+++ /dev/null
-switch (basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
- case 'index.php':
- if (Get::get('banana') == 'updateall') {
- $globals->xdb->execute('UPDATE auth_user_quick SET banana_last={?} WHERE user_id={?}', gmdate('YmdHis'), Session::getInt('uid'));
- $_SESSION['banana_last'] = time();
- }
-function hook_banana(&$banana) {
- global $globals;
- array_splice($banana->show_hdr, count($banana->show_hdr) - 2, 0, 'x-org-id');
- array_splice($banana->parse_hdr, count($banana->parse_hdr) - 2, 0, 'x-org-id');
- $serv = "{$globals->banana->server}:{$globals->banana->port}/";
- $sname = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
- if ($sname == "spoolgen.php") {
- $banana->host = "news://{$globals->banana->web_user}:{$globals->banana->web_pass}@$serv";
- } elseif (Session::has('forlife')) {
- $banana->host = 'news://web_'.Session::get('forlife').":{$globals->banana->password}@$serv";
- }
-function url($string)
- if(strpos($string, "http://")!==false)
- return $string;
- $chemins = Array('', '../', '../../');
- foreach ($chemins as $ch) {
- if (file_exists($ch.'../htdocs/')) {
- return $ch.$string;
- }
- }
- return '';
-function hook_formatDisplayHeader($_header,$_text) {
- global $banana;
- switch ($_header) {
- case "x-org-id":
- return "$_text".(preg_match("/[\w]+\.[\w\d]+/",$_text)?" [<a href=\"".url("fiche.php")."?user=$_text\" class='popup2'>fiche</a>]":"");
- default:
- return htmlentities($_text);
- }
-function hook_header_translate($hdr) {
- switch ($hdr) {
- case 'x-org-id': return 'Identité';
- default:
- return $hdr;
- }
-function hook_checkcancel($_headers) {
- return ($_headers['x-org-id'] == Session::get('forlife') or has_perms());
-function hook_getprofile() {
- if (logged()) {
- global $globals;
- $uid = Session::getInt('uid');
- $req = $globals->xdb->query(
- "SELECT nom,mail,sig,if(FIND_IN_SET('threads',flags),'1','0'),
- IF(FIND_IN_SET('automaj',flags),'1','0')
- FROM {$globals->banana->table_prefix}profils
- WHERE uid={?}", $uid);
- if (!(list($nom,$mail,$sig,$disp,$maj) = $req->fetchOneRow())) {
- $nom = Session::get('prenom')." ".Session::get('nom');
- $mail = Session::get('forlife')."";
- $sig = $nom." (".Session::getInt('promo').")";
- $disp = 0;
- $maj = 1;
- }
- $array['name'] = "$nom <$mail>";
- $array['sig'] = $sig;
- $array['org'] = "Utilisateur de";
- $array['customhdr'] = "";
- $array['display'] = $disp;
- $array['autoup'] = $maj;
- $array['lastnews'] = Session::get('banana_last');
- if ($maj) {
- $globals->xdb->execute("UPDATE auth_user_quick SET banana_last={?} WHERE user_id={?}", gmdate("YmdHis"), $uid);
- }
- $req = $globals->xdb->query(
- "SELECT nom
- FROM {$globals->banana->table_prefix}abos
- LEFT JOIN {$globals->banana->table_prefix}list ON list.fid=abos.fid
- WHERE uid={?}", $uid);
- $array['subscribe'] = $req->fetchColumn();
- } else {
- $array = array();
- }
- $array['locale'] = 'fr';
- return $array;
-global $css;
-$css = array(
- 'bananashortcuts' => 'bananashortcuts',
- 'bicol' => 'bicol',
- 'bicoltitre' => 'bicoltitre',
- 'bicolvpadd' => 'bicolvpadd',
- 'pair' => 'pair',
- 'impair' => 'impair',
- 'bouton' => 'bouton',
- 'error' => 'erreur',
- 'normal' => 'normal',
- 'total' => 'bananatotal',
- 'unread' => 'bananaunread',
- 'group' => 'bananagroup',
- 'description' => 'bananadescription',
- 'date' => 'bananadate',
- 'subject' => 'bananasubject',
- 'from' => 'bananafrom',
- 'author' => 'author',
- 'nopadd' => 'banananopadd',
