* Lists:
- Use Banana to power mail moderation -FRU
+ - Use Banana to browse mail archives -FRU
* Newsletter:
- New skin -mYk
rpchost = "localhost"
rpcport = 4949
-spool = "/var/spool/platal/archives/"
+spool = "/var/lib/mailman/archives/private"
vhost_sep = "_"
return $base . hook_platalMessageLink($params);
-class PlatalForums extends Banana
+class ForumsBanana extends Banana
function __construct($params = null)
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2007 Polytechnique.org *
+ * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+require_once 'banana/banana.inc.php';
+require_once 'banana/hooks.inc.php';
+function hook_checkcancel($_headers)
+ return ($_headers['x-org-id'] == S::v('forlife') or S::has_perms());
+function hook_makeLink($params)
+ global $globals, $platal;
+ $base = $globals->baseurl . $platal->ns . '/lists/archives/' . MLBanana::$listname;
+ return $base . hook_platalMessageLink($params);
+class MLBanana extends Banana
+ static public $listname;
+ static public $domain;
+ function __construct($params = null)
+ {
+ Banana::$spool_boxlist = false;
+ Banana::$msgedit_canattach = true;
+ array_push(Banana::$msgparse_headers, 'x-org-id', 'x-org-mail');
+ MLBanana::$listname = $params['listname'];
+ MLBanana::$domain = $params['domain'];
+ $params['group'] = $params['listname'] . '@' . $params['domain'];
+ parent::__construct($params, 'MLArchive');
+ }
+ public function run()
+ {
+ global $platal, $globals;
+/* // Update last unread time
+ $time = null;
+ if (!is_null($this->params) && isset($this->params['updateall'])) {
+ $time = intval($this->params['updateall']);
+ $_SESSION['banana_last'] = $time;
+ }
+ // Get user profile from SQL
+ $req = XDB::query("SELECT nom, mail, sig,
+ FIND_IN_SET('threads',flags), FIND_IN_SET('automaj',flags)
+ FROM {$globals->banana->table_prefix}profils
+ WHERE uid={?}", S::i('uid'));
+ if (!(list($nom,$mail,$sig,$disp,$maj) = $req->fetchOneRow())) {
+ $nom = S::v('prenom')." ".S::v('nom');
+ $mail = S::v('forlife')."@polytechnique.org";
+ $sig = $nom." (".S::v('promo').")";
+ $disp = 0;
+ $maj = 1;
+ }
+ if ($maj) {
+ $time = time();
+ }
+ // Build user profile
+ $req = XDB::query("
+ SELECT nom
+ FROM {$globals->banana->table_prefix}abos
+ LEFT JOIN {$globals->banana->table_prefix}list ON list.fid=abos.fid
+ WHERE uid={?}", S::i('uid'));
+ Banana::$profile['headers']['From'] = utf8_encode("$nom <$mail>");
+ Banana::$profile['headers']['Organization'] = 'Utilisateur de Polytechnique.org';
+ Banana::$profile['signature'] = utf8_encode($sig);
+ Banana::$profile['display'] = $disp;
+ Banana::$profile['autoup'] = $maj;
+ Banana::$profile['lastnews'] = S::v('banana_last');
+ Banana::$profile['subscribe'] = $req->fetchColumn();
+ // Update the "unread limit"
+ if (!is_null($time)) {
+ XDB::execute("UPDATE auth_user_quick
+ SET banana_last = FROM_UNIXTIME({?})
+ WHERE user_id={?}",
+ $time, S::i('uid'));
+ }
+ // Register custom Banana links and tabs
+ if (!Banana::$profile['autoup']) {
+ Banana::$page->registerAction('<a href=\'javascript:dynpostkv("'
+ . $platal->path . '", "updateall", ' . time() . ')\'>'
+ . 'Marquer tous les messages comme lus'
+ . '</a>', array('forums', 'thread', 'message'));
+ }
+ Banana::$page->registerPage('profile', utf8_encode('Préférences'), null);
+*/ Banana::$page->killPage('forums');
+ Banana::$page->killPage('subscribe');
+ // Run Banana
+ return parent::run();
+ }
+class BananaMLArchive extends BananaMBox
+ public function name()
+ {
+ return 'MLArchives';
+ }
+ public function filename()
+ {
+ return MLBanana::$domain . '_' . MLBanana::$listname;
+ }
+ protected function getFileName($box)
+ {
+ global $globals;
+ $base = $globals->lists->spool;
+ $file = MLBanana::$domain . $globals->lists->vhost_sep . MLBanana::$listname . '.mbox';
+ return "$base/$file/$file";
+ }
function hook_makeLink($params)
global $platal, $globals;
- $base = $globals->baseurl . '/' . $platal->ns . '/lists/moderate/' . ModerationBanana::$listname . '?';
+ $base = $globals->baseurl . $platal->ns . '/lists/moderate/' . ModerationBanana::$listname . '?';
$get = '';
foreach ($params as $key=>$value) {
if ($key == 'artid') {
if (!is_null($action)) {
if ($action == 'new') {
$get['action'] = 'new';
- } elseif ($action == 'reply' && !is_null($artid)) {
- $get['action'] = 'new';
- $get['artid'] = $artid;
- } elseif ($action == 'cancel' && !is_null($artid)) {
- $get['action'] = $action;
- $get['artid'] = $artid;
- } elseif ($action == 'from' && !is_null($artid)) {
- $get['first'] = $artid;
