- Fix display of autocompletion menu (use plugin's latest version) -ALK
- Clicking on the "..." entry no longer replaces search with "..." -ALK
- #850: Fix autocompletion bug when changing an advanced search -ALK
+ - #854: Indicates the bounds of the page's display if possible -JAC
* Xnet:
- #821: Fix infinite loop when user can't be authenticated -FRU
// echo $query;
// print_r($this);
- $it = XDB::iterator($query);
+ $it = XDB::query($query);
+ $it = $it->fetchAllAssoc();
$count = XDB::query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
$this->count = intval($count->fetchOneCell());
return $it;
public function apply(PlatalPage &$page)
- $page->assign('order', Env::v('order', $this->defaultkey));
+ $res = $this->set->get($this->fields(),
+ $this->joins(),
+ $this->where(),
+ $this->groupBy(),
+ $this->order(),
+ $this->entriesPerPage,
+ $this->offset);
+ $order = Env::v('order', $this->defaultkey);
+ $end = end($res);
+ $show_bounds = 0;
+ if (($order == "name") || ($order == "-name")) {
+ $first = $res[0]['nom'];
+ $last = $end['nom'];
+ $show_bounds = 1;
+ } elseif (($order == "promo") || ($order == "-promo")) {
+ $first = $end['promo'];
+ $last = $res[0]['promo'];
+ $show_bounds = 1;
+ }
+ if (($show_bounds) && ($order{0} == '-')) {
+ $aux = $first;
+ $first = $last;
+ $last = $aux;
+ }
+ $page->assign('first', $first);
+ $page->assign('last', $last);
+ $page->assign('show_bounds', $show_bounds);
+ $page->assign('order', $order);
$page->assign('orders', $this->sortkeys);
$page->assign_by_ref('plview', $this);
- $page->assign_by_ref('set',
- $this->set->get($this->fields(),
- $this->joins(),
- $this->where(),
- $this->groupBy(),
- $this->order(),
- $this->entriesPerPage,
- $this->offset));
+ $page->assign_by_ref('set', $res);
$count = $this->set->count();
$this->pages = intval(ceil($count / $this->entriesPerPage));
return 'include/plview.multipage.tpl';
<div class="contact-list" style="clear: both">
-{iterate from=$set item=res}
+{foreach from=$set item=res}
{if $res.contact}
{include file="include/minifiche.tpl" c=$res show_action="retirer"}
{include file="include/minifiche.tpl" c=$res show_action="ajouter"}
{* vim:set et sw=2 sts=2 sws=2 enc=utf-8: *}