--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2011 Polytechnique.org *
+ * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+// {{{ Page initialization
+var baseurl = $.plURL('search/');
+var address_types = new Array('country', 'administrative_area_level_1', 'administrative_area_level_2', 'administrative_area_level_3', 'locality', 'sublocality');
+function load_advanced_search(request)
+ $('.autocompleteTarget').hide();
+ $('.autocomplete').show().each(function() {
+ targeted = $('../.autocompleteTarget', this)[0];
+ if (targeted && targeted.value) {
+ me = $(this);
+ $.get(baseurl + 'list/' + targeted.name + '/' + targeted.value, {}, function(textValue) {
+ me.attr('value', textValue);
+ me.addClass('hidden_valid');
+ });
+ }
+ $(this).autocomplete(baseurl + 'autocomplete/' + this.name, {
+ selectOnly: 1,
+ formatItem: make_format_autocomplete(this),
+ field: this.name,
+ onItemSelect: select_autocomplete(this.name),
+ matchSubset: 0,
+ width: $(this).width()}
+ );
+ });
+ $('.autocomplete').change(function() { $(this).removeClass('hidden_valid'); });
+ if (request['country']) {
+ $("[name='country']").parent().load(baseurl + 'list/country', function() {
+ $("select[name='country']").attr('value', request['country']);
+ });
+ setAddress(0, 1, new Array(request['country'],
+ request['administrative_area_level_1'],
+ request['administrative_area_level_2'],
+ request['administrative_area_level_3'],
+ request['locality'],
+ request['sublocality'])
+ );
+ } else {
+ for (var i = 1; i < 6; ++i) {
+ $('tr#' + address_types[i] + '_list').hide();
+ }
+ }
+ $(".autocomplete[name='schoolTxt']").change(function() { changeSchool('', ''); });
+ changeSchool(request['school'], request['diploma']);
+ $(".autocompleteToSelect").each(function() {
+ var fieldName = $(this).attr('href');
+ $(this).attr('href', baseurl + 'list/' + fieldName).click(function() {
+ var oldval = $("input.autocompleteTarget[name='" + fieldName + "']")[0].value;
+ $(".autocompleteTarget[name='" + fieldName + "']").parent().load(baseurl + 'list/' + fieldName, {}, function(selectBox) {
+ $(".autocompleteTarget[name='" + fieldName + "']").remove();
+ $(".autocomplete[name='" + fieldName + "Txt']").remove();
+ $("select[name='" + fieldName + "']").attr('value', oldval);
+ });
+ return false;
+ });
+ }).parent().find('.autocomplete').change(function() {
+ // If we change the value in the type="text" field, then the value in the 'integer id' field must not be used,
+ // to ensure that, we unset it
+ $(this).parent().find('.autocompleteTarget').val('');
+ });
+ $('#only_referent').change(function() { changeOnlyReferent(); });
+// }}}
+// {{{ Regexps to wipe out from search queries
+var default_form_values = [ /&woman=0(&|$)/, /&subscriber=0(&|$)/, /&alive=0(&|$)/, /&egal[12]=[^&]*&promo[12]=(&|$)/g, /&networking_type=0(&|$)/, /&[^&=]+=(&|$)/g ];
+/** Uses javascript to clean form from all empty fields */
+function cleanForm(f)
+ var query = $(f).formSerialize();
+ var old_query;
+ for (var i in default_form_values) {
+ var reg = default_form_values[i];
+ if (typeof(reg) != 'undefined') {
+ do {
+ old_query = query;
+ query = query.replace(reg, '$1');
+ } while (old_query != query);
+ }
+ }
+ query = query.replace(/^&*(.*)&*$/, '$1');
+ if (query == 'rechercher=Chercher') {
+ alert("Aucun critère n'a été spécifié.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ document.location = baseurl + 'adv?' + query;
+ return false;
+// }}}
+// {{{ Autocomplete related functions.