- 'overview' => 'bananaoverview',
- 'tree' => 'bananatree'
+++ /dev/null
-* install.d/ : HTML output subroutines
-* --------------------------
-* This file is part of the banana distribution
-* Copyright: See COPYING files that comes with this distribution
-/** contextual links
- * @return STRING HTML output
- */
-function displayshortcuts($first = -1) {
- global $banana,$css;
- $sname = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
- echo "<div class=\"{$css['bananashortcuts']}\">";
- switch ($sname) {
- case 'subscribe.php' :
- echo '[<a href="index.php">Liste des forums</a>] ';
- echo '[<a href="'.url("confbanana.php").'">Profil</a>] ';
- break;
- case 'index.php' :
- if (!$banana->profile['autoup']) {
- echo '[<a href="index.php?banana=updateall">Mettre à jour</a>] ';
- }
- echo '[<a href="'.url("confbanana.php").'">Profil</a>] ';
- echo '[<a href="subscribe.php">Abonnements</a>] ';
- break;
- case 'thread.php' :
- if (!$banana->profile['autoup']) {
- echo '[<a href="index.php?banana=updateall">Mettre à jour</a>] ';
- }
- echo '[<a href="'.url("confbanana.php").'">Profil</a>] ';
- echo '[<a href="index.php">'._('Liste des forums').'</a>] ';
- echo "[<a href=\"post.php?group={$banana->spool->group}\">"._('Nouveau message')."</a>] ";
- if (sizeof($banana->spool->overview)>$banana->tmax) {
- for ($ndx=1; $ndx<=sizeof($banana->spool->overview); $ndx += $banana->tmax) {
- if ($first==$ndx) {
- echo "[$ndx-".min($ndx+$banana->tmax-1,sizeof($banana->spool->overview))."] ";
- } else {
- echo "[<a href=\"?group={$banana->spool->group}&first=$ndx\">$ndx-".min($ndx+$banan->tmax-1,sizeof($banana->spool->overview))."</a>] ";
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'article.php' :
- if (!$banana->profile['autoup']) {
- echo '[<a href="index.php?banana=updateall">Mettre à jour</a>] ';
- }
- echo '[<a href="'.url("confbanana.php").'">Profil</a>] ';
- echo '[<a href="index.php">'._('Liste des forums').'</a>] ';
- echo "[<a href=\"thread.php?group={$banana->spool->group}\">{$banana->spool->group}</a>]";
- echo "[<a href=\"post.php?group={$banana->spool->group}&id={$banana->post->id}&type=followup\">"
- ._('Répondre')."</a>] ";
- if ($banana->post->checkcancel()) {
- echo "[<a href=\"article.php?group={$banana->spool->group}&id={$banana->post->id}&type=cancel\">"
- ._('Annuler ce message')."</a>] ";
- }
- break;
- case 'post.php' :
- if (!$banana->profile['autoup']) {
- echo '[<a href="index.php?banana=updateall">Mettre à jour</a>] ';
- }
- echo '[<a href="'.url("confbanana.php").'">Profil</a>] ';
- echo '[<a href="index.php">'._('Liste des forums').'</a>] ';
- echo "[<a href=\"thread.php?group={$banana->spool->group}\">{$banana->spool->group}</a>] ";
- break;
- }
- echo '</div>';
+switch (basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'])) {
+ case 'index.php':
+ if (Get::get('banana') == 'updateall') {
+ $globals->xdb->execute('UPDATE auth_user_quick SET banana_last={?} WHERE user_id={?}', gmdate('YmdHis'), Session::getInt('uid'));
+ $_SESSION['banana_last'] = time();
+ }
+function hook_banana(&$banana) {
+ global $globals;
+ array_splice($banana->show_hdr, count($banana->show_hdr) - 2, 0, 'x-org-id');
+ array_splice($banana->parse_hdr, count($banana->parse_hdr) - 2, 0, 'x-org-id');
+ $serv = "{$globals->banana->server}:{$globals->banana->port}/";
+ $sname = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
+ if ($sname == "spoolgen.php") {
+ $banana->host = "news://{$globals->banana->web_user}:{$globals->banana->web_pass}@$serv";
