-function convert_url($string){
- return str_replace('+', '%2B', $string);
+function convert_url($string)
+ return str_replace('+', '%2B', $string);
$GLOBALS['query_all'] = 'a*';
-class Exalead{
- var $parserId;
- var $data;
- var $currentGroup;
- var $currentCategories = array();
- var $currentSpelling;
- var $currentHit;
- var $currentHitField;
- var $currentHitGroup;
- var $currentHitCategory;
- var $currentAction;
- var $currentTextSegment;
- var $currentQuery;
- var $currentQueryTerm;
- var $currentQueryParameter;
- var $currentKeyword;
- //url de base du produit Exalead
- var $base_cgi = '';
- // Query to dump indexed database
- var $query_all= '';
-/**** Constructeur *********/
- function Exalead($base_cgi = '', $override_query_all = ''){
- $this->data = new ExaleadData();
- $this->currentGroup = new ExaleadGroup();
- $this->currentCategories = array();
- $this->currentSpelling = new ExaleadSpelling();
- $this->currentHit = new ExaleadHit();
- $this->currentHitField = new ExaleadHitField();
- $this->currentHitGroup = new ExaleadHitGroup();
- $this->currentHitCategory = new ExaleadHitCategory();
- $this->currentAction = new ExaleadAction();
- $this->currentTextSegment = new ExaleadTextSegment();
- $this->currentQuery = new ExaleadQuery();
- $this->currentQueryTerm = new ExaleadQueryTerm();
- $this->currentQueryParameter = new ExaleadQueryParameter();
- $this->currentKeyword = new ExaleadKeyword();
- //url de base du produit Exalead
- $this->base_cgi = $base_cgi;
- if(!empty($override_query_all)){
- $this->query_all = $override_query_all;
- }
- else{
- $this->query_all = $GLOBALS['query_all'];
- }
- }
-/**** Fonctions d'interface avec le cgi d'Exalead Corporate ******/
- function set_base_cgi($base_cgi){
- $this->base_cgi = $base_cgi;
- }
- //retourne vrai si une requete a été faite, faux sinon
- function query($varname = 'query'){
- if(!empty($_REQUEST[$varname])){
- $this->first_query(stripslashes($_REQUEST[$varname]));
- return true;
- }
- elseif(isset($_REQUEST['_C'])){
- $this->handle_request();
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- //a appeller pour faire la premiere requete
- function first_query($query, $offset = 0){
- if(empty($this->base_cgi)) return false;
- //$tmp = parse_url($this->base_cgi);
- //$view_name = substr($tmp['path'], 5);
- //$query_exa = $this->base_cgi."?_q=".urlencode($query)."&_f=xml2&A=-1&_vn=".$view_name;
- $query_exa = $this->base_cgi."?_q=".urlencode($query)."&_f=xml2";
- if($offset > 0){
- $query_exa .= "&_s=".$offset;
- }
- $xml_response = file_get_contents($query_exa);
- /*$xml_response = '';
- $query_explode = parse_url($query_exa);
- $fp = fsockopen("murphy.m4x.org", 10000, $errno, $errstr, 30);
- if (!$fp) {
- echo "$errstr ($errno)<br />\n";
- } else {
- $out = "GET {$query_explode['path']}?{$query_explode['query']} HTTP/1.1\r\n";
- $out .= "Host: murphy.m4x.org:10000\r\n";
- $out .= "Accept: text/xml\r\n";
- $out .= "Accept-Charset: utf-8\r\n";
- $out .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
- fwrite($fp, $out);
- $body = false;
- while (!feof($fp)) {
- $s = fgets($fp, 1024);
- if ( $body )
- $xml_response .= $s;
- if ( $s == "\r\n" )
- $body = true;
- }
- fclose($fp);
- }*/
- //echo $xml_response;exit;
- $this->parse($xml_response);
- //var_dump($this);
- }
- //pour recuperer tous les résultats d'une base indexée
- function get_db_dump(){
- $this->first_query($this->query_all);
- }
- function handle_request(){
- if(empty($this->base_cgi)) return false;
- if(empty($_REQUEST['_C'])) return false;// _C est le contexte Exalead
- $query_exa = $this->base_cgi.'/_C='.str_replace(' ', '%20', $_REQUEST['_C']).'&_f=xml2';
- if(!empty($_REQUEST['_s'])){
- $query_exa .= "&_s=".((int) $_REQUEST['_s']);
- }
- $xml_response = file_get_contents($query_exa);
- $this->parse($xml_response);
- }
-/******** Fonctions annexes relatives au parser ********/
- function createParser(){
- $this->parserId = xml_parser_create();
- xml_set_element_handler($this->parserId, array(&$this, "startElement"), array(&$this, "endElement"));
- xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parserId, array(&$this, "parsePCData"));
- }
- function freeParser(){
- xml_parser_free($this->parserId);
- }
- function parseString($string){
- if (!xml_parse($this->parserId, $string, true)) {
- die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",
- xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parserId)),
- xml_get_current_line_number($this->parserId)));
- }
- }
-/******** Méthode qui lance le parser ***********/
- function parse($string){
- $this->createParser();
- $this->parseString($string);
- $this->freeParser();
- }
-/********* fonctions spécifiques à chaque balise ******/
-//Ces méthodes peuvent être surchargées
- function startQuery(&$attrs){
- $this->currentQuery->query = utf8_decode($attrs['QUERY']);
- $this->currentQuery->context = $attrs['CONTEXT'];
- $this->currentQuery->time = $attrs['TIME'];
- if(isset($attrs['INTERRUPTED'])) $this->currentQuery->interrupted = $attrs['INTERRUPTED'];
- if(isset($attrs['BROWSED'])) $this->currentQuery->browsed = $attrs['BROWSED'];
- }
- function StartQueryTerm(&$attrs){
- $this->currentQueryTerm->level = $attrs['LEVEL'];
- $this->currentQueryTerm->regexp = utf8_decode($attrs['REGEXP']);
- }
- function startQueryParameter(&$attrs){
- $this->currentQueryParameter->name = $attrs['NAME'];
- if(isset($attrs['VALUE'])) $this->currentQueryParameter->value = utf8_decode($attrs['VALUE']);
- }
- function startKeyword(&$attrs){
- if(isset($attrs['NAME'])) $this->currentKeyword->name = $attrs['NAME'];
- $this->currentKeyword->display = utf8_decode( $attrs['DISPLAY'] );
- $this->currentKeyword->count = $attrs['COUNT'];
- $this->currentKeyword->automatic = $attrs['AUTOMATIC'];
- if(isset($attrs['REFINEHREF'])) $this->currentKeyword->refine_href = convert_url($attrs['REFINEHREF']);
- if(isset($attrs['EXCLUDEHREF'])) $this->currentKeyword->exclude_href = $attrs['EXCLUDEHREF'];
- if(isset($attrs['RESETHREF'])) $this->currentKeyword->reset_href = $attrs['RESETHREF'];
- }
- function startHits(&$attrs){
- $this->data->nmatches = $attrs['NMATCHES'];
- $this->data->nhits = $attrs['NHITS'];
- if(isset($attrs['INTERRUPTED'])) $this->data->interrupted = $attrs['INTERRUPTED'];
- $this->data->last = $attrs['LAST'];
- $this->data->end = $attrs['END'];
- $this->data->start = $attrs['START'];
- }
- function startHit(&$attrs){
- $this->currentHit->url = $attrs['URL'];
- $this->currentHit->score = $attrs['SCORE'];
- }
- function startHitGroup(&$attrs){
