return array(
'search' => $this->make_hook('quick', AUTH_PUBLIC),
'search/adv' => $this->make_hook('advanced', AUTH_COOKIE),
- 'search/ajax/region' => $this->make_hook('region', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
- 'search/ajax/grade' => $this->make_hook('grade', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
'advanced_search.php' => $this->make_hook('redir_advanced', AUTH_PUBLIC),
'search/autocomplete' => $this->make_hook('autocomplete', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
'search/list' => $this->make_hook('list', AUTH_COOKIE, 'user', NO_AUTH),
global $page;
- $page->assign('choix_schools',
- XDB::iterator('SELECT id,text FROM applis_def ORDER BY text'));
- $this->get_diplomas();
function get_diplomas($school = null)
new ThrowError('il n\'existe personne correspondant à ces critères dans la base !');
} else {
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT MIN(diminutif), MAX(diminutif)
- FROM groupex.asso
- WHERE cat = 'Promotions'");
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT MIN(`diminutif`), MAX(`diminutif`)
+ FROM `groupex`.`asso`
+ WHERE `cat` = 'Promotions'");
list($min, $max) = $res->fetchOneRow();
$page->assign('promo_min', $min);
$page->assign('promo_max', $max);
$page->register_modifier('display_lines', 'display_lines');
- function handler_region(&$page, $country = null)
- {
- header('Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"');
- require_once("");
- $page->ChangeTpl('search/adv.region.form.tpl', NO_SKIN);
- $page->assign('region', "");
- $page->assign('country', $country);
- }
- function handler_grade(&$page, $school = null)
- {
- header('Content-Type: text/html; charset="UTF-8"');
- $page->ChangeTpl('search/adv.grade.form.tpl', NO_SKIN);
- $page->assign('grade', '');
- $this->get_diplomas($school);
- }
function handler_autocomplete(&$page, $type = null)
// Autocompletion : according to type required, return
// result2|nb2
// ...
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"');
- $q = preg_replace(array('/\*+$/','/\*/'),array('','.*'),$_REQUEST['q']);
+ $q = preg_replace(
+ array(
+ '/\*+$/', // always look for $q*
+ '/([\^\$\[\]])/', // escape special regexp char
+ '/\*/'), // replace joker by regexp joker
+ array(
+ '',
+ '\\\\\1',
+ '.*'),
+ $_REQUEST['q']);
if (!$q) exit();
// try to look in cached results
- $cache = XDB::query('SELECT result FROM search_autocomplete WHERE name = {?} AND query = {?} AND generated > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY',
+ $cache = XDB::query('
+ SELECT `result`
+ FROM `search_autocomplete`
+ `name` = {?} AND
+ `query` = {?} AND
+ `generated` > NOW() - INTERVAL 1 DAY',
$type, $q);
if ($res = $cache->fetchOneCell()) {
echo $res;
// default search
- $unique = 'user_id';
- $db = 'auth_user_md5';
+ $unique = '`user_id`';
+ $db = '`auth_user_md5`';
$realid = false;
$beginwith = true;
+ $field2 = false;
+ $qsearch = $q;
switch ($type) {
case 'binetTxt':
- $db = 'binets_def INNER JOIN binets_ins ON( = binets_ins.binet_id)';
- $field='binets_def.text';
+ $db = '`binets_def` INNER JOIN
+ `binets_ins` ON(`binets_def`.`id` = `binets_ins`.`binet_id`)';
+ $field='`binets_def`.`text`';
if (strlen($q) > 2)
$beginwith = false;
- $realid = '';
+ $realid = '`binets_def`.`id`';
- case 'city': $db = 'geoloc_city INNER JOIN adresses ON( = adresses.cityid)'; $unique='uid'; $field=''; break;
- case 'entreprise': $db = 'entreprises'; $field = 'entreprise'; $unique='uid'; break;
- case 'firstname':
- $field = 'prenom';
+ case 'city':
+ $db = '`geoloc_city` INNER JOIN
+ `adresses` ON(`geoloc_city`.`id` = `adresses`.`cityid`)';
