(-)
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://murphy/home/svn/platal/trunk@1696 839d8a87-29fc-0310-9880-83ba4fa771e5
ChangeLog | 3 +
classes/plset.php | 3 +-
include/ | 25 ++
modules/profile.php | 163 +++-----
modules/search.php | 415 ++++++++++-----------
templates/include/plview.referent.tpl | 51 +++
.../adv.list.form.tpl => include/select.field.tpl} | 2 +-
templates/profile/referent.tpl | 143 +++----
8 files changed, 392 insertions(+), 413 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 templates/include/plview.referent.tpl
rename templates/{search/adv.list.form.tpl => include/select.field.tpl} (98%)
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index eb687ab..1e37ccc 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ New:
- Add soundex search for quick search -FRU
- Add autocompletion for advanced search -Car
+ * Survey:
+ - New module -PIK
* Xnetgrp:
- Direct access to the group forum (if exists) -FRU
diff --git a/classes/plset.php b/classes/plset.php
index aa5bfa6..83322a6 100644
--- a/classes/plset.php
+++ b/classes/plset.php
@@ -138,7 +138,8 @@ class PlSet
$view = strtolower($view);
if (!$view || !class_exists($view . 'View') || !isset($this->mods[$view])) {
- $view = $this->default ? $this->default : $this->mods[0];
+ reset($this->mods);
+ $view = $this->default ? $this->default : key($this->mods);
$this->mod = $view;
$class = $view . 'View';
diff --git a/include/ b/include/
index f96ccfb..48d5878 100644
--- a/include/
+++ b/include/
@@ -204,6 +204,31 @@ class MinificheView extends MultipageView
+class MentorView extends MultipageView
+ public function __construct(PlSet &$set, $data, array $params)
+ {
+ $this->entriesPerPage = 10;
+ $this->addSortKey('rand', array('RAND(' . S::i('uid') . ')'), 'aléatoirement');
+ $this->addSortKey('name', array('nom', 'prenom'), 'nom');
+ $this->addSortKey('promo', array('-promo', 'nom', 'prenom'), 'promotion');
+ $this->addSortKey('date', array('-watch_last', '-promo', 'nom', 'prenom'), 'dernière modification');
+ parent::__construct($set, $data, $params);
+ }
+ public function fields()
+ {
+ return "m.uid, u.prenom, u.nom,,
+ a.alias AS bestalias, m.expertise,,
+ ms.secteur, ms.ss_secteur";
+ }
+ public function templateName()
+ {
+ return 'include/plview.referent.tpl';
+ }
class TrombiView extends MultipageView
public function __construct(PlSet &$set, $data, array $params)
diff --git a/modules/profile.php b/modules/profile.php
index 07dd95e..f766844 100644
--- a/modules/profile.php
+++ b/modules/profile.php
@@ -36,6 +36,8 @@ class ProfileModule extends PLModule
'referent' => $this->make_hook('referent', AUTH_COOKIE),
'referent/search' => $this->make_hook('ref_search', AUTH_COOKIE),
+ 'referent/ssect' => $this->make_hook('ref_sect', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
+ 'referent/country' => $this->make_hook('ref_country', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
'groupes-x' => $this->make_hook('xnet', AUTH_COOKIE),
@@ -57,30 +59,6 @@ class ProfileModule extends PLModule
return $this->handler_profile($page, Env::v('user'));
- function _trombi_getlist($offset, $limit)
- {
- $where = ( $this->promo > 0 ? "WHERE promo='{$this->promo}'" : "" );
- $res = XDB::query(
- FROM auth_user_md5 AS u
- RIGHT JOIN photo AS p ON u.user_id=p.uid
- $where");
- $pnb = $res->fetchOneCell();
- $res = XDB::query(
- "SELECT promo, user_id, a.alias AS forlife,
- IF (nom_usage='', nom, nom_usage) AS nom, prenom
- FROM photo AS p
- INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON u.user_id=p.uid
- INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON ( AND a.type='a_vie' )
- $where
- ORDER BY promo, nom, prenom LIMIT {?}, {?}", $offset*$limit, $limit);
- return array($pnb, $res->fetchAllAssoc());
- }
function handler_photo(&$page, $x = null, $req = null)
if (is_null($x)) {
@@ -513,22 +491,10 @@ class ProfileModule extends PLModule
- function handler_ref_search(&$page)
+ function handler_ref_search(&$page, $action = null, $subaction = null)
- $page->changeTpl('profile/referent.tpl');
$page->assign('xorg_title', ' - Conseil Pro');
- $secteur_sel = Post::v('secteur');
- $ss_secteur_sel = Post::v('ss_secteur');
- $pays_sel = Post::v('pays', '00');
- $expertise_champ = Post::v('expertise');
- $page->assign('pays_sel', $pays_sel);
- $page->assign('expertise_champ', $expertise_champ);
- $page->assign('secteur_sel', $secteur_sel);
- $page->assign('ss_secteur_sel', $ss_secteur_sel);
//recuperation des noms de secteurs
$res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT id, label FROM emploi_secteur");
$secteurs[''] = '';
@@ -537,92 +503,73 @@ class ProfileModule extends PLModule
$page->assign_by_ref('secteurs', $secteurs);
- //on recupere les sous-secteurs si necessaire
- $ss_secteurs[''] = '';
- if (!empty($secteur_sel)) {
- $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT id, label FROM emploi_ss_secteur
- WHERE secteur = {?}", $secteur_sel);
- while (list($tmp_id, $tmp_label) = $res->next()) {
- $ss_secteurs[$tmp_id] = $tmp_label;
- }
- }
- $page->assign_by_ref('ss_secteurs', $ss_secteurs);
- //recuperation des noms de pays
- $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT a2, pays FROM geoloc_pays
- WHERE pays <> '' ORDER BY pays");
- $pays['00'] = '';
- while (list($tmp_id, $tmp_label) = $res->next()) {
- $pays[$tmp_id] = $tmp_label;
- }
- $page->assign_by_ref('pays', $pays);
// nb de mentors
$res = XDB::query("SELECT count(*) FROM mentor");
$page->assign('mentors_number', $res->fetchOneCell());
- if (!Env::has('Chercher')) {
- return;
- }
// On vient d'un formulaire
- $where = array();
- if ($pays_sel != '00') {
- $where[] = " = '".addslashes($pays_sel)."'";
- }
- if ($secteur_sel) {
- $where[] = "ms.secteur = '".addslashes($secteur_sel)."'";
- if ($ss_secteur_sel) {
- $where[] = "ms.ss_secteur = '".addslashes($ss_secteur_sel)."'";
+ $where = array();
+ $pays_sel = XDB::escape(Env::v('pays_sel'));
+ $secteur_sel = XDB::escape(Env::v('secteur'));
+ $ss_secteur_sel = XDB::escape(Env::v('ss_secteur'));
+ $expertise_champ = XDB::escape(Env::v('expertise'));
+ if ($pays_sel != "''") {
+ $where[] = " = $pays_sel";
+ }