- $this->currentHitGroup->title = utf8_decode($attrs['TITLE']);
- $this->currentHitGroup->gid = $attrs['GID'];
- }
- function startHitCategory(&$attrs){
- $this->currentHitCategory->name = $attrs['NAME'];
- $this->currentHitCategory->display = utf8_decode($attrs['DISPLAY']);
- $this->currentHitCategory->cref = $attrs['CREF'];
- $this->currentHitCategory->gid = $attrs['GID'];
- if(isset($attrs['BROWSEHREF'])) $this->currentHitCategory->browsehref = $attrs['BROWSEHREF'];
- }
- function startAction(&$attrs){
- $this->currentAction->display = $attrs['DISPLAY'];
- $this->currentAction->kind = $attrs['KIND'];
- if(isset($attrs['EXECHREF']))$this->currentAction->execHref = $attrs['EXECHREF'];
- }
- function startHitField(&$attrs){
- $this->currentHitField->name = $attrs['NAME'];
- if(isset($attrs['VALUE'])) $this->currentHitField->value = utf8_decode($attrs['VALUE']);
- }
- function startTextSeg(&$attrs){
- $this->currentTextSegment->setHighlighted($attrs['HIGHLIGHTED']);
- }
- function startTextCut(&$attrs){}
- function startSpellingSuggestionVariant(&$attrs){
- $this->currentSpelling->setDisplay($attrs['DISPLAY']);
- $this->currentSpelling->setQueryHref($attrs['QUERY']);
- }
- function startGroup(&$attrs){
- $this->currentGroup->setGid(utf8_decode($attrs['GID']));
- $this->currentGroup->setTitle(utf8_decode($attrs['TITLE']));
- $this->currentGroup->setClipped($attrs['CLIPPED']);
- $this->currentGroup->setCount($attrs['COUNT']);
- $this->currentGroup->setBrowsed($attrs['BROWSED']);
- if(isset($attrs['CLIPHREF'])) $this->currentGroup->setClipHref($attrs['CLIPHREF']);
- if(isset($attrs['RESETHREF'])) $this->currentGroup->setResetHref($attrs['RESETHREF']);
- }
- function startCategory(&$attrs){
- $currentCategory = new ExaleadCategory();
- $currentCategory->name = utf8_decode($attrs['NAME']);
- $currentCategory->display = utf8_decode($attrs['DISPLAY']);
- $currentCategory->count = $attrs['COUNT'];
- $currentCategory->automatic = $attrs['AUTOMATIC'];
- $currentCategory->cref = $attrs['CREF'];
- if(isset($attrs['REFINEHREF'])) $currentCategory->refine_href = convert_url($attrs['REFINEHREF']);
- $currentCategory->exclude_href = '_c=-'.$currentCategory->cref;
- if(isset($attrs['RESETHREF'])){
- $currentCategory->reset_href = $attrs['RESETHREF'];
- }
- $currentCategory->gid = $attrs['GID'];
- $currentCategory->gcount = $attrs['GCOUNT'];
- $this->currentCategories[] = $currentCategory;
- }
- function startSearch(&$attrs){}
- function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs) {
- //echo "start $name<br />";
- //recupération des paramètres de query
- if($name == 'QUERY'){
- $this->startQuery($attrs);
- }
- elseif($name == 'QUERYTERM'){
- $this->startQueryTerm($attrs);
- }
- elseif($name == 'QUERYPARAMETER'){
- $this->startQueryParameter($attrs);
- }
- //gestion des mots-clés
- elseif($name == 'KEYWORD'){
- $this->startKeyword($attrs);
- }
- //gestion des resultats
- elseif($name == 'HITS'){
- $this->startHits($attrs);
- }
- elseif($name == 'HIT'){
- $this->startHit($attrs);
- }
- elseif($name == 'HITFIELD'){
- $this->startHitField($attrs);
- }
- elseif($name == 'HITGROUP'){
- $this->startHitGroup($attrs);
- }
- elseif($name == 'HITCATEGORY'){
- $this->startHitCategory($attrs);
- }
- elseif($name == 'ACTION'){
