authorPierre Habouzit (MadCoder <>
Sat, 7 May 2005 13:58:14 +0000 (13:58 +0000)
committerFlorent Bruneau <>
Thu, 26 Jun 2008 21:28:55 +0000 (23:28 +0200)
Patches applied:

   drop pflogsum stats


bin/cron/stats/mailParselog [deleted file]
bin/cron/stats/ [deleted file]
bin/cron/stats/ [deleted file]
bin/cron/stats/ [deleted file]
bin/cron/stats/ [deleted file]

diff --git a/bin/cron/stats/mailParselog b/bin/cron/stats/mailParselog
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 177863d..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-SCRIPTSDIR=`dirname $0`
-$SCRIPTSDIR/genereParselogCat | $SCRIPTSDIR/ -h 20 -u 20 --smtpd_stats > $STATSDIR/lastParselog.tpl
-$SCRIPTSDIR/genereParselogCat | $SCRIPTSDIR/ > $STATSDIR/lastParselogD.tpl
-$SCRIPTSDIR/genereParselogCat | $SCRIPTSDIR/ > $STATSDIR/lastParselogN.tpl
-$SCRIPTSDIR/genereParselogCat | $SCRIPTSDIR/ > $STATSDIR/lastParselogR.tpl
diff --git a/bin/cron/stats/ b/bin/cron/stats/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 465fbcb..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1601 +0,0 @@
-eval 'exec perl -S $0 "$@"'
-    if 0;
-=head1 NAME
- - Produce Postfix MTA logfile summary
-Copyright (C) 1998-2003 by James S. Seymour, Release 1.1.0.
-=head1 SYNOPSIS
- -[eq] [-d <today|yesterday>] [-h <cnt>] [-u <cnt>]
-       [--verp_mung[=<n>]] [--verbose_msg_detail] [--iso_date_time]
-       [-m|--uucp_mung] [-i|--ignore_case] [--smtpd_stats] [--mailq]
-       [--problems_first] [--rej_add_from] [--no_bounce_detail]
-       [--no_deferral_detail] [--no_reject_detail] [--no_no_msg_size]
-       [--no_smtpd_warnings] [--zero_fill] [--syslog_name=string]
-       [file1 [filen]]
- -[help|version]
-    If no file(s) specified, reads from stdin.  Output is to stdout.
-    Pflogsumm is a log analyzer/summarizer for the Postfix MTA.  It is
-    designed to provide an over-view of Postfix activity, with just enough
-    detail to give the administrator a "heads up" for potential trouble
-    spots.
-    Pflogsumm generates summaries and, in some cases, detailed reports of
-    mail server traffic volumes, rejected and bounced email, and server
-    warnings, errors and panics.
-=head1 OPTIONS
-    -d today       generate report for just today
-    -d yesterday   generate report for just "yesterday"
-    -e             extended (extreme? excessive?) detail
-                  Emit detailed reports.  At present, this includes
-                  only a per-message report, sorted by sender domain,
-                  then user-in-domain, then by queue i.d.
-                   WARNING: the data built to generate this report can
-                   quickly consume very large amounts of memory if a
-                  lot of log entries are processed!
-    -h <cnt>       top <cnt> to display in host/domain reports.
-                  0 = none.
-                   See also: "-u" and "--no_*_detail" for further
-                            report-limiting options.
-    --help         Emit short usage message and bail out.
-                  (By happy coincidence, "-h" alone does much the same,
-                  being as it requires a numeric argument :-).  Yeah, I
-                  know: lame.)
-    -i
-    --ignore_case  Handle complete email address in a case-insensitive
-                   manner.
-                  Normally pflogsumm lower-cases only the host and
-                  domain parts, leaving the user part alone.  This
-                  option causes the entire email address to be lower-
-                  cased.
-    --iso_date_time
-                   For summaries that contain date or time information,
-                  use ISO 8601 standard formats (CCYY-MM-DD and HH:MM),
-                  rather than "Mon DD CCYY" and "HHMM".
-    -m             modify (mung?) UUCP-style bang-paths
-    --uucp_mung
-                   This is for use when you have a mix of Internet-style
-                   domain addresses and UUCP-style bang-paths in the log.
-                   Upstream UUCP feeds sometimes mung Internet domain
-                   style address into bang-paths.  This option can
-                   sometimes undo the "damage".  For example:
-                   "somehost.dom!username@foo" (where "foo" is the next
-                   host upstream and "somehost.dom" was whence the email
-                   originated) will get converted to
-                   "foo!username@somehost.dom".  This also affects the
-                   extended detail report (-e), to help ensure that by-
-                    domain-by-name sorting is more accurate.
-    --mailq        Run "mailq" command at end of report.
-                  Merely a convenience feature.  (Assumes that "mailq"
-                  is in $PATH.  See "$mailqCmd" variable to path thisi
-                  if desired.)
-    --no_bounce_detail
-    --no_deferral_detail
-    --no_reject_detail
-                   Suppresses the printing of the following detailed
-                   reports, respectively:
-                       message bounce detail (by relay)
-                       message deferral detail
-                       message reject detail
-                   See also: "-u" and "-h" for further report-limiting
-                             options.
-    --no_no_msg_size
-                   Do not emit report on "Messages with no size data".
-                   Message size is reported only by the queue manager.
-                   The message may be delivered long-enough after the
-                   (last) qmgr log entry that the information is not in
-                   the log(s) processed by a particular run of
-           This throws off "Recipients by message
-                   size" and the total for "bytes delivered." These are
-                   normally reported by pflogsumm as "Messages with no
-                   size data."
-    --no_smtpd_warnings
-                   On a busy mail server, say at an ISP, SMTPD warnings
-                   can result in a rather sizeable report.  This option
-                   turns reporting them off.
-    --problems_first
-                   Emit "problems" reports (bounces, defers, warnings,
-                  etc.) before "normal" stats.
-    --rej_add_from
-                   For those reject reports that list IP addresses or
-                   host/domain names: append the email from address to
-                   each listing.  (Does not apply to "Improper use of
-                  SMTP command pipelining" report.)
-    -q             quiet - don't print headings for empty reports
-                  note: headings for warning, fatal, and "master"
-                  messages will always be printed.
-    --smtpd_stats
-                   Generate smtpd connection statistics.
-                   The "per-day" report is not generated for single-day
-                   reports.  For multiple-day reports: "per-hour" numbers
-                   are daily averages (reflected in the report heading).
-    --syslog_name=name
-                  Set syslog_name to look for for Postfix log entries.
-                  By default, pflogsumm looks for entries in logfiles
-                  with a syslog name of "postfix," the default.
-                  If you've set a non-default "syslog_name" parameter
-                  in your Postfix configuration, use this option to
-                  tell pflogsumm what that is.
-                  See the discussion about the use of this option under
-                  "NOTES," below.
-    -u <cnt>       top <cnt> to display in user reports. 0 == none.
-                   See also: "-h" and "--no_*_detail" for further
-                            report-limiting options.
-    --verbose_msg_detail
-                   For the message deferral, bounce and reject summaries:
-                   display the full "reason", rather than a truncated one.
-                   Note: this can result in quite long lines in the report.
-    --verp_mung    do "VERP" generated address (?) munging.  Convert
-    --verp_mung=2  sender addresses of the form
-                   "list-return-NN-someuser=some.dom@host.sender.dom"
-                    to
-                      "list-return-ID-someuser=some.dom@host.sender.dom"
-                    In other words: replace the numeric value with "ID".
-                   By specifying the optional "=2" (second form), the
-                   munging is more "aggressive", converting the address
-                   to something like:
-                        "list-return@host.sender.dom"
-                   Actually: specifying anything less than 2 does the
-                   "simple" munging and anything greater than 1 results
-                   in the more "aggressive" hack being applied.
-                  See "NOTES" regarding this option.
-    --version      Print program name and version and bail out.
-    --zero_fill    "Zero-fill" certain arrays so reports come out with
-                   data in columns that that might otherwise be blank.
-    Pflogsumm doesn't return anything of interest to the shell.
-=head1 ERRORS
-    Error messages are emitted to stderr.
-=head1 EXAMPLES
-    Produce a report of previous day's activities:
- -d yesterday /var/log/maillog
-    A report of prior week's activities (after logs rotated):
- /var/log/maillog.0
-    What's happened so far today:
- -d today /var/log/maillog
-    Crontab entry to generate a report of the previous day's activity
-    at 10 minutes after midnight.
-       10 0 * * * /usr/local/sbin/pflogsumm -d yesterday /var/log/maillog
-       2>&1 |/usr/bin/mailx -s "`uname -n` daily mail stats" postmaster
-    Crontab entry to generate a report for the prior week's activity.
-    (This example assumes one rotates ones mail logs weekly, some time
-    before 4:10 a.m. on Sunday.)
-       10 4 * * 0   /usr/local/sbin/pflogsumm /var/log/maillog.0
-       2>&1 |/usr/bin/mailx -s "`uname -n` weekly mail stats" postmaster
-    The two crontab examples, above, must actually be a single line
-    each.  They're broken-up into two-or-more lines due to page
-    formatting issues.
-=head1 SEE ALSO
-    The pflogsumm FAQ: pflogsumm-faq.txt.
-=head1 NOTES
-    Pflogsumm makes no attempt to catch/parse non-Postfix log
-    entries.  Unless it has "postfix/" in the log entry, it will be
-    ignored.
-    It's important that the logs are presented to pflogsumm in
-    chronological order so that message sizes are available when
-    needed.
-    For display purposes: integer values are munged into "kilo" and
-    "mega" notation as they exceed certain values.  I chose the
-    admittedly arbitrary boundaries of 512k and 512m as the points at
-    which to do this--my thinking being 512x was the largest number
-    (of digits) that most folks can comfortably grok at-a-glance.
-    These are "computer" "k" and "m", not 1000 and 1,000,000.  You
-    can easily change all of this with some constants near the
-    beginning of the program.
-    "Items-per-day" reports are not generated for single-day
-    reports.  For multiple-day reports: "Items-per-hour" numbers are
-    daily averages (reflected in the report headings).
-    Message rejects, reject warnings, holds and discards are all
-    reported under the "rejects" column for the Per-Hour and Per-Day
-    traffic summaries.
-    Verp munging may not always result in correct address and
-    address-count reduction.
-    Verp munging is always in a state of experimentation.  The use
-    of this option may result in inaccurate statistics with regards
-    to the "senders" count.
-    UUCP-style bang-path handling needs more work.  Particularly if
-    Postfix is not being run with "swap_bangpath = yes" and/or *is* being
-    run with "append_dot_mydomain = yes", the detailed by-message report
-    may not be sorted correctly by-domain-by-user.  (Also depends on
-    upstream MTA, I suspect.)
-    The "percent rejected" and "percent discarded" figures are only
-    approximations.  They are calculated as follows (example is for
-    "percent rejected"):
-       percent rejected =
-           (rejected / (delivered + rejected + discarded)) * 100
-    There are some issues with the use of --syslog_name.  The problem is
-    that, even with $syslog_name set, Postfix will sometimes still log
-    things with "postfix" as the syslog_name.  This is noted in
-    /etc/postfix/
-       # Beware: a non-default syslog_name setting takes effect only
-       # after process initialization. Some initialization errors will be
-       # logged with the default name, especially errors while parsing
-       # the command line and errors while accessing the Postfix
-       # configuration file.
-    As a consequence, pflogsumm must always look for "postfix," in logs,
-    as well as whatever is supplied for syslog_name.
-    Where this becomes an issue is where people are running two or more
-    instances of Postfix, logging to the same file.  In such a case:
-       . Neither instance may use the default "postfix" syslog name
-         and...
-       . Log entries that fall victim to what's described in
- will be reported under "postfix", so that if
-         you're running pflogsumm twice, once for each syslog_name, such
-         log entries will show up in each report.
-    The Pflogsumm Home Page is at:
-    Pflogsumm requires the Date::Calc module, which can be obtained from
-    CPAN at
-    Pflogsumm is currently written and tested under Perl 5.005_03.
-    As of version 19990413-02, pflogsumm worked with Perl 5.003, but
-    future compatibility is not guaranteed.
-=head1 LICENSE
-    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-    modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-    as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-    of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-    GNU General Public License for more details.
-    You may have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307,
-    USA.
-    An on-line copy of the GNU General Public License can be found
-use strict;
-use locale;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Date::Calc qw(Delta_DHMS);
-my $mailqCmd = "mailq";
-my $release = "1.1.0";
-# Variables and constants used throughout pflogsumm
-use vars qw(
-    $progName
-    $usageMsg
-    %opts
-    $divByOneKAt $divByOneMegAt $oneK $oneMeg
-    @monthNames %monthNums $thisYr $thisMon
-    $msgCntI $msgSizeI $msgDfrsI $msgDlyAvgI $msgDlyMaxI
-    $isoDateTime
-# Some constants used by display routines.  I arbitrarily chose to
-# display in kilobytes and megabytes at the 512k and 512m boundaries,
-# respectively.  Season to taste.
