/* check if a RIB account number is valid */
function check_rib($rib)
- if(strlen($rib) != 23) return false;
+ if(strlen($rib) != 23) return false;
// extract fields
$rib = strtr(strtoupper($rib),'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ','12345678912345678923456789');
- $bank = substr($rib,0,5);
- $counter = substr($rib,5,5);
- $account = substr($rib,10,11);
- $key = substr($rib,21,2);
+ $bank = substr($rib,0,5);
+ $counter = substr($rib,5,5);
+ $account = substr($rib,10,11);
+ $key = substr($rib,21,2);
// check
return 0 == fmod(89 * $bank + 15 * $counter + 3 * $account + $key, 97);
// check RIB key
if ($action == "update" && Post::has("account") && !check_rib(Post::v("account"))) {
$page->trigError("Le RIB n'est pas valide");
- $table_editor->apply($page, "edit", $id);
+ $table_editor->apply($page, "edit", $id);
$page->setTitle('Administration - Paiements - Réconciliations');
$page->assign('step', $step);
- $list = true;
+ $list = true;
+ // actions
+ if ($step == 'delete' && $param != null) {
+ S::assert_xsrf_token();
+ XDB::execute("DELETE FROM payment_reconcilations WHERE id={?}", $param);
+ // FIXME: hardcoding !!!
+ XDB::execute("UPDATE payment_transactions SET recon_id=NULL,commission=NULL WHERE recon_id={?} AND method_id=2", $param);
+ XDB::execute("UPDATE payment_transactions SET recon_id=NULL WHERE recon_id={?} AND method_id=1", $param);
+ $page->trigSuccess("L'entrée ".$param." a été supprimée.");
+ } elseif ($step == 'edit') {
+ $page->trigError("L'édition n'est pas implémentée.");
+ } elseif ($step == 'step5') {
+ $page->trigSuccess("La réconciliation est terminée. Il est maintenant nécessaire de générer les virements.");
- // actions
- if ($step == 'delete' && $param != null) {
- S::assert_xsrf_token();
- XDB::execute("DELETE FROM payment_reconcilations WHERE id={?}", $param);
- // FIXME: hardcoding !!!
- XDB::execute("UPDATE payment_transactions SET recon_id=NULL,commission=NULL WHERE recon_id={?} AND method_id=2", $param);
- XDB::execute("UPDATE payment_transactions SET recon_id=NULL WHERE recon_id={?} AND method_id=1", $param);
- $page->trigSuccess("L'entrée ".$param." a été supprimée.");
- } elseif ($step == 'edit') {
- $page->trigError("L'édition n'est pas implémentée.");
- } elseif ($step == 'step5') {
- $page->trigSuccess("La réconciliation est terminée. Il est maintenant nécessaire de générer les virements.");
+ }
- }
- if($list) {
- // show list of reconciliations, with a "add" button
- $page->assign('title', "Réconciliation - Liste");
+ if($list) {
+ // show list of reconciliations, with a "add" button
+ $page->assign('title', "Réconciliation - Liste");
$page->assign('step', 'list');
- $recongps = array();
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT r.id, short_name AS method, period_start, period_end, status,
- payment_count, sum_amounts, sum_commissions
- FROM payment_reconcilations AS r
- LEFT JOIN payment_methods AS m ON r.method_id=m.id
- WHERE recongroup_id IS NULL
- ORDER BY period_end DESC, period_start DESC");
- foreach ($res->fetchAllAssoc() as $recon)
- $recongps[] = array('recons' => array($recon), 'transfers' => array());
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT recongroup_id AS id
- FROM payment_reconcilations
- GROUP BY recongroup_id
- ORDER BY MAX(period_end) DESC, MIN(period_start) DESC");
- foreach ($res->fetchAllAssoc() as $recongp) {
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT r.id, short_name AS method, period_start, period_end, status,
- payment_count, sum_amounts, sum_commissions
- FROM payment_reconcilations AS r
- LEFT JOIN payment_methods AS m ON r.method_id=m.id
- WHERE recongroup_id={?}
- ORDER BY period_end DESC, period_start DESC",
- $recongp['id']);
- $recongp['recons'] = $res->fetchAllAssoc();
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT id, payment_id, amount, account_id, message, date
- FROM payment_transfers
- WHERE recongroup_id={?}",
- $recongp['id']);
- $recongp['transfers'] = $res->fetchAllAssoc();
- $recongps[] = $recongp;
- }
- $page->assign_by_ref('recongps', $recongps);
- }
+ $recongps = array();
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT r.id, short_name AS method, period_start, period_end, status,
+ payment_count, sum_amounts, sum_commissions
+ FROM payment_reconcilations AS r
+ LEFT JOIN payment_methods AS m ON r.method_id=m.id
+ WHERE recongroup_id IS NULL
+ ORDER BY period_end DESC, period_start DESC");