- $this->startAction($attrs);
- }
- elseif($name == 'TEXTSEG'){
- $this->startTextSeg($attrs);
- }
- elseif($name == 'TEXTCUT'){
- $this->startTextCut($attrs);
- }
- //gestion suggestions d'orthographe
- $this->startSpellingSuggestionVariant($attrs);
- }
- //gestion des categories pour raffiner
- elseif($name == 'GROUP'){
- $this->startGroup($attrs);
- }
- elseif($name == 'CATEGORY'){
- $this->startCategory($attrs);
- }
- elseif($name == 'SEARCH'){
- $this->startSearch($attrs);
- }
- }
- function endQuery(){
- $this->data->query = $this->currentQuery;
- $this->currentQuery->clear();
- }
- function endQueryTerm(){
- $this->currentQuery->addTerm($this->currentQueryTerm);
- $this->currentQueryTerm->clear();
- }
- function endQueryParameter(){
- $this->currentQuery->addParameter($this->currentQueryParameter);
- $this->currentQueryParameter->clear();
- }
- function endKeyword(){
- $this->data->addKeyword($this->currentKeyword);
- $this->currentKeyword->clear();
- }
- function endHits(){
- }
- function endHit(){
- $this->data->addHit($this->currentHit);
- $this->currentHit->clear();
- }
- function endHitGroup(){
- $this->currentHit->addHitGroup($this->currentHitGroup);
- $this->currentHitGroup->clear();
- }
- function endHitCategory(){
- $this->currentHitGroup->addHitCategory($this->currentHitCategory);
- $this->currentHitCategory->clear();
- }
- function endAction(){
- $this->currentHit->addAction($this->currentAction);
- $this->currentAction->clear();
- }
- function endHitField(){
- $this->currentHit->addHitField($this->currentHitField);
- $this->currentHitField->clear();
- }
- function endTextSeg(){
- $this->currentHitField->addTextSegment($this->currentTextSegment);
- $this->currentTextSegment->clear();
- }
- function endTextCut(){
- $this->currentHitField->setHasTextCut(true);
- }
- function endSpellingSuggestionVariant(){
- $this->data->addSpelling($this->currentSpelling);
- $this->currentSpelling->clear();
- }
- function endGroup(){
- $this->data->addGroup($this->currentGroup);
- $this->currentGroup->clear();
- }
- function endCategory(){
- //the parent element is a Group element ?
- if(count($this->currentCategories) == 1){
- $this->currentGroup->addCategory(array_pop($this->currentCategories));
- }
- else{
- //var_dump($this->currentCategories);
- $category = array_pop($this->currentCategories);
- //reset($this->currentCategories);
- end($this->currentCategories);
- //var_dump($this->currentCategories);
- $parentCategory = &$this->currentCategories[key($this->currentCategories)];
- //var_dump($parentCategory);
- $parentCategory->addCategory($category);
- }
- }
- function endSearch(){
- }
- function endElement($parser, $name) {
- //echo "end $name<br >";
- if($name == 'QUERY'){
- $this->endQuery();
- }
- elseif($name == 'QUERYTERM'){
- $this->endQueryTerm();
- }
- elseif($name == 'QUERYPARAMETER'){
- $this->endQueryParameter();
- }
- elseif($name == 'KEYWORD'){
- $this->endKeyword();
- }
- elseif($name == 'HITS'){
- $this->endHits();
- }
- elseif($name == 'HIT'){
- $this->endHit();
- }
- elseif($name == 'HITFIELD'){
- $this->endHitField();
- }
- elseif($name == 'HITGROUP'){
- $this->endHitGroup();
- }
- elseif($name == 'HITCATEGORY'){
- $this->endHitCategory();
- }
- elseif($name == 'ACTION'){
