* Carnet:
- - #435: Calendar contains yearly events for all the contacts -FRU
+ - #435: Calendar contains yearly events for all the contacts. -FRU
* Emails:
- - #426: Add an identification header in mails -FRU
+ - #426: Add an identification header in mails. -FRU
+ * Profile:
+ - #344: Tels can be bigger (up to 30 chars). -Car
* Xnet:
- - #426: Add an identification header in mails -FRU
+ - #426: Add an identification header in mails. -FRU
From 0.9.10 Branch:
<input type="hidden" name="new_tel{$tel.telid}[{$adrid}]" value="1"/>
<span class="titre" onclick="this.style.display='none';var d = document.getElementById('tel_type{$adrid}_{$tel.telid}');d.style.display='inline';d.select();d.focus();">{$tel.tel_type} :</span>
- <input id="tel_type{$adrid}_{$tel.telid}" style="display:none" type="text" size="5" maxlength="20" name="tel_type{$tel.telid}[{$adrid}]" value="{$tel.tel_type}"/>
+ <input id="tel_type{$adrid}_{$tel.telid}" style="display:none" type="text" size="5" maxlength="30" name="tel_type{$tel.telid}[{$adrid}]" value="{$tel.tel_type}"/>
<input type="text" size="19" maxlength="28" name="tel{$tel.telid}[{$adrid}]" value="{$tel.tel}" />