+ $unique='`uid`';
+ $field='`geoloc_city`.`name`';
+ break;
+ case 'countryTxt':
+ $db = '`geoloc_pays` INNER JOIN
+ `adresses` ON(`geoloc_pays`.`a2` = `adresses`.`country`)';
+ $unique='`uid`';
+ $field = '`geoloc_pays`.`pays`';
+ $field2 = '`geoloc_pays`.`country`';
+ $realid='`geoloc_pays`.`a2`';
+ break;
+ case 'entreprise':
+ $db = '`entreprises`';
+ $field = '`entreprise`';
+ $unique='`uid`';
+ break;
+ case '`firstname`':
+ $field = '`prenom`';
$q = '(^|[ \\-])'.$q;
$beginwith = false;
case 'fonctionTxt':
- $db = 'fonctions_def INNER JOIN entreprises ON(entreprises.fonction =';
- $field = 'fonction_fr';
- $unique = 'uid';
- $realid = '';
+ $db = '`fonctions_def` INNER JOIN
+ `entreprises` ON(`entreprises`.`fonction` = `fonctions_def`.`id`)';
+ $field = '`fonction_fr`';
+ $unique = '`uid`';
+ $realid = '`fonctions_def`.`id`';
+ $qsearch = '(^|[ /\\-])'.$q;
+ $beginwith = false;
case 'groupexTxt':
- $db = 'groupesx_def INNER JOIN groupesx_ins ON( = groupesx_ins.gid)';
- $field='groupesx_def.text';
+ $db = '`groupesx_def` INNER JOIN
+ `groupesx_ins` ON(`groupesx_def`.`id` = `groupesx_ins`.`gid`)';
+ $field='`groupesx_def`.`text`';
if (strlen($q) > 2)
$beginwith = false;
- $realid = '';
- $unique = 'guid';
+ $realid = '`groupesx_def`.`id`';
+ $unique = '`guid`';
case 'name':
- $field = 'nom';
- $q = '(^|[ \\-])'.$q;
+ $field = '`nom`';
+ $field2 = '`nom_usage`';
+ $qsearch = '(^|[ \\-])'.$q;
$beginwith = false;
case 'nationaliteTxt':
- $db = 'geoloc_pays INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 ON(geoloc_pays.a2 = auth_user_md5.nationalite)';
- $field = 'IF(geoloc_pays.nat=\'\', geoloc_pays.pays, geoloc_pays.nat)';
- $realid = 'geoloc_pays.a2';
+ $db = '`geoloc_pays` INNER JOIN
+ `auth_user_md5` ON(`geoloc_pays`.`a2` = `auth_user_md5`.`nationalite`)';
+ $field = 'IF(`geoloc_pays`.`nat`=\'\',
+ `geoloc_pays`.`pays`,
+ `geoloc_pays`.`nat`)';
+ $realid = '`geoloc_pays`.`a2`';
- case 'nickname': $field = 'profile_nick'; $db = 'auth_user_quick'; break;
- case 'poste': $db = 'entreprises'; $field = 'poste'; $unique='uid'; break;
+ case 'nickname':
+ $field = '`profile_nick`';
+ $db = '`auth_user_quick`';
+ $qsearch = '(^|[ \\-])'.$q;
+ $beginwith = false;
+ break;
+ case 'poste':
+ $db = '`entreprises`';
+ $field = '`poste`';
+ $unique='`uid`';
+ break;
+ case 'schoolTxt':
+ $db = '`applis_def` INNER JOIN
+ `applis_ins` ON(`applis_def`.`id` = `applis_ins`.`aid`)';
+ $field='`applis_def`.`text`';
+ $unique = '`uid`';
+ $realid = '`applis_def`.`id`';
+ if (strlen($q) > 2)
+ $beginwith = false;
+ break;
case 'secteurTxt':
- $db = 'emploi_secteur INNER JOIN entreprises ON(entreprises.secteur =';
- $field = 'emploi_secteur.label';
- $realid = '';
- $unique = 'uid';
+ $db = '`emploi_secteur` INNER JOIN
+ `entreprises` ON(`entreprises`.`secteur` = `emploi_secteur`.`id`)';
+ $field = '`emploi_secteur`.`label`';
+ $realid = '`emploi_secteur`.`id`';
+ $unique = '`uid`';
$beginwith = false;
case 'sectionTxt':
- $db = 'sections INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 ON(auth_user_md5.section =';
- $field = 'sections.text';
- $realid = '';
+ $db = '`sections` INNER JOIN
+ `auth_user_md5` ON(`auth_user_md5`.`section` = `sections`.`id`)';
+ $field = '`sections`.`text`';
+ $realid = '`sections`.`id`';
$beginwith = false;
default: exit();
+ $field_select = $field;
+ if ($field2) {
+ $field_select = 'IF('.$field.' REGEXP {?}, '.$field.', '.$field2.')';
+ }
+ if ($beginwith) {
+ $qsearch = '^'.$qsearch;
+ }
$list = XDB::iterator('
- '.$field.' AS field,
+ '.$field_select.' AS field,
COUNT(DISTINCT '.$unique.') AS nb
'.($realid?(', '.$realid.' AS id'):'').'