+ if ($secteur_sel != "''") {
+ $where[] = "ms.secteur = $secteur_sel";
+ if ($ss_secteur_sel != "''") {
+ $where[] = "ms.ss_secteur = $ss_secteur_sel";
- if ($expertise_champ) {
- $where[] = "MATCH(m.expertise) AGAINST('".addslashes($expertise_champ)."')";
+ if ($expertise_champ != "''") {
+ $where[] = "MATCH(m.expertise) AGAINST($expertise_champ)";
if ($where) {
$where = join(' AND ', $where);
- $sql = "SELECT m.uid, a.prenom, a.nom,,
- l.alias AS bestalias, m.expertise,,
- ms.secteur, ms.ss_secteur
- FROM mentor AS m
- LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 AS a ON(m.uid = a.user_id)
- INNER JOIN aliases AS l ON ( AND
- FIND_IN_SET('bestalias', l.flags))
- LEFT JOIN mentor_pays AS mp ON(m.uid = mp.uid)
- LEFT JOIN mentor_secteurs AS ms ON(m.uid = ms.uid)
- WHERE $where
- GROUP BY uid
- ORDER BY RAND({?})";
- $res = XDB::iterator($sql, S::v('uid'));
- if ($res->total() == 0) {
- $page->assign('recherche_trop_large', true);
- return;
+ $set = new UserSet("INNER JOIN mentor AS m ON (m.uid = u.user_id)
+ LEFT JOIN mentor_pays AS mp ON (mp.uid = m.uid)
+ LEFT JOIN mentor_secteurs AS ms ON (ms.uid = m.uid)",
+ $where);
+ $set->addMod('mentor', 'Référents');
+ $set->apply('referent/search', $page, $action, $subaction);
+ if ($set->count() > 100) {
+ $page->assign('recherche_trop_large', true);
+ }
+ $page->changeTpl('profile/referent.tpl');
+ }
- $nb_max_res_total = 100;
- $nb_max_res_ppage = 10;
- $curpage = Env::i('curpage', 1);
- $personnes = array();
- $i = 0;
- while (($pers = $res->next()) && count($personnes) < $nb_max_res_total) {
- $the_page = intval($i / $nb_max_res_ppage) + 1;
- if ($the_page == $curpage) {
- $personnes[] = $pers;
- }
- $i ++;
- }
+ function handler_ref_sect(&$page, $sect)
+ {
+ header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
+ $page->changeTpl('include/select.field.tpl', NO_SKIN);
+ $page->assign('onchange', 'setSSecteurs()');
+ $page->assign('id', 'ssect_field');
+ $page->assign('name', 'ss_secteur');
+ $it = XDB::iterator("SELECT id,label AS field
+ FROM emploi_ss_secteur
+ WHERE secteur = {?}", $sect);
+ $page->assign('list', $it);
+ }
- $page->assign('personnes', $personnes);
- $page->assign('curpage', $curpage);
- $page->assign('nb_pages_total',
- intval($res->total() / $nb_max_res_ppage) + 1);
- }
+ function handler_ref_country(&$page, $sect, $ssect = '')
+ {
+ header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
+ $page->changeTpl('include/select.field.tpl', NO_SKIN);
+ $page->assign('name', 'pays_sel');
+ $where = ($ssect ? ' AND ms.ss_secteur = {?}' : '');
+ $it = XDB::iterator("SELECT a2 AS id, pays AS field
+ FROM geoloc_pays AS g
+ INNER JOIN mentor_pays AS mp ON ( = g.a2)
+ INNER JOIN mentor_secteurs AS ms ON (ms.uid = mp.uid)
+ WHERE ms.secteur = {?} $where
+ ORDER BY pays", $sect, $ssect);
+ $page->assign('list', $it);
function handler_p_usage(&$page)
diff --git a/modules/search.php b/modules/search.php
index e54df37..ea8491a 100644
--- a/modules/search.php
+++ b/modules/search.php
@@ -161,30 +161,25 @@ class SearchModule extends PLModule
// result2|nb2
// ...