-$divByOneKAt   = 524288;       # 512k
-$divByOneMegAt = 536870912;    # 512m
-$oneK          = 1024;         # 1k
-$oneMeg        = 1048576;      # 1m
-# Constants used throughout pflogsumm
-@monthNames = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
-%monthNums = qw(
-    Jan  0 Feb  1 Mar  2 Apr  3 May  4 Jun  5
-    Jul  6 Aug  7 Sep  8 Oct  9 Nov 10 Dec 11);
-($thisMon, $thisYr) = (localtime(time()))[4,5];
-$thisYr += 1900;
-# Variables used only in main loop
-# Per-user data
-my (%recipUser, $recipUserCnt);
-my (%sendgUser, $sendgUserCnt);
-# Per-domain data
-my (%recipDom, $recipDomCnt);  # recipient domain data
-my (%sendgDom, $sendgDomCnt);  # sending domain data
-# Indexes for arrays in above
-$msgCntI    = 0;       # message count
-$msgSizeI   = 1;       # total messages size
-$msgDfrsI   = 2;       # number of defers
-$msgDlyAvgI = 3;       # total of delays (used for averaging)
-$msgDlyMaxI = 4;       # max delay
-my (
-    $cmd, $qid, $addr, $size, $relay, $status, $delay,
-    $dateStr,
-    %panics, %fatals, %warnings, %masterMsgs,
-    %msgSizes,
-    %deferred, %bounced,
-    %noMsgSize, %msgDetail,
-    $msgsRcvd, $msgsDlvrd, $sizeRcvd, $sizeDlvrd,
-    $msgMonStr, $msgMon, $msgDay, $msgTimeStr, $msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec,
-    $msgYr,
-    $revMsgDateStr, $dayCnt, %msgsPerDay,
-    %rejects, $msgsRjctd,
-    %warns, $msgsWrnd,
-    %discards, $msgsDscrdd,
-    %holds, $msgsHld,
-    %rcvdMsg, $msgsFwdd, $msgsBncd,
-    $msgsDfrdCnt, $msgsDfrd, %msgDfrdFlgs,
-    %connTime, %smtpdPerDay, %smtpdPerDom, $smtpdConnCnt, $smtpdTotTime,
-    %smtpMsgs
-$dayCnt = $smtpdConnCnt = $smtpdTotTime = 0;
-# Init total messages delivered, rejected, and discarded
-$msgsDlvrd = $msgsRjctd = $msgsDscrdd = 0;
-# Init messages received and delivered per hour
-my @rcvPerHr = (0) x 24;
-my @dlvPerHr = @rcvPerHr;
-my @dfrPerHr = @rcvPerHr;      # defers per hour
-my @bncPerHr = @rcvPerHr;      # bounces per hour
-my @rejPerHr = @rcvPerHr;      # rejects per hour
-my $lastMsgDay = 0;
-# Init "doubly-sub-scripted array": cnt, total and max time per-hour
-my @smtpdPerHr;
-for (0 .. 23) {
-    $smtpdPerHr[$_]  = [0,0,0];
-$progName = "";
-$usageMsg =
-    "usage: $progName -[eq] [-d <today|yesterday>] [-h <cnt>] [-u <cnt>]
-       [--verp_mung[=<n>]] [--verbose_msg_detail] [--iso_date_time]
-       [-m|--uucp_mung] [-i|--ignore_case] [--smtpd_stats] [--mailq]
-       [--problems_first] [--rej_add_from] [--no_bounce_detail]
-       [--no_deferral_detail] [--no_reject_detail] [--no_no_msg_size]
-       [--no_smtpd_warnings] [--zero_fill] [--syslog_name=name]
-       [file1 [filen]]
-       $progName --[version|help]";
-# Some pre-inits for convenience
-$isoDateTime = 0;      # Don't use ISO date/time formats
-    "d=s"                => \$opts{'d'},
-    "e"                  => \$opts{'e'},
-    "help"               => \$opts{'help'},
-    "h=i"                => \$opts{'h'},
-    "i"                  => \$opts{'i'},
-    "ignore_case"        => \$opts{'i'},
-    "iso_date_time"      => \$isoDateTime,
-    "m"                  => \$opts{'m'},
-    "uucp_mung"          => \$opts{'m'},
-    "mailq"              => \$opts{'mailq'},
-    "no_bounce_detail"   => \$opts{'noBounceDetail'},
-    "no_deferral_detail" => \$opts{'noDeferralDetail'},
-    "no_reject_detail"   => \$opts{'noRejectDetail'},
-    "no_no_msg_size"     => \$opts{'noNoMsgSize'},
-    "no_smtpd_warnings"  => \$opts{'noSMTPDWarnings'},
-    "problems_first"     => \$opts{'pf'},
-    "q"                  => \$opts{'q'},
-    "rej_add_from"       => \$opts{'rejAddFrom'},
-    "smtpd_stats"        => \$opts{'smtpdStats'},
-    "syslog_name=s"      => \$opts{'syslogName'},
-    "u=i"                => \$opts{'u'},
-    "verbose_msg_detail" => \$opts{'verbMsgDetail'},
-    "verp_mung:i"        => \$opts{'verpMung'},
-    "version"            => \$opts{'version'},
-    "zero_fill"          => \$opts{'zeroFill'}
-) || die "$usageMsg\n";
-# internally: 0 == none, undefined == -1 == all
-$opts{'h'} = -1 unless(defined($opts{'h'}));
-$opts{'u'} = -1 unless(defined($opts{'u'}));
-my $syslogName = $opts{'syslogName'}? $opts{'syslogName'} : "postfix";
-if(defined($opts{'help'})) {
-    print "$usageMsg\n";
-    exit 0;
-if(defined($opts{'version'})) {
-    print "$progName $release\n";
-    exit 0;
-$dateStr = get_datestr($opts{'d'}) if(defined($opts{'d'}));
-# debugging
-#open(UNPROCD, "> unprocessed") ||
-#    die "couldn't open \"unprocessed\": $!\n";
-while(<>) {
-    next if(defined($dateStr) && ! /^$dateStr/o);
-    s/: \[ID \d+ [^\]]+\] /: /o;       # lose "[ID nnnnnn some.thing]" stuff
-    my $logRmdr;
-    next unless((($msgMonStr, $msgDay, $msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec, $logRmdr) =
-       /^(...) +(\d+) (..):(..):(..) \S+ (.+)$/o) == 6);
-    unless((($cmd, $qid) = $logRmdr =~ m#^(?:vmailer|postfix|$syslogName)/([^\[:]*).*?: ([^:\s]+)#o) == 2 ||
-           (($cmd, $qid) = $logRmdr =~ m#^((?:vmailer|postfix)(?:-script)?)(?:\[\d+\])?: ([^:\s]+)#o) == 2)
-    {
-       #print UNPROCD "$_";
-       next;
-    }
-    chomp;
-    # snatch out log entry date & time
-    $msgMon = $monthNums{$msgMonStr};
-    $msgYr = ($msgMon > $thisMon? $thisYr - 1 : $thisYr);
-    # the following test depends on one getting more than one message a
-    # month--or at least that successive messages don't arrive on the
-    # same month-day in successive months :-)
-    unless($msgDay == $lastMsgDay) {
-       $lastMsgDay = $msgDay;
-       $revMsgDateStr = sprintf "%d%02d%02d", $msgYr, $msgMon, $msgDay;
-       ++$dayCnt;
-       if(defined($opts{'zeroFill'})) {
-           ${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4] = 0;
-       }
-    }
-    # regexp rejects happen in "cleanup"
-    if($cmd eq "cleanup" && (my($rejSubTyp, $rejReas, $rejRmdr) = $logRmdr =~
-       /\/cleanup\[\d+\]: .*?\b(reject|warning|hold|discard): (header|body) (.*)$/o) == 3)
-    {
-       $rejRmdr =~ s/( from \S+?)?; from=<.*$//o unless($opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-       $rejRmdr = string_trimmer($rejRmdr, 64, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-       if($rejSubTyp eq "reject") {
-           ++$rejects{$cmd}{$rejReas}{$rejRmdr};
-           ++$msgsRjctd;
-       } elsif($rejSubTyp eq "warning") {
-           ++$warns{$cmd}{$rejReas}{$rejRmdr};
-           ++$msgsWrnd;
-       } elsif($rejSubTyp eq "hold") {
-           ++$holds{$cmd}{$rejReas}{$rejRmdr};
-           ++$msgsHld;
-       } elsif($rejSubTyp eq "discard") {
-           ++$discards{$cmd}{$rejReas}{$rejRmdr};
-           ++$msgsDscrdd;
-       }
-       ++$rejPerHr[$msgHr];
-       ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4];
-    } elsif($qid eq 'warning') {
-       (my $warnReas = $logRmdr) =~ s/^.*warning: //o;
-       $warnReas = string_trimmer($warnReas, 66, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-       unless($cmd eq "smtpd" && $opts{'noSMTPDWarnings'}) {
-           ++$warnings{$cmd}{$warnReas};
-       }
-    } elsif($qid eq 'fatal') {
-       (my $fatalReas = $logRmdr) =~ s/^.*fatal: //o;
-       $fatalReas = string_trimmer($fatalReas, 66, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-       ++$fatals{$cmd}{$fatalReas};
-    } elsif($qid eq 'panic') {
-       (my $panicReas = $logRmdr) =~ s/^.*panic: //o;
-       $panicReas = string_trimmer($panicReas, 66, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-       ++$panics{$cmd}{$panicReas};
-    } elsif($qid eq 'reject') {
-       proc_smtpd_reject($logRmdr, \%rejects, \$msgsRjctd, \$rejPerHr[$msgHr],
-                         \${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4]);
-    } elsif($qid eq 'reject_warning') {
-       proc_smtpd_reject($logRmdr, \%warns, \$msgsWrnd, \$rejPerHr[$msgHr],
-                         \${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4]);
-    } elsif($qid eq 'hold') {
-       proc_smtpd_reject($logRmdr, \%holds, \$msgsHld, \$rejPerHr[$msgHr],
-                         \${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4]);
-    } elsif($qid eq 'discard') {
-       proc_smtpd_reject($logRmdr, \%discards, \$msgsDscrdd, \$rejPerHr[$msgHr],
-                         \${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4]);
-    } elsif($cmd eq 'master') {
-       ++$masterMsgs{(split(/^.*master.*: /, $logRmdr))[1]};
-    } elsif($cmd eq 'smtpd') {
-       if($logRmdr =~ /\[\d+\]: \w+: client=(.+?)(,|$)/o) {
-           #
-           # Warning: this code in two places!
-           #
-           ++$rcvPerHr[$msgHr];
-           ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[0];
-           ++$msgsRcvd;
-           $rcvdMsg{$qid} = gimme_domain($1);  # Whence it came
-       } elsif(my($rejSubTyp) = $logRmdr =~ /\[\d+\]: \w+: (reject(?:_warning)?|hold|discard): /o) {
-           if($rejSubTyp eq 'reject') {
-               proc_smtpd_reject($logRmdr, \%rejects, \$msgsRjctd,
-                                 \$rejPerHr[$msgHr],
-                                 \${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4]);
-           } elsif($rejSubTyp eq 'reject_warning') {
-               proc_smtpd_reject($logRmdr, \%warns, \$msgsWrnd,
-                                 \$rejPerHr[$msgHr],
-                                 \${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4]);
-           } elsif($rejSubTyp eq 'hold') {
-               proc_smtpd_reject($logRmdr, \%holds, \$msgsHld,
-                                 \$rejPerHr[$msgHr],
-                                 \${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4]);
-           } elsif($rejSubTyp eq 'discard') {
-               proc_smtpd_reject($logRmdr, \%discards, \$msgsDscrdd,
-                                 \$rejPerHr[$msgHr],
-                                 \${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4]);
-           }
-       }
-       else {
-           next unless(defined($opts{'smtpdStats'}));
-           if($logRmdr =~ /: connect from /o) {
-               $logRmdr =~ /\/smtpd\[(\d+)\]: /o;
-               @{$connTime{$1}} =
-                   ($msgYr, $msgMon + 1, $msgDay, $msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec);
-           } elsif($logRmdr =~ /: disconnect from /o) {
-               my ($pid, $hostID) = $logRmdr =~ /\/smtpd\[(\d+)\]: disconnect from (.+)$/o;
-               if(exists($connTime{$pid})) {
-                   $hostID = gimme_domain($hostID);
-                   my($d, $h, $m, $s) = Delta_DHMS(@{$connTime{$pid}},
-                       $msgYr, $msgMon + 1, $msgDay, $msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec);
-                   delete($connTime{$pid});    # dispose of no-longer-needed item
-                   my $tSecs = (86400 * $d) + (3600 * $h) + (60 * $m) + $s;
-                   ++$smtpdPerHr[$msgHr][0];
-                   $smtpdPerHr[$msgHr][1] += $tSecs;
-                   $smtpdPerHr[$msgHr][2] = $tSecs if($tSecs > $smtpdPerHr[$msgHr][2]);
-                   unless(${$smtpdPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[0]++) {
-                       ${$smtpdPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[1] = 0;
-                       ${$smtpdPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2] = 0;
-                   }
-                   ${$smtpdPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[1] += $tSecs;
-                   ${$smtpdPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2] = $tSecs
-                       if($tSecs > ${$smtpdPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2]);
-                   unless(${$smtpdPerDom{$hostID}}[0]++) {
-                       ${$smtpdPerDom{$hostID}}[1] = 0;
-                       ${$smtpdPerDom{$hostID}}[2] = 0;
-                   }
-                   ${$smtpdPerDom{$hostID}}[1] += $tSecs;
-                   ${$smtpdPerDom{$hostID}}[2] = $tSecs
-                       if($tSecs > ${$smtpdPerDom{$hostID}}[2]);
-                   ++$smtpdConnCnt;
-                   $smtpdTotTime += $tSecs;
-               }
-           }
-       }
-    } else {
-       my $toRmdr;
-       if((($addr, $size) = $logRmdr =~ /from=<([^>]*)>, size=(\d+)/o) == 2)
-       {
-           next if($msgSizes{$qid});   # avoid double-counting!