- $this->endAction();
- }
- elseif($name == 'TEXTSEG'){
- $this->endTextSeg();
- }
- elseif($name == 'TEXTCUT'){
- $this->endTextCut();
- }
- //gestion suggestions d'orthographe
- $this->endSpellingSuggestionVariant();
- }
- //gestion des categories pour raffiner
- elseif($name == 'GROUP'){
- $this->endGroup();
- }
- elseif($name == 'CATEGORY'){
- $this->endCategory();
- }
- elseif($name == 'SEARCH'){
- $this->endSearch();
- }
- }
- function parsePCData($parser, $text){
- $this->currentTextSegment->append(utf8_decode($text));
- }
+class Exalead
+ var $parserId;
+ var $data;
+ var $currentGroup;
+ var $currentCategories = array();
+ var $currentSpelling;
+ var $currentHit;
+ var $currentHitField;
+ var $currentHitGroup;
+ var $currentHitCategory;
+ var $currentAction;
+ var $currentTextSegment;
+ var $currentQuery;
+ var $currentQueryTerm;
+ var $currentQueryParameter;
+ var $currentKeyword;
+ //url de base du produit Exalead
+ var $base_cgi = '';
+ // Query to dump indexed database
+ var $query_all= '';
+ /**** Constructeur *********/
+ function Exalead($base_cgi = '', $override_query_all = '')
+ {
+ $this->data = new ExaleadData();
+ $this->currentGroup = new ExaleadGroup();
+ $this->currentCategories = array();
+ $this->currentSpelling = new ExaleadSpelling();
+ $this->currentHit = new ExaleadHit();
+ $this->currentHitField = new ExaleadHitField();
+ $this->currentHitGroup = new ExaleadHitGroup();
+ $this->currentHitCategory = new ExaleadHitCategory();
+ $this->currentAction = new ExaleadAction();
+ $this->currentTextSegment = new ExaleadTextSegment();
+ $this->currentQuery = new ExaleadQuery();
+ $this->currentQueryTerm = new ExaleadQueryTerm();
+ $this->currentQueryParameter = new ExaleadQueryParameter();
+ $this->currentKeyword = new ExaleadKeyword();
+ //url de base du produit Exalead
+ $this->base_cgi = $base_cgi;
+ if (!empty($override_query_all)) {
+ $this->query_all = $override_query_all;
+ } else {
+ $this->query_all = $GLOBALS['query_all'];
+ }
+ }
+ /**** Fonctions d'interface avec le cgi d'Exalead Corporate ******/
+ function set_base_cgi($base_cgi)
+ {
+ $this->base_cgi = $base_cgi;
+ }
+ //retourne vrai si une requete a été faite, faux sinon
+ function query($varname = 'query')
+ {
+ if (!empty($_REQUEST[$varname])) {
+ $this->first_query(stripslashes($_REQUEST[$varname]));
+ return true;
+ } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['_C'])) {
+ $this->handle_request();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ //a appeller pour faire la premiere requete
+ function first_query($query, $offset = 0)
+ {
+ if (empty($this->base_cgi)) return false;
+ //$tmp = parse_url($this->base_cgi);
+ //$view_name = substr($tmp['path'], 5);
+ //$query_exa = $this->base_cgi."?_q=".urlencode($query)."&_f=xml2&A=-1&_vn=".$view_name;
+ $query_exa = $this->base_cgi."?_q=".urlencode($query)."&_f=xml2";
+ if ($offset > 0) {
+ $query_exa .= "&_s=".$offset;
+ }
+ $xml_response = file_get_contents($query_exa);
+ $this->parse($xml_response);
+ }
+ //pour recuperer tous les résultats d'une base indexée
+ function get_db_dump()
+ {
+ $this->first_query($this->query_all);
+ }
+ function handle_request()
+ {
+ if (empty($this->base_cgi)) return false;
+ if (empty($_REQUEST['_C'])) return false;// _C est le contexte Exalead
