- #674: MiniWiki xhtml validation -FRU
- #678: PlUpload filename detection -FRU
+ * Emails:
+ - #688: From name in the sending form -FRU
* Profile:
- Fix GoogleMaps links -FRU
- #663: Link to Xnet's map from the "My groups" page -FRU
public function commit ()
XDB::execute("UPDATE auth_user_quick SET emails_alias_pub = {?} WHERE user_id = {?}",
- $this->public, $this->uid)) {
+ $this->public, $this->uid);
if ($this->old) {
return XDB::execute('UPDATE virtual SET alias={?} WHERE alias={?}',
if ($this->oldalias) {
$res .= "\n\n Les alias {$this->oldalias}@{$globals->mail->domain} et @{$globals->mail->domain2} ont été supprimés.";
- if ($nom_usage) {
+ if ($this->nom_usage) {
$res .= "\n\n Les alias {$this->alias}@{$globals->mail->domain} et @{$globals->mail->domain2} sont maintenant à ta disposition !";
return $res;
function start_connexion ($uid, $identified)
$res = XDB::query("
- SELECT u.user_id AS uid, prenom, nom, perms, promo, matricule, password, FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags) AS femme,
+ SELECT u.user_id AS uid, prenom, nom, nom_usage, perms, promo, matricule, password, FIND_IN_SET('femme', u.flags) AS femme,
UNIX_TIMESTAMP(s.start) AS lastlogin, s.host, a.alias AS forlife, a2.alias AS bestalias,
q.core_mail_fmt AS mail_fmt, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(q.banana_last) AS banana_last, q.watch_last, q.core_rss_hash,
FIND_IN_SET('watch', u.flags) AS watch_account, q.last_version
<input type='text' name='from' size='60' value='{if $smarty.request.from}
-"{$smarty.session.prenom} {$smarty.session.nom}" <{$smarty.session.bestalias}@{#globals.mail.domain#}>
+"{$smarty.session.prenom} {$smarty.session.nom_usage|default:$smarty.session.nom}" <{$smarty.session.bestalias}@{#globals.mail.domain#}>
{/if}' />