abstract class WatchOperation
+ protected $date;
public function getTitle($count = 0)
if ($count == 1) {
public function getCondition(PlUser &$user, $date)
+ $this->date = $date;
if (!$user->watch($this->flag)) {
return new UFC_False();
} else {
- return $this->buildCondition($user, $date);
+ return $this->buildCondition($user);
- abstract protected function buildCondition(PlUser &$user, $date);
+ abstract protected function buildCondition(PlUser &$user);
abstract public function getOrder();
abstract public function getDate(PlUser &$user);
$profile->id(), $field);
- protected function buildCondition(PlUser &$user, $date)
+ protected function buildCondition(PlUser &$user)
- return new UFC_And(new UFC_ProfileUpdated('>', $date),
+ return new UFC_And(new UFC_ProfileUpdated('>', $this->date),
new UFC_WatchContact($user));
return $user->profile()->last_change;
+ static private $descriptions = array('search_names' => 'L\'un de ses noms',
+ 'freetext' => 'Le texte libre',
+ 'mobile' => 'Son numéro de téléphone portable',
+ 'nationalite' => 'Sa nationalité',
+ 'nationalite2' => 'Sa seconde nationalité',
+ 'nationalite3' => 'Sa troisième nationalité',
+ 'nick' => 'Son surnom',
+ 'networking' => 'La liste de ses adresses de networking',
+ 'edus' => 'Ses formations',
+ 'addresses' => 'Ses adresses',
+ 'section' => 'Sa section sportive',
+ 'binets' => 'La liste de ses binets',
+ 'medals' => 'Ses décorations',
+ 'cv' => 'Son Curriculum Vitae',
+ 'corps' => 'Son Corps d\'État',
+ 'jobs' => 'Ses informations professionnelles',
+ 'photo' => 'Sa photographie');
+ public function getData(PlUser &$user)
+ {
+ $data = XDB::fetchColumn('SELECT field
+ FROM watch_profile
+ WHERE uid = {?} AND ts > FROM_UNIXTIME({?}) AND field != \'\'
+ ORDER BY ts',
+ $user->id(), $this->date);
+ if (count($data) == 0) {
+ return null;
+ } else {
+ $text = array();
+ foreach ($data as $f) {
+ $text[] = self::$descriptions[$f];
+ }
+ return $text;
+ }
+ }
class WatchRegistration extends WatchOperation
public $flag = 'registration';
public $title = 'Inscription$s';
- protected function buildCondition(PlUser &$user, $date)
+ protected function buildCondition(PlUser &$user)
- return new UFC_And(new UFC_Registered(false, '>', $date),
+ return new UFC_And(new UFC_Registered(false, '>', $this->date),
new UFC_Or(new UFC_WatchContact($user),
new UFC_WatchPromo($user)));
public $flag = 'death';
public $title = 'Décès';
- protected function buildCondition(PlUser &$user, $date)
+ protected function buildCondition(PlUser &$user)
- return new UFC_And(new UFC_Dead('>', $date, true),
+ return new UFC_And(new UFC_Dead('>', $this->date, true),
new UFC_Or(new UFC_WatchPromo($user),
new UFC_WatchContact($user)));
public $flag = 'birthday';
public $title = 'Anniversaire$s';
- protected function buildCondition(PlUser &$user, $date)
+ protected function buildCondition(PlUser &$user)
return new UFC_And(new UFC_OR(new UFC_Birthday('=', time()),
new UFC_And(new UFC_Birthday('<=', time() + self::WATCH_LIMIT),
- new UFC_Birthday('>', $date + self::WATCH_LIMIT))),
+ new UFC_Birthday('>', $this->date + self::WATCH_LIMIT))),
new UFC_Or(new UFC_WatchPromo($user),
new UFC_WatchContact($user)));
$nbf = count($line);
$users = array();
if ($this->isMode(self::MODE_XIDENT)) { // if the mode is non anonymous
- $sql = 'SELECT v.id AS vid, a.nom, a.prenom, a.promo
- FROM survey_votes AS v
- INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS a
- ON a.user_id=v.user_id
- WHERE v.survey_id={?}
- ORDER BY vid ASC;';
- $res = XDB::iterator($sql, $this->id); // retrieves all users data
- for ($u = $res->next(); $u != null; $u = $res->next()) {
- $users[$u['vid']] = array('nom' => $u['nom'], 'prenom' => $u['prenom'], 'promo' => $u['promo']);
- }
+ $users = User::getBulkUsersWithUIDs(XDB::fetchAllAssoc('vid', 'SELECT v.id AS vid, v.user_id
+ FROM survey_votes AS v
+ WHERE v.survey_id = {?}
+ ORDER BY vid ASC',
+ $this->id));
$sql = 'SELECT v.id AS vid, a.question_id AS qid, a.answer AS answer
FROM survey_votes AS v
WHERE v.survey_id={?}
ORDER BY vid ASC, qid ASC, answer ASC;';
$res = XDB::iterator($sql, $this->id); // retrieves all answers from database
- $cur = $res->next();
$vid = -1;
$vid_ = 0;
- while ($cur != null) {
+ while (($cur = $res->next()) != null) {
if ($vid != $cur['vid']) { // if the vote id changes, then starts a new line
fputcsv($csv, $line, $sep, $enc); // stores the former line into $csv_output
$vid = $cur['vid'];
$line = array_fill(0, $nbf, ''); // creates an array full of empty string
$line[0] = $vid_; // the first field is a 'clean' vote id (not the one stored in database)
if ($this->isMode(self::MODE_XIDENT)) { // if the mode is non anonymous
- if (array_key_exists($vid, $users) && is_array($users[$vid])) { // and if the user data can be found
- $line[1] = $users[$vid]['nom']; // adds the user data (in the first fields of the line)
- $line[2] = $users[$vid]['prenom'];
- $line[3] = $users[$vid]['promo'];
+ if (array_key_exists($vid, $users)) { // and if the user data can be found
+ $line[1] = $users[$vid]->lastName(); // adds the user data (in the first fields of the line)
+ $line[2] = $users[$vid]->firstName();;
+ $line[3] = $users[$vid]->promo();
$line[$fid] .= $a; // adds the current answer to the correct field
- $cur = $res->next(); // gets next answer
fputcsv($csv, $line, $sep, $enc); // stores the last line into $csv_output
return $csv_output;