+ $query_exa = $this->base_cgi.'/_C='.str_replace(' ', '%20', $_REQUEST['_C']).'&_f=xml2';
+ if (!empty($_REQUEST['_s'])) {
+ $query_exa .= "&_s=".((int) $_REQUEST['_s']);
+ }
+ $xml_response = file_get_contents($query_exa);
+ $this->parse($xml_response);
+ }
+ /******** Fonctions annexes relatives au parser ********/
+ function createParser()
+ {
+ $this->parserId = xml_parser_create();
+ xml_set_element_handler($this->parserId, array(&$this, "startElement"), array(&$this, "endElement"));
+ xml_set_character_data_handler($this->parserId, array(&$this, "parsePCData"));
+ }
+ function freeParser()
+ {
+ xml_parser_free($this->parserId);
+ }
+ function parseString($string)
+ {
+ if (!xml_parse($this->parserId, $string, true)) {
+ die(sprintf("XML error: %s at line %d",
+ xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->parserId)),
+ xml_get_current_line_number($this->parserId)));
+ }
+ }
+ /******** Méthode qui lance le parser ***********/
+ function parse($string)
+ {
+ $this->createParser();
+ $this->parseString($string);
+ $this->freeParser();
+ }
+ /********* fonctions spécifiques à chaque balise ******/
+ //Ces méthodes peuvent être surchargées
+ function startQuery(&$attrs)
+ {
+ $this->currentQuery->query = utf8_decode($attrs['QUERY']);
+ $this->currentQuery->context = $attrs['CONTEXT'];
+ $this->currentQuery->time = $attrs['TIME'];
+ if (isset($attrs['INTERRUPTED'])) $this->currentQuery->interrupted = $attrs['INTERRUPTED'];
+ if (isset($attrs['BROWSED'])) $this->currentQuery->browsed = $attrs['BROWSED'];
+ }
+ function StartQueryTerm(&$attrs)
+ {
+ $this->currentQueryTerm->level = $attrs['LEVEL'];
+ $this->currentQueryTerm->regexp = utf8_decode($attrs['REGEXP']);
+ }
+ function startQueryParameter(&$attrs)
+ {
+ $this->currentQueryParameter->name = $attrs['NAME'];
+ if (isset($attrs['VALUE'])) $this->currentQueryParameter->value = utf8_decode($attrs['VALUE']);
+ }
+ function startKeyword(&$attrs)
+ {
+ if (isset($attrs['NAME'])) $this->currentKeyword->name = $attrs['NAME'];
+ $this->currentKeyword->display = utf8_decode( $attrs['DISPLAY'] );
+ $this->currentKeyword->count = $attrs['COUNT'];
+ $this->currentKeyword->automatic = $attrs['AUTOMATIC'];
+ if (isset($attrs['REFINEHREF'])) $this->currentKeyword->refine_href = convert_url($attrs['REFINEHREF']);
+ if (isset($attrs['EXCLUDEHREF'])) $this->currentKeyword->exclude_href = $attrs['EXCLUDEHREF'];
+ if (isset($attrs['RESETHREF'])) $this->currentKeyword->reset_href = $attrs['RESETHREF'];
+ }
+ function startHits(&$attrs)
+ {
+ $this->data->nmatches = $attrs['NMATCHES'];
+ $this->data->nhits = $attrs['NHITS'];
+ if (isset($attrs['INTERRUPTED'])) $this->data->interrupted = $attrs['INTERRUPTED'];
+ $this->data->last = $attrs['LAST'];
+ $this->data->end = $attrs['END'];
+ $this->data->start = $attrs['START'];
+ }
+ function startHit(&$attrs)
+ {
+ $this->currentHit->url = $attrs['URL'];
+ $this->currentHit->score = $attrs['SCORE'];
+ }
+ function startHitGroup(&$attrs)
+ {
+ $this->currentHitGroup->title = utf8_decode($attrs['TITLE']);
+ $this->currentHitGroup->gid = $attrs['GID'];
+ }
+ function startHitCategory(&$attrs)
+ {
+ $this->currentHitCategory->name = $attrs['NAME'];
+ $this->currentHitCategory->display = utf8_decode($attrs['DISPLAY']);
