--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Aymeric Augustin
+# Released under the GPL
+import sys, random, re
+# A random word generator using Markov chains
+class WordGenerator:
+ def __init__(self, order=3, special=u'\n'):
+ self.order = order
+ self.special = special
+ self.markov = {}
+ def load(self, corpus):
+ for word in corpus:
+ word = self.special * self.order + word.strip() + self.special
+ for pos in range(len(word) - self.order):
+ prefix = word[pos:pos + self.order]
+ suffix = word[pos + self.order]
+ if not self.markov.has_key(prefix):
+ self.markov[prefix] = []
+ self.markov[prefix].append(suffix)
+ def generate(self):
+ word = self.special * self.order
+ while True:
+ c = random.choice(self.markov[word[-self.order:]])
+ if c == self.special:
+ return word[self.order:]
+ else:
+ word += c
+def parse_aliases(file):
+ firstnames = []
+ lastnames = []
+ promos = []
+ handle = open(file, 'r') # aliases are ASCII only
+ aliases = handle.readlines()
+ handle.close()
+ aliases.sort()
+ alias_re = re.compile(r'([a-z\-]+).([a-z\-]+).([0-9]{4})')
+ for alias in aliases:
+ alias = alias.rstrip()
+ match = alias_re.match(alias)
+ if match is None:
+ print "Warning: could not parse alias '%s'" % alias
+ else:
+ firstnames.append(match.group(1))
+ lastnames.append(match.group(2))
+ promos.append(match.group(3))
+ handle.close()
+ return firstnames, lastnames, promos
+# Returns the index of the first value of `array' strictly greater than `value'
+def find_next(value, array, pmin=0, pmax=-1):
+ if pmax == -1: pmax = len(array)
+ if pmax == pmin + 1: return pmax
+ # At every step, array[pmin] < value < array[pmax]
+ pint = (pmin + pmax) / 2
+ if array[pint] < value:
+ return find_next(value, array, pint, pmax)
+ else:
+ return find_next(value, array, pmin, pint)
+def create_alias(firstname, pred_lastname, succ_lastname, rand_lastnames):
+ i_pred = find_next(pred_lastname, rand_lastnames)
+ i_succ = find_next(succ_lastname, rand_lastnames)
+ # We don't know the order of the names
+ if i_pred > i_succ: i_pred, i_succ = i_succ, i_pred
+ # Hack in edge case
+ if i_pred == i_succ:
+ lastname = "%s-%s" % (pred_lastname, random.choice(rand_lastnames))
+ else:
+ lastname = rand_lastnames[random.randint(i_pred, i_succ)]
+ promo = random.randint(100, 999)
+ return "%s.%s.%d" % (firstname, lastname, promo)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ # Check arguments
+ if len(sys.argv) != 3:
+ print "Usage: %s aliases poisonous" % sys.argv[0]
+ print ""
+ print "Generate the aliases file with:"
+ print "$ mysql x4dat > aliases.txt"
+ print "SELECT alias FROM aliases WHERE type = 'a_vie';"
+ print "^D"
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # Parse the list of existing aliases and sort it
+ firstnames, lastnames, promos = parse_aliases(sys.argv[1])
+ # Generate many virtual lastnames and sort the list
+ generator = WordGenerator()
+ generator.load(lastnames)
+ rand_lastnames = [generator.generate() for i in range(100 * len(lastnames))]
+ rand_lastnames.sort()
+ # For each original, create a new alias
+ # alphabetically between this one and the next one
+ handle = open(sys.argv[2], 'w')
+ lastnames.append('zzzzzzzz') # hack to avoid off-by-one
+ for i in range(len(firstnames)):
+ handle.write(create_alias(firstnames[i], lastnames[i], lastnames[i + 1], rand_lastnames))
+ handle.write('\n')
+ handle.close()