+// display an autocomplete row : blabla (nb of found matches)
+function make_format_autocomplete(block)
+ return function(row) {
+ regexp = new RegExp('(' + RegExp.escape(block.value) + ')', 'i');
+ name = row[0].htmlEntities().replace(regexp, '<strong>$1<\/strong>');
+ if (row[1] === '-1') {
+ return '…';
+ }
+ if (row[1] === '-2') {
+ return '<em>aucun camarade trouvé pour '+row[0].htmlEntities()+'<\/em>';
+ }
+ mate = (row[1] > 1) ? 'camarades' : 'camarade';
+ return name + '<em> - ' + row[1].htmlEntities() + ' ' + mate + '<\/em>';
+ };
+function cancel_autocomplete(field, realfield)
+ $(".autocomplete[name='" + field + "']").removeClass('hidden_valid').val('').focus();
+ if (typeof(realfield) != 'undefined') {
+ $(".autocompleteTarget[name='" + realfield + "']").val('');
+ }
+ return;
+// when choosing autocomplete from list, must validate
+function select_autocomplete(name)
+ nameRealField = name.replace(/Txt$/, '');
+ // nothing to do if field is not a text field for a list
+ if (nameRealField == name) {
+ return null;
+ }
+ // When changing country or locality, open next address component.
+ if (nameRealField == 'country' || nameRealField == 'locality') {
+ return function(i) {
+ nameRealField = name.replace(/Txt$/, '');
+ if (i.extra[0] < 0) {
+ cancel_autocomplete(name, nameRealField);
+ i.extra[1] = '';
+ }
+ $("[name='" + nameRealField + "']").parent().load(baseurl + 'list/' + nameRealField, function() {
+ $("select[name='" + nameRealField + "']").attr('value', i.extra[1]);
+ });
+ changeAddressComponents(nameRealField, i.extra[1]);
+ }
+ }
+ if (nameRealField == 'school')
+ return function(i) {
+ if (i.extra[0] < 0) {
+ cancel_autocomplete('schoolTxt', 'school');
+ i.extra[1] = '';
+ }
+ changeSchool(i.extra[1], '');
+ }
+ // change field in list and display text field as valid
+ return function(i) {
+ nameRealField = this.field.replace(/Txt$/, '');
+ if (i.extra[0] < 0) {
+ cancel_autocomplete(this.field, nameRealField);
+ return;
+ }
+ $(".autocompleteTarget[name='"+nameRealField+"']").attr('value',i.extra[1]);
+ $(".autocomplete[name='"+this.field+"']").addClass('hidden_valid');
+ }
+// }}}
+// {{{ Various search functions.
+function setAddress(i, j, values)
+ var prev_type = address_types[i];
+ var next_type = address_types[j];
+ var next_list = next_type + '_list';
+ if (j == 3) {
+ $('tr#locality_text').hide()
+ $("select[name='localityTxt']").attr('value', '');
+ }
+ $("[name='" + next_type + "']").parent().load(baseurl + 'list/' + next_type, { previous:prev_type, value:values[i] }, function() {
+ if ($("select[name='" + next_type + "']").children("option").size() > 1) {
+ $("tr#" + next_list).show();
+ $("select[name='" + next_type + "']").attr('value', values[j]);
+ if (j < 6) {
+ setAddress(j, j + 1, values);
+ }
+ } else {
+ $("tr#" + next_list).hide();
+ $("select[name='" + next_type + "']").attr('value', '');
+ if (j < 6) {
+ setAddress(i, j + 1, values);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function displayNextAddressComponent(i, j, value)
+ var prev_type = address_types[i];
+ var next_type = address_types[j];
+ var next_list = next_type + '_list';
+ if (j == 3) {
+ $('tr#locality_text').hide();
+ $("select[name='localityTxt']").attr('value', '');
+ }
+ $("[name='" + next_type + "']").parent().load(baseurl + 'list/' + next_type, { previous:prev_type, value:value }, function() {
+ $("select[name='" + next_type + "']").attr('value', '');