FROM '.$db.'
- WHERE '.$field.' REGEXP {?}
- GROUP BY '.$field.'
+ WHERE '.$field.' REGEXP {?}'.
+ ($field2?(' OR '.$field2.' REGEXP {?}'):'').'
+ GROUP BY '.$field_select.'
LIMIT 11',
- ($beginwith?'^':'').$q);
+ $qsearch,
+ $qsearch,
+ $qsearch,
+ $qsearch);
$nbResults = 0;
$res = "";
while ($result = $list->next()) {
if ($nbResults == 11) {
$res .= '...|1'."\n";
} else {
- $res .= $result['field'].'|'.$result['nb'].(isset($result['id'])?('|'.$result['id']):'')."\n";
+ $res .= $result['field'].'|';
+ $res .= $result['nb'];
+ if (isset($result['id'])) {
+ $res .= '|'.$result['id'];
+ }
+ $res .= "\n";
- XDB::query('REPLACE INTO search_autocomplete VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, NOW())',
+ XDB::query('
+ REPLACE INTO `search_autocomplete`
+ VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, NOW())',
$type, $q, $res);
echo $res;
function handler_list(&$page, $type = null, $idVal = null)
// Give the list of all values possible of type and builds a select input for it
- $field = 'text';
- $id = 'id';
+ $field = '`text`';
+ $id = '`id`';
+ $where = '';
switch ($type) {
case 'binet':
- $db = 'binets_def';
+ $db = '`binets_def`';
+ break;
+ case 'country':
+ $db = '`geoloc_pays`';
+ $field = '`pays`';
+ $id = '`a2`';
+ $page->assign('onchange', 'changeCountry(this.value)');
case 'fonction':
- $db = 'fonctions_def';
- $field = 'fonction_fr';
+ $db = '`fonctions_def`';
+ $field = '`fonction_fr`';
+ case 'diploma':
+ header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"');
+ $this->get_diplomas();
+ $page->changeTpl('search/adv.grade.form.tpl', NO_SKIN);
+ return;
case 'groupex':
- $db = 'groupesx_def';
+ $db = '`groupesx_def`';
case 'nationalite':
- $db = 'geoloc_pays';
- $field = 'IF(nat=\'\', pays, nat)';
- $id = 'a2';
+ $db = '`geoloc_pays`';
+ $field = 'IF(`nat`=\'\', `pays`, `nat`)';
+ $id = '`a2`';
+ break;
+ case 'region':
+ $db = '`geoloc_region`';
+ $field = '`name`';
+ $id = '`region`';
+ if (isset($_REQUEST['country'])) {
+ $where .= ' WHERE `a2` = "'.$_REQUEST['country'].'"';
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'school':
+ $db = '`applis_def`';
+ $page->assign('onchange', 'changeSchool(this.value)');
case 'section':
- $db = 'sections';
+ $db = '`sections`';
case 'secteur':
- $db = 'emploi_secteur';
- $field = 'label';
+ $db = '`emploi_secteur`';
+ $field = '`label`';
default: exit();
header('Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"');
$result = XDB::query('SELECT '.$field.' AS field FROM '.$db.' WHERE '.$id.' = {?} LIMIT 1',$idVal);
echo $result->fetchOneCell();
- } else {
- header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"');
- $list = XDB::iterator('
- '.$field.' AS field,
- '.$id.' AS id
- FROM '.$db.'
- ORDER BY '.$field);
- echo '<select name="'.$type.'">';
- while ($result = $list->next()) {
- echo '<option value="'.$result['id'].'">'.htmlspecialchars($result['field']).'</option>';
- }
- echo '</select>';
- }
- exit();
+ exit();
+ }
+ header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset="UTF-8"');
+ $page->changeTpl('search/adv.list.form.tpl', NO_SKIN);
+ $page->assign('name', $type);
+ $page->assign('list', XDB::iterator('
+ '.$field.' AS field,
+ '.$id.' AS id
+ FROM '.$db.$where.'
+ ORDER BY '.$field));
{javascript name="jquery.autocomplete"}
<script type="text/javascript">{literal}
// <!--
+ // use same form to send to search or map
function launch_form(url) {
var f = document.getElementById('recherche');
f.action = url;
+ // display an autocomplete row : blabla (nb of found matches)
function format_autocomplete(row) {
if (row[1] == 1) {
return row[0];
return row[0] + ' ('+ row[1] + ')';
+ // when changing country, open up region choice
+ function changeCountry(a2) {
+ $(".autocompleteTarget[@name='country']").attr('value',a2);
+ if (a2) {
+ $(".autocomplete[@name='countryTxt']").addClass('hidden_valid');
+ $("[@name='region']").parent().load('search/list/region/', { country:a2 }, function() {
+ if ($("select[@name='region']").children("option").size() > 1) {
+ $("select[@name='region']").attr('value', '{/literal}{$smarty.request.region}{literal}').show();
+ } else {
+ $("select[@name='region']").attr('value', '').hide();
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ $(".autocomplete[@name='countryTxt']").removeClass('hidden_valid');
+ $("select[@name='region']").attr('value', '').hide();
+ }
+ }
+ // when changing school, open diploma choice
+ function changeSchool(schoolId) {
+ $(".autocompleteTarget[@name='school']").attr('value',schoolId);
+ if (schoolId) {
+ $(".autocomplete[@name='schoolTxt']").addClass('hidden_valid');
+ $("[@name='diploma']").parent().load('search/list/diploma/', { school:schoolId }, function() {
+ if ($("select[@name='diploma']").children("option").size() > 1) {
+ $("select[@name='diploma']").attr('value', '{/literal}{$smarty.request.diploma}{literal}');
+ } else {
+ $("select[@name='diploma']").attr('value', '').hide();
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ $(".autocomplete[@name='schoolTxt']").removeClass('hidden_valid');
+ $("select[@name='diploma']").attr('value', '').hide();
+ }
+ }
+ // when choosing autocomplete from list, must validate
function select_autocomplete(name) {
nameRealField = name.replace(/Txt$/, '');
+ // nothing to do if field is not a text field for a list
if (nameRealField == name)
return null;
+ // if changing country, might want to open region choice
+ if (nameRealField == 'country')
+ return function(i) {
+ changeCountry(i.extra[1]);
+ }
+ if (nameRealField == 'school')
+ return function(i) {
+ changeSchool(i.extra[1]);
+ }
+ // change field in list and display text field as valid
return function(i) {
nameRealField = this.field.replace(/Txt$/, '');
$(".autocomplete").change(function() { $(this).removeClass('hidden_valid'); });
+ $(".autocomplete[@name='countryTxt']").change(function() { changeCountry(''); });
+ changeCountry({/literal}'{$}'{literal});
+ $(".autocomplete[@name='schoolTxt']").change(function() { changeSchool(''); });
+ changeSchool({/literal}'{$}'{literal});
$(".autocompleteToSelect").each(function() {
var fieldName = $(this).attr('href');
$(this).attr('href','search/list/'+fieldName).click(function() {
<select name="egal2">
<option value="=" {if $smarty.request.egal2 eq "="}selected="selected"{/if}> = </option>
<option value=">=" {if $smarty.request.egal2 eq ">="}selected="selected"{/if}> >= </option>
- <option value="<=" {if $smarty.request.egal2 eq "<="}selected="selected"{/if}> <= </option>
+ <option value="<=" {if $smarty.request.egal2 neq ">=" && $smarty.request.egal2 neq "="}selected="selected"{/if}> <= </option>
<input type="text" name="promo2" size="4" maxlength="4" value="{$smarty.request.promo2}" />
<td style="width:100px">
- <input type="radio" name="woman" value="0" {if !$smarty.request.woman}checked="checked"{/if} />Indifférent
+ <input type="radio" name="woman" value="0" {if !$smarty.request.woman}checked="checked"{/if} id="woman0"/><label for="woman0">Indifférent</label>
<td style="width:100px">
- <input type="radio" name="woman" value="1" {if $smarty.request.woman eq 1}checked="checked"{/if} />Homme
+ <input type="radio" name="woman" value="1" {if $smarty.request.woman eq 1}checked="checked"{/if} id="woman1"/><label for="woman1">Homme</label>
<td style="width:100px">
- <input type="radio" name="woman" value="2" {if $smarty.request.woman eq 2}checked="checked"{/if} />Femme
+ <input type="radio" name="woman" value="2" {if $smarty.request.woman eq 2}checked="checked"{/if} id="woman2"/><label for="woman2">Femme</label>
<td style="width:100px">
