Signed-off-by: Stéphane Jacob <>
// Basic email properties; $sufficient indicates if the email can be used as
// an unique redirection; $redirect contains the delivery email address.
+ public $id;
public $type;
public $sufficient;
public $email;
$this->sufficient = ($this->type == 'smtp' || $this->type == 'googleapps');
$this->filter_level = ($this->type == 'imap') ? null : array_search($this->action, Bogo::$states);
+ if (array_key_exists($this->type , self::$storage_domains)) {
+ $this->id = $this->type;
+ } else {
+ $this->id = str_replace('@', '_at_', $this->email);
+ }
$this->user = &$user;
<th> </th>
{foreach from=$emails item=e name=redirect}
- <tr class="{cycle values="pair,impair"}" id="line_{$e->email|replace:'@':'_at_'}">
+ <tr class="{cycle values="pair,impair"}" id="line_{$e->id}">
{if $e->broken}<span class="erreur">{assign var="error" value="1"}{/if}
{if $e->sufficient}<span class="remove_email"><span style="display:none"> </span></span>{/if}
- <a href="emails/redirect#{$e->email}">{icon name=information title="Plus d'informations"}</a>
+ <a href="emails/redirect#{$e->type}">{icon name=information title="Plus d'informations"}</a>