+ $this->currentHitCategory->cref = $attrs['CREF'];
+ $this->currentHitCategory->gid = $attrs['GID'];
+ if (isset($attrs['BROWSEHREF'])) $this->currentHitCategory->browsehref = $attrs['BROWSEHREF'];
+ }
+ function startAction(&$attrs)
+ {
+ $this->currentAction->display = $attrs['DISPLAY'];
+ $this->currentAction->kind = $attrs['KIND'];
+ if (isset($attrs['EXECHREF']))$this->currentAction->execHref = $attrs['EXECHREF'];
+ }
+ function startHitField(&$attrs)
+ {
+ $this->currentHitField->name = $attrs['NAME'];
+ if (isset($attrs['VALUE'])) $this->currentHitField->value = utf8_decode($attrs['VALUE']);
+ }
+ function startTextSeg(&$attrs)
+ {
+ $this->currentTextSegment->setHighlighted($attrs['HIGHLIGHTED']);
+ }
+ function startTextCut(&$attrs) { }
+ function startSpellingSuggestionVariant(&$attrs)
+ {
+ $this->currentSpelling->setDisplay($attrs['DISPLAY']);
+ $this->currentSpelling->setQueryHref($attrs['QUERY']);
+ }
+ function startGroup(&$attrs)
+ {
+ $this->currentGroup->setGid(utf8_decode($attrs['GID']));
+ $this->currentGroup->setTitle(utf8_decode($attrs['TITLE']));
+ $this->currentGroup->setClipped($attrs['CLIPPED']);
+ $this->currentGroup->setCount($attrs['COUNT']);
+ $this->currentGroup->setBrowsed($attrs['BROWSED']);
+ if (isset($attrs['CLIPHREF'])) $this->currentGroup->setClipHref($attrs['CLIPHREF']);
+ if (isset($attrs['RESETHREF'])) $this->currentGroup->setResetHref($attrs['RESETHREF']);
+ }
+ function startCategory(&$attrs)
+ {
+ $currentCategory = new ExaleadCategory();
+ $currentCategory->name = utf8_decode($attrs['NAME']);
+ $currentCategory->display = utf8_decode($attrs['DISPLAY']);
+ $currentCategory->count = $attrs['COUNT'];
+ $currentCategory->automatic = $attrs['AUTOMATIC'];
+ $currentCategory->cref = $attrs['CREF'];
+ if (isset($attrs['REFINEHREF'])) $currentCategory->refine_href = convert_url($attrs['REFINEHREF']);
+ $currentCategory->exclude_href = '_c=-'.$currentCategory->cref;
+ if (isset($attrs['RESETHREF'])) {
+ $currentCategory->reset_href = $attrs['RESETHREF'];
+ }
+ $currentCategory->gid = $attrs['GID'];
+ $currentCategory->gcount = $attrs['GCOUNT'];
+ $this->currentCategories[] = $currentCategory;
+ }
+ function startSearch(&$attrs) { }
+ function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs)
+ {
+ //recupération des paramètres de query
+ switch ($name) {
+ case 'QUERY':
+ $this->startQuery($attrs);
+ break;
+ case 'QUERYTERM':
+ $this->startQueryTerm($attrs);
+ break;
+ $this->startQueryParameter($attrs);
+ break;
+ case 'KEYWORD':
+ $this->startKeyword($attrs);
+ break;
+ case 'HITS':
+ $this->startHits($attrs);
+ break;
+ case 'HIT':
+ $this->startHit($attrs);
+ break;
+ case 'HITFIELD':
+ $this->startHitField($attrs);
+ break;
+ case 'HITGROUP':
+ $this->startHitGroup($attrs);
+ break;
+ $this->startHitCategory($attrs);
+ break;
+ case 'ACTION':
+ $this->startAction($attrs);
+ break;
+ case 'TEXTSEG':
+ $this->startTextSeg($attrs);
+ break;
+ case 'TEXTCUT':
+ $this->startTextCut($attrs);
+ break;
+ $this->startSpellingSuggestionVariant($attrs);
+ break;
+ case 'GROUP':
+ $this->startGroup($attrs);
+ break;
+ case 'CATEGORY':
+ $this->startCategory($attrs);
+ break;
+ case 'SEARCH':
+ $this->startSearch($attrs);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function endQuery()