- <input type="radio" name="subscriber" value="0" {if !$smarty.request.subscriber}checked="checked"{/if} />Indifférent
+ <input type="radio" name="subscriber" value="0" {if !$smarty.request.subscriber}checked="checked"{/if} id="subscriber0"/><label for="subscriber0">Indifférent</label>
<td style="width:100px">
- <input type="radio" name="subscriber" value="1" {if $smarty.request.subscriber eq 1}checked="checked"{/if} />Inscrit
+ <input type="radio" name="subscriber" value="1" {if $smarty.request.subscriber eq 1}checked="checked"{/if} id="subscriber1"/><label for="subscriber1">Inscrit</label>
<td style="width:100px">
- <input type="radio" name="subscriber" value="2" {if $smarty.request.subscriber eq 2}checked="checked"{/if} />Non inscrit
+ <input type="radio" name="subscriber" value="2" {if $smarty.request.subscriber eq 2}checked="checked"{/if} id="subscriber2"/><label for="subscriber2">Non inscrit</label>
<td style="width:100px">
- <input type="radio" name="alive" value="0" {if !$smarty.request.alive}checked="checked"{/if} />Indifférent
+ <input type="radio" name="alive" value="0" {if !$smarty.request.alive}checked="checked"{/if} id="alive0"/><label for="alive0">Indifférent</label>
<td style="width:100px">
- <input type="radio" name="alive" value="1" {if $smarty.request.alive eq 1}checked="checked"{/if} />Vivant
+ <input type="radio" name="alive" value="1" {if $smarty.request.alive eq 1}checked="checked"{/if} id="alive1"/><label for="alive1">Vivant</label>
<td style="width:100px">
- <input type="radio" name="alive" value="2" {if $smarty.request.alive eq 2}checked="checked"{/if} />Décédé
+ <input type="radio" name="alive" value="2" {if $smarty.request.alive eq 2}checked="checked"{/if} id="alive2"/><label for="alive2">Décédé</label>
- <select name="country" onchange="return Ajax.update_html('region', '{#globals.baseurl#}/search/ajax/region/' + this.value);">
- {if $}
- {assign var="country" value=$}
- {else}
- {assign var="country" value=""}
- {/if}
- {geoloc_country country=$country available=true}
- </select>
+ <input name="countryTxt" type="text" class="autocomplete" style="display:none" size="32"/>
+ <input name="country" class="autocompleteTarget" type="hidden" value="{$}"/>
+ <a href="country" class="autocompleteToSelect">{icon name="table" title="Tous les pays"}</a>
<td>Région ou département</td>
- <td id="region">
- {if $smarty.request.region}
- {assign var="region" value=$smarty.request.region}
- {else}
- {assign var="region" value=""}
- {/if}
- {include file="search/adv.region.form.tpl" country=$}
+ <td>
+ <input name="region" type="hidden" size="32" value="{$smarty.request.region}"/>
<td colspan="2">
- <input type='checkbox' name='only_referent' {if $smarty.request.only_referent}checked='checked'{/if} />
- chercher uniquement parmi les camarades se proposant comme référents
+ <input type='checkbox' name='only_referent' {if $smarty.request.only_referent}checked='checked'{/if} id="only_referent"/>
+ <label for="only_referent">chercher uniquement parmi les camarades se proposant comme référents</label>
- <select name="school" onchange="return Ajax.update_html('grade', '{#globals.baseurl#}/search/ajax/grade/' + this.value);">
- <option value="0"></option>
- {iterate item=cs from=$choix_schools}
- <option value="{$}" {if $ eq $}selected="selected"{/if}>
- {$cs.text|htmlspecialchars}
- </option>
- {/iterate}
- </select>
+ <input name="schoolTxt" type="text" class="autocomplete" style="display:none" size="32"/>
+ <input name="school" class="autocompleteTarget" type="hidden" value="{$}"/>
+ <a href="school" class="autocompleteToSelect">{icon name="table" title="Toutes les formations"}</a>
- <td></td>
- <td id="grade">
- {include file="search/adv.grade.form.tpl" grade=$smarty.request.diploma}
+ <td>Diplôme</td>
+ <td>
+ <input name="diploma" type="hidden" size="32" value="{$smarty.request.diploma}"/>
<input type="button" value="Chercher" onclick="launch_form('search/adv')"/>
{if $smarty.session.auth ge AUTH_COOKIE}
- <input type='checkbox' name='order' value='date_mod' {if $smarty.request.order eq "date_mod"}checked='checked'{/if} />
- mettre les fiches modifiées récemment en premier
+ <input type='checkbox' name='order' value='date_mod' {if $smarty.request.order eq "date_mod"}checked='checked'{/if} id="order"/>
+ <label for="order">mettre les fiches modifiées récemment en premier</label>