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"');
- $q = preg_replace(
- array(
- '/\*+$/', // always look for $q*
- '/([\^\$\[\]])/', // escape special regexp char
- '/\*/'), // replace joker by regexp joker
- array(
- '',
- '\\\\\1',
- '.*'),
- $_REQUEST['q']);
+ $q = preg_replace(array('/\*+$/', // always look for $q*
+ '/([\^\$\[\]])/', // escape special regexp char
+ '/\*/'), // replace joker by regexp joker
+ array('',
+ '\\\\\1',
+ '.*'),
+ $_REQUEST['q']);
if (!$q) exit();
- // try to look in cached results
- $cache = XDB::query('
- SELECT `result`
- FROM `search_autocomplete`
- `name` = {?} AND
- `query` = {?} AND
- `generated` > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY',
- $type, $q);
+ // try to look in cached results
+ $cache = XDB::query('SELECT `result`
+ FROM `search_autocomplete`
+ WHERE `name` = {?} AND
+ `query` = {?} AND
+ `generated` > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY',
+ $type, $q);
if ($res = $cache->fetchOneCell()) {
- echo $res;
- die();
+ echo $res;
+ die();
// default search
@@ -196,131 +191,126 @@ class SearchModule extends PLModule
$qsearch = $q;
switch ($type) {
- case 'binetTxt':
- $db = '`binets_def` INNER JOIN
- `binets_ins` ON(`binets_def`.`id` = `binets_ins`.`binet_id`)';
- $field='`binets_def`.`text`';
- if (strlen($q) > 2)
- $beginwith = false;
- $realid = '`binets_def`.`id`';
- break;
- case 'city':
- $db = '`geoloc_city` INNER JOIN
- `adresses` ON(`geoloc_city`.`id` = `adresses`.`cityid`)';
- $unique='`uid`';
- $field='`geoloc_city`.`name`';
- break;
- case 'countryTxt':
- $db = '`geoloc_pays` INNER JOIN
- `adresses` ON(`geoloc_pays`.`a2` = `adresses`.`country`)';
- $unique='`uid`';
- $field = '`geoloc_pays`.`pays`';
- $field2 = '`geoloc_pays`.`country`';
- $realid='`geoloc_pays`.`a2`';
- break;
- case 'entreprise':
- $db = '`entreprises`';
- $field = '`entreprise`';
- $unique='`uid`';
- break;
- case '`firstname`':
- $field = '`prenom`';
- $q = '(^|[ \\-])'.$q;
- $beginwith = false;
- break;
- case 'fonctionTxt':
- $db = '`fonctions_def` INNER JOIN
- `entreprises` ON(`entreprises`.`fonction` = `fonctions_def`.`id`)';
- $field = '`fonction_fr`';
- $unique = '`uid`';
- $realid = '`fonctions_def`.`id`';
- $qsearch = '(^|[ /\\-])'.$q;
- $beginwith = false;
- break;
- case 'groupexTxt':
- $db = '`groupesx_def` INNER JOIN
- `groupesx_ins` ON(`groupesx_def`.`id` = `groupesx_ins`.`gid`)';
- $field='`groupesx_def`.`text`';
- if (strlen($q) > 2)
- $beginwith = false;
- $realid = '`groupesx_def`.`id`';
- $unique = '`guid`';
- break;
- case 'name':
- $field = '`nom`';
- $field2 = '`nom_usage`';
- $qsearch = '(^|[ \\-])'.$q;
- $beginwith = false;
- break;
- case 'nationaliteTxt':
- $db = '`geoloc_pays` INNER JOIN
- `auth_user_md5` ON(`geoloc_pays`.`a2` = `auth_user_md5`.`nationalite`)';
- $field = 'IF(`geoloc_pays`.`nat`=\'\',
- `geoloc_pays`.`pays`,
- `geoloc_pays`.`nat`)';
- $realid = '`geoloc_pays`.`a2`';
- break;
- case 'nickname':
- $field = '`profile_nick`';
- $db = '`auth_user_quick`';
- $qsearch = '(^|[ \\-])'.$q;
- $beginwith = false;
- break;
- case 'poste':
- $db = '`entreprises`';
- $field = '`poste`';
- $unique='`uid`';
- break;
- case 'schoolTxt':
- $db = '`applis_def` INNER JOIN
- `applis_ins` ON(`applis_def`.`id` = `applis_ins`.`aid`)';
- $field='`applis_def`.`text`';
- $unique = '`uid`';
- $realid = '`applis_def`.`id`';
- if (strlen($q) > 2)
- $beginwith = false;
- break;
- case 'secteurTxt':
- $db = '`emploi_secteur` INNER JOIN