+ foreach ($res->fetchAllAssoc() as $recon)
+ $recongps[] = array('recons' => array($recon), 'transfers' => array());
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT recongroup_id AS id
+ FROM payment_reconcilations
+ GROUP BY recongroup_id
+ ORDER BY MAX(period_end) DESC, MIN(period_start) DESC");
+ foreach ($res->fetchAllAssoc() as $recongp) {
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT r.id, short_name AS method, period_start, period_end, status,
+ payment_count, sum_amounts, sum_commissions
+ FROM payment_reconcilations AS r
+ LEFT JOIN payment_methods AS m ON r.method_id=m.id
+ WHERE recongroup_id={?}
+ ORDER BY period_end DESC, period_start DESC",
+ $recongp['id']);
+ $recongp['recons'] = $res->fetchAllAssoc();
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT id, payment_id, amount, account_id, message, date
+ FROM payment_transfers
+ WHERE recongroup_id={?}",
+ $recongp['id']);
+ $recongp['transfers'] = $res->fetchAllAssoc();
+ $recongps[] = $recongp;
+ }
+ $page->assign_by_ref('recongps', $recongps);
+ }
- function handler_adm_importlogs(&$page, $step, $param = null) {
+ function handler_adm_importlogs(&$page, $step, $param = null) {
$page->setTitle('Administration - Paiements - Réconciliations');
$page->assign('step', $step);
} elseif (Post::has('savecomments')) {
$recon['comments'] = Post::v('comments');
- $page->assign('recon', $recon);
+ $page->assign('recon', $recon);
XDB::execute("UPDATE payment_reconcilations SET comments={?} WHERE id={?}", $recon['comments'], $_SESSION['paymentrecon_id']);
$page->trigSuccess('Les commentaires ont été enregistrés.');
$page->assign_by_ref('only_database', $only_database);
$page->assign('onlydb_count', count($only_database));
- }
+ }
function handler_adm_transfers(&$page, $action = null, $id = null) {
// list/log all bank transfers and link them to individual transactions
- if (Post::has('generate')) {
- $recon_ids = array_keys(Post::v('recon_id'));
- // generate a new reconcilation group ID
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT MAX(recongroup_id)+1 FROM payment_reconcilations");
- $recongp_id = $res->fetchOneCell();
- if ($recongp_id == null) $recongp_id = 1;
- // add reconcilations to group
- // FIXME: should check if reconcilations are in good status
- XDB::execute("UPDATE payment_reconcilations SET recongroup_id={?}, status='closed'
- WHERE id IN {?}",
- $recongp_id, $recon_ids);
- // create transfers
- XDB::execute("INSERT INTO payment_transfers
- SELECT NULL, {?}, t.ref, SUM(t.amount+t.commission), NULL, p.text, NULL
- FROM payment_transactions AS t
- LEFT JOIN payments AS p ON t.ref = p.id
- LEFT JOIN groups AS g ON p.asso_id = g.id
- WHERE t.recon_id IN {?}
- GROUP BY t.ref",
- $recongp_id, $recon_ids);
- //$res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM payment_reconcilations WHERE id IN {?}", $recon_ids);
- //$recons = $res->fetchAllAssoc();
- $page->trigSuccess("Les virements ont été générés pour ".count($recon_ids)." réconciliations.");
- $this->handler_adm_reconcile($page);
- } elseif ($action == "delgroup") {
- S::assert_xsrf_token();
- XDB::execute("UPDATE payment_reconcilations SET status='transfering', recongroup_id=NULL WHERE recongroup_id={?}", $id);
- XDB::execute("DELETE FROM payment_transfers WHERE recongroup_id={?} AND date IS NULL", $id);
- $page->trigSuccess("Les virements non réalisés ont été supprimé du groupe ".$id.".");
- $this->handler_adm_reconcile($page);
- } else {
- pl_redirect("admin/reconcile");
- }
+ if (Post::has('generate')) {
+ $recon_ids = array_keys(Post::v('recon_id'));
+ // generate a new reconcilation group ID
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT MAX(recongroup_id)+1 FROM payment_reconcilations");
+ $recongp_id = $res->fetchOneCell();
+ if ($recongp_id == null) $recongp_id = 1;
+ // add reconcilations to group
+ // FIXME: should check if reconcilations are in good status
+ XDB::execute("UPDATE payment_reconcilations SET recongroup_id={?}, status='closed'
+ WHERE id IN {?}",
+ $recongp_id, $recon_ids);
+ // create transfers
+ XDB::execute("INSERT INTO payment_transfers
+ SELECT NULL, {?}, t.ref, SUM(t.amount+t.commission), NULL, p.text, NULL
+ FROM payment_transactions AS t
+ LEFT JOIN payments AS p ON t.ref = p.id
+ LEFT JOIN groups AS g ON p.asso_id = g.id
+ WHERE t.recon_id IN {?}
+ GROUP BY t.ref",
+ $recongp_id, $recon_ids);