-           if($addr) {
-               if($opts{'m'} && $addr =~ /^(.*!)*([^!]+)!([^!@]+)@([^\.]+)$/o) {
-                   $addr = "$4!" . ($1? "$1" : "") . $3 . "\@$2";
-               }
-               $addr =~ s/(@.+)/\L$1/o unless($opts{'i'});
-               $addr = lc($addr) if($opts{'i'});
-               $addr = verp_mung($addr);
-           } else {
-               $addr = "from=<>"
-           }
-           $msgSizes{$qid} = $size;
-           push(@{$msgDetail{$qid}}, $addr) if($opts{'e'});
-           # Avoid counting forwards
-           if($rcvdMsg{$qid}) {
-               # Get the domain out of the sender's address.  If there is
-               # none: Use the client hostname/IP-address
-               my $domAddr;
-               unless((($domAddr = $addr) =~ s/^[^@]+\@(.+)$/$1/o) == 1) {
-                   $domAddr = $rcvdMsg{$qid} eq "pickup"? $addr : $rcvdMsg{$qid};
-               }
-               ++$sendgDomCnt
-                   unless(${$sendgDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$sendgDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ${$sendgDom{$domAddr}}[$msgSizeI] += $size;
-               ++$sendgUserCnt unless(${$sendgUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$sendgUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ${$sendgUser{$addr}}[$msgSizeI] += $size;
-               $sizeRcvd += $size;
-               delete($rcvdMsg{$qid});         # limit hash size
-           }
-       }
-       elsif((($addr, $relay, $delay, $status, $toRmdr) = $logRmdr =~
-               /to=<([^>]*)>, (?:orig_to=<[^>]*>, )?relay=([^,]+), delay=([^,]+), status=(\S+)(.*)$/o) >= 4)
-       {
-           if($opts{'m'} && $addr =~ /^(.*!)*([^!]+)!([^!@]+)@([^\.]+)$/o) {
-               $addr = "$4!" . ($1? "$1" : "") . $3 . "\@$2";
-           }
-           $addr =~ s/(@.+)/\L$1/o unless($opts{'i'});
-           $addr = lc($addr) if($opts{'i'});
-           (my $domAddr = $addr) =~ s/^[^@]+\@//o;     # get domain only
-           if($status eq 'sent') {
-               # was it actually forwarded, rather than delivered?
-               if($toRmdr =~ /forwarded as /o) {
-                   ++$msgsFwdd;
-                   next;
-               }
-               ++$recipDomCnt unless(${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyAvgI] += $delay;
-               if(! ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] ||
-                  $delay > ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI])
-               {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] = $delay
-               }
-               ++$recipUserCnt unless(${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ++$dlvPerHr[$msgHr];
-               ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[1];
-               ++$msgsDlvrd;
-               if($msgSizes{$qid}) {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgSizeI] += $msgSizes{$qid};
-                   ${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgSizeI] += $msgSizes{$qid};
-                   $sizeDlvrd += $msgSizes{$qid};
-               } else {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgSizeI] += 0;
-                   ${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgSizeI] += 0;
-                   $noMsgSize{$qid} = $addr unless($opts{'noNoMsgSize'});
-                   push(@{$msgDetail{$qid}}, "(sender not in log)") if($opts{'e'});
-                   # put this back later? mebbe with -v?
-                   # msg_warn("no message size for qid: $qid");
-               }
-               push(@{$msgDetail{$qid}}, $addr) if($opts{'e'});
-           } elsif($status eq 'deferred') {
-               my ($deferredReas) = $logRmdr =~ /, status=deferred \(([^\)]+)/o;
-               unless(defined($opts{'verbMsgDetail'})) {
-                   $deferredReas = said_string_trimmer($deferredReas, 65);
-                   $deferredReas =~ s/^\d{3} //o;
-                   $deferredReas =~ s/^connect to //o;
-               }
-               ++$deferred{$cmd}{$deferredReas};
-                ++$dfrPerHr[$msgHr];
-               ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2];
-               ++$msgsDfrdCnt;
-               ++$msgsDfrd unless($msgDfrdFlgs{$qid}++);
-               ++${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDfrsI];
-               if(! ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] ||
-                  $delay > ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI])
-               {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] = $delay
-               }
-           } elsif($status eq 'bounced') {
-               my ($bounceReas) = $logRmdr =~ /, status=bounced \((.+)\)/o;
-               unless(defined($opts{'verbMsgDetail'})) {
-                   $bounceReas = said_string_trimmer($bounceReas, 66);
-                   $bounceReas =~ s/^\d{3} //o;
-               }
-               ++$bounced{$relay}{$bounceReas};
-                ++$bncPerHr[$msgHr];
-               ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[3];
-               ++$msgsBncd;
-           } else {
-#              print UNPROCD "$_\n";
-           }
-       }
-       elsif($cmd eq 'pickup' && $logRmdr =~ /: (sender|uid)=/o) {
-           #
-           # Warning: this code in two places!
-           #
-           ++$rcvPerHr[$msgHr];
-           ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[0];
-           ++$msgsRcvd;
-           $rcvdMsg{$qid} = "pickup";  # Whence it came
-       }
-       elsif($cmd eq 'smtp') {
-           # Was an IPv6 problem here
-           if($logRmdr =~ /.* connect to (\S+?): ([^;]+); address \S+ port.*$/o) {
-               ++$smtpMsgs{lc($2)}{$1};
-           } elsif($logRmdr =~ /.* connect to ([^[]+)\[\S+?\]: (.+?) \(port \d+\)$/o) {
-               ++$smtpMsgs{lc($2)}{$1};
-           } else {
-#              print UNPROCD "$_\n";
-           }
-       }
-       else
-       {
-#          print UNPROCD "$_\n";
-       }
-    }
-# debugging
-#close(UNPROCD) ||
-#    die "problem closing \"unprocessed\": $!\n";
-# Calculate percentage of messages rejected and discarded
-my $msgsRjctdPct = 0;
-my $msgsDscrddPct = 0;
-if(my $msgsTotal = $msgsDlvrd + $msgsRjctd + $msgsDscrdd) {
-    $msgsRjctdPct = int(($msgsRjctd/$msgsTotal) * 100);
-    $msgsDscrddPct = int(($msgsDscrdd/$msgsTotal) * 100);
-if(defined($dateStr)) {
-    print "Postfix log summaries for $dateStr\n";
-print "\nGrand Totals\n------------\n";
-print "messages\n\n";
-printf " %6d%s  received\n", adj_int_units($msgsRcvd);
-printf " %6d%s  delivered\n", adj_int_units($msgsDlvrd);
-printf " %6d%s  forwarded\n", adj_int_units($msgsFwdd);
-printf " %6d%s  deferred", adj_int_units($msgsDfrd);
-printf "  (%d%s deferrals)", adj_int_units($msgsDfrdCnt) if($msgsDfrdCnt);
-print "\n";
-printf " %6d%s  bounced\n", adj_int_units($msgsBncd);
-printf " %6d%s  rejected (%d%%)\n", adj_int_units($msgsRjctd), $msgsRjctdPct;
-printf " %6d%s  reject warnings\n", adj_int_units($msgsWrnd);
-printf " %6d%s  held\n", adj_int_units($msgsHld);
-printf " %6d%s  discarded (%d%%)\n", adj_int_units($msgsDscrdd), $msgsDscrddPct;
-print "\n";
-printf " %6d%s  bytes received\n", adj_int_units($sizeRcvd);
-printf " %6d%s  bytes delivered\n", adj_int_units($sizeDlvrd);
-printf " %6d%s  senders\n", adj_int_units($sendgUserCnt);
-printf " %6d%s  sending hosts/domains\n", adj_int_units($sendgDomCnt);
-printf " %6d%s  recipients\n", adj_int_units($recipUserCnt);
-printf " %6d%s  recipient hosts/domains\n", adj_int_units($recipDomCnt);
-if(defined($opts{'smtpdStats'})) {
-    print "\nsmtpd\n\n";
-    printf "  %6d%s  connections\n", adj_int_units($smtpdConnCnt);
-    printf "  %6d%s  hosts/domains\n", adj_int_units(int(keys %smtpdPerDom));
-    printf "  %6d   avg. connect time (seconds)\n",
-       $smtpdConnCnt > 0? ($smtpdTotTime / $smtpdConnCnt) + .5 : 0;
-    {
-       my ($sec, $min, $hr) = get_smh($smtpdTotTime);
-       printf " %2d:%02d:%02d  total connect time\n",
-         $hr, $min, $sec;
-    }
-print "\n";
-print_problems_reports() if(defined($opts{'pf'}));
-print_per_day_summary(\%msgsPerDay) if($dayCnt > 1);
-print_per_hour_summary(\@rcvPerHr, \@dlvPerHr, \@dfrPerHr, \@bncPerHr,
-    \@rejPerHr, $dayCnt);
-print_recip_domain_summary(\%recipDom, $opts{'h'});
-print_sending_domain_summary(\%sendgDom, $opts{'h'});
-if(defined($opts{'smtpdStats'})) {
-    print_per_day_smtpd(\%smtpdPerDay, $dayCnt) if($dayCnt > 1);
-    print_per_hour_smtpd(\@smtpdPerHr, $dayCnt);
-    print_domain_smtpd_summary(\%smtpdPerDom, $opts{'h'});
-print_user_data(\%sendgUser, "Senders by message count", $msgCntI, $opts{'u'}, $opts{'q'});
-print_user_data(\%recipUser, "Recipients by message count", $msgCntI, $opts{'u'}, $opts{'q'});
-print_user_data(\%sendgUser, "Senders by message size", $msgSizeI, $opts{'u'}, $opts{'q'});
-print_user_data(\%recipUser, "Recipients by message size", $msgSizeI, $opts{'u'}, $opts{'q'});
-print_hash_by_key(\%noMsgSize, "Messages with no size data", 0, 1);
-print_problems_reports() unless(defined($opts{'pf'}));
-print_detailed_msg_data(\%msgDetail, "Message detail", $opts{'q'}) if($opts{'e'});
-# Print "problems" reports
-sub print_problems_reports {
-    unless($opts{'noDeferralDetail'}) {
-       print_nested_hash(\%deferred, "message deferral detail", $opts{'q'});
-    }
-    unless($opts{'noBounceDetail'}) {
-       print_nested_hash(\%bounced, "message bounce detail (by relay)", $opts{'q'});
-    }
-    unless($opts{'noRejectDetail'}) {
-       print_nested_hash(\%rejects, "message reject detail", $opts{'q'});
-       print_nested_hash(\%warns, "message reject warning detail", $opts{'q'});
-       print_nested_hash(\%holds, "message hold detail", $opts{'q'});
-       print_nested_hash(\%discards, "message discard detail", $opts{'q'});
-    }
-    print_nested_hash(\%smtpMsgs, "smtp delivery failures", $opts{'q'});
-    print_nested_hash(\%warnings, "Warnings", $opts{'q'});
-    print_nested_hash(\%fatals, "Fatal Errors", 0, $opts{'q'});
-    print_nested_hash(\%panics, "Panics", 0, $opts{'q'});
-    print_hash_by_cnt_vals(\%masterMsgs,"Master daemon messages", 0, $opts{'q'});
-if($opts{'mailq'}) {
-    # flush stdout first cuz of asynchronousity
-    $| = 1;
-    print "\nCurrent Mail Queue\n------------------\n";
-    system($mailqCmd);
-# print "per-day" traffic summary
-# (done in a subroutine only to keep main-line code clean)
-sub print_per_day_summary {
-    my($msgsPerDay) = @_;
-    my $value;
-    print <<End_Of_Per_Day_Heading;
-Per-Day Traffic Summary
-    date          received  delivered   deferred    bounced     rejected
-    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%$msgsPerDay)) {
-       my ($msgYr, $msgMon, $msgDay) = unpack("A4 A2 A2", $_);
-       if($isoDateTime) {
-           printf "    %04d-%02d-%02d ", $msgYr, $msgMon + 1, $msgDay
-       } else {
-           my $msgMonStr = $monthNames[$msgMon];
-           printf "    $msgMonStr %2d $msgYr", $msgDay;
-       }
-       foreach $value (@{$msgsPerDay->{$_}}) {
-           my $value2 = $value? $value : 0;
-           printf "    %6d%s", adj_int_units($value2);
-       }
-       print "\n";
-    }
-# print "per-hour" traffic summary
-# (done in a subroutine only to keep main-line code clean)
-sub print_per_hour_summary {
-    my ($rcvPerHr, $dlvPerHr, $dfrPerHr, $bncPerHr, $rejPerHr, $dayCnt) = @_;
-    my $reportType = $dayCnt > 1? 'Daily Average' : 'Summary';
-    my ($hour, $value);
-    print <<End_Of_Per_Hour_Heading;
-Per-Hour Traffic $reportType
-    time          received  delivered   deferred    bounced     rejected
-    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    for($hour = 0; $hour < 24; ++$hour) {
-       if($isoDateTime) {
-           printf "    %02d:00-%02d:00", $hour, $hour + 1;
-       } else {
-           printf "    %02d00-%02d00  ", $hour, $hour + 1;
-       }
-       foreach $value (@$rcvPerHr[$hour], @$dlvPerHr[$hour],
-                          @$dfrPerHr[$hour], @$bncPerHr[$hour],
-                          @$rejPerHr[$hour])
-       {
-           my $units = ' ';
-           $value = ($value / $dayCnt) + 0.5 if($dayCnt);
-           printf "    %6d%s", adj_int_units($value);
-       }
-       print "\n";
-    }
-# print "per-recipient-domain" traffic summary
-# (done in a subroutine only to keep main-line code clean)
-sub print_recip_domain_summary {
-    use vars '$hashRef';
-    local($hashRef) = $_[0];
-    my($cnt) = $_[1];
-    return if($cnt == 0);
-    my $topCnt = $cnt > 0? "(top $cnt)" : "";
-    my $avgDly;
-    print <<End_Of_Recip_Domain_Heading;
-Host/Domain Summary: Message Delivery $topCnt
- sent cnt  bytes   defers   avg dly max dly host/domain
- -------- -------  -------  ------- ------- -----------
-    foreach (reverse sort by_count_then_size keys(%$hashRef)) {
-       # there are only delay values if anything was sent
-       if(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgCntI]) {
-           $avgDly = (${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgDlyAvgI] /
-                      ${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgCntI]);
-       } else {
-           $avgDly = 0;
-       }
-       printf " %6d%s  %6d%s  %6d%s  %5.1f %s  %5.1f %s  %s\n",
-           adj_int_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgCntI]),
-           adj_int_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgSizeI]),
-           adj_int_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgDfrsI]),
-           adj_time_units($avgDly),
-           adj_time_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgDlyMaxI]),
-           $_;
-       last if --$cnt == 0;
-    }
-# print "per-sender-domain" traffic summary
-# (done in a subroutine only to keep main-line code clean)
-sub print_sending_domain_summary {
-    use vars '$hashRef';
-    local($hashRef) = $_[0];
-    my($cnt) = $_[1];
-    return if($cnt == 0);
-    my $topCnt = $cnt > 0? "(top $cnt)" : "";
-    print <<End_Of_Sender_Domain_Heading;
-Host/Domain Summary: Messages Received $topCnt
- msg cnt   bytes   host/domain
- -------- -------  -----------
-    foreach (reverse sort by_count_then_size keys(%$hashRef)) {
-       printf " %6d%s  %6d%s  %s\n",
-           adj_int_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgCntI]),
-           adj_int_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgSizeI]),
-           $_;
-       last if --$cnt == 0;
-    }
-# print "per-user" data sorted in descending order
-# order (i.e.: highest first)
-sub print_user_data {
-    my($hashRef, $title, $index, $cnt, $quiet) = @_;
-    my $dottedLine;
-    return if($cnt == 0);
-    $title = sprintf "%s%s", $cnt > 0? "top $cnt " : "", $title;
-    unless(%$hashRef) {
-       return if($quiet);
-       $dottedLine = ": none";
-    } else {
-       $dottedLine = "\n" . "-" x length($title);
-    }
-    printf "\n$title$dottedLine\n";
-    foreach (map { $_->[0] }
-            sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] || $a->[2] cmp $b->[2] }
-            map { [ $_, $hashRef->{$_}[$index], normalize_host($_) ] }
-            (keys(%$hashRef)))
-    {
-       printf " %6d%s  %s\n", adj_int_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$index]), $_;
-       last if --$cnt == 0;
-    }
-# print "per-hour" smtpd connection summary
-# (done in a subroutine only to keep main-line code clean)
-sub print_per_hour_smtpd {
-    my ($smtpdPerHr, $dayCnt) = @_;
-    my ($hour, $value);
-    if($dayCnt > 1) {
-       print <<End_Of_Per_Hour_Smtp_Average;
-Per-Hour SMTPD Connection Daily Average
-    hour        connections    time conn.
-    -------------------------------------
-    } else {
-       print <<End_Of_Per_Hour_Smtp;
-Per-Hour SMTPD Connection Summary
-    hour        connections    time conn.    avg./conn.   max. time
-    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    }
-    for($hour = 0; $hour < 24; ++$hour) {
-       $smtpdPerHr[$hour]->[0] || next;
-       my $avg = int($smtpdPerHr[$hour]->[0]?
-           ($smtpdPerHr[$hour]->[1]/$smtpdPerHr[$hour]->[0]) + .5 : 0);
-       if($dayCnt > 1) {
-           $smtpdPerHr[$hour]->[0] /= $dayCnt;
-           $smtpdPerHr[$hour]->[1] /= $dayCnt;
-           $smtpdPerHr[$hour]->[0] += .5;
-           $smtpdPerHr[$hour]->[1] += .5;
-       }
-       my($sec, $min, $hr) = get_smh($smtpdPerHr[$hour]->[1]);
-       if($isoDateTime) {
-           printf "    %02d:00-%02d:00", $hour, $hour + 1;
-       } else {
-           printf "    %02d00-%02d00  ", $hour, $hour + 1;
-       }
-       printf "   %6d%s       %2d:%02d:%02d",
-           adj_int_units($smtpdPerHr[$hour]->[0]),
-           $hr, $min, $sec;
-       if($dayCnt < 2) {
-           printf "      %6ds      %6ds",
-               $avg,
-               $smtpdPerHr[$hour]->[2];
-       }
-       print "\n";
-    }
-# print "per-day" smtpd connection summary
-# (done in a subroutine only to keep main-line code clean)
-sub print_per_day_smtpd {
-    my ($smtpdPerDay, $dayCnt) = @_;
-    print <<End_Of_Per_Day_Smtp;
-Per-Day SMTPD Connection Summary
-    date        connections    time conn.    avg./conn.   max. time
-    --------------------------------------------------------------------
-    foreach (sort { $a <=> $b } keys(%$smtpdPerDay)) {
-       my ($msgYr, $msgMon, $msgDay) = unpack("A4 A2 A2", $_);
-       if($isoDateTime) {
-           printf "    %04d-%02d-%02d ", $msgYr, $msgMon + 1, $msgDay
-       } else {
-           my $msgMonStr = $monthNames[$msgMon];
-           printf "    $msgMonStr %2d $msgYr", $msgDay;
-       }
-       my $avg = (${$smtpdPerDay{$_}}[1]/${$smtpdPerDay{$_}}[0]) + .5;
-       my($sec, $min, $hr) = get_smh(${$smtpdPerDay{$_}}[1]);
-       printf "   %6d%s       %2d:%02d:%02d      %6ds      %6ds\n",
-           adj_int_units(${$smtpdPerDay{$_}}[0]),
-           $hr, $min, $sec,
-           $avg,
-           ${$smtpdPerDay{$_}}[2];
-    }
-# print "per-domain-smtpd" connection summary
-# (done in a subroutine only to keep main-line code clean)
-sub print_domain_smtpd_summary {
-    use vars '$hashRef';
-    local($hashRef) = $_[0];
-    my($cnt) = $_[1];
-    return if($cnt == 0);
-    my $topCnt = $cnt > 0? "(top $cnt)" : "";
-    my $avgDly;
-    print <<End_Of_Domain_Smtp_Heading;
-Host/Domain Summary: SMTPD Connections $topCnt
- connections  time conn.  avg./conn.  max. time  host/domain
- -----------  ----------  ----------  ---------  -----------
-    foreach (reverse sort by_count_then_size keys(%$hashRef)) {
-       my $avg = (${$hashRef->{$_}}[1]/${$hashRef->{$_}}[0]) + .5;
-       my ($sec, $min, $hr) = get_smh(${$hashRef->{$_}}[1]);
-       printf "  %6d%s      %2d:%02d:%02d     %6ds    %6ds   %s\n",
-           adj_int_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[0]),
-           $hr, $min, $sec,
-           $avg,
-           ${$hashRef->{$_}}[2],
-           $_;
-       last if --$cnt == 0;
-    }
-# print hash contents sorted by numeric values in descending
-# order (i.e.: highest first)
-sub print_hash_by_cnt_vals {
-    my($hashRef, $title, $cnt, $quiet) = @_;
-    my $dottedLine;
-    $title = sprintf "%s%s", $cnt? "top $cnt " : "", $title;
-    unless(%$hashRef) {
-       return if($quiet);
-       $dottedLine = ": none";
-    } else {
-       $dottedLine = "\n" . "-" x length($title);
-    }
-    printf "\n$title$dottedLine\n";
-    really_print_hash_by_cnt_vals($hashRef, $cnt, ' ');
-# print hash contents sorted by key in ascending order
-sub print_hash_by_key {
-    my($hashRef, $title, $cnt, $quiet) = @_;
-    my $dottedLine;
-    $title = sprintf "%s%s", $cnt? "first $cnt " : "", $title;
-    unless(%$hashRef) {
-       return if($quiet);
-       $dottedLine = ": none";
-    } else {
-       $dottedLine = "\n" . "-" x length($title);
-    }
-    printf "\n$title$dottedLine\n";
-    foreach (sort keys(%$hashRef))
-    {
-       printf " %s  %s\n", $_, $hashRef->{$_};
-       last if --$cnt == 0;
-    }
-# print "nested" hashes
-sub print_nested_hash {
-    my($hashRef, $title, $quiet) = @_;
-    my $dottedLine;
-    unless(%$hashRef) {
-       return if($quiet);
-       $dottedLine = ": none";
-    } else {
-       $dottedLine = "\n" . "-" x length($title);
-    }
-    printf "\n$title$dottedLine\n";
-    walk_nested_hash($hashRef, 0);
-# "walk" a "nested" hash
-sub walk_nested_hash {
-    my ($hashRef, $level) = @_;
-    $level += 2;
-    my $indents = ' ' x $level;
-    my ($keyName, $hashVal) = each(%$hashRef);
-    if(ref($hashVal) eq 'HASH') {
-       foreach (sort keys %$hashRef) {
-           print "$indents$_";
-           # If the next hash is finally the data, total the
-           # counts for the report and print
-           my $hashVal2 = (each(%{$hashRef->{$_}}))[1];
-           keys(%{$hashRef->{$_}});    # "reset" hash iterator
-           unless(ref($hashVal2) eq 'HASH') {
-               my $cnt = 0;
-               $cnt += $_ foreach (values %{$hashRef->{$_}});
-               print " (total: $cnt)";
-           }
-           print "\n";
-           walk_nested_hash($hashRef->{$_}, $level);
-       }
-    } else {
-       really_print_hash_by_cnt_vals($hashRef, 0, $indents);
-    }
-# print per-message info in excruciating detail :-)
-sub print_detailed_msg_data {
-    use vars '$hashRef';
-    local($hashRef) = $_[0];
-    my($title, $quiet) = @_[1,2];
-    my $dottedLine;
-    unless(%$hashRef) {
-       return if($quiet);
-       $dottedLine = ": none";
-    } else {
-       $dottedLine = "\n" . "-" x length($title);
-    }
-    printf "\n$title$dottedLine\n";
-    foreach (sort by_domain_then_user keys(%$hashRef))
-    {
-       printf " %s  %s\n", $_, shift(@{$hashRef->{$_}});
-       foreach (@{$hashRef->{$_}}) {
-           print "   $_\n";
-       }
-       print "\n";
-    }
-# *really* print hash contents sorted by numeric values in descending
-# order (i.e.: highest first), then by IP/addr, in ascending order.
-sub really_print_hash_by_cnt_vals {
-    my($hashRef, $cnt, $indents) = @_;
-    foreach (map { $_->[0] }
-            sort { $b->[1] <=> $a->[1] || $a->[2] cmp $b->[2] }
-            map { [ $_, $hashRef->{$_}, normalize_host($_) ] }
-            (keys(%$hashRef)))
-    {
-        printf "$indents%6d%s  %s\n", adj_int_units($hashRef->{$_}), $_;
-        last if --$cnt == 0;
-    }
-# Normalize IP addr or hostname
-# (Note: Makes no effort to normalize IPv6 addrs.  Just returns them
-# as they're passed-in.)
-sub normalize_host {
-    # For IP addrs and hostnames: lop off possible " (user@dom.ain)" bit
-    my $norm1 = (split(/\s/, $_[0]))[0];
-    if((my @octets = ($norm1 =~ /^(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)$/o)) == 4) {
-       # Dotted-quad IP address
-       return(pack('C4', @octets));
-    } else {
-       # Possibly hostname or user@dom.ain
-       return(join( '', map { lc $_ } reverse split /[.@]/, $norm1 ));
-    }
-# subroutine to sort by domain, then user in domain, then by queue i.d.
-# Note: mixing Internet-style domain names and UUCP-style bang-paths
-# may confuse this thing.  An attempt is made to use the first host
-# preceding the username in the bang-path as the "domain" if none is
-# found otherwise.
-sub by_domain_then_user {
-    # first see if we can get "user@somedomain"
-    my($userNameA, $domainA) = split(/\@/, ${$hashRef->{$a}}[0]);
-    my($userNameB, $domainB) = split(/\@/, ${$hashRef->{$b}}[0]);
-    # try "somedomain!user"?
-    ($userNameA, $domainA) = (split(/!/, ${$hashRef->{$a}}[0]))[-1,-2]
-       unless($domainA);
-    ($userNameB, $domainB) = (split(/!/, ${$hashRef->{$b}}[0]))[-1,-2]
-       unless($domainB);
-    # now re-order ""/"" to
-    # "host.dom.mach"/""
-    $domainA =~ s/^(.*)\.([^\.]+)\.([^\.]{3}|[^\.]{2,3}\.[^\.]{2})$/$2.$3.$1/o
-       if($domainA);
-    $domainB =~ s/^(.*)\.([^\.]+)\.([^\.]{3}|[^\.]{2,3}\.[^\.]{2})$/$2.$3.$1/o
-       if($domainB);
-    # oddly enough, doing this here is marginally faster than doing
-    # an "if-else", above.  go figure.
-    $domainA = "" unless($domainA);
-    $domainB = "" unless($domainB);
-    if($domainA lt $domainB) {
-       return -1;
-    } elsif($domainA gt $domainB) {
-       return 1;
-    } else {
-       # disregard leading bang-path
-       $userNameA =~ s/^.*!//o;
-       $userNameB =~ s/^.*!//o;
-       if($userNameA lt $userNameB) {
-           return -1;
-       } elsif($userNameA gt $userNameB) {
-           return 1;
-       } else {
-           if($a lt $b) {
-               return -1;
-           } elsif($a gt $b) {
-               return 1;
-           }
-       }
-    }
-    return 0;
-# Subroutine used by host/domain reports to sort by count, then size.
-# We "fix" un-initialized values here as well.  Very ugly and un-
-# structured to do this here - but it's either that or the callers
-# must run through the hashes twice :-(.
-sub by_count_then_size {
-    ${$hashRef->{$a}}[$msgCntI] = 0 unless(${$hashRef->{$a}}[$msgCntI]);
-    ${$hashRef->{$b}}[$msgCntI] = 0 unless(${$hashRef->{$b}}[$msgCntI]);
-    if(${$hashRef->{$a}}[$msgCntI] == ${$hashRef->{$b}}[$msgCntI]) {
-       ${$hashRef->{$a}}[$msgSizeI] = 0 unless(${$hashRef->{$a}}[$msgSizeI]);
-       ${$hashRef->{$b}}[$msgSizeI] = 0 unless(${$hashRef->{$b}}[$msgSizeI]);
-       return(${$hashRef->{$a}}[$msgSizeI] <=>
-              ${$hashRef->{$b}}[$msgSizeI]);
-    } else {
-       return(${$hashRef->{$a}}[$msgCntI] <=>
-              ${$hashRef->{$b}}[$msgCntI]);
-    }
-# return a date string to match in log
-sub get_datestr {
-    my $dateOpt = $_[0];
-    my $aDay = 60 * 60 * 24;
-    my $time = time();
-    if($dateOpt eq "yesterday") {
-       $time -= $aDay;
-    } elsif($dateOpt ne "today") {
-       die "$usageMsg\n";
-    }
-    my ($t_mday, $t_mon) = (localtime($time))[3,4];
-    return sprintf("%s %2d", $monthNames[$t_mon], $t_mday);
-# if there's a real domain: uses that.  Otherwise uses the IP addr.
-# Lower-cases returned domain name.
-# Optional bit of code elides the last octet of an IPv4 address.
-# (In case one wants to assume an IPv4 addr. is a dialup or other
-# dynamic IP address in a /24.)
-# Does nothing interesting with IPv6 addresses.
-sub gimme_domain {
-    $_ = $_[0];
-    my($domain, $ipAddr);
-    # split domain/ipaddr into separates
-    # newer versions of Postfix have them "dom.ain[i.p.add.ress]"
-    # older versions of Postfix have them "dom.ain/i.p.add.ress"
-    unless((($domain, $ipAddr) = /^([^\[]+)\[([^\]]+)\]/o) == 2 ||
-           (($domain, $ipAddr) = /^([^\/]+)\/([0-9a-f.:]+)/oi) == 2) {
-       # more exhaustive method
-        ($domain, $ipAddr) = /^([^\[\(\/]+)[\[\(\/]([^\]\)]+)[\]\)]?:?\s*$/o;
-    }
-    # ""/"" to "host.dom"/""
-    if($domain eq 'unknown') {
-        $domain = $ipAddr;
-       # For identifying the host part on a Class C network (commonly
-       # seen with dial-ups) the following is handy.
-        # $domain =~ s/\.\d+$//o;
-    } else {
-        $domain =~
-            s/^(.*)\.([^\.]+)\.([^\.]{3}|[^\.]{2,3}\.[^\.]{2})$/\L$2.$3/o;
-    }
-    return $domain;
-# Return (value, units) for integer
-sub adj_int_units {
-    my $value = $_[0];
-    my $units = ' ';
-    $value = 0 unless($value);
-    if($value > $divByOneMegAt) {
-       $value /= $oneMeg;
-       $units = 'm'
-    } elsif($value > $divByOneKAt) {
-       $value /= $oneK;
-       $units = 'k'
-    }
-    return($value, $units);
-# Return (value, units) for time
-sub adj_time_units {
-    my $value = $_[0];
-    my $units = 's';
-    $value = 0 unless($value);
-    if($value > 3600) {
-       $value /= 3600;
-       $units = 'h'
-    } elsif($value > 60) {
-       $value /= 60;
-       $units = 'm'
-    }
-    return($value, $units);
-# Trim a "said:" string, if necessary.  Add elipses to show it.
-sub said_string_trimmer {
-    my($trimmedString, $maxLen) = @_;
-    while(length($trimmedString) > $maxLen) {
-       if($trimmedString =~ /^.* said: /o) {
-           $trimmedString =~ s/^.* said: //o;
-       } elsif($trimmedString =~ /^.*: */o) {
-           $trimmedString =~ s/^.*?: *//o;
-       } else {
-           $trimmedString = substr($trimmedString, 0, $maxLen - 3) . "...";
-           last;
-       }
-    }
-    return $trimmedString;
-# Trim a string, if necessary.  Add elipses to show it.
-sub string_trimmer {
-    my($trimmedString, $maxLen, $doNotTrim) = @_;
-    $trimmedString = substr($trimmedString, 0, $maxLen - 3) . "..." 
-       if(! $doNotTrim && (length($trimmedString) > $maxLen));
-    return $trimmedString;
-# Get seconds, minutes and hours from seconds
-sub get_smh {
-    my $sec = shift @_;
-    my $hr = int($sec / 3600);
-    $sec -= $hr * 3600;
-    my $min = int($sec / 60);
-    $sec -= $min * 60;
-    return($sec, $min, $hr);
-# Process smtpd rejects
-sub proc_smtpd_reject {
-    my ($logLine, $rejects, $msgsRjctd, $rejPerHr, $msgsPerDay) = @_;
-    my ($rejTyp, $rejFrom, $rejRmdr, $rejReas);
-    my ($from, $to);
-    my $rejAddFrom = 0;
-    # This could get real ugly!
-    # First: get everything following the "reject: ", etc. token
-    # Was an IPv6 problem here
-    ($rejTyp, $rejFrom, $rejRmdr) = 
-       ($logLine =~ /^.* \b(?:reject(?:_warning)?|hold|discard): (\S+) from (\S+?): (.*)$/o);
-    # Next: get the reject "reason"
-    $rejReas = $rejRmdr;
-    unless(defined($opts{'verbMsgDetail'})) {
-       if($rejTyp eq "RCPT" || $rejTyp eq "DATA" || $rejTyp eq "CONNECT") {    # special treatment :-(
-           # If there are "<>"s immediately following the reject code, that's
-           # an email address or HELO string.  There can be *anything* in
-           # those--incl. stuff that'll screw up subsequent parsing.  So just
-           # get rid of it right off.
-           $rejReas =~ s/^(\d{3} <).*?(>:)/$1$2/o;
-           $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*?[:;] )(?:\[[^\]]+\] )?([^;,]+)[;,].*$/$1/o;
-           $rejReas =~ s/^((?:Sender|Recipient) address rejected: [^:]+):.*$/$1/o;
-           $rejReas =~ s/(Client host|Sender address) .+? blocked/blocked/o;
-       } elsif($rejTyp eq "MAIL") {    # *more* special treatment :-( grrrr...
-           $rejReas =~ s/^\d{3} (?:<.+>: )?([^;:]+)[;:]?.*$/$1/o;
-       } else {
-           $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*[:;] )?([^,]+).*$/$1/o;
-       }
-    }
-    # Snag recipient address
-    # Second expression is for unknown recipient--where there is no
-    # "to=<mumble>" field, third for pathological case where recipient
-    # field is unterminated, forth when all else fails.
-    (($to) = $rejRmdr =~ /to=<([^>]+)>/o) ||
-       (($to) = $rejRmdr =~ /\d{3} <([^>]+)>: User unknown /o) ||
-       (($to) = $rejRmdr =~ /to=<(.*?)(?:[, ]|$)/o) ||
-       ($to = "<>");
-    # Snag sender address
-    (($from) = $rejRmdr =~ /from=<([^>]+)>/o) || ($from = "<>");
-    if(defined($from)) {
-       $rejAddFrom = $opts{'rejAddFrom'};
-       $from = verp_mung($from);
-    }
-    # stash in "triple-subscripted-array"
-    if($rejReas =~ m/^Sender address rejected:/o) {
-       # Sender address rejected: Domain not found
-       # Sender address rejected: need fully-qualified address
-       ++$rejects->{$rejTyp}{$rejReas}{$from};
-    } elsif($rejReas =~ m/^(Recipient address rejected:|User unknown( |$))/o) {
-       # Recipient address rejected: Domain not found
-       # Recipient address rejected: need fully-qualified address
-       # User unknown (in local/relay recipient table)
-       #++$rejects->{$rejTyp}{$rejReas}{$to};
-       my $rejData = $to;
-       if($rejAddFrom) {
-           $rejData .= "  (" . ($from? $from : gimme_domain($rejFrom)) . ")";
-       }
-       ++$rejects->{$rejTyp}{$rejReas}{$rejData};
-    } elsif($rejReas =~ s/^.*?\d{3} (Improper use of SMTP command pipelining);.*$/$1/o) {
-       # Was an IPv6 problem here
-       my ($src) = $logLine =~ /^.+? from (\S+?):.*$/o;
-       ++$rejects->{$rejTyp}{$rejReas}{$src};
-    } elsif($rejReas =~ s/^.*?\d{3} (Message size exceeds fixed limit);.*$/$1/o) {
-       my $rejData = gimme_domain($rejFrom);
-       $rejData .= "  ($from)" if($rejAddFrom);
-       ++$rejects->{$rejTyp}{$rejReas}{$rejData};
-    } elsif($rejReas =~ s/^.*?\d{3} (Server configuration (?:error|problem));.*$/(Local) $1/o) {
-       my $rejData = gimme_domain($rejFrom);
-       $rejData .= "  ($from)" if($rejAddFrom);
-       ++$rejects->{$rejTyp}{$rejReas}{$rejData};
-    } else {
-#      print STDERR "dbg: unknown reject reason $rejReas !\n\n";
-       my $rejData = gimme_domain($rejFrom);
-       $rejData .= "  ($from)" if($rejAddFrom);
-       ++$rejects->{$rejTyp}{$rejReas}{$rejData};
-    }
-    ++$$msgsRjctd;
-    ++$$rejPerHr;
-    ++$$msgsPerDay;
-# Hack for VERP (?) - convert address from somthing like
-# ""
-# to ""
-# to prevent per-user listing "pollution."  More aggressive
-# munging converts to something like
-# ""  (Instead of "return," there
-# may be numeric list name/id, "warn", "error", etc.?)
-sub verp_mung {
-    my $addr = $_[0];
-    if(defined($opts{'verpMung'})) {
-       $addr =~ s/((?:bounce[ds]?|no(?:list|reply|response)|return|sentto|\d+).*?)(?:[\+_\.\*-]\d+\b)+/$1-ID/oi;
-       if($opts{'verpMung'} > 1) {
-           $addr =~ s/[\*-](\d+[\*-])?[^=\*-]+[=\*][^\@]+\@/\@/o;
-       }
-    }
-    return $addr;
-### Warning and Error Routines
-# Emit warning message to stderr
-sub msg_warn {
-    warn "warning: $progName: $_[0]\n";
diff --git a/bin/cron/stats/ b/bin/cron/stats/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 0fc21cc..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,529 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-eval 'exec perl -S $0 "$@"'
-    if 0;
-use strict;
-use locale;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Date::Calc qw(Delta_DHMS);
-my $mailqCmd = "mailq";
-# Variables and constants used throughout pflogsumm
-use vars qw(
-    $progName
-    $usageMsg
-    %opts
-    $divByOneKAt $divByOneMegAt $oneK $oneMeg
-    @monthNames %monthNums $thisYr $thisMon
-    $msgCntI $msgSizeI $msgDfrsI $msgDlyAvgI $msgDlyMaxI
-    $isoDateTime
-# Some constants used by display routines.  I arbitrarily chose to
-# display in kilobytes and megabytes at the 512k and 512m boundaries,
-# respectively.  Season to taste.
-$divByOneKAt   = 524288;       # 512k
-$divByOneMegAt = 536870912;    # 512m
-$oneK          = 1024;         # 1k
-$oneMeg        = 1048576;      # 1m
-# Constants used throughout pflogsumm
-@monthNames = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
-%monthNums = qw(
-    Jan  0 Feb  1 Mar  2 Apr  3 May  4 Jun  5
-    Jul  6 Aug  7 Sep  8 Oct  9 Nov 10 Dec 11);
-($thisMon, $thisYr) = (localtime(time()))[4,5];
-$thisYr += 1900;
-# Variables used only in main loop
-# Per-user data
-my (%recipUser, $recipUserCnt);
-my (%sendgUser, $sendgUserCnt);
-# Per-domain data
-my (%recipDom, $recipDomCnt);  # recipient domain data
-my (%sendgDom, $sendgDomCnt);  # sending domain data
-# Indexes for arrays in above
-$msgCntI    = 0;       # message count
-$msgSizeI   = 1;       # total messages size
-$msgDfrsI   = 2;       # number of defers
-$msgDlyAvgI = 3;       # total of delays (used for averaging)
-$msgDlyMaxI = 4;       # max delay
-my (
-    $cmd, $qid, $addr, $size, $relay, $status, $delay,
-    $dateStr,
-    %panics, %fatals, %warnings, %masterMsgs,
-    %msgSizes,
-    %deferred, %bounced,
-    %noMsgSize, %msgDetail,
-    $msgsRcvd, $msgsDlvrd, $sizeRcvd, $sizeDlvrd,
-    $msgMonStr, $msgMon, $msgDay, $msgTimeStr, $msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec,
-    $msgYr,
-    $revMsgDateStr, $dayCnt, %msgsPerDay,
-    %rejects, $msgsRjctd,
-    %rcvdMsg, $msgsFwdd, $msgsBncd,
-    $msgsDfrdCnt, $msgsDfrd, %msgDfrdFlgs,
-    %connTime, %smtpPerDay, %smtpPerDom, $smtpConnCnt, $smtpTotTime
-# Messages received and delivered per hour
-my @rcvPerHr = qw(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0);
-my @dlvPerHr = @rcvPerHr;
-my @dfrPerHr = @rcvPerHr;      # defers per hour
-my @bncPerHr = @rcvPerHr;      # bounces per hour
-my @rejPerHr = @rcvPerHr;      # rejects per hour
-my $lastMsgDay = 0;
-# "doubly-sub-scripted array: cnt, total and max time per-hour
-# Gag - some things, Perl doesn't do well :-(
-my @smtpPerHr;
-$smtpPerHr[0]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[1]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[2]  = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[3]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[4]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[5]  = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[6]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[7]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[8]  = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[9]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[10] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[11] = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[12] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[13] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[14] = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[15] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[16] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[17] = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[18] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[19] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[20] = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[21] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[22] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[23] = [0,0,0];
-$progName = "";
-$usageMsg =
-    "usage: $progName -[eq] [-d <today|yesterday>] [-h <cnt>] [-u <cnt>]
-       [--verp_mung[=<n>]] [--verbose_msg_detail] [--iso_date_time]
-       [-m|--uucp_mung] [-i|--ignore_case] [--smtpd_stats] [--mailq]
-       [--help] [file1 [filen]]";
-# Some pre-inits for convenience
-$isoDateTime = 0;      # Don't use ISO date/time formats
-    "d=s"                => \$opts{'d'},
-    "e"                  => \$opts{'e'},
-    "help"               => \$opts{'help'},
-    "h=i"                => \$opts{'h'},
-    "i"                  => \$opts{'i'},
-    "ignore_case"        => \$opts{'i'},
-    "iso_date_time"      => \$isoDateTime,
-    "m"                  => \$opts{'m'},
-    "uucp_mung"          => \$opts{'m'},
-    "mailq"              => \$opts{'mailq'},
-    "q"                  => \$opts{'q'},
-    "smtpd_stats"        => \$opts{'smtpdStats'},
-    "u=i"                => \$opts{'u'},
-    "verbose_msg_detail" => \$opts{'verbMsgDetail'},
-    "verp_mung:i"        => \$opts{'verpMung'}
-) || die "$usageMsg\n";
-# internally: 0 == none, undefined == -1 == all
-$opts{'h'} = -1 unless(defined($opts{'h'}));
-$opts{'u'} = -1 unless(defined($opts{'u'}));
-if(defined($opts{'help'})) {
-    print "$usageMsg\n";
-    exit;
-$dateStr = get_datestr($opts{'d'}) if(defined($opts{'d'}));
-# debugging
-#open(UNPROCD, "> unprocessed") ||
-#    die "couldn't open \"unprocessed\": $!\n";
-while(<>) {
-    next if(defined($dateStr) && ! /^$dateStr/o);
-    ($msgMonStr, $msgDay, $msgTimeStr, $cmd, $qid) =
-       m#^(...)\s+([0-9]+)\s(..:..:..)\s.*?(?:vmailer|postfix)[-/]([^\[:]*).*?: ([^:]+)#o;
-    ($msgMonStr, $msgDay, $msgTimeStr, $cmd, $qid) =
-       m#^(...)\s+([0-9]+)\s(..:..:..)\s.*?(vmailer|postfix[^\[:]*).*?: ([^:]+)#o unless($cmd);
-    next unless($cmd);
-    chomp;
-    # snatch out log entry date & time
-    ($msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec) = split(/:/, $msgTimeStr);
-    $msgMon = $monthNums{$msgMonStr};
-    $msgYr = $thisYr; --$msgYr if($msgMon > $thisMon);
-    # the following test depends on one getting more than one message a
-    # month--or at least that successive messages don't arrive on the
-    # same month-day in successive months :-)
-    unless($msgDay == $lastMsgDay) {
-       $lastMsgDay = $msgDay;
-       $revMsgDateStr = sprintf "%d%02d%02d", $msgYr, $msgMon, $msgDay;
-       ++$dayCnt;
-    }
-    if($qid eq 'warning') {
-       # regexp rejects happen in "cleanup"
-       if(my($rejTyp, $rejReas, $rejRmdr) =
-           /^.*\/(cleanup)\[.*reject: ([^\s]+) (.*)$/o)
-       {
-           $rejRmdr = string_trimmer($rejRmdr, 64, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-           ++$rejects{$rejTyp}{$rejReas}{$rejRmdr};
-           ++$msgsRjctd;
-           ++$rejPerHr[$msgHr];
-           ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4];
-       } else {
-           (my $warnReas = $_) =~ s/^.*warning: //o;
-           $warnReas = string_trimmer($warnReas, 66, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-           ++$warnings{$cmd}{$warnReas};
-       }
-    } elsif($qid eq 'fatal') {
-       (my $fatalReas = $_) =~ s/^.*fatal: //o;
-       $fatalReas = string_trimmer($fatalReas, 66, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-       ++$fatals{$cmd}{$fatalReas};
-    } elsif($qid eq 'panic') {
-       (my $panicReas = $_) =~ s/^.*panic: //o;
-       $panicReas = string_trimmer($panicReas, 66, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-       ++$panics{$cmd}{$panicReas};
-    } elsif($qid eq 'reject') {
-       # This could get real ugly!
-       # First: get everything following the "reject: " token
-       my ($rejTyp, $rejFrom, $rejRmdr) =
-           /^.* reject: ([^ ]+) from ([^:]+): (.*)$/o;
-       # Next: get the reject "reason"
-       my $rejReas = $rejRmdr;
-       unless(defined($opts{'verbMsgDetail'})) {
-           if($rejTyp eq "RCPT") {     # special treatment :-(
-#              $rejReas = (split(/[;:] /, $rejReas))[-2];
-#              $rejReas =~ s/\[[0-9\.]+\]//o;
-               $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*?[:;] )(?:\[[^\]]+\] )?([^;]+);.*$/$1/oi;
-#              $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*?[:;] )(?:\[.* blocked using )?([^;]+);.*$/$1/oi;
-#              $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*?[:;] )([^;]+);.*$/$1/oi;
-           } else {
-               $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*[:;] )?([^,]+).*$/$1/o;
-           }
-       }
-       # stash in "triple-subscripted-array"
-       ++$rejects{$rejTyp}{$rejReas}{gimme_domain($rejFrom)};
-       ++$msgsRjctd;
-       ++$rejPerHr[$msgHr];
-       ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4];
-    } elsif($cmd eq 'master') {
-       ++$masterMsgs{(split(/^.*master.*: /))[1]};
-    } elsif($cmd eq 'smtpd') {
-       if(/: client=/o) {
-           #
-           # Warning: this code in two places!
-           #
-           ++$rcvPerHr[$msgHr];
-           ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[0];
-           ++$msgsRcvd;
-           ++$rcvdMsg{$qid};   # quick-set a flag
-       }
-       else {
-           next unless(defined($opts{'smtpdStats'}));
-           if(/: connect from /o) {
-               /\/smtpd\[([0-9]+)\]: /o;
-               @{$connTime{$1}} =
-                   ($msgYr, $msgMon + 1, $msgDay, $msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec);
-           } elsif(/: disconnect from /o) {
-               my ($pid, $hostID) = /\/smtpd\[([0-9]+)\]: disconnect from (.+)$/o;
-               if(exists($connTime{$pid})) {
-                   $hostID = gimme_domain($hostID);
-                   my($d, $h, $m, $s) = Delta_DHMS(@{$connTime{$pid}},
-                       $msgYr, $msgMon + 1, $msgDay, $msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec);
-                   delete($connTime{$pid});    # dispose of no-longer-needed item
-                   my $tSecs = (86400 * $d) + (3600 * $h) + (60 * $m) + $s;
-                   ++$smtpPerHr[$msgHr][0];
-                   $smtpPerHr[$msgHr][1] += $tSecs;
-                   $smtpPerHr[$msgHr][2] = $tSecs if($tSecs > $smtpPerHr[$msgHr][2]);
-                   unless(${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[0]++) {
-                       ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[1] = 0;
-                       ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2] = 0;
-                   }
-                   ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[1] += $tSecs;
-                   ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2] = $tSecs
-                       if($tSecs > ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2]);
-                   unless(${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[0]++) {
-                       ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[1] = 0;
-                       ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[2] = 0;
-                   }
-                   ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[1] += $tSecs;
-                   ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[2] = $tSecs
-                       if($tSecs > ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[2]);
-                   ++$smtpConnCnt;
-                   $smtpTotTime += $tSecs;
-               }
-           }
-       }
-    } else {
-       my $toRmdr;
-       if((($addr, $size) = /from=<([^>]*)>, size=([0-9]+)/o) == 2)
-       {
-           next if($msgSizes{$qid});   # avoid double-counting!
-           if($addr) {
-               if($opts{'m'} && $addr =~ /^(.*!)*([^!]+)!([^!@]+)@([^\.]+)$/o) {
-                   $addr = "$4!" . ($1? "$1" : "") . $3 . "\@$2";
-               }
-               $addr =~ s/(@.+)/\L$1/o unless($opts{'i'});
-               $addr = lc($addr) if($opts{'i'});
-               # Hack for VERP (?) - convert address from somthing like
-               # ""
-               # to ""
-               # to prevent per-user listing "pollution."  More aggressive
-               # munging converts to something like ""
-               if(defined($opts{'verpMung'})) {
-                   if($opts{'verpMung'} > 1) {
-                       $addr =~ s/^(.+)-return-\d+-[^\@]+(\@.+)$/$1$2/o;
-                   } else {
-                       $addr =~ s/-return-\d+-/-return-ID-/o;
-                   }
-               }
-           } else {
-               $addr = "from=<>"
-           }
-           $msgSizes{$qid} = $size;
-           push(@{$msgDetail{$qid}}, $addr) if($opts{'e'});
-           # Avoid counting forwards
-           if($rcvdMsg{$qid}) {
-               (my $domAddr = $addr) =~ s/^[^@]+\@//o; # get domain only
-               ++$sendgDomCnt
-                   unless(${$sendgDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$sendgDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ${$sendgDom{$domAddr}}[$msgSizeI] += $size;
-               ++$sendgUserCnt unless(${$sendgUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$sendgUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ${$sendgUser{$addr}}[$msgSizeI] += $size;
-               $sizeRcvd += $size;
-               delete($rcvdMsg{$qid});         # limit hash size
-           }
-       }
-       elsif((($addr, $relay, $delay, $status, $toRmdr) =
-               /to=<([^>]*)>, relay=([^,]+), delay=([^,]+), status=([^ ]+)(.*)$/o) >= 4)
-       {
-           if($opts{'m'} && $addr =~ /^(.*!)*([^!]+)!([^!@]+)@([^\.]+)$/o) {
-               $addr = "$4!" . ($1? "$1" : "") . $3 . "\@$2";
-           }
-           $addr =~ s/(@.+)/\L$1/o unless($opts{'i'});
-           $addr = lc($addr) if($opts{'i'});
-           (my $domAddr = $addr) =~ s/^[^@]+\@//o;     # get domain only
-           if($status eq 'sent') {
-               # was it actually forwarded, rather than delivered?
-               if($toRmdr =~ /forwarded as /o) {
-                   ++$msgsFwdd;
-                   next;
-               }
-               ++$recipDomCnt unless(${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyAvgI] += $delay;
-               if(! ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] ||
-                  $delay > ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI])
-               {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] = $delay
-               }
-               ++$recipUserCnt unless(${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ++$dlvPerHr[$msgHr];
-               ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[1];
-               ++$msgsDlvrd;
-               if($msgSizes{$qid}) {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgSizeI] += $msgSizes{$qid};
-                   ${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgSizeI] += $msgSizes{$qid};
-                   $sizeDlvrd += $msgSizes{$qid};
-               } else {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgSizeI] += 0;
-                   ${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgSizeI] += 0;
-                   $noMsgSize{$qid} = $addr;
-                   push(@{$msgDetail{$qid}}, "(sender not in log)") if($opts{'e'});
-                   # put this back later? mebbe with -v?
-                   # msg_warn("no message size for qid: $qid");
-               }
-               push(@{$msgDetail{$qid}}, $addr) if($opts{'e'});
-           } elsif($status eq 'deferred') {
-               my ($deferredReas) = /, status=deferred \(([^\)]+)/o;
-               if (!defined($deferredReas)) 
-                       {
-                       $deferredReas = "---[] connect to";
-                       }
-               unless(defined($opts{'verbMsgDetail'})) {
-                   $deferredReas = said_string_trimmer($deferredReas, 65);
-                   $deferredReas =~ s/^[0-9]{3} //o;
-                   $deferredReas =~ s/^connect to //o;
-               }
-               ++$deferred{$cmd}{$deferredReas};
-                ++$dfrPerHr[$msgHr];
-               ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2];
-               ++$msgsDfrdCnt;
-               ++$msgsDfrd unless($msgDfrdFlgs{$qid}++);
-               ++${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDfrsI];
-               if(! ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] ||
-                  $delay > ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI])
-               {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] = $delay
-               }
-           } elsif($status eq 'bounced') {
-               my ($bounceReas) = /, status=bounced \((.+)\)/o;
-               unless(defined($opts{'verbMsgDetail'})) {
-                   $bounceReas = said_string_trimmer($bounceReas, 66);
-                   $bounceReas =~ s/^[0-9]{3} //o;
-               }
-               ++$bounced{$relay}{$bounceReas};
-                ++$bncPerHr[$msgHr];
-               ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[3];
-               ++$msgsBncd;
-           } else {
-#              print UNPROCD "$_\n";
-           }
-       }
-       elsif($cmd eq 'pickup' && /: (sender|uid)=/o) {
-           #
-           # Warning: this code in two places!
-           #
-           ++$rcvPerHr[$msgHr];
-           ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[0];
-           ++$msgsRcvd;
-           ++$rcvdMsg{$qid};   # quick-set a flag
-       }
-       else
-       {
-#          print UNPROCD "$_\n";
-       }
-    }
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# debugging
-#close(UNPROCD) ||
-#    die "problem closing \"unprocessed\": $!\n";
-print_recip_domain_summary(\%recipDom, $opts{'h'});
-# print "per-recipient-domain" traffic summary
-# (done in a subroutine only to keep main-line code clean)
-sub print_recip_domain_summary {
-    use vars '$hashRef';
-    local($hashRef) = $_[0];
-    my($cnt) = $_[1];
-    return if($cnt == 0);
-    my $topCnt = $cnt > 0? "(top $cnt)" : "";
-    my $avgDly;
-    my $parity = 0;
-    foreach (sort by_count_then_size keys(%$hashRef)) {
-       # there are only delay values if anything was sent
-       if(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgCntI]) {
-           $avgDly = (${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgDlyAvgI] /
-                      ${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgCntI]);
-       } else {
-           $avgDly = 0;
-       }
-       printf "<tr class=\"%s\"><td>%s</td><td align=\"center\">%.1f%s</td><td align=\"center\">%.1f%s</td><td align=\"center\">%d%s</td><td align=\"center\">%d%s</td></tr>\n",
-           ($parity?"pair":"impair"),
-           $_,
-           adj_time_units($avgDly),
-           adj_time_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgDlyMaxI]),
-           adj_int_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgCntI]),
-           adj_int_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgDfrsI]);
-        $parity=!$parity;
-       last if --$cnt == 0;
-    }
-# Subroutine used by host/domain reports to sort by count, then size.
-# We "fix" un-initialized values here as well.  Very ugly and un-
-# structured to do this here - but it's either that or the callers
-# must run through the hashes twice :-(.
-sub by_count_then_size {
-    return ($a cmp $b);
-# if there's a real domain: uses that.  Otherwise uses the first
-# three octets of the IP addr.  (In the latter case: usually pretty
-# safe to assume it's a dialup with a class C IP addr.)  Lower-
-# cases returned domain name.
-sub gimme_domain {
-    $_ = $_[0];
-    # split domain/ipaddr into separates
-    my($domain, $ipAddr) = /^([^\[\(]+)[\[\(]([^\]\)]+)[\]\)]:?\s*$/o;
-#    print STDERR "dbg: in=\"$_\", domain=\"$domain\", ipAddr=\"$ipAddr\"\n";
-    # now re-order ""/"" to
-    # "host.dom.mach"/""
-    if($domain eq 'unknown') {
-        $domain = $ipAddr;
-       # For identifying the host part on a Class C network (commonly
-       # seen with dial-ups) the following is handy.
-        # $domain =~ s/\.[0-9]+$//o;
-    } else {
-        $domain =~
-            s/^(.*)\.([^\.]+)\.([^\.]{3}|[^\.]{2,3}\.[^\.]{2})$/\L$2.$3/o;
-    }
-    return $domain;
-# Return (value, units) for integer
-sub adj_int_units {
-    my $value = $_[0];
-    my $units = ' ';
-    $value = 0 unless($value);
-    if($value > $divByOneMegAt) {
-       $value /= $oneMeg;
-       $units = 'm'
-    } elsif($value > $divByOneKAt) {
-       $value /= $oneK;
-       $units = 'k'
-    }
-    return($value, $units);
-# Return (value, units) for time
-sub adj_time_units {
-    my $value = $_[0];
-    my $units = 's';
-    $value = 0 unless($value);
-    if($value > 3600) {
-       $value /= 3600;
-       $units = 'h'
-    } elsif($value > 60) {
-       $value /= 60;
-       $units = 'm'
-    }
-    return($value, $units);
-# Trim a "said:" string, if necessary.  Add elipses to show it.
-sub said_string_trimmer {
-    my($trimmedString, $maxLen) = @_;
-    while(length($trimmedString) > $maxLen) {
-       if($trimmedString =~ /^.* said: /o) {
-           $trimmedString =~ s/^.* said: //o;
-       } elsif($trimmedString =~ /^.*: */o) {
-           $trimmedString =~ s/^.*?: *//o;
-       } else {
-           $trimmedString = substr($trimmedString, 0, $maxLen - 3) . "...";
-           last;
-       }
-    }
-    return $trimmedString;
-# Trim a string, if necessary.  Add elipses to show it.
-sub string_trimmer {
-    my($trimmedString, $maxLen, $doNotTrim) = @_;
-    $trimmedString = substr($trimmedString, 0, $maxLen - 3) . "..." 
-       if(! $doNotTrim && (length($trimmedString) > $maxLen));
-    return $trimmedString;
-# Emit warning message to stderr
-sub msg_warn {
-    warn "warning: $progName: $_[0]\n";
diff --git a/bin/cron/stats/ b/bin/cron/stats/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index 2dd3d07..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,532 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-eval 'exec perl -S $0 "$@"'
-    if 0;
-use strict;
-use locale;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Date::Calc qw(Delta_DHMS);
-my $mailqCmd = "mailq";
-# Variables and constants used throughout pflogsumm
-use vars qw(
-    $progName
-    $usageMsg
-    %opts
-    $divByOneKAt $divByOneMegAt $oneK $oneMeg
-    @monthNames %monthNums $thisYr $thisMon
-    $msgCntI $msgSizeI $msgDfrsI $msgDlyAvgI $msgDlyMaxI
-    $isoDateTime
-# Some constants used by display routines.  I arbitrarily chose to
-# display in kilobytes and megabytes at the 512k and 512m boundaries,
-# respectively.  Season to taste.
-$divByOneKAt   = 524288;       # 512k
-$divByOneMegAt = 536870912;    # 512m
-$oneK          = 1024;         # 1k
-$oneMeg        = 1048576;      # 1m
-# Constants used throughout pflogsumm
-@monthNames = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
-%monthNums = qw(
-    Jan  0 Feb  1 Mar  2 Apr  3 May  4 Jun  5
-    Jul  6 Aug  7 Sep  8 Oct  9 Nov 10 Dec 11);
-($thisMon, $thisYr) = (localtime(time()))[4,5];
-$thisYr += 1900;
-# Variables used only in main loop
-# Per-user data
-my (%recipUser, $recipUserCnt);
-my (%sendgUser, $sendgUserCnt);
-# Per-domain data
-my (%recipDom, $recipDomCnt);  # recipient domain data
-my (%sendgDom, $sendgDomCnt);  # sending domain data
-# Indexes for arrays in above
-$msgCntI    = 0;       # message count
-$msgSizeI   = 1;       # total messages size
-$msgDfrsI   = 2;       # number of defers
-$msgDlyAvgI = 3;       # total of delays (used for averaging)
-$msgDlyMaxI = 4;       # max delay
-my (
-    $cmd, $qid, $addr, $size, $relay, $status, $delay,
-    $dateStr,
-    %panics, %fatals, %warnings, %masterMsgs,
-    %msgSizes,
-    %deferred, %bounced,
-    %noMsgSize, %msgDetail,
-    $msgsRcvd, $msgsDlvrd, $sizeRcvd, $sizeDlvrd,
-    $msgMonStr, $msgMon, $msgDay, $msgTimeStr, $msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec,
-    $msgYr,
-    $revMsgDateStr, $dayCnt, %msgsPerDay,
-    %rejects, $msgsRjctd,
-    %rcvdMsg, $msgsFwdd, $msgsBncd,
-    $msgsDfrdCnt, $msgsDfrd, %msgDfrdFlgs,
-    %connTime, %smtpPerDay, %smtpPerDom, $smtpConnCnt, $smtpTotTime
-# Messages received and delivered per hour
-my @rcvPerHr = qw(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0);
-my @dlvPerHr = @rcvPerHr;
-my @dfrPerHr = @rcvPerHr;      # defers per hour
-my @bncPerHr = @rcvPerHr;      # bounces per hour
-my @rejPerHr = @rcvPerHr;      # rejects per hour
-my $lastMsgDay = 0;
-# "doubly-sub-scripted array: cnt, total and max time per-hour
-# Gag - some things, Perl doesn't do well :-(
-my @smtpPerHr;
-$smtpPerHr[0]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[1]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[2]  = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[3]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[4]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[5]  = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[6]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[7]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[8]  = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[9]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[10] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[11] = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[12] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[13] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[14] = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[15] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[16] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[17] = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[18] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[19] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[20] = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[21] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[22] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[23] = [0,0,0];
-$progName = "";
-$usageMsg =
-    "usage: $progName -[eq] [-d <today|yesterday>] [-h <cnt>] [-u <cnt>]
-       [--verp_mung[=<n>]] [--verbose_msg_detail] [--iso_date_time]
-       [-m|--uucp_mung] [-i|--ignore_case] [--smtpd_stats] [--mailq]
-       [--help] [file1 [filen]]";
-# Some pre-inits for convenience
-$isoDateTime = 0;      # Don't use ISO date/time formats
-    "d=s"                => \$opts{'d'},
-    "e"                  => \$opts{'e'},
-    "help"               => \$opts{'help'},
-    "h=i"                => \$opts{'h'},
-    "i"                  => \$opts{'i'},
-    "ignore_case"        => \$opts{'i'},
-    "iso_date_time"      => \$isoDateTime,
-    "m"                  => \$opts{'m'},
-    "uucp_mung"          => \$opts{'m'},
-    "mailq"              => \$opts{'mailq'},
-    "q"                  => \$opts{'q'},
-    "smtpd_stats"        => \$opts{'smtpdStats'},
-    "u=i"                => \$opts{'u'},
-    "verbose_msg_detail" => \$opts{'verbMsgDetail'},
-    "verp_mung:i"        => \$opts{'verpMung'}
-) || die "$usageMsg\n";
-# internally: 0 == none, undefined == -1 == all
-$opts{'h'} = -1 unless(defined($opts{'h'}));
-$opts{'u'} = -1 unless(defined($opts{'u'}));
-if(defined($opts{'help'})) {
-    print "$usageMsg\n";
-    exit;
-$dateStr = get_datestr($opts{'d'}) if(defined($opts{'d'}));
-# debugging
-#open(UNPROCD, "> unprocessed") ||
-#    die "couldn't open \"unprocessed\": $!\n";
-while(<>) {
-    next if(defined($dateStr) && ! /^$dateStr/o);
-    ($msgMonStr, $msgDay, $msgTimeStr, $cmd, $qid) =
-       m#^(...)\s+([0-9]+)\s(..:..:..)\s.*?(?:vmailer|postfix)[-/]([^\[:]*).*?: ([^:]+)#o;
-    ($msgMonStr, $msgDay, $msgTimeStr, $cmd, $qid) =
-       m#^(...)\s+([0-9]+)\s(..:..:..)\s.*?(vmailer|postfix[^\[:]*).*?: ([^:]+)#o unless($cmd);
-    next unless($cmd);
-    chomp;
-    # snatch out log entry date & time
-    ($msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec) = split(/:/, $msgTimeStr);
-    $msgMon = $monthNums{$msgMonStr};
-    $msgYr = $thisYr; --$msgYr if($msgMon > $thisMon);
-    # the following test depends on one getting more than one message a
-    # month--or at least that successive messages don't arrive on the
-    # same month-day in successive months :-)
-    unless($msgDay == $lastMsgDay) {
-       $lastMsgDay = $msgDay;
-       $revMsgDateStr = sprintf "%d%02d%02d", $msgYr, $msgMon, $msgDay;
-       ++$dayCnt;
-    }
-    if($qid eq 'warning') {
-       # regexp rejects happen in "cleanup"
-       if(my($rejTyp, $rejReas, $rejRmdr) =
-           /^.*\/(cleanup)\[.*reject: ([^\s]+) (.*)$/o)
-       {
-           $rejRmdr = string_trimmer($rejRmdr, 64, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-           ++$rejects{$rejTyp}{$rejReas}{$rejRmdr};
-           ++$msgsRjctd;
-           ++$rejPerHr[$msgHr];
-           ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4];
-       } else {
-           (my $warnReas = $_) =~ s/^.*warning: //o;
-           $warnReas = string_trimmer($warnReas, 66, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-           ++$warnings{$cmd}{$warnReas};
-       }
-    } elsif($qid eq 'fatal') {
-       (my $fatalReas = $_) =~ s/^.*fatal: //o;
-       $fatalReas = string_trimmer($fatalReas, 66, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-       ++$fatals{$cmd}{$fatalReas};
-    } elsif($qid eq 'panic') {
-       (my $panicReas = $_) =~ s/^.*panic: //o;
-       $panicReas = string_trimmer($panicReas, 66, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-       ++$panics{$cmd}{$panicReas};
-    } elsif($qid eq 'reject') {
-       # This could get real ugly!
-       # First: get everything following the "reject: " token
-       my ($rejTyp, $rejFrom, $rejRmdr) =
-           /^.* reject: ([^ ]+) from ([^:]+): (.*)$/o;
-       # Next: get the reject "reason"
-       my $rejReas = $rejRmdr;
-       unless(defined($opts{'verbMsgDetail'})) {
-           if($rejTyp eq "RCPT") {     # special treatment :-(
-#              $rejReas = (split(/[;:] /, $rejReas))[-2];
-#              $rejReas =~ s/\[[0-9\.]+\]//o;
-               $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*?[:;] )(?:\[[^\]]+\] )?([^;]+);.*$/$1/oi;
-#              $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*?[:;] )(?:\[.* blocked using )?([^;]+);.*$/$1/oi;
-#              $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*?[:;] )([^;]+);.*$/$1/oi;
-           } else {
-               $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*[:;] )?([^,]+).*$/$1/o;
-           }
-       }
-       # stash in "triple-subscripted-array"
-       ++$rejects{$rejTyp}{$rejReas}{gimme_domain($rejFrom)};
-       ++$msgsRjctd;
-       ++$rejPerHr[$msgHr];
-       ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4];
-    } elsif($cmd eq 'master') {
-       ++$masterMsgs{(split(/^.*master.*: /))[1]};
-    } elsif($cmd eq 'smtpd') {
-       if(/: client=/o) {
-           #
-           # Warning: this code in two places!
-           #
-           ++$rcvPerHr[$msgHr];
-           ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[0];
-           ++$msgsRcvd;
-           ++$rcvdMsg{$qid};   # quick-set a flag
-       }
-       else {
-           next unless(defined($opts{'smtpdStats'}));
-           if(/: connect from /o) {
-               /\/smtpd\[([0-9]+)\]: /o;
-               @{$connTime{$1}} =
-                   ($msgYr, $msgMon + 1, $msgDay, $msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec);
-           } elsif(/: disconnect from /o) {
-               my ($pid, $hostID) = /\/smtpd\[([0-9]+)\]: disconnect from (.+)$/o;
-               if(exists($connTime{$pid})) {
-                   $hostID = gimme_domain($hostID);
-                   my($d, $h, $m, $s) = Delta_DHMS(@{$connTime{$pid}},
-                       $msgYr, $msgMon + 1, $msgDay, $msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec);
-                   delete($connTime{$pid});    # dispose of no-longer-needed item
-                   my $tSecs = (86400 * $d) + (3600 * $h) + (60 * $m) + $s;
-                   ++$smtpPerHr[$msgHr][0];
-                   $smtpPerHr[$msgHr][1] += $tSecs;
-                   $smtpPerHr[$msgHr][2] = $tSecs if($tSecs > $smtpPerHr[$msgHr][2]);
-                   unless(${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[0]++) {
-                       ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[1] = 0;
-                       ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2] = 0;
-                   }
-                   ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[1] += $tSecs;
-                   ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2] = $tSecs
-                       if($tSecs > ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2]);
-                   unless(${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[0]++) {
-                       ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[1] = 0;
-                       ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[2] = 0;
-                   }
-                   ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[1] += $tSecs;
-                   ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[2] = $tSecs
-                       if($tSecs > ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[2]);
-                   ++$smtpConnCnt;
-                   $smtpTotTime += $tSecs;
-               }
-           }
-       }
-    } else {
-       my $toRmdr;
-       if((($addr, $size) = /from=<([^>]*)>, size=([0-9]+)/o) == 2)
-       {
-           next if($msgSizes{$qid});   # avoid double-counting!
-           if($addr) {
-               if($opts{'m'} && $addr =~ /^(.*!)*([^!]+)!([^!@]+)@([^\.]+)$/o) {
-                   $addr = "$4!" . ($1? "$1" : "") . $3 . "\@$2";
-               }
-               $addr =~ s/(@.+)/\L$1/o unless($opts{'i'});
-               $addr = lc($addr) if($opts{'i'});
-               # Hack for VERP (?) - convert address from somthing like
-               # ""
-               # to ""
-               # to prevent per-user listing "pollution."  More aggressive
-               # munging converts to something like ""
-               if(defined($opts{'verpMung'})) {
-                   if($opts{'verpMung'} > 1) {
-                       $addr =~ s/^(.+)-return-\d+-[^\@]+(\@.+)$/$1$2/o;
-                   } else {
-                       $addr =~ s/-return-\d+-/-return-ID-/o;
-                   }
-               }
-           } else {
-               $addr = "from=<>"
-           }
-           $msgSizes{$qid} = $size;
-           push(@{$msgDetail{$qid}}, $addr) if($opts{'e'});
-           # Avoid counting forwards
-           if($rcvdMsg{$qid}) {
-               (my $domAddr = $addr) =~ s/^[^@]+\@//o; # get domain only
-               ++$sendgDomCnt
-                   unless(${$sendgDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$sendgDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ${$sendgDom{$domAddr}}[$msgSizeI] += $size;
-               ++$sendgUserCnt unless(${$sendgUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$sendgUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ${$sendgUser{$addr}}[$msgSizeI] += $size;
-               $sizeRcvd += $size;
-               delete($rcvdMsg{$qid});         # limit hash size
-           }
-       }
-       elsif((($addr, $relay, $delay, $status, $toRmdr) =
-               /to=<([^>]*)>, relay=([^,]+), delay=([^,]+), status=([^ ]+)(.*)$/o) >= 4)
-       {
-           if($opts{'m'} && $addr =~ /^(.*!)*([^!]+)!([^!@]+)@([^\.]+)$/o) {
-               $addr = "$4!" . ($1? "$1" : "") . $3 . "\@$2";
-           }
-           $addr =~ s/(@.+)/\L$1/o unless($opts{'i'});
-           $addr = lc($addr) if($opts{'i'});
-           (my $domAddr = $addr) =~ s/^[^@]+\@//o;     # get domain only
-           if($status eq 'sent') {
-               # was it actually forwarded, rather than delivered?
-               if($toRmdr =~ /forwarded as /o) {
-                   ++$msgsFwdd;
-                   next;
-               }
-               ++$recipDomCnt unless(${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyAvgI] += $delay;
-               if(! ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] ||
-                  $delay > ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI])
-               {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] = $delay
-               }
-               ++$recipUserCnt unless(${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ++$dlvPerHr[$msgHr];
-               ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[1];
-               ++$msgsDlvrd;
-               if($msgSizes{$qid}) {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgSizeI] += $msgSizes{$qid};
-                   ${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgSizeI] += $msgSizes{$qid};
-                   $sizeDlvrd += $msgSizes{$qid};
-               } else {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgSizeI] += 0;
-                   ${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgSizeI] += 0;
-                   $noMsgSize{$qid} = $addr;
-                   push(@{$msgDetail{$qid}}, "(sender not in log)") if($opts{'e'});
-                   # put this back later? mebbe with -v?
-                   # msg_warn("no message size for qid: $qid");
-               }
-               push(@{$msgDetail{$qid}}, $addr) if($opts{'e'});
-           } elsif($status eq 'deferred') {
-               my ($deferredReas) = /, status=deferred \(([^\)]+)/o;
-               if (!defined($deferredReas)) 
-                       {
-                       $deferredReas = "---[] connect to";
-                       }
-               unless(defined($opts{'verbMsgDetail'})) {
-                   $deferredReas = said_string_trimmer($deferredReas, 65);
-                   $deferredReas =~ s/^[0-9]{3} //o;
-                   $deferredReas =~ s/^connect to //o;
-               }
-               ++$deferred{$cmd}{$deferredReas};
-                ++$dfrPerHr[$msgHr];
-               ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2];
-               ++$msgsDfrdCnt;
-               ++$msgsDfrd unless($msgDfrdFlgs{$qid}++);
-               ++${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDfrsI];
-               if(! ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] ||
-                  $delay > ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI])
-               {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] = $delay
-               }
-           } elsif($status eq 'bounced') {
-               my ($bounceReas) = /, status=bounced \((.+)\)/o;
-               unless(defined($opts{'verbMsgDetail'})) {
-                   $bounceReas = said_string_trimmer($bounceReas, 66);
-                   $bounceReas =~ s/^[0-9]{3} //o;
-               }
-               ++$bounced{$relay}{$bounceReas};
-                ++$bncPerHr[$msgHr];
-               ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[3];
-               ++$msgsBncd;
-           } else {
-#              print UNPROCD "$_\n";
-           }
-       }
-       elsif($cmd eq 'pickup' && /: (sender|uid)=/o) {
-           #
-           # Warning: this code in two places!
-           #
-           ++$rcvPerHr[$msgHr];
-           ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[0];
-           ++$msgsRcvd;
-           ++$rcvdMsg{$qid};   # quick-set a flag
-       }
-       else
-       {
-#          print UNPROCD "$_\n";
-       }
-    }
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# debugging
-#close(UNPROCD) ||
-#    die "problem closing \"unprocessed\": $!\n";
-print_recip_domain_summary(\%recipDom, $opts{'h'});
-# print "per-recipient-domain" traffic summary
-# (done in a subroutine only to keep main-line code clean)
-sub print_recip_domain_summary {
-    use vars '$hashRef';
-    local($hashRef) = $_[0];
-    my($cnt) = $_[1];
-    return if($cnt == 0);
-    my $topCnt = $cnt > 0? "(top $cnt)" : "";
-    my $avgDly;
-    my $parity = 0;
-    foreach (sort by_count_then_size keys(%$hashRef)) {
-       # there are only delay values if anything was sent
-       if(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgCntI]) {
-           $avgDly = (${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgDlyAvgI] /
-                      ${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgCntI]);
-       } else {
-           $avgDly = 0;
-       }
-        printf "<tr class=\"%s\"><td>%s</td><td align=\"center\">%.1f%s</td><td align=\"center\">%.1f%s</td><td align=\"center\">%d%s</td><td align=\"center\">%d%s</td></tr>\n",
-           ($parity?"pair":"impair"),
-           $_,
-           adj_time_units($avgDly),
-           adj_time_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgDlyMaxI]),
-           adj_int_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgCntI]),
-           adj_int_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgDfrsI]);
-       $parity=!$parity;
-       last if --$cnt == 0;
-    }
-# Subroutine used by host/domain reports to sort by count, then size.
-# We "fix" un-initialized values here as well.  Very ugly and un-
-# structured to do this here - but it's either that or the callers
-# must run through the hashes twice :-(.
-sub by_count_then_size {
-    ${$hashRef->{$a}}[$msgCntI] = 0 unless(${$hashRef->{$a}}[$msgCntI]);
-    ${$hashRef->{$b}}[$msgCntI] = 0 unless(${$hashRef->{$b}}[$msgCntI]);
-    return ((${$hashRef->{$b}}[$msgCntI]) <=> (${$hashRef->{$a}}[$msgCntI]));
-# if there's a real domain: uses that.  Otherwise uses the first
-# three octets of the IP addr.  (In the latter case: usually pretty
-# safe to assume it's a dialup with a class C IP addr.)  Lower-
-# cases returned domain name.
-sub gimme_domain {
-    $_ = $_[0];
-    # split domain/ipaddr into separates
-    my($domain, $ipAddr) = /^([^\[\(]+)[\[\(]([^\]\)]+)[\]\)]:?\s*$/o;
-#    print STDERR "dbg: in=\"$_\", domain=\"$domain\", ipAddr=\"$ipAddr\"\n";
-    # now re-order ""/"" to
-    # "host.dom.mach"/""
-    if($domain eq 'unknown') {
-        $domain = $ipAddr;
-       # For identifying the host part on a Class C network (commonly
-       # seen with dial-ups) the following is handy.
-        # $domain =~ s/\.[0-9]+$//o;
-    } else {
-        $domain =~
-            s/^(.*)\.([^\.]+)\.([^\.]{3}|[^\.]{2,3}\.[^\.]{2})$/\L$2.$3/o;
-    }
-    return $domain;
-# Return (value, units) for integer
-sub adj_int_units {
-    my $value = $_[0];
-    my $units = ' ';
-    $value = 0 unless($value);
-    if($value > $divByOneMegAt) {
-       $value /= $oneMeg;
-       $units = 'm'
-    } elsif($value > $divByOneKAt) {
-       $value /= $oneK;
-       $units = 'k'
-    }
-    return($value, $units);
-# Return (value, units) for time
-sub adj_time_units {
-    my $value = $_[0];
-    my $units = 's';
-    $value = 0 unless($value);
-    if($value > 3600) {
-       $value /= 3600;
-       $units = 'h'
-    } elsif($value > 60) {
-       $value /= 60;
-       $units = 'm'
-    }
-    return($value, $units);
-# Trim a "said:" string, if necessary.  Add elipses to show it.
-sub said_string_trimmer {
-    my($trimmedString, $maxLen) = @_;
-    while(length($trimmedString) > $maxLen) {
-       if($trimmedString =~ /^.* said: /o) {
-           $trimmedString =~ s/^.* said: //o;
-       } elsif($trimmedString =~ /^.*: */o) {
-           $trimmedString =~ s/^.*?: *//o;
-       } else {
-           $trimmedString = substr($trimmedString, 0, $maxLen - 3) . "...";
-           last;
-       }
-    }
-    return $trimmedString;
-# Trim a string, if necessary.  Add elipses to show it.
-sub string_trimmer {
-    my($trimmedString, $maxLen, $doNotTrim) = @_;
-    $trimmedString = substr($trimmedString, 0, $maxLen - 3) . "..." 
-       if(! $doNotTrim && (length($trimmedString) > $maxLen));
-    return $trimmedString;
-# Emit warning message to stderr
-sub msg_warn {
-    warn "warning: $progName: $_[0]\n";
diff --git a/bin/cron/stats/ b/bin/cron/stats/
deleted file mode 100755 (executable)
index e98a737..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,531 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-eval 'exec perl -S $0 "$@"'
-    if 0;
-use strict;
-use locale;
-use Getopt::Long;
-use Date::Calc qw(Delta_DHMS);
-my $mailqCmd = "mailq";
-# Variables and constants used throughout pflogsumm
-use vars qw(
-    $progName
-    $usageMsg
-    %opts
-    $divByOneKAt $divByOneMegAt $oneK $oneMeg
-    @monthNames %monthNums $thisYr $thisMon
-    $msgCntI $msgSizeI $msgDfrsI $msgDlyAvgI $msgDlyMaxI
-    $isoDateTime
-# Some constants used by display routines.  I arbitrarily chose to
-# display in kilobytes and megabytes at the 512k and 512m boundaries,
-# respectively.  Season to taste.
-$divByOneKAt   = 524288;       # 512k
-$divByOneMegAt = 536870912;    # 512m
-$oneK          = 1024;         # 1k
-$oneMeg        = 1048576;      # 1m
-# Constants used throughout pflogsumm
-@monthNames = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec);
-%monthNums = qw(
-    Jan  0 Feb  1 Mar  2 Apr  3 May  4 Jun  5
-    Jul  6 Aug  7 Sep  8 Oct  9 Nov 10 Dec 11);
-($thisMon, $thisYr) = (localtime(time()))[4,5];
-$thisYr += 1900;
-# Variables used only in main loop
-# Per-user data
-my (%recipUser, $recipUserCnt);
-my (%sendgUser, $sendgUserCnt);
-# Per-domain data
-my (%recipDom, $recipDomCnt);  # recipient domain data
-my (%sendgDom, $sendgDomCnt);  # sending domain data
-# Indexes for arrays in above
-$msgCntI    = 0;       # message count
-$msgSizeI   = 1;       # total messages size
-$msgDfrsI   = 2;       # number of defