From: x2000habouzit
Date: Sun, 16 Jul 2006 12:55:43 +0000 (+0000)
Subject: push events mail alias modifications into a sub function.
X-Git-Tag: xorg/0.9.11~378
push events mail alias modifications into a sub function.
rework event edition code a bit, make it smaller.
couple of fixes.
git-svn-id: svn+ssh://murphy/home/svn/platal/trunk@524 839d8a87-29fc-0310-9880-83ba4fa771e5
diff --git a/modules/xnetevents.php b/modules/xnetevents.php
index a863d50..2580e7a 100644
--- a/modules/xnetevents.php
+++ b/modules/xnetevents.php
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ class XnetEventsModule extends PLModule
// deletes the event mailing aliases
if ($tmp[1]) {
- "DELETE FROM virtual WHERE type = 'evt' AND alias = {?}",
- $tmp[1].'-absents');
+ "DELETE FROM virtual WHERE type = 'evt' AND alias LIKE {?}",
+ $tmp[1].'-absents@%');
- "DELETE FROM virtual WHERE type = 'evt' AND alias = {?}",
- $tmp[1].'-participants');
+ "DELETE FROM virtual WHERE type = 'evt' AND alias LIKE {?}",
+ $tmp[1].'-participants@%');
// deletes the event items
@@ -195,11 +195,13 @@ class XnetEventsModule extends PLModule
"REPLACE INTO groupex.evenements_participants
VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})",
$eid, Session::getInt('uid'), $j, $nb, $evt['paid']);
+ $page->assign('updated', true);
} else {
"DELETE FROM groupex.evenements_participants
WHERE eid = {?} AND uid = {?} AND item_id = {?}",
$eid, Session::getInt("uid"), $j);
+ $page->assign('updated', true);
@@ -242,14 +244,7 @@ class XnetEventsModule extends PLModule
global $globals;
- new_groupadmin_page('xnetevents/edit.tpl');
- $page->assign('logged', logged());
- $page->assign('admin', may_update());
- $moments = range(1, 4);
- $page->assign('moments', $moments);
+ // check the event is in our group
if (!is_null($eid)) {
$res = $globals->xdb->query("SELECT short_name, asso_id
FROM groupex.evenements
@@ -260,138 +255,75 @@ class XnetEventsModule extends PLModule
- $get_form = true;
- if (Post::get('intitule')) {
- $get_form = false;
- $short_name = Env::get('short_name');
- // Quelques vérifications sur l'alias (caractères spéciaux)
- if ($short_name && !preg_match( "/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-.]{3,20}$/", $short_name)) {
- $page->trig("Le raccourci demandé n'est pas valide.
- Vérifie qu'il comporte entre 3 et 20 caractères
- et qu'il ne contient que des lettres non accentuées,
- des chiffres ou les caractères - et .");
- $short_name = $infos['short_name'];
- $get_form = true;
- }
+ new_groupadmin_page('xnetevents/edit.tpl');
- //vérifier que l'alias n'est pas déja pris
- if ($short_name && $short_name != $infos['short_name']) {
- $res = $globals->xdb->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM virtual WHERE alias LIKE {?}', $short_name."-%");
- if ($res->fetchOneCell() > 0) {
- $page->trig("Le raccourci demandé est déjà utilisé. Choisis en un autre.");
- $short_name = $infos['short_name'];
- $get_form = true;
- }
- }
+ $moments = range(1, 4);
+ $page->assign('moments', $moments);
- // if had a previous shortname change the old lists
- if ($short_name && $infos['short_name'] && $short_name != $infos['short_name']) {
- $globals->xdb->execute("UPDATE virtual
- SET alias = REPLACE(alias, {?}, {?})
- WHERE type = 'evt' AND alias LIKE {?}",
- $infos['short_name'], $short_name,
- $infos['short_name']."-%");
- }
- elseif ($short_name && !$infos['short_name']) {