- `entreprises` ON(`entreprises`.`secteur` = `emploi_secteur`.`id`)';
- $field = '`emploi_secteur`.`label`';
- $realid = '`emploi_secteur`.`id`';
- $unique = '`uid`';
- $beginwith = false;
- break;
- case 'sectionTxt':
- $db = '`sections` INNER JOIN
- `auth_user_md5` ON(`auth_user_md5`.`section` = `sections`.`id`)';
- $field = '`sections`.`text`';
- $realid = '`sections`.`id`';
- $beginwith = false;
- break;
- default: exit();
+ case 'binetTxt':
+ $db = '`binets_def` INNER JOIN
+ `binets_ins` ON(`binets_def`.`id` = `binets_ins`.`binet_id`)';
+ $field='`binets_def`.`text`';
+ if (strlen($q) > 2)
+ $beginwith = false;
+ $realid = '`binets_def`.`id`';
+ break;
+ case 'city':
+ $db = '`geoloc_city` INNER JOIN
+ `adresses` ON(`geoloc_city`.`id` = `adresses`.`cityid`)';
+ $unique='`uid`';
+ $field='`geoloc_city`.`name`';
+ break;
+ case 'countryTxt':
+ $db = '`geoloc_pays` INNER JOIN
+ `adresses` ON(`geoloc_pays`.`a2` = `adresses`.`country`)';
+ $unique='`uid`';
+ $field = '`geoloc_pays`.`pays`';
+ $field2 = '`geoloc_pays`.`country`';
+ $realid='`geoloc_pays`.`a2`';
+ break;
+ case 'entreprise':
+ $db = '`entreprises`';
+ $field = '`entreprise`';
+ $unique='`uid`';
+ break;
+ case '`firstname`':
+ $field = '`prenom`';
+ $q = '(^|[ \\-])'.$q;
+ $beginwith = false;
+ break;
+ case 'fonctionTxt':
+ $db = '`fonctions_def` INNER JOIN
+ `entreprises` ON(`entreprises`.`fonction` = `fonctions_def`.`id`)';
+ $field = '`fonction_fr`';
+ $unique = '`uid`';
+ $realid = '`fonctions_def`.`id`';
+ $qsearch = '(^|[ /\\-])'.$q;
+ $beginwith = false;
+ break;
+ case 'groupexTxt':
+ $db = '`groupesx_def` INNER JOIN
+ `groupesx_ins` ON(`groupesx_def`.`id` = `groupesx_ins`.`gid`)';
+ $field='`groupesx_def`.`text`';
+ if (strlen($q) > 2)
+ $beginwith = false;
+ $realid = '`groupesx_def`.`id`';
+ $unique = '`guid`';
+ break;
+ case 'name':
+ $field = '`nom`';
+ $field2 = '`nom_usage`';
+ $qsearch = '(^|[ \\-])'.$q;
+ $beginwith = false;
+ break;
+ case 'nationaliteTxt':
+ $db = '`geoloc_pays` INNER JOIN
+ `auth_user_md5` ON(`geoloc_pays`.`a2` = `auth_user_md5`.`nationalite`)';
+ $field = 'IF(`geoloc_pays`.`nat`=\'\',
+ `geoloc_pays`.`pays`,
+ `geoloc_pays`.`nat`)';
+ $realid = '`geoloc_pays`.`a2`';
+ break;
+ case 'nickname':
+ $field = '`profile_nick`';
+ $db = '`auth_user_quick`';
+ $qsearch = '(^|[ \\-])'.$q;
+ $beginwith = false;
+ break;
+ case 'poste':
+ $db = '`entreprises`';
+ $field = '`poste`';
+ $unique='`uid`';
+ break;
+ case 'schoolTxt':
+ $db = '`applis_def` INNER JOIN
+ `applis_ins` ON(`applis_def`.`id` = `applis_ins`.`aid`)';
+ $field='`applis_def`.`text`';
+ $unique = '`uid`';
+ $realid = '`applis_def`.`id`';
+ if (strlen($q) > 2)
+ $beginwith = false;
+ break;
+ case 'secteurTxt':
+ $db = '`emploi_secteur` INNER JOIN
+ `entreprises` ON(`entreprises`.`secteur` = `emploi_secteur`.`id`)';
+ $field = '`emploi_secteur`.`label`';
+ $realid = '`emploi_secteur`.`id`';
+ $unique = '`uid`';
+ $beginwith = false;
+ break;
+ case 'sectionTxt':
+ $db = '`sections` INNER JOIN
+ `auth_user_md5` ON(`auth_user_md5`.`section` = `sections`.`id`)';
+ $field = '`sections`.`text`';
+ $realid = '`sections`.`id`';
+ $beginwith = false;
+ break;
+ default: exit();
- $field_select = $field;
- if ($field2) {
- $field_select = 'IF('.$field.' REGEXP {?}, '.$field.', '.$field2.')';
- }
- if ($beginwith) {
- $qsearch = '^'.$qsearch;
- }
- $list = XDB::iterator('
- '.$field_select.' AS field,
- COUNT(DISTINCT '.$unique.') AS nb
- '.($realid?(', '.$realid.' AS id'):'').'