- } elseif ($action == 'read' && !is_null($artid)) {
- $get['artid'] = $artid;
- $get['part'] = @$_GET['part'];
- } elseif ($action == 'source' && !is_null($artid)) {
- $get['artid'] = $artid;
- $get['part'] = 'source';
- } elseif ($action == 'xface' && !is_null($artid)) {
- $get['artid'] = $artid;
- $get['part'] = 'xface';
+ } elseif (!is_null($artid)) {
+ $get['artid'] = $artid;
+ if ($action == 'reply') {
+ $get['action'] = 'new';
+ } elseif ($action == 'cancel') {
+ $get['action'] = $action;
+ } elseif ($action == 'from') {
+ $get['first'] = $artid;
+ } elseif ($action == 'read') {
+ $get['part'] = @$_GET['part'];
+ } elseif ($action == 'source') {
+ $get['part'] = 'source';
+ } elseif ($action == 'xface') {
+ $get['part'] = 'xface';
+ }
- }
+ }
return BananaModule::run_banana($page, $get);
require_once 'banana/forum.inc.php';
- $banana = new PlatalForums($params);
+ $banana = new ForumsBanana($params);
$res = $banana->run();
$page->assign_by_ref('banana', $banana);
$page->assign('banana_res', $res);
- function handler_archives(&$page, $liste = null)
+ function handler_archives(&$page, $liste = null, $action = null, $artid = null)
global $globals;
- $page->addCssLink('lists.archives.css');
if (list($det) = $this->client->get_members($liste)) {
if (substr($liste,0,5) != 'promo' && ($det['ins'] || $det['priv'])
- && !$det['own'] && ($det['sub'] < 2))
- {
+ && !$det['own'] && ($det['sub'] < 2)) {
$page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de la consulter");
- } elseif (Get::has('file')) {
- $file = Get::v('file');
- $rep = Get::v('rep');
- if (strstr('/', $file)!==false || !preg_match(',^\d+/\d+$,', $rep)) {
- $page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de la consulter");
- } else {
- $page->assign('archives', $globals->lists->spool
- ."/{$domain}{$globals->lists->vhost_sep}$liste/$rep/$file");
- }
- } else {
- $archs = Array();
- foreach (glob($globals->lists->spool
- ."/{$domain}{$globals->lists->vhost_sep}$liste/*/*") as $rep)
- {
- if (preg_match(",/(\d*)/(\d*)$,", $rep, $matches)) {
- $archs[intval($matches[1])][intval($matches[2])] = true;
+ }
+ $get = Array('listname' => $liste, 'domain' => $domain);
+ if (Post::has('updateall')) {
+ $get['updateall'] = Post::v('updateall');
+ }
+ if (!is_null($action)) {
+ if ($action == 'new') {
+ $get['action'] = 'new';
+ } elseif (!is_null($artid)) {
+ $get['artid'] = $artid;
+ if ($action == 'reply') {
+ $get['action'] = 'new';
+ } elseif ($action == 'cancel') {
+ $get['action'] = $action;
+ } elseif ($action == 'from') {
+ $get['first'] = $artid;
+ } elseif ($action == 'read') {
+ $get['part'] = @$_GET['part'];
+ } elseif ($action == 'source') {
+ $get['part'] = 'source';
+ } elseif ($action == 'xface') {
+ $get['part'] = 'xface';
- $page->assign('archs', $archs);
- $page->assign('range', range(1,12));
+ require_once('banana/ml.inc.php');
+ $banana = new MLBanana($get);
+ $page->assign('banana', $banana->run());
+ $page->addCssLink('banana.css');
} else {
$page->kill("La liste n'existe pas ou tu n'as pas le droit de la consulter");
{* *}
{include file="lists/header_listes.tpl" on=archives}
-{if $archs}
-<h1>Archives de la liste {$platal->argv[1]}</h1>
-<h2>Triés par fils de discussion</h2>
-<table class="tinybicol" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <th>Année</th>
- <th colspan="6">
- Mois
- </th>
- </tr>
- {foreach from=$archs item=m key=y}
- <tr class="center {if $y is odd}pair{else}impair{/if}">
- <td class="titre" rowspan="2">{$y}</td>
- {foreach from=$range item=i}
- <td>
- {if $m[$i]}
- <a href="{$platal->pl_self(1)}?rep={$y}/{$i|string_format:"%02u"}&file=threads.html">{"0000-$i-01"|date_format:"%B"}</a>
- {else}
- {/if}
- </td>
- {if $i eq 6}</tr><tr class="center {if $y is odd}pair{else}impair{/if}">{/if}
- {/foreach}
- </tr>
- {/foreach}
-<h2>Triés par date</h2>
-<table class="tinybicol" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- <tr>
- <th>Année</th>
- <th colspan="6">
- Mois
- </th>
- </tr>
- {foreach from=$archs item=m key=y}
- <tr class="center {if $y is odd}pair{else}impair{/if}">
- <td class="titre" rowspan="2">{$y}</td>
- {foreach from=$range item=i}
- <td>
- {if $m[$i]}
- <a href="{$platal->pl_self(1)}?rep={$y}/{$i|string_format:"%02u"}&file=dates.html">{"0000-$i-01"|date_format:"%B"}</a>
- {else}
- {/if}
- </td>
- {if $i eq 6}</tr><tr class="center {if $y is odd}pair{else}impair{/if}">{/if}
- {/foreach}
- </tr>
- {/foreach}
-{elseif $archives}
-{include file="$archives"}
{* vim:set et sw=2 sts=2 sws=2: *}