+ } elseif (Session::has('forlife')) {
+ $banana->host = 'news://web_'.Session::get('forlife').":{$globals->banana->password}@$serv";
+ }
+function url($string)
+ if(strpos($string, "http://")!==false)
+ return $string;
+ $chemins = Array('', '../', '../../');
+ foreach ($chemins as $ch) {
+ if (file_exists($ch.'../htdocs/')) {
+ return $ch.$string;
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+function hook_displayshortcuts($sname, $first = -1) {
+ global $banana,$css;
+ switch ($sname) {
+ case 'subscribe.php' :
+ echo '[<a href="index.php">Liste des forums</a>] ';
+ echo '[<a href="'.url("confbanana.php").'">Profil</a>] ';
+ break;
+ case 'index.php' :
+ case 'thread.php' :
+ case 'article.php' :
+ case 'post.php' :
+ if (!$banana->profile['autoup']) {
+ echo '[<a href="index.php?banana=updateall">Mettre à jour</a>] ';
+ }
+ echo '[<a href="'.url("confbanana.php").'">Profil</a>] ';
+ break;
+ }
+function hook_formatDisplayHeader($_header,$_text) {
+ global $banana;
+ switch ($_header) {
+ case "x-org-id":
+ return "$_text".(preg_match("/[\w]+\.[\w\d]+/",$_text)?" [<a href=\"".url("fiche.php")."?user=$_text\" class='popup2'>fiche</a>]":"");
+ default:
+ return htmlentities($_text);
+ }
+function hook_header_translate($hdr) {
+ switch ($hdr) {
+ case 'x-org-id': return 'Identité';
+ default:
+ return $hdr;
+ }
+function hook_checkcancel($_headers) {
+ return ($_headers['x-org-id'] == Session::get('forlife') or has_perms());
+function hook_getprofile() {
+ if (logged()) {
+ global $globals;
+ $uid = Session::getInt('uid');
+ $req = $globals->xdb->query(
+ "SELECT nom,mail,sig,if(FIND_IN_SET('threads',flags),'1','0'),
+ IF(FIND_IN_SET('automaj',flags),'1','0')
+ FROM {$globals->banana->table_prefix}profils
+ WHERE uid={?}", $uid);
+ if (!(list($nom,$mail,$sig,$disp,$maj) = $req->fetchOneRow())) {
+ $nom = Session::get('prenom')." ".Session::get('nom');
+ $mail = Session::get('forlife')."";
+ $sig = $nom." (".Session::getInt('promo').")";
+ $disp = 0;
+ $maj = 1;
+ }
+ $array['name'] = "$nom <$mail>";
+ $array['sig'] = $sig;
+ $array['org'] = "Utilisateur de";
+ $array['customhdr'] = "";
+ $array['display'] = $disp;
+ $array['autoup'] = $maj;
+ $array['lastnews'] = Session::get('banana_last');
+ if ($maj) {
+ $globals->xdb->execute("UPDATE auth_user_quick SET banana_last={?} WHERE user_id={?}", gmdate("YmdHis"), $uid);
+ }
+ $req = $globals->xdb->query(
+ "SELECT nom
+ FROM {$globals->banana->table_prefix}abos
+ LEFT JOIN {$globals->banana->table_prefix}list ON list.fid=abos.fid
+ WHERE uid={?}", $uid);
+ $array['subscribe'] = $req->fetchColumn();
+ } else {
+ $array = array();
+ }
+ $array['locale'] = 'fr';
+ return $array;
+$css = array(
+ 'bananashortcuts' => 'bananashortcuts',
+ 'bicol' => 'bicol',
+ 'bicoltitre' => 'bicoltitre',
+ 'bicolvpadd' => 'bicolvpadd',
+ 'pair' => 'pair',
+ 'impair' => 'impair',
+ 'bouton' => 'bouton',
+ 'error' => 'erreur',
+ 'normal' => 'normal',
+ 'total' => 'bananatotal',
+ 'unread' => 'bananaunread',
+ 'group' => 'bananagroup',
+ 'description' => 'bananadescription',
+ 'date' => 'bananadate',
+ 'subject' => 'bananasubject',
+ 'from' => 'bananafrom',
+ 'author' => 'author',
+ 'nopadd' => 'banananopadd',
+ 'overview' => 'bananaoverview',
+ 'tree' => 'bananatree'
function banana($params) {
global $globals, $page;
global $banana,$css;
$sname = basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']);
- require_once('');