+ if ($("select[name='" + next_type + "']").children('option').size() > 1) {
+ $('tr#' + next_list).show();
+ } else {
+ $('tr#' + next_list).hide();
+ if (j < 6) {
+ displayNextAddressComponent(i, j + 1, value);
+ }
+ }
+ });
+function changeAddressComponents(type, value)
+ var i = 0, j = 0;
+ while (address_types[i] != type && i < 6) {
+ ++i;
+ }
+ j = i + 1;
+ while (j < 6) {
+ $("select[name='" + address_types[j] + "']").attr('value', '');
+ $('tr#' + address_types[j] + '_list').hide();
+ ++j;
+ }
+ if (value != '' && i < 5) {
+ $("select[name='" + type + "']").attr('value', value);
+ displayNextAddressComponent(i, i + 1, value);
+ }
+// when changing school, open diploma choice
+function changeSchool(schoolId, diploma)
+ $(".autocompleteTarget[name='school']").attr('value', schoolId);
+ if (schoolId) {
+ $(".autocomplete[name='schoolTxt']").addClass('hidden_valid');
+ } else {
+ $(".autocomplete[name='schoolTxt']").removeClass('hidden_valid');
+ }
+ $("[name='diploma']").parent().load(baseurl + 'list/diploma/', { school:schoolId }, function() {
+ $("select[name='diploma']").attr('value', diploma);
+ });
+// when checking/unchecking "only_referent", disable/enable some fields
+function changeOnlyReferent()
+ if ($("#only_referent").is(':checked')) {
+ $("input[name='entreprise']").attr('disabled', true);
+ } else {
+ $("input[name='entreprise']").removeAttr('disabled');
+ }
+// when choosing a job term in tree, hide tree and set job term field
+function searchForJobTerm(treeid, jtid, full_name)
+ $(".term_tree").remove();
+ $("input[name='jobtermTxt']").val(full_name).addClass("hidden_valid").show();
+ $("input[name='jobterm']").val(jtid);
+// }}}
+// vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 sws=4 foldmethod=marker enc=utf-8:
<p class="center"><strong>Voulez-vous télécharger le <a href="{$globals->baseurl}/search/adv/addresses{$plset_args}">tableau des adresses postales</a> pour la recette précédente ?</strong></p>
-<script type="text/javascript">// <!--
- var baseurl = $.plURL("search/");
- {literal}
+<script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[
+ {literal}$(function() { load_advanced_search({{/literal}{foreach from=$smarty.request key=key item=item}"{$key}":"{$item}",{/foreach}{literal}}); });{/literal}
- // display an autocomplete row : blabla (nb of found matches)
- function make_format_autocomplete(block) {
- return function(row) {
- regexp = new RegExp('(' + RegExp.escape(block.value) + ')', 'i');
- name = row[0].htmlEntities().replace(regexp, '<strong>$1<\/strong>');
- if (row[1] === "-1") {
- return '…';
- }
- if (row[1] === "-2") {
- return '<em>aucun camarade trouvé pour '+row[0].htmlEntities()+'<\/em>';
- }
- camarades = (row[1] > 1) ? "camarades" : "camarade";
- return name + '<em> - ' + row[1].htmlEntities() + ' ' + camarades + '<\/em>';
- };
- }
- function setAddress(i, j, values)
- {
- var types = new Array('country', 'administrative_area_level_1', 'administrative_area_level_2', 'administrative_area_level_3', 'locality', 'sublocality');
- var prev_type = types[i];
- var next_type = types[j];
- var next_list = next_type + '_list';
- if (j == 3) {
- $('tr#locality_text').hide()
- $("select[name='localityTxt']").attr('value', '');
- }
- $("[name='" + next_type + "']").parent().load(baseurl + 'list/' + next_type, { previous:prev_type, value:values[i] }, function() {
