+/** Here to allow clean date formats instead of PHP's erroneous system...
+ * Format :
+ * %a: Mon...Sun
+ * %A: Monday...Sunday
+ * %d: day, two digits
+ * %e: day, space before single digits
+ * %j: day of year
+ * %u: day of week (1 for monday, 7 for sunday)
+ * %w: day of week (0 for sunday, 6 for saturday)
+ *
+ * //%U: week number (first week is that with the first sunday)
+ * //%V: week number (ISO 8601-1988: first week is that with at least 4 week days)
+ * %W: week number (first week is that with the first monday)
+ *
+ * %b: Jan...Dec
+ * %B: January...December
+ * %h: = %b
+ * %m: month, two digits
+ *
+ * %C: century, two digits
+ * %g: year, two digits (ISO 8601-1988)
+ * %G: %g with four digits
+ * %y: year, two digits
+ * %Y: year, four digits
+ *
+ * %H: hour, two digits, 24h format
+ * %h: hour, two digits, 12h format
+ * %l: hour, two digits, space before single, 12h format
+ * %M: minute, two digits
+ * %p: AM/PM
+ * %P: am/pm
+ * %r: %I:%M:%S %p
+ * %R: %H:%M
+ * %S: second, two digits
+ * %T: %H:%M:%S
+ * %z: timezone (offset)
+ * %Z: timezone (abbrev)
+ *
+ * %x: %e %B %Y
+ * %X: %T
+ * %s: unix timestamp
+ * %%: %
+ */
+function format_datetime($date, $format)
+ $format = str_replace(array('%X', '%x', '%R', '%r', '%T', '%%'),
+ array('%T', '%e %B %Y', '%H:%M', '%I:%M:%S %p', '%H:%M:%S', '%%'),
+ $format);
+ $date = make_datetime($date);
+ $yy = (int) $date->format('Y');
+// if ($yy > 1901 && $yy < 2038) {
+// return strftime($format, $date->format('U'));
+// } else {
+ $w = (int) $date->format('w');
+ $u = $w;
+ if ($u == 0) {
+ $u = 7;
+ }
+ $weekday = new DateTime('2010-05-' . (10 + $u));
+ $aa = strftime('%A', $weekday->format('U'));
+ $a = strftime('%a', $weekday->format('U'));
+ $m = $date->format('m');
+ $monthday = new DateTime('2010-' . $m . '-01');
+ $bb = strftime('%B', $monthday->format('U'));
+ $b = strftime('%b', $monthday->format('U'));
+ $y = $date->format('y');
+ $j = $date->format('z'); // Day of year
+ $d = $date->format('d'); // Day of month, 2 digits
+ $e = $date->format('j'); // Day of month, leanding space
+ if (strlen($e) == 1) {
+ $e = ' ' . $e;
+ }
+ $yy = "$yy";
+ $cc = substr($yy, 0, 2); // Century
+ $ww = $date->format('W'); // Week number
+ $hh = $date->format('H'); // Hour, 24h
+ $h = $date->format('h'); // Hour, 12h
+ $l = $date->format('g'); // Hour, 12h with leading space
+ if (strlen($l) == 1) {
+ $l = ' ' . $l;
+ }
+ $mm = $date->format('i'); // Minutes
+ $p = $date->format('A'); // AM/PM
+ $pp = $date->format('a'); // am/pm
+ $ss = $date->format('s'); // Seconds
+ $s = $date->format('U'); // Timestamp
+ $zz = $date->format('T'); // Timezone abbrev
+ $z = $date->format('Z'); // Timezone offset
+ $txt = str_replace(
+ array('%a', '%A', '%d', '%e', '%j', '%u', '%w',
+ '%W', '%b', '%B', '%h', '%m', '%C', '%y', '%Y',
+ '%H', '%h', '%l', '%M', '%p', '%P', '%S', '%z', '%Z',
+ '%%'),
+ array($a, $aa, $d, $e, $j, $u, $w,
+ $ww, $b, $bb, $b, $m, $cc, $y, $yy,
+ $hh, $h, $l, $mm, $p, $pp, $ss, $z, $zz,
+ '%'),
+ $format);
+ return $txt;
+// }
// vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8: