--- /dev/null
+ `uid` smallint unsigned NOT NULL,
+ `link_type` enum('address', 'pro', 'user') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'user' COMMENT 'type of parent element',
+ `link_id` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'id of his parent element',
+ `tel_id` tinyint unsigned NOT NULL COMMENT 'index of this number for the couple (user, parent element)',
+ `tel_type` enum('fixed', 'mobile', 'fax') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'fixed',
+ `search_tel` varchar(25) NOT NULL COMMENT 'search number in an international format with only digits and the initial +',
+ `display_tel` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT 'display number',
+ `pub` enum('private', 'ax', 'public') NOT NULL DEFAULT 'private',
+ PRIMARY KEY(`uid`, `link_type`, `link_id`, `tel_id`),
+ INDEX (`search_tel`)
+CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `phone_formats` (
+ `phoneprf` varchar(4) NOT NULL,
+ `format` varchar(25) NOT NULL,
+ PRIMARY KEY(`phoneprf`)
+INSERT INTO `phone_formats` (`phoneprf`, `format`)
+ VALUES ('1', '(+p) ### ### ####'), ('7', ''), ('20', ''), ('27', ''),
+ ('30', ''), ('31', ''), ('32', ''), ('33', '0# ## ## ## ##'),
+ ('34', ''), ('36', ''), ('39', ''), ('40', ''),
+ ('41', ''), ('43', ''), ('44', ''), ('45', ''),
+ ('46', ''), ('47', ''), ('48', ''), ('49', ''),
+ ('51', ''), ('52', ''), ('53', ''), ('54', ''),
+ ('55', ''), ('56', ''), ('57', ''), ('58', ''),
+ ('60', ''), ('61', ''), ('62', ''), ('63', ''),
+ ('64', ''), ('65', ''), ('66', ''), ('81', ''),
+ ('82', ''), ('84', ''), ('86', ''), ('90', ''),
+ ('91', ''), ('92', ''), ('93', ''), ('94', ''),
+ ('95', ''), ('98', ''), ('212', ''), ('213', ''),
+ ('216', ''), ('218', ''), ('220', ''), ('221', ''),
+ ('222', ''), ('223', ''), ('224', ''), ('225', ''),
+ ('226', ''), ('227', ''), ('228', ''), ('229', ''),
+ ('230', ''), ('231', ''), ('232', ''), ('233', ''),
+ ('234', ''), ('235', ''), ('236', ''), ('237', ''),
+ ('238', ''), ('239', ''), ('240', ''), ('241', ''),
+ ('242', ''), ('243', ''), ('244', ''), ('245', ''),
+ ('246', ''), ('247', ''), ('248', ''), ('249', ''),
+ ('250', ''), ('251', ''), ('252', ''), ('253', ''),
+ ('254', ''), ('255', ''), ('256', ''), ('257', ''),
+ ('258', ''), ('260', ''), ('261', ''), ('262', ''),
+ ('263', ''), ('264', ''), ('265', ''), ('266', ''),
+ ('267', ''), ('268', ''), ('269', ''), ('290', ''),
+ ('291', ''), ('297', ''), ('298', ''), ('299', ''),
+ ('350', ''), ('351', ''), ('352', ''), ('353', ''),
+ ('354', ''), ('355', ''), ('356', ''), ('357', ''),
+ ('358', ''), ('359', ''), ('370', ''), ('371', ''),
+ ('372', ''), ('373', ''), ('374', ''), ('375', ''),
+ ('376', ''), ('377', ''), ('378', ''), ('379', ''),
+ ('380', ''), ('381', ''), ('382', ''), ('385', ''),
+ ('386', ''), ('387', ''), ('389', ''), ('420', ''),
+ ('421', ''), ('423', ''), ('500', ''), ('501', ''),
+ ('502', ''), ('503', ''), ('504', ''), ('505', ''),
+ ('506', ''), ('507', ''), ('508', ''), ('509', ''),
+ ('590', ''), ('591', ''), ('592', ''), ('593', ''),
+ ('594', ''), ('595', ''), ('596', ''), ('597', ''),
+ ('598', ''), ('599', ''), ('670', ''), ('672', ''),
+ ('673', ''), ('674', ''), ('675', ''), ('676', ''),
+ ('677', ''), ('678', ''), ('679', ''), ('680', ''),
+ ('681', ''), ('682', ''), ('683', ''), ('684', ''),
+ ('685', ''), ('686', ''), ('687', ''), ('688', ''),
+ ('689', ''), ('690', ''), ('691', ''), ('692', ''),
+ ('850', ''), ('852', ''), ('853', ''), ('855', ''),
+ ('856', ''), ('880', ''), ('886', ''), ('960', ''),
+ ('961', ''), ('962', ''), ('963', ''), ('964', ''),
+ ('965', ''), ('966', ''), ('967', ''), ('968', ''),
+ ('970', ''), ('971', ''), ('972', ''), ('973', ''),
+ ('974', ''), ('975', ''), ('976', ''), ('977', ''),
+ ('992', ''), ('993', ''), ('994', ''), ('995', ''),
+ ('996', ''), ('998', '');
--- /dev/null
+require_once 'connect.db.inc.php';
+//next two are required to include 'profil.func.inc.php'
+require_once 'xorg.inc.php';
+$page = new XorgPage(null);
+require_once 'profil.func.inc.php';
+$globals->debug = 0; //do not store backtraces
+$warnings = 0;
+// Import from auth_user_quick
+echo "\nImporting mobile phone numbers from auth_user_quick...\n";
+$phones = XDB::iterRow("SELECT user_id, profile_mobile_pub, profile_mobile FROM auth_user_quick WHERE profile_mobile <> ''");
+while (list($uid, $pub, $phone) = $phones->next()) {
+ $fmt_phone = format_phone_number($phone);
+ if($fmt_phone != '')
+ {
+ $display = format_display_number($fmt_phone, $error);
+ if (!XDB::execute("INSERT INTO telephone (uid, link_type, link_id, tel_id, tel_type, search_tel, display_tel, pub)
+ VALUES ({?}, 'user', 0, 0, 'mobile', {?}, {?}, {?})", $uid, $fmt_phone, $display, $pub)) {
+ echo "WARNING: insert of profile mobile phone number failed for user $uid.\n";
+ $warnings++;
+ }
+ }
+// Import from entreprises
+echo "\nImporting professional phone numbers from entreprises...\n";
+$phones = XDB::iterator("SELECT uid, entrid, tel, fax, mobile, tel_pub FROM entreprises ORDER BY uid");
+while ($row = $phones->next()) {
+ $request = "INSERT INTO telephone (uid, link_type, link_id, tel_id, tel_type, search_tel, display_tel, pub)
+ VALUES ({?}, 'pro', {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})";
+ $fmt_fixed = format_phone_number($row['tel']);
+ $fmt_mobile = format_phone_number($row['mobile']);
+ $fmt_fax = format_phone_number($row['fax']);
+ if ($fmt_fixed != '')
+ {
+ $disp_fixed = format_display_number($fmt_fixed, $error);
+ if (!XDB::execute($request, $row['uid'], $row['entrid'], 0, 'fixed', $fmt_fixed, $disp_fixed, $row['tel_pub'])) {
+ echo 'WARNING: insert of professional fixed phone number failed for user ' . $row['uid'] . ' and entreprise ' . $row['entrid'] . ".\n";
+ $warnings++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($fmt_mobile != '')
+ {
+ $disp_mobile = format_display_number($fmt_mobile, $error);
+ if (!XDB::execute($request, $row['uid'], $row['entrid'], 1, 'mobile', $fmt_mobile, $disp_mobile, $row['tel_pub'])) {
+ echo 'WARNING: insert of professional mobile number failed for user ' . $row['uid'] . ' and entreprise ' . $row['entrid'] . ".\n";
+ $warnings++;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($fmt_fax != '')
+ {
+ $disp_fax = format_display_number($fmt_fax, $error);
+ if (!XDB::execute($request, $row['uid'], $row['entrid'], 2, 'fax', $fmt_fax, $disp_fax, $row['tel_pub'])) {
+ echo 'WARNING: insert of professional fax number failed for user ' . $row['uid'] . ' and entreprise ' . $row['entrid'] . ".\n";
+ $warnings++;
+ }
+ }
+//import from tels
+echo "\nImporting personnal phone numbers from tels...\n";
+$phones = XDB::iterator("SELECT uid, adrid, telid, tel_type, tel_pub, tel FROM tels");
+$conversions = array();
+$autre_count = 0;
+while ($row = $phones->next()) {
+ $fmt_phone = format_phone_number($row['tel']);
+ if ($fmt_phone != '') {
