$events = XDB::iterator("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS
e.id, e.titre, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(e.creation_date) AS creation_date,
- IF(u.nom_usage = '', u.nom, u.nom_usage) AS nom, u.prenom, u.promo,
ev.uid IS NULL AS nonlu, e.uid
FROM announces AS e
LEFT JOIN announce_read AS ev ON (e.id = ev.evt_id AND ev.uid = {?})
function handler_ig_search(&$page)
if (Env::has('quick') && Env::s('quick') != '') {
+ global $globals;
require_once 'userset.inc.php';
$view = new SearchSet(true);
$view->addMod('gadget', 'Gadget', true);
$view->apply(null, $page);
$page->assign('error', 'Recherche trop générale.');
} elseif (empty($nb_tot)) {
$page->assign('error', 'Il n\'existe personne correspondant à ces critères dans la base !');
+ } else {
+ $page->assign('error', false);
{* *}
-{if (!$c.inscrit && $smarty.session.auth ge AUTH_COOKIE) || $c.dcd}<div class='grayed'>{/if}
-<div class="contact" {if $c.inscrit}{if $smarty.session.auth ge AUTH_COOKIE}title="Fiche mise à jour le {$c.date|date_format}"{/if}{/if}>
+{assign var=dead value=$profile->deathdate}
+{if $smarty.session.auth ge AUTH_COOKIE}
+ {assign var=withAuth value=true}
+ {assign var=user value=$profile->owner()}
+ {if $user == null}
+ {assign var=hasowner value=false}
+ {assign var=registered value=false}
+ {else}
+ {assign var=hasowner value=true}
+ {if $user->state neq 'pending'}
+ {assign var=registered value=true}
+ {else}
+ {assign var=registered value=false}
+ {/if}
+ {/if}
+ {* Without auth, all profiles appear as registered and with owner *}
+ {assign var=hasowner value=true}
+ {assign var=registered value=true}
+ {assign var=withAuth value=false}
+<div class="contact {if !$registered || $dead }grayed{/if}"
+ {if $registered}title="fiche mise à jour le {$profile->last_change|date_format}"{/if}>
<div class="nom">
- {if $c.sexe}•{/if}
- {if !$c.dcd && ($c.inscrit || $smarty.session.auth eq AUTH_PUBLIC)}<a href="profile/{$c.hruid}" class="popup2">{/if}
- {if $c.nom_usage}{$c.nom_usage} {$c.prenom}<br />({$c.nom}){else}{$c.nom} {$c.prenom}{/if}
- {if !$c.dcd && ($c.inscrit || $smarty.session.auth eq AUTH_PUBLIC)}</a>{/if}
+ {if $profile->isFemale()}•{/if}
+ {if !$dead && $registered}<a href="profile/{$profile->hrid()}" class="popup2">{/if}
+ {$profile->full_name}
+ {if !$dead && $registered}</a>{/if}
<div class="autre">
- {if $c.iso3166_1}
- <img src='images/flags/{$c.iso3166_1}.gif' alt='{$c.nat1}' height='11' title='{$c.nat1}' />
- {/if}
- {if $c.iso3166_2}
- <img src='images/flags/{$c.iso3166_2}.gif' alt='{$c.nat2}' height='11' title='{$c.nat2}' />
- {/if}
- {if $c.iso3166_3}
- <img src='images/flags/{$c.iso3166_3}.gif' alt='{$c.nat3}' height='11' title='{$c.nat3}' />
- {/if}
- (X {$c.promo})
- {if $c.dcd}décédé{if $c.sexe}e{/if} le {$c.deces|date_format}{/if}
- {if $smarty.session.auth ge AUTH_COOKIE}
- {if !$c.wasinscrit && !$c.dcd}
- {if $show_action eq ajouter}
- <a href="carnet/notifs/add_nonins/{$c.uid}?token={xsrf_token}" target="_top">{*
- *}{icon name=add title="Ajouter à la liste de mes surveillances"}</a>
- {else}
- <a href="carnet/notifs/del_nonins/{$c.uid}?token={xsrf_token}" target="_top">{*
- *}{icon name=cross title="Retirer de la liste de mes surveillances"}</a>
+ {foreach from=$profile->nationalities() item=nat}
+ <img src='images/flags/{$nat}.gif' alt='{$nat}' height='11' title='{$nat}' />
+ {/foreach}
+ {$profile->promo()}{*
+ *}{if $dead}, {"décédé"|sex:"décédée":$profile} le {$profile->deathdate|date_format}{/if}
+ {if $withAuth}
+ {if $registered || (!$dead && $hasowner)}
+ {if !$registered && !$dead && $hasowner}
+ {if !$smarty.session.user->isWatchedUser($profile)}
+ <a href="carnet/notifs/add_nonins/{$user->login()}?token={xsrf_token}">{*
+ *}{icon name=add title="Ajouter à la liste de mes surveillances"}</a>
+ {else}
+ <a href="carnet/notifs/del_nonins/{$user->login()}?token={xsrf_token}">{*
+ *}{icon name=cross title="Retirer de la liste de mes surveillances"}</a>
+ {/if}
+ {elseif $registered}
+ {if !$dead}
+ <a href="vcard/{$profile->hrid()}.vcf">{*
+ *}{icon name=vcard title="Afficher la carte de visite"}</a>
+ {if !$smarty.session.user->isContact($profile)}
+ <a href="carnet/contacts?action=ajouter&user={$profile->hrid()}&token={xsrf_token}">{*
+ *}{icon name=add title="Ajouter à mes contacts"}</a>
+ {else}
+ <a href="carnet/contacts?action=retirer&user={$profile->hrid()}&token={xsrf_token}">{*
+ *}{icon name=cross title="Retirer de mes contacts"}</a>
+ {/if}
+ {/if}
+ {/if}
- {elseif $c.wasinscrit && !$c.dcd}
- <a href="vcard/{$c.hruid}.vcf">{*
- *}{icon name=vcard title="Afficher la carte de visite"}</a>
- {if $show_action eq ajouter}
- <a href="carnet/contacts?action={$show_action}&user={$c.hruid}&token={xsrf_token}" target="_top">{*
- *}{icon name=add title="Ajouter à mes contacts"}</a>
- {else}
- <a href="carnet/contacts?action={$show_action}&user={$c.hruid}&token={xsrf_token}" target="_top">{*
- *}{icon name=cross title="Retirer de mes contacts"}</a>
- {/if}
- {/if}
<div class="long">
- {if $c.wasinscrit}
- {if $c.mobile || $c.countrytxt || $c.city}
+ {if !$dead}
+ {assign var=address value=$profile->getMainAddress()}
+ {if $profile->mobile || ($address && $address->country)}
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- {if $c.countrytxt || $c.city}
+ {if $address && $address->country}
<td class="lt">Géographie :</td>
- <td class="rt">{$c.city}{if $c.city && $c.countrytxt}, {/if}{$c.countrytxt}</td>
+ <td class="rt">{if $address->locality}{$address->locality}, {/if}{$address->country}</td>
- {if $c.mobile && !$c.dcd}
+ {if $profile->mobile && !$dead}
<td class="lt">Mobile :</td>
- <td class="rt">{$c.mobile}</td>
+ <td class="rt">{$profile->mobile}</td>
-{if !$c.inscrit || $c.dcd}</div>{/if}
{* vim:set et sw=2 sts=2 sws=2 enc=utf-8: *}