- if ($("select[name='" + next_type + "']").children("option").size() > 1) {
- $("tr#" + next_list).show();
- $("select[name='" + next_type + "']").attr('value', values[j]);
- if (j < 6) {
- setAddress(j, j + 1, values);
- }
- } else {
- $("tr#" + next_list).hide();
- $("select[name='" + next_type + "']").attr('value', '');
- if (j < 6) {
- setAddress(i, j + 1, values);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- function displayNextAddressComponent(i, j, value)
- {
- var types = new Array('country', 'administrative_area_level_1', 'administrative_area_level_2', 'administrative_area_level_3', 'locality', 'sublocality');
- var prev_type = types[i];
- var next_type = types[j];
- var next_list = next_type + '_list';
- if (j == 3) {
- $('tr#locality_text').hide()
- $("select[name='localityTxt']").attr('value', '');
- }
- $("[name='" + next_type + "']").parent().load(baseurl + 'list/' + next_type, { previous:prev_type, value:value }, function() {
- $("select[name='" + next_type + "']").attr('value', '');
- if ($("select[name='" + next_type + "']").children("option").size() > 1) {
- $("tr#" + next_list).show();
- } else {
- $("tr#" + next_list).hide();
- if (j < 6) {
- displayNextAddressComponent(i, j + 1, value);
- }
- }
- });
- }
- function changeAddressComponents(type, value)
- {
- var types = new Array('country', 'administrative_area_level_1', 'administrative_area_level_2', 'administrative_area_level_3', 'locality', 'sublocality');
- var i = 0, j = 0;
- while (types[i] != type && i < 6) {
- ++i;
- }
- j = i + 1;
- while (j < 6) {
- $("select[name='" + types[j] + "']").attr('value', '');
- $("tr#" + types[j] + "_list").hide();
- ++j;
- }
- if (value != '' && i < 5) {
- $("select[name='" + type + "']").attr('value', value);
- displayNextAddressComponent(i, i + 1, value);
- }
- }
- // when changing school, open diploma choice
- function changeSchool(schoolId) {
- $(".autocompleteTarget[name='school']").attr('value',schoolId);
- if (schoolId) {
- $(".autocomplete[name='schoolTxt']").addClass('hidden_valid');
- } else {
- $(".autocomplete[name='schoolTxt']").removeClass('hidden_valid');
- }
- $("[name='diploma']").parent().load(baseurl + 'list/diploma/', { school:schoolId }, function() {
- $("select[name='diploma']").attr('value', '{/literal}{$smarty.request.diploma}{literal}');
- });
- }
- // when checking/unchecking "only_referent", disable/enable some fields
- function changeOnlyReferent() {
- if ($("#only_referent").is(':checked')) {
- $("input[name='entreprise']").attr('disabled', true);
- } else {
- $("input[name='entreprise']").removeAttr('disabled');
- }
- }
- // when choosing a job term in tree, hide tree and set job term field
- function searchForJobTerm(treeid, jtid, full_name) {
- $(".term_tree").remove();
- $("input[name='jobtermTxt']").val(full_name).addClass("hidden_valid").show();
- $("input[name='jobterm']").val(jtid);
- }
- function cancel_autocomplete(field, realfield) {
- $(".autocomplete[name='"+field+"']").removeClass('hidden_valid').val('').focus();
- if (typeof(realfield) != "undefined") {
- $(".autocompleteTarget[name='"+realfield+"']").val('');
- }
- return;
- }
- // when choosing autocomplete from list, must validate
- function select_autocomplete(name) {
- nameRealField = name.replace(/Txt$/, '');
- // nothing to do if field is not a text field for a list
- if (nameRealField == name)
- return null;
- // When changing country or locality, open next address component.