- FROM '.$db.'
- WHERE '.$field.' REGEXP {?}'.
- ($field2?(' OR '.$field2.' REGEXP {?}'):'').'
- GROUP BY '.$field_select.'
- LIMIT 11',
- $qsearch,
- $qsearch,
- $qsearch,
- $qsearch);
+ $field_select = $field;
+ if ($field2) {
+ $field_select = 'IF('.$field.' REGEXP {?}, '.$field.', '.$field2.')';
+ }
+ if ($beginwith) {
+ $qsearch = '^'.$qsearch;
+ }
+ $list = XDB::iterator('SELECT '.$field_select.' AS field,
+ COUNT(DISTINCT '.$unique.') AS nb
+ '.($realid?(', '.$realid.' AS id'):'').'
+ FROM '.$db.'
+ WHERE '.$field.' REGEXP {?}'.
+ ($field2?(' OR '.$field2.' REGEXP {?}'):'').'
+ GROUP BY '.$field_select.'
+ LIMIT 11',
+ $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch, $qsearch);
$nbResults = 0;
$res = "";
while ($result = $list->next()) {
@@ -329,91 +319,88 @@ class SearchModule extends PLModule
$res .= '...|1'."\n";
} else {
$res .= $result['field'].'|';
- $res .= $result['nb'];
- if (isset($result['id'])) {
- $res .= '|'.$result['id'];
- }
- $res .= "\n";
+ $res .= $result['nb'];
+ if (isset($result['id'])) {
+ $res .= '|'.$result['id'];
+ }
+ $res .= "\n";
- XDB::query('
- REPLACE INTO `search_autocomplete`
- VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, NOW())',
- $type, $q, $res);
+ XDB::query('REPLACE INTO `search_autocomplete`
+ VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, NOW())',
+ $type, $q, $res);
echo $res;
function handler_list(&$page, $type = null, $idVal = null)
- // Give the list of all values possible of type and builds a select input for it
- $field = '`text`';
- $id = '`id`';
- $where = '';
- switch ($type) {
- case 'binet':
- $db = '`binets_def`';
- break;
- case 'country':
- $db = '`geoloc_pays`';
- $field = '`pays`';
- $id = '`a2`';
- $page->assign('onchange', 'changeCountry(this.value)');
- break;
- case 'fonction':
- $db = '`fonctions_def`';
- $field = '`fonction_fr`';
- break;
- case 'diploma':
+ // Give the list of all values possible of type and builds a select input for it
+ $field = '`text`';
+ $id = '`id`';
+ $where = '';
+ switch ($type) {
+ case 'binet':
+ $db = '`binets_def`';
+ break;
+ case 'country':
+ $db = '`geoloc_pays`';
+ $field = '`pays`';
+ $id = '`a2`';
+ $page->assign('onchange', 'changeCountry(this.value)');
+ break;
+ case 'fonction':
+ $db = '`fonctions_def`';
+ $field = '`fonction_fr`';
+ break;
+ case 'diploma':
header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"');
- $this->get_diplomas();
- $page->changeTpl('search/adv.grade.form.tpl', NO_SKIN);
- return;
- case 'groupex':
- $db = '`groupesx_def`';
- break;
- case 'nationalite':
- $db = '`geoloc_pays`';
- $field = 'IF(`nat`=\'\', `pays`, `nat`)';
- $id = '`a2`';
- break;
- case 'region':
- $db = '`geoloc_region`';
- $field = '`name`';
+ $this->get_diplomas();
+ $page->changeTpl('search/adv.grade.form.tpl', NO_SKIN);
+ return;
+ case 'groupex':
+ $db = '`groupesx_def`';
+ break;
+ case 'nationalite':
+ $db = '`geoloc_pays`';
+ $field = 'IF(`nat`=\'\', `pays`, `nat`)';
+ $id = '`a2`';
+ break;
+ case 'region':
+ $db = '`geoloc_region`';
+ $field = '`name`';
$id = '`region`';
if (isset($_REQUEST['country'])) {
$where .= ' WHERE `a2` = "'.$_REQUEST['country'].'"';
- break;
- case 'school':
- $db = '`applis_def`';
- $page->assign('onchange', 'changeSchool(this.value)');
- break;
- case 'section':
- $db = '`sections`';
- break;
