- #1019: Allow 35 points passwords as announced -Car
- #1059: Fix support of '?' in mail subjects -FRU
+ * Email:
+ - #1077: Removes email redirections <tr> line when ajax returns -Car
* Profile:
- #16, #528, #917: Changes job interface, updates business sectors -JAC
- #188: Adds informations about the Corps d'État -JAC
if (confirm("Supprimer l'adresse " + email + " ?")) {
$.get(link.href, {},function() {
- $('tr[@id=line_' + email.replace('@', '_at_') + ']').remove();
+ $('#line_' + email.replace('@', '_at_').replace('.','\\.')).remove();
<div id="redirect-msg" style="position:absolute;"></div><br />
<div class="center">
+ <form action="emails/redirect" method="post">
<table class="bicol" summary="Adresses de redirection">
{icon name=cross title="Supprimer"}
- {if $e->sufficient}<span class="remove_email"></span>{/if}
+ {if $e->sufficient}<span class="remove_email"><span style="display:none"> </span></span>{/if}
<a href="emails/redirect#{$e->email}">{icon name=information title="Plus d'informations"}</a>
- <form action="emails/redirect" method="post">
{cycle values="pair,impair" assign=class_combobox}
{include file="include/emails.combobox.tpl" name="email" val=$email class=$class_combobox error=$error_email i="0"}
<tr class="{$class_combobox}"><td colspan="4"><div>
<input type="submit" value="ajouter" name="emailop" />
- </form>
+ </form>
<script type="text/javascript">showRemove(); activeEnable();</script>
<p class="smaller center">