- #983: Fixes issue with the professional email publicity -JAC
* XnetEvents:
+ - #919: Allows negative amounts in the column "Autre" -JAC
- #979: Fixes javascript for people who paid but did not book -JAC
- #985: Adds payment related email lists for events -JAC
// change the price paid by a participant
if (Env::v('adm') == 'prix' && $member) {
XDB::execute("UPDATE groupex.evenements_participants
- SET paid = IF(paid + {?} > 0, paid + {?}, 0)
+ SET paid = paid + {?}
WHERE uid = {?} AND eid = {?} AND item_id = 1",
strtr(Env::v('montant'), ',', '.'),
- strtr(Env::v('montant'), ',', '.'),
$member['uid'], $evt['eid']);