+ {
+ $this->data->query = $this->currentQuery;
+ $this->currentQuery->clear();
+ }
+ function endQueryTerm()
+ {
+ $this->currentQuery->addTerm($this->currentQueryTerm);
+ $this->currentQueryTerm->clear();
+ }
+ function endQueryParameter()
+ {
+ $this->currentQuery->addParameter($this->currentQueryParameter);
+ $this->currentQueryParameter->clear();
+ }
+ function endKeyword()
+ {
+ $this->data->addKeyword($this->currentKeyword);
+ $this->currentKeyword->clear();
+ }
+ function endHits()
+ {
+ }
+ function endHit()
+ {
+ $this->data->addHit($this->currentHit);
+ $this->currentHit->clear();
+ }
+ function endHitGroup()
+ {
+ $this->currentHit->addHitGroup($this->currentHitGroup);
+ $this->currentHitGroup->clear();
+ }
+ function endHitCategory()
+ {
+ $this->currentHitGroup->addHitCategory($this->currentHitCategory);
+ $this->currentHitCategory->clear();
+ }
+ function endAction()
+ {
+ $this->currentHit->addAction($this->currentAction);
+ $this->currentAction->clear();
+ }
+ function endHitField()
+ {
+ $this->currentHit->addHitField($this->currentHitField);
+ $this->currentHitField->clear();
+ }
+ function endTextSeg()
+ {
+ $this->currentHitField->addTextSegment($this->currentTextSegment);
+ $this->currentTextSegment->clear();
+ }
+ function endTextCut()
+ {
+ $this->currentHitField->setHasTextCut(true);
+ }
+ function endSpellingSuggestionVariant()
+ {
+ $this->data->addSpelling($this->currentSpelling);
+ $this->currentSpelling->clear();
+ }
+ function endGroup()
+ {
+ $this->data->addGroup($this->currentGroup);
+ $this->currentGroup->clear();
+ }
+ function endCategory()
+ {
+ //the parent element is a Group element ?
+ if (count($this->currentCategories) == 1) {
+ $this->currentGroup->addCategory(array_pop($this->currentCategories));
+ } else {
+ //var_dump($this->currentCategories);
+ $category = array_pop($this->currentCategories);
+ //reset($this->currentCategories);
+ end($this->currentCategories);
+ //var_dump($this->currentCategories);
+ $parentCategory = &$this->currentCategories[key($this->currentCategories)];
+ //var_dump($parentCategory);
+ $parentCategory->addCategory($category);
+ }
+ }
+ function endSearch() { }
+ function endElement($parser, $name)
+ {
+ switch ($name) {
+ case 'QUERY':
+ $this->endQuery();
+ break;
+ case 'QUERYTERM':
+ $this->endQueryTerm();
+ break;
+ $this->endQueryParameter();
+ break;
+ case 'KEYWORD':
+ $this->endKeyword();
+ break;
+ case 'HITS':
+ $this->endHits();
+ break;
+ case 'HIT':
+ $this->endHit();
+ break;
+ case 'HITFIELD':
+ $this->endHitField();
+ break;
+ case 'HITGROUP':
+ $this->endHitGroup();
+ break;
+ $this->endHitCategory();
+ break;
+ case 'ACTION':
+ $this->endAction();
+ break;
+ case 'TEXTSEG':
+ $this->endTextSeg();
+ break;
+ case 'TEXTCUT':
+ $this->endTextCut();
+ break;
+ //gestion suggestions d'orthographe
+ $this->endSpellingSuggestionVariant();
+ break;
+ //gestion des categories pour raffiner
+ case 'GROUP':
+ $this->endGroup();
+ break;
+ case 'CATEGORY':
+ $this->endCategory();
+ break;
+ case 'SEARCH':
+ $this->endSearch();
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ function parsePCData($parser, $text)
+ {
+ $this->currentTextSegment->append(utf8_decode($text));
+ }