class Profile
+ static private $v_values = array('public' => array('public'),
+ 'ax' => array('ax', 'public'),
+ 'private' => array('private', 'ax', 'public'));
+ const VISIBILITY_PUBLIC = 'public';
+ const VISIBILITY_AX = 'ax';
+ const VISIBILITY_PRIVATE = 'private';
+ const ADDRESS_MAIN = 0x000001;
+ const ADDRESS_PERSO = 0x000002;
+ const ADDRESS_PRO = 0x000004;
+ const ADDRESS_ALL = 0x000006;
+ const ADDRESS_POSTAL = 0x000008;
+ const EDUCATION_MAIN = 0x000010;
+ const EDUCATION_ALL = 0x000020;
+ const EDUCATION_FINISHED = 0x000040;
+ const EDUCATION_CURRENT = 0x000080;
+ const JOBS_MAIN = 0x000100;
+ const JOBS_ALL = 0x000200;
+ const JOBS_FINISHED = 0x000400;
+ const JOBS_CURRENT = 0x000800;
private $pid;
private $hrpid;
private $data = array();
+ private $visibility = null;
private function __construct(array $data)
$this->data = $data;
return property_exists($this, $name) || isset($this->data[$name]);
+ public function setVisibilityLevel($visibility)
+ {
+ if ($visibility != self::VISIBILITY_PRIVATE
+ && $visibility != self::VISIBILITY_AX
+ && $visibility != self::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC) {
+ Platal::page()->kill("Visibility invalide: " . $visibility);
+ }
+ $this->visibility = self::$v_values[$visibility];
+ }
+ public function getAddresses($flags)
+ {
+ $where = XDB::format(' = {?}', $this->id());
+ if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_MAIN) {
+ $where .= ' AND FIND_IN_SET(\'current\', pa.flags)';
+ }
+ if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_POSTAL) {
+ $where .= ' AND FIND_IN_SET(\'mail\', pa.flags)';
+ }
+ if ($this->visibility) {
+ $where .= ' AND IN ' . XDB::formatArray($this->visibility);
+ }
+ $type = array();
+ if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_PRO) {
+ $type[] = 'job';
+ }
+ if ($flags & self::ADDRESS_PERSO) {
+ $type[] = 'home';
+ }
+ if (count($type) > 0) {
+ $where .= ' AND pa.type IN ' . XDB::formatArray($type);
+ }
+ return XDB::iterator('SELECT pa.text, pa.postalCode, pa.type, pa.latitude, pa.longitude,
+ AS locality, AS subAdministrativeArea,
+ AS administrativeArea, gc.countryFR AS country,
+ FIND_IN_SET(\'current\', pa.flags) AS current,
+ FIND_IN_SET(\'temporary\', pa.flags) AS temporary,
+ FIND_IN_SET(\'secondary\', pa.flags) AS secondary,
+ FIND_IN_SET(\'mail\', pa.flags) AS mail, pa.type
+ FROM profile_addresses AS pa
+ LEFT JOIN geoloc_localities AS gl ON ( = pa.localityId)
+ LEFT JOIN geoloc_administrativeareas AS ga ON ( = pa.administrativeAreaId)
+ LEFT JOIN geoloc_administrativeareas AS gas ON ( = pa.subAdministrativeAreaId)
+ LEFT JOIN geoloc_countries AS gc ON (gc.iso_3166_1_a2 = pa.countryId)
+ WHERE ' . $where);
+ }
+ public function getMainAddress()
+ {
+ $it = $this->getAddresses(self::ADDRESS_PERSO | self::ADDRESS_MAIN);
+ if ($it->total() == 0) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ return $it->next();
+ }
+ }
public function owner()