const ONLY_JOBS = 'jobs';
const ONLY_MENTORS = 'mentors';
- static public function getSubTerms($parent_jtid, $filter = self::ALL) {
+ /** Retreives subterms of a term to display in a tree
+ * @param $parent_jtid the id of the parent jobterm
+ * @param $filter enable filtering on jobterms that have been used in jobs or in mentors, in
+ * that case, each row as an 'nb' field that counts all profiles that match
+ * @param $token_filter a text (usually ending by %) the retreived subterms to jobterms that
+ * contains this tokens or that one of their children contains it.
+ * @return an iterator over jobterms with jtid, name, full_name and nb
+ */
+ static public function getSubTerms($parent_jtid, $filter = self::ALL, $token_filter = null) {
switch ($filter) {
case self::ALL:
} else {
$count = $join = '';
+ if (!empty($token_filter)) {
+ $join .= ' INNER JOIN profile_job_term_relation AS rtf ON (rtf.jtid_1 = e.jtid) '.
+ self::token_join_query(self::tokenize($token_filter), 'rtf', 'jtid_2');
+ }
return XDB::iterator('SELECT e.jtid,, e.full_name'.$count.', IF(rf.jtid_1 IS NULL, 1, 0) AS leaf
FROM profile_job_term_enum AS e
INNER JOIN profile_job_term_relation AS r ON (r.jtid_2 = e.jtid)'.$join.'
* is chosen
* @param Env::v('treeid') tree id that will be given as first argument of attrfunc function
* the second argument will be the chosen job term id and the third one the chosen job's full name.
+ * @param Env::v('text_filter') a string (usually ending by %) that will be used to filter
+ * subbranches, keeping only the one containing this text in its title or in the title of one of
+ * its subbranches.
static public function ajaxGetBranch(&$page, $filter = self::ALL) {
$page->changeTpl('include/jobterms.branch.tpl', NO_SKIN);
- $subTerms = self::getSubTerms(Env::v('jtid'), $filter);
+ $subTerms = self::getSubTerms(Env::v('jtid'), $filter, Env::v('text_filter'));
$page->assign('subTerms', $subTerms);
switch ($filter) {
case self::ONLY_JOBS:
$page->assign('jtid', Env::v('jtid'));
+ $page->assign('text_filter', Env::v('text_filter'));
$page->assign('attrfunc', Env::v('attrfunc'));
$page->assign('treeid', Env::v('treeid'));
if (nod != -1) {
jtid = nod.attr("id").replace(/^.*_([0-9]+)$/, "$1");
- return { "jtid" : jtid, "treeid" : "'.addslashes($treeid).'", "attrfunc" : "'.addslashes($attrfunc).'" }
+ return {
+ "jtid" : jtid,
+ "treeid" : "'.addslashes($treeid).'",
+ "attrfunc" : "'.addslashes($attrfunc).'"
+ }
}} });';
* Extract search token from term
* @param $term a utf-8 string that can contain any char
- * @param an array of elementary tokens
+ * @return an array of elementary tokens
static public function tokenize($term)
* Create the INNER JOIN query to restrict search to some job terms
* @param $tokens an array of the job terms to look for (LIKE comp)
* @param $table_alias the alias or name of the table with a jtid field to restrict
+ * @param $table_field the name of the field to restrict in table_alias, usually jtid
* @return a partial SQL query
- static public function token_join_query(array $tokens, $table_alias) {
+ static public function token_join_query(array $tokens, $table_alias, $table_field = 'jtid') {
$joins = '';
$i = 0;
foreach ($tokens as $t) {
- $joins .= ' INNER JOIN profile_job_term_search AS s'.$i.' ON(s'.$i.'.jtid = '.$table_alias.'.jtid AND s'.$i.'.search LIKE '.XDB::escape($t).')';
+ $joins .= ' INNER JOIN profile_job_term_search AS s'.$i.' ON(s'.$i.'.jtid = '.$table_alias.'.'.$table_field.' AND s'.$i.'.search LIKE '.XDB::escape($t).')';
return $joins;
* @param clickFunc name of a javascript function that will be called when a
* term is clicked. The three params of this function will be : treeid, the
* id of the job term clicked, and the full name of the job term clicked.
+ * @param text_filter a string that is tokenized to filter jobtermss shown
+ * in the tree: only terms that contain all the tokens are shown with their
+ * parents.
-function createJobTermsTree(domElement, platalpage, treeid, clickFunc)
+function createJobTermsTree(domElement, platalpage, treeid, clickFunc, text_filter)
"core" : {"strings":{"loading":"Chargement ..."}},
if (nod != -1) {
jtid = nod.attr("id").replace(/^.*_([0-9]+)$/, "$1");
- return { "jtid" : jtid, "treeid" : treeid, "attrfunc" : clickFunc }
+ return { "jtid" : jtid, "treeid" : treeid, "attrfunc" : clickFunc, "text_filter": text_filter }
}} });
function displayJobTerm(row)
if (row[1] < 0) {
- return '... <em>précise ta recherche</em> ...';
+ return '... <em>parcourir les résultats dans un arbre</em> ...';
return row[0];
function selectJobTerm(li)
- if (li.extra[0] < 0) {
- return;
- }
var jobid = this.extraParams.jobid;
- addJobTerm(jobid,li.extra[0],$(li).text());
+ if (li.extra[0] >= 0) {
+ addJobTerm(jobid,li.extra[0],$(li).text());
+ }
var search_input;
if (jobid < 0) {
search_input = $('.term_search')[0];
} else {
search_input = $('#job_'+jobid+' .term_search')[0];
- search_input.value = '';
- search_input.focus();
+ if (li.extra[0] >= 0) {
+ search_input.value = '';
+ search_input.focus();
+ } else {
+ search_input.value = li.selectValue.replace(/%$/,'');
+ toggleJobTermsTree(jobid, li.selectValue);
+ }
* Function to show or hide a terms tree in job edition
* @param jobid is the id of the job currently edited
-function toggleJobTermsTree(jobid)
+function toggleJobTermsTree(jobid, textfilter)
var treepath;
if (jobid < 0) {
treepath += '.term_tree';
if ($(treepath + ' ul').length > 0) {
- return;
+ if (!textfilter) {
+ return;
+ }
- createJobTermsTree(treepath, 'profile/ajax/tree/jobterms/all', 'job' + jobid, 'chooseJobTerm');
+ createJobTermsTree(treepath, 'profile/ajax/tree/jobterms/all', 'job' + jobid, 'chooseJobTerm', textfilter);