+ $display = format_display_number($fmt_phone, $error);
+ $guess_type = guess_phone_type($row['tel_type'], $fmt_phone);
+ switch ($guess_type) {
+ case 'fixed':
+ case 'fax':
+ case 'mobile':
+ if (!XDB::execute("INSERT INTO telephone (uid, link_type, link_id, tel_id, tel_type, search_tel, display_tel, pub)
+ VALUES ({?}, 'address', {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})",
+ $row['uid'], $row['adrid'], $row['telid'], $guess_type, $fmt_phone, $display, $row['tel_pub'])) {
+ echo 'WARNING: insert of address phone number failed for user ' . $row['uid'] . ', address ' . $row['adrid']
+ . ' and telephone id ' . $row['telid'] . ".\n";
+ $warnings++;
+ } else {
+ if ($row['tel_type'] == 'Autre') {
+ $autre_count++;
+ } else if (!isset($conversions[$row['tel_type']])) {
+ $conversions[$row['tel_type']] = $guess_type;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'conflict':
+ echo 'WARNING: conflict for user ' . $row['uid'] . ', address ' . $row['adrid']
+ . ' and telephone id ' . $row['telid'] . ': type = "' . $row['tel_type']
+ . '", number = "' .$fmt_phone . "\"\n";
+ $warnings++;
+ break;
+ case 'unknown':
+ default:
+ echo 'WARNING: unknown phone type (' . $row['tel_type'] . ') for user ' . $row['uid'] . ', address ' . $row['adrid']
+ . ' and telephone id ' . $row['telid'] . "\n";
+ $warnings++;
+ }
+ }
+echo "\nSummary of automatic phone type conversion\n";
+foreach ($conversions as $old => $new) {
+ echo "* $old => $new\n";
+echo "There was also $autre_count conversions from old type 'Autre' to a new one determined by the phone number.\n";
+//end of import
+if ($warnings) {
+ echo "\n----------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ . " There is $warnings phone numbers that couldn't be imported.\n"
+ . " They need to be manually inserted.\n";
+echo "\nAfter solving any import problem and checking automatic conversions,\n"
+ . "you can drop useless columns and tables by these requests:\n"
+ . "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `tels`;\n"
+ . "ALTER TABLE `auth_user_quick` DROP COLUMN `profile_mobile`;\n"
+ . "ALTER TABLE `auth_user_quick` DROP COLUMN `profile_mobile_pub`;\n"
+ . "ALTER TABLE `entreprises` DROP COLUMN `tel`;\n"
+ . "ALTER TABLE `entreprises` DROP COLUMN `fax`;\n"
+ . "ALTER TABLE `entreprises` DROP COLUMN `mobile`;\n"
+ . "ALTER TABLE `entreprises` DROP COLUMN `tel_pub`;\n";
+// auxilliary functions
+function guess_phone_type($str_type, $phone)
+ $str_type = strtolower(trim($str_type));
+ // special case for phone type 'autre', guessing by phone number
+ if ($str_type == 'autre') {
+ if (substr($phone, 3) == '336') {
+ return 'mobile';
+ } else {
+ return 'fixed';
+ }
+ }
+ if ((strpos($str_type, 'mob') !== false) || (strpos($str_type, 'cell') !== false) || (strpos($str_type, 'port') !== false)) {
+ if (substr($phone, 3) == '336' || substr($phone, 2) != '33') {
+ return 'mobile'; //for France check if number is a mobile one
+ } else {
+ return 'conflict';
+ }
+ }
+ if (strpos($str_type, 'fax') !== false) {
+ if(substr($phone, 3) == '336') {
+ return 'conflict';
+ } else {
+ return 'fax';
+ }
+ }
+ if ((strpos($str_type, 'fixe') !== false) || (strpos($str_type, 'tél') !== false) || (strpos($str_type, 'tel') !== false)) {
+ if(substr($phone, 3) == '336') {
+ return 'conflict';
+ } else {
+ return 'fixed';
+ }
+ }
+ return 'unknown';
+/* vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4: */