- case 'secteur':
- $db = '`emploi_secteur`';
- $field = '`label`';
- break;
- default: exit();
- }
- if (isset($idVal)) {
- header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"');
- $result = XDB::query('SELECT '.$field.' AS field FROM '.$db.' WHERE '.$id.' = {?} LIMIT 1',$idVal);
- echo $result->fetchOneCell();
- exit();
- }
+ break;
+ case 'school':
+ $db = '`applis_def`';
+ $page->assign('onchange', 'changeSchool(this.value)');
+ break;
+ case 'section':
+ $db = '`sections`';
+ break;
+ case 'secteur':
+ $db = '`emploi_secteur`';
+ $field = '`label`';
+ break;
+ default: exit();
+ }
+ if (isset($idVal)) {
+ header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"');
+ $result = XDB::query('SELECT '.$field.' AS field FROM '.$db.' WHERE '.$id.' = {?} LIMIT 1',$idVal);
+ echo $result->fetchOneCell();
+ exit();
+ }
header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"');
- $page->changeTpl('search/adv.list.form.tpl', NO_SKIN);
+ $page->changeTpl('include/select.field.tpl', NO_SKIN);
$page->assign('name', $type);
- $page->assign('list', XDB::iterator('
- '.$field.' AS field,
- '.$id.' AS id
- FROM '.$db.$where.'
- ORDER BY '.$field));
+ $page->assign('list', XDB::iterator('SELECT '.$field.' AS field,
+ '.$id.' AS id
+ FROM '.$db.$where.'
+ ORDER BY '.$field));
diff --git a/templates/include/plview.referent.tpl b/templates/include/plview.referent.tpl
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60190e3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/include/plview.referent.tpl
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+{* *}
+{* Copyright (C) 2003-2007 *}
+{* *}
+{* *}
+{* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *}
+{* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *}
+{* the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *}
+{* (at your option) any later version. *}
+{* *}
+{* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *}
+{* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *}
+{* GNU General Public License for more details. *}
+{* *}
+{* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *}
+{* along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *}
+{* Foundation, Inc., *}
+{* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *}
+{* *}
+{* vim:set et sw=2 sts=2 sws=2 enc=utf-8: *}
diff --git a/templates/search/adv.list.form.tpl b/templates/include/select.field.tpl
similarity index 98%
rename from templates/search/adv.list.form.tpl
rename to templates/include/select.field.tpl
index 504d29b..51a99be 100644
--- a/templates/search/adv.list.form.tpl
+++ b/templates/include/select.field.tpl
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
{* *}
+{if $recherche_trop_large}
+Les critères de recherche que tu as rentrés n'ont pas produit de résultats,
+sans doute car ta requête était trop générale.
Si tu utilises ce service pour la première fois, lis attentivement le texte
qui suit.
En renseignant sa fiche dans l'annuaire, chacun
d'entre nous a la possibilité de renseigner, dans la section "Mentoring",
@@ -133,49 +78,71 @@ une recherche par mots-clefs.
Nous t'incitons à prendre plutôt 2 ou 3 contacts qu'un seul, cela te
permettant certainement d'avoir une vision des choses plus complète.
Actuellement, {$mentors_number} mentors et référents se sont déclarés sur {#globals.core.sitename#}.