- if (nameRealField == 'country' || nameRealField == 'locality') {
- return function(i) {
- nameRealField = name.replace(/Txt$/, '');
- if (i.extra[0] < 0) {
- cancel_autocomplete(name, nameRealField);
- i.extra[1] = '';
- }
- $("[name='" + nameRealField + "']").parent().load(baseurl + 'list/' + nameRealField, function() {
- $("select[name='" + nameRealField + "']").attr('value', i.extra[1]);
- });
- changeAddressComponents(nameRealField, i.extra[1]);
- }
- }
- if (nameRealField == 'school')
- return function(i) {
- if (i.extra[0] < 0) {
- cancel_autocomplete('schoolTxt', 'school');
- i.extra[1] = '';
- }
- changeSchool(i.extra[1]);
- }
- // change field in list and display text field as valid
- return function(i) {
- nameRealField = this.field.replace(/Txt$/, '');
- if (i.extra[0] < 0) {
- cancel_autocomplete(this.field, nameRealField);
- return;
- }
- $(".autocompleteTarget[name='"+nameRealField+"']").attr('value',i.extra[1]);
- $(".autocomplete[name='"+this.field+"']").addClass('hidden_valid');
- }
- }
- $(function() {
- $(".autocompleteTarget").hide();
- $(".autocomplete").show().each(function() {
- targeted = $("../.autocompleteTarget",this)[0];
- if (targeted && targeted.value) {
- me = $(this);
- $.get(baseurl + 'list/'+ targeted.name +'/'+targeted.value, {},function(textValue) {
- me.attr('value', textValue);
- me.addClass('hidden_valid');
- });
- }
- $(this).autocomplete(baseurl + "autocomplete/"+this.name,{
- selectOnly:1,
- formatItem:make_format_autocomplete(this),
- field:this.name,
- onItemSelect:select_autocomplete(this.name),
- matchSubset:0,
- width:$(this).width()});
- });
- $(".autocomplete").change(function() { $(this).removeClass('hidden_valid'); });
- if ({/literal}'{$smarty.request.country}'{literal} != '') {
- $("[name='country']").parent().load(baseurl + 'list/country', function() {
- $("select[name='country']").attr('value', {/literal}'{$smarty.request.country}'{literal});
- });
- setAddress(0, 1, new Array({/literal}'{$smarty.request.country}'{literal},
- {/literal}'{$smarty.request.administrative_area_level_1}'{literal},
- {/literal}'{$smarty.request.administrative_area_level_2}'{literal},
- {/literal}'{$smarty.request.administrative_area_level_3}'{literal},
- {/literal}'{$smarty.request.locality}'{literal},
- {/literal}'{$smarty.request.sublocality}'{literal})
- );
- } else {
- var types = new Array('administrative_area_level_1', 'administrative_area_level_2', 'administrative_area_level_3', 'locality', 'sublocality');
- for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) {
- $("tr#" + types[i] + '_list').hide();
- }
- }
- $(".autocomplete[name='schoolTxt']").change(function() { changeSchool(''); });
- changeSchool({/literal}'{$smarty.request.school}'{literal});
- $(".autocompleteToSelect").each(function() {
- var fieldName = $(this).attr('href');
- $(this).attr('href', baseurl + 'list/'+fieldName).click(function() {
- var oldval = $("input.autocompleteTarget[name='"+fieldName+"']")[0].value;
- $(".autocompleteTarget[name='"+fieldName+"']").parent().load(baseurl + 'list/'+fieldName,{},
- function(selectBox) {
- $(".autocompleteTarget[name='"+fieldName+"']").remove();
- $(".autocomplete[name='"+fieldName+"Txt']").remove();
- $("select[name='"+fieldName+"']").attr('value', oldval);
- });
- return false;
- });
- }).parent().find('.autocomplete').change(function() {
- // If we change the value in the type="text" field, then the value in the 'integer id' field must not be used,
- // to ensure that, we unset it
- $(this).parent().find('.autocompleteTarget').val('');
- });
- $("#only_referent").change(function() { changeOnlyReferent(); });
- });
-/** Regexps to wipe out from search queries */
-var default_form_values = [ /&woman=0(&|$)/, /&subscriber=0(&|$)/, /&alive=0(&|$)/, /&egal[12]=[^&]*&promo[12]=(&|$)/g, /&networking_type=0(&|$)/, /&[^&=]+=(&|$)/g ];
-/** Uses javascript to clean form from all empty fields */
-function cleanForm(f) {
- var query = $(f).formSerialize();
- var old_query;
- for (var i in default_form_values) {
- var reg = default_form_values[i];
- if (typeof(reg) != "undefined") {
- do {
- old_query = query;
- query = query.replace(reg, '$1');
- } while (old_query != query);
- }
- }
- query = query.replace(/^&*(.*)&*$/, '$1');
- if (query == "rechercher=Chercher") {
- alert("Aucun critère n'a été spécifié");
- return false;
- }
- document.location = baseurl + 'adv?' + query;
- return false;
<p class="center">[<a href="search">Revenir à la recherche simple</a>]</p>
<form id="recherche" action="search/adv" method="get" onsubmit="return cleanForm(this)">
<table class="bicol" cellpadding="3" summary="Recherche">