+ //$res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM payment_reconcilations WHERE id IN {?}", $recon_ids);
+ //$recons = $res->fetchAllAssoc();
+ $page->trigSuccess("Les virements ont été générés pour ".count($recon_ids)." réconciliations.");
+ $this->handler_adm_reconcile($page);
+ } elseif ($action == "delgroup") {
+ S::assert_xsrf_token();
+ XDB::execute("UPDATE payment_reconcilations SET status='transfering', recongroup_id=NULL WHERE recongroup_id={?}", $id);
+ XDB::execute("DELETE FROM payment_transfers WHERE recongroup_id={?} AND date IS NULL", $id);
+ $page->trigSuccess("Les virements non réalisés ont été supprimé du groupe ".$id.".");
+ $this->handler_adm_reconcile($page);
+ } elseif ($action == "confirm") {
+ S::assert_xsrf_token();
+ XDB::execute("UPDATE payment_transfers SET date=NOW() WHERE id={?}", $id);
+ $page->trigSuccess("Virement ".$id." confirmé.");
+ $this->handler_adm_reconcile($page);
+ } else {
+ pl_redirect("admin/reconcile");
+ }
class PaymentLogsImporter extends CSVImporter {
- protected $result;
- public function __construct() {
- parent::__construct('');
- $this->registerFunction('systempay_commission', 'Compute BPLC commission', array($this,"compute_systempay_commission"));
- $this->registerFunction('payment_id', 'Autocompute payment ID', array($this,"compute_payment_id"));
+ protected $result;
+ public function __construct() {
+ parent::__construct('');
+ $this->registerFunction('systempay_commission', 'Compute BPLC commission', array($this,"compute_systempay_commission"));
+ $this->registerFunction('payment_id', 'Autocompute payment ID', array($this,"compute_payment_id"));
- }
- public function run($action = null, $insert_relation = null, $update_relation = null) {
- $this->result = array();
- foreach ($this->data as $line) {
+ }
+ public function run($action = null, $insert_relation = null, $update_relation = null) {
+ $this->result = array();
+ foreach ($this->data as $line) {
$a = $this->makeAssoc($line, $insert_relation);
$a['date'] = preg_replace('/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{2})\/([0-9]{4}).*/','\3-\2-\1', $a['date']);
$a['amount'] = str_replace(',','.',$a['amount']);
$a['commission'] = str_replace(',','.',$a['commission']);
- $this->result[] = $a;
+ $this->result[] = $a;
- }
- public function get_result() {
- return $this->result;
- }
- static public function compute_systempay_commission($line, $key, $relation) {
- static $EEE_countries = array('France','Allemagne','Autriche','Belgique','Bulgarie','Chypre',
- 'Danemark','Espagne','Estonie','Finlande','Grèce','Hongrie','Irlande','Islande','Italie',
- 'Lettonie','Liechtenstein','Lituanie','Luxembourg','Malte','Norvège','Pays-Bas','Pologne',
- 'Portugal','Roumanie','Royaume-Uni','Slovaquie','Slovénie','Suède','République Tchèque');
- if($key!='commission' || !array_key_exists('carte',$line)) return null;
- $amount = self::getValue($line, 'amount', $relation['amount']);
- if (in_array($line['pays carte'],$EEE_countries))
- return -0.20 - round($amount*0.005, 2);
- else
- return -0.20 - round($amount*0.005, 2) - 0.76;
- }
- static public function compute_payment_id($line, $key, $relation) {
- if ($key != 'payment_id') return null;
- $reference = self::getValue($line, 'reference', $relation['reference']);
+ }
+ public function get_result() {
+ return $this->result;
+ }
+ static public function compute_systempay_commission($line, $key, $relation) {
+ static $EEE_countries = array('France','Allemagne','Autriche','Belgique','Bulgarie','Chypre',
+ 'Danemark','Espagne','Estonie','Finlande','Grèce','Hongrie','Irlande','Islande','Italie',
+ 'Lettonie','Liechtenstein','Lituanie','Luxembourg','Malte','Norvège','Pays-Bas','Pologne',
+ 'Portugal','Roumanie','Royaume-Uni','Slovaquie','Slovénie','Suède','République Tchèque');
+ if($key!='commission' || !array_key_exists('carte',$line)) return null;
+ $amount = self::getValue($line, 'amount', $relation['amount']);
+ if (in_array($line['pays carte'],$EEE_countries))
+ return -0.20 - round($amount*0.005, 2);
+ else
+ return -0.20 - round($amount*0.005, 2) - 0.76;
+ }
+ static public function compute_payment_id($line, $key, $relation) {
+ if ($key != 'payment_id') return null;
+ $reference = self::getValue($line, 'reference', $relation['reference']);
if (ereg('-([0-9]+)$', $reference, $matches))
- return $matches[1];
+ return $matches[1];
return null;
- }
+ }
// vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: