return $res;
+ /** create the part of the small form for the mail pool.
+ * @return the string containing the form
+ */
+ function to_small_form() {
+ $res = "<form id=\"emails\" action=\"{$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']}\" method=\"post\">\n"
+ . "<table class=\"bicol\" cellpadding=\"1\" cellspacing=\"1\" width=\"95%\" align=\"center\">\n"
+ . "<tr><th>"._i18n('email')."</th>\n"
+ . "</tr>\n";
+ $pair = true;
+ foreach($this->emails as $id => $email) {
+ $res .= "<tr class=\"".($pair?"pair":"impair")."\">\n"
+ . "<td>".($email->is_active() ? "<strong>" : "")
+ .$email->email.($email->is_active() ? "</strong>" : "")."</td>\n"
+ . "</tr>\n";
+ $pair = !$pair;
+ }
+ $val = _i18n('your_email');
+ $res .= "<tr><th>\n"
+ . "<input type=\"text\" name=\"emails[new]\" size=\"50\" value='$val' "
+ . " onfocus=\"text_onfocus(this,'$val')\" onblur=\"text_onblur(this,'$val')\" />\n"
+ . "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"emails[add]\" value=\""._i18n('add')."\" />\n"
+ . "</th></tr>\n"
+ . "</table>\n"
+ . "</form>\n";
+ return $res;
+ }
/** return the string containing the list of $this->emails in javascript.
* @return the JS code
return true;
+ /** handle the data from the small form
+ * @return true if all is ok, false and sets $philter->error() else
+ */
+ function handle_small_form() {
+ global $philter;
+ if(isset($_POST['emails']['add'])) { // add an email to the pool
+ if(Email::Check($_POST['emails']['new'])) {
+ $new_mail = strtolower($_POST['emails']['new']);
+ // we check that the email is not already there
+ foreach($this->emails as $id=>$key)
+ if($key->email == $new_mail) {
+ $philter->set_error("$new_mail "._i18n('pool_err_already'));
+ return false;
+ }
+ // then we compute one free id, and we add it to the list
+ $mid = $this->new_mail_id();
+ $this->emails[$mid] = new Email($new_mail, '');
+ $this->emails[$mid]->commit($this->uid, $mid);
+ uasort($this->emails, "email_cmp");
+ } else {
+ $philter->set_error($_POST['emails']['new'].' '._i18n('pool_err_not_valid'));
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
if(count($_POST)) { // a FORM has been submitted
+ if(isset($_POST['emails'])) // FORM emails
+ if(!$mail_pool->handle_small_form())
+ echo "<p style=\"color:red;\">".$philter->error()."</p>\n";
if(!empty($_POST['order']['action'])) // FORM order
if($_POST['order']['action']=='submit') {
foreach($filter->rules as $id=>$rule)
- if(!empty($_POST['rule']))
+ if(!empty($_POST['rule'])) // FORM rule
echo "<p style=\"color:red;\">".$philter->error()."</p>\n";
<div class="rubrique"><?php i18n('filter_sync'); ?></div>
<?php i18n('filter_sync_txt') ?>
<br />
+<div class="rubrique"><?php i18n('pool_title'); ?></div>
+echo $mail_pool->to_small_form();
+<br />
<div class="rubrique"><?php i18n('filter_title'); ?></div>
'pool_err_active' => 'Cet email est encore utilisé et ne peut pas être supprimé !',
'pool_err_need_one' => 'Tu dois avoir au moins un email actif !',
+ 'spool_help' => '<p class="normal">Tu peux ajouter ici des adresses mails utilisabels dans ton
+ filtre. Ces adresses mails sont ajoutées comme inactives dans ton filtre global.</p>
+ <p class="normal">Les adresses en gras sont tes addresses actives</p>',
'pool_help' => '<p class="normal">Tu configures ici les adresses emails vers lesquelles
tu rediriges ton courrier.</p>
<p class="normal">Toutes les modifications faites sur cette page sont immédiatement prises