- // if we have a first new short_name create the lists
- //
- $globals->xdb->execute("INSERT INTO virtual SET type = 'evt', alias = {?}",
- $short_name."-participants@".$globals->xnet->evts_domain);
- $res = $globals->xdb->query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
- $globals->xdb->execute("INSERT INTO virtual_redirect (
- SELECT {?} AS vid, IF(u.nom IS NULL,, CONCAT(a.alias, {?})) AS redirect
- FROM groupex.evenements_participants AS ep
- LEFT JOIN groupex.membres AS m ON (ep.uid = m.uid)
- LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON (u.user_id = ep.uid)
- LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON ( = ep.uid AND a.type = 'a_vie')
- WHERE ep.eid = {?}
- GROUP BY ep.uid)",
- $res->fetchOneCell(), "@".$globals->mail->domain, $eid);
- $globals->xdb->execute("INSERT INTO virtual SET type = 'evt', alias = {?}",
- $short_name."-absents@".$globals->xnet->evts_domain);
- $res = $globals->xdb->query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
- $globals->xdb->execute("INSERT INTO virtual_redirect (
- SELECT {?} AS vid, IF(u.nom IS NULL,, CONCAT(a.alias, {?})) AS redirect
- FROM groupex.membres AS m
- LEFT JOIN groupex.evenements_participants AS ep ON (ep.uid = m.uid)
- LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON (u.user_id = m.uid)
- LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON ( = m.uid AND a.type = 'a_vie')
- WHERE m.asso_id = {?} AND ep.uid IS NULL
- GROUP BY m.uid)",
- $res->fetchOneCell(), "@".$globals->mail->domain, $globals->asso('id'));
- }
- elseif (!$short_name && $infos['short_name']) {
- // if we delete the old short name, delete the lists
- $globals->xdb->execute("DELETE virtual, virtual_redirect FROM virtual
- LEFT JOIN virtual_redirect USING(vid)
- WHERE virtual.alias LIKE {?}",
- $infos['short_name']."-%");
+ if (Post::get('intitule')) {
+ require_once dirname(__FILE__).'/xnetevents/';
+ $short_name = event_change_shortname($page, $infos['short_name'],
+ Env::get('short_name', ''));
+ $evt = array(
+ 'eid' => $eid,
+ 'asso_id' => $globals->asso('id'),
+ 'organisateur_uid' => Session::get('uid'),
+ 'paiement_id' => Post::get('paiement_id') > 0 ? Post::get('paiement_id') : null,
+ 'debut' => Post::get('deb_Year').'-'.Post::get('deb_Month')
+ .'-'.Post::get('deb_Day').' '.Post::get('deb_Hour')
+ .':'.Post::get('deb_Minute').':00',
+ 'fin' => Post::get('fin_Year').'-'.Post::get('fin_Month')
+ .'-'.Post::get('fin_Day').' '.Post::get('fin_Hour')
+ .':'.Post::get('fin_Minute').':00',
+ 'short_name' => $short_name,
+ );
+ $trivial = array('intitule', 'descriptif', 'noinvite',
+ 'show_participants');
+ foreach ($trivial as $k) {
+ $evt[$k] = Post::get($k);
- $evt = array();
- $evt['eid'] = $eid;
- $evt['asso_id'] = $globals->asso('id');
- $evt['organisateur_uid'] = Session::get('uid');
- $evt['intitule'] = Post::get('intitule');
- $evt['paiement_id'] = (Post::get('paiement_id')>0) ? Post::get('paiement_id') : null;
- $evt['descriptif'] = Post::get('descriptif');
- $evt['debut'] = Post::get('deb_Year')."-".Post::get('deb_Month')
- . "-".Post::get('deb_Day')." ".Post::get('deb_Hour')
- . ":".Post::get('deb_Minute').":00";
- $evt['fin'] = Post::get('fin_Year')."-".Post::get('fin_Month')
- . "-".Post::get('fin_Day')." ".Post::get('fin_Hour')
- . ":".Post::get('fin_Minute').":00";
- $evt['show_participants'] = Post::get('show_participants');
- $evt['noinvite'] = Post::get('noinvite');
- if (!$short_name) {
- $short_name = '';
- }
- $evt['short_name'] = $short_name;
- $evt['deadline_inscription'] = null;
if (Post::get('deadline')) {
- $evt['deadline_inscription'] = Post::get('inscr_Year')."-"
- . Post::get('inscr_Month')."-"
+ $evt['deadline_inscription'] = Post::get('inscr_Year').'-'
+ . Post::get('inscr_Month').'-'
. Post::get('inscr_Day');
+ } else {
+ $evt['deadline_inscription'] = null;
// Store the modifications in the database
- $globals->xdb->execute("REPLACE INTO groupex.evenements
+ $globals->xdb->execute('REPLACE INTO groupex.evenements
SET eid={?}, asso_id={?}, organisateur_uid={?}, intitule={?},
- paiement_id = {?}, descriptif = {?},
- debut = {?}, fin = {?}, show_participants = {?},
- short_name = {?}, deadline_inscription = {?}, noinvite = {?}",
- $evt['eid'], $evt['asso_id'], $evt['organisateur_uid'], $evt['intitule']
- , $evt['paiement_id'], $evt['descriptif'],
- $evt['debut'], $evt['fin'],
- $evt['show_participants'],
- $evt['short_name'], $evt['deadline_inscription'], $evt['noinvite']);
+ paiement_id = {?}, descriptif = {?}, debut = {?},
+ fin = {?}, show_participants = {?}, short_name = {?},
+ deadline_inscription = {?}, noinvite = {?}',
+ $evt['eid'], $evt['asso_id'], $evt['organisateur_uid'],
+ $evt['intitule'], $evt['paiement_id'], $evt['descriptif'],
+ $evt['debut'], $evt['fin'], $evt['show_participants'],
+ $evt['short_name'], $evt['deadline_inscription'],
+ $evt['noinvite']);
// if new event, get its id
if (!$eid) {
- $res = $globals->xdb->query("SELECT LAST_INSERT_ID()");
- $eid = $res->fetchOneCell();
- $evt['eid'] = $eid;
+ $eid = mysql_insert_id();
- $nb_moments = 0;
+ $nb_moments = 0;
$money_defaut = 0;
foreach ($moments as $i) {
if (Post::get('titre'.$i)) {
- if (!($money_defaut > 0))
- $money_defaut = strtr(Post::get('montant'.$i), ',', '.');
+ $montant = strtr(Post::get('montant'.$i), ',', '.');
+ $money_defaut += (float)$montant;
REPLACE INTO groupex.evenements_items
VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})",
$eid, $i, Post::get('titre'.$i),
- Post::get('details'.$i),
- strtr(Post::get('montant'.$i), ',', '.'));
+ Post::get('details'.$i), $montant);
} else {
$globals->xdb->execute("DELETE FROM groupex.evenements_items
WHERE eid = {?} AND item_id = {?}", $eid, $i);
@@ -414,10 +346,11 @@ class XnetEventsModule extends PLModule
$globals->xdb->execute("INSERT INTO groupex.evenements_items
VALUES ({?}, {?}, '', '', 0)", $eid, 1);
- }
- if (!$get_form) {
- redirect("evenements.php");
+ if (is_null($evt['eid'])) {
+ global $platal;
+ redirect(smarty_function_rel().'/'.$platal->path.'/'.$eid);
+ }
// get a list of all the payment for this asso
@@ -508,11 +441,7 @@ class XnetEventsModule extends PLModule
$nbs = Post::getMixed('nb', array());
foreach ($nbs as $id => $nb) {
- $nb = intval($nb);
- if ($nb < 0) {
- $nb = 0;
- }
+ $nb = max(intval($nb), 0);
if ($nb) {
$globals->xdb->execute("REPLACE INTO groupex.evenements_participants
diff --git a/modules/xnetevents/ b/modules/xnetevents/
index c0e3bd7..884d7aa 100644
--- a/modules/xnetevents/
+++ b/modules/xnetevents/
@@ -207,5 +207,96 @@ function subscribe_lists_event($participate, $uid, $evt) {
// }}}
+function event_change_shortname(&$page, $old, $new)
+ global $globals;
+ // Quelques vérifications sur l'alias (caractères spéciaux)
+ if ($old && !preg_match( "/^[a-zA-Z0-9\-.]{3,20}$/", $old)) {
+ $page->trig("Le raccourci demandé n'est pas valide.
+ Vérifie qu'il comporte entre 3 et 20 caractères
+ et qu'il ne contient que des lettres non accentuées,
+ des chiffres ou les caractères - et .");
+ return $old;
+ }
+ //vérifier que l'alias n'est pas déja pris
+ if ($new && $old != $new) {
+ $res = $globals->xdb->query('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM virtual
+ WHERE alias LIKE {?}',
+ $new.'-absents@%');
+ if ($res->fetchOneCell() > 0) {
+ $page->trig("Le raccourci demandé est déjà utilisé. Choisis en un autre.");
+ return $old;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($old == $new) {
+ return $new;
+ }
+ if ($old && $new) {
+ // if had a previous shortname change the old lists
+ foreach (array('-absents@', '-participants@') as $v) {
+ $v .= $globals->xnet->evts_domain;
+ $globals->xdb->execute("UPDATE virtual SET alias = {?}
+ WHERE type = 'evt' AND alias = {?}",
+ $new.$v, $old.$v);
+ }
+ return $new;
+ }
+ if (!$old && $new) {
+ // if we have a first new short_name create the lists
+ $globals->xdb->execute("INSERT INTO virtual SET type = 'evt', alias = {?}",
+ $new.'-participants@'.$globals->xnet->evts_domain);
+ $lastid = mysql_insert_id();
+ $globals->xdb->execute(
+ "INSERT INTO virtual_redirect (
+ SELECT {?} AS vid, IF(u.nom IS NULL,, CONCAT(a.alias, {?})) AS redirect
+ FROM groupex.evenements_participants AS ep
+ LEFT JOIN groupex.membres AS m ON (ep.uid = m.uid)
+ LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON (u.user_id = ep.uid)
+ LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON ( = ep.uid AND a.type = 'a_vie')
+ WHERE ep.eid = {?}
+ GROUP BY ep.uid)",
+ $lastid, '@'.$globals->mail->domain, $eid);
+ $globals->xdb->execute("INSERT INTO virtual SET type = 'evt', alias = {?}",
+ $new.'-absents@'.$globals->xnet->evts_domain);
+ $lastid = mysql_insert_id();
+ $globals->xdb->execute("INSERT INTO virtual_redirect (
+ SELECT {?} AS vid, IF(u.nom IS NULL,, CONCAT(a.alias, {?})) AS redirect
+ FROM groupex.membres AS m
+ LEFT JOIN groupex.evenements_participants AS ep ON (ep.uid = m.uid)
+ LEFT JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON (u.user_id = m.uid)
+ LEFT JOIN aliases AS a ON ( = m.uid AND a.type = 'a_vie')
+ WHERE m.asso_id = {?} AND ep.uid IS NULL
+ GROUP BY m.uid)",
+ $lastid, "@".$globals->mail->domain, $globals->asso('id'));
+ return $new;
+ }
+ if ($old && !$new) {
+ // if we delete the old short name, delete the lists
+ foreach (array('-absents@', '-participants@') as $v) {
+ $v .= $globals->xnet->evts_domain;
+ $globals->xdb->execute("DELETE virtual, virtual_redirect FROM virtual
+ LEFT JOIN virtual_redirect USING(vid)
+ WHERE virtual.alias = {?}",
+ $infos['short_name'].$v);
+ }
+ return $new;
+ }
+ // cannot happen
+ return $old;
// vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker:
diff --git a/templates/listes/delete.tpl b/templates/listes/delete.tpl
index 4977a65..34e2583 100644
--- a/templates/listes/delete.tpl
+++ b/templates/listes/delete.tpl
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
{if $deleted}
Un événement peut être une réunion, un séminaire, une conférence, un voyage promo,
@@ -67,7 +67,6 @@ function deadlineChange(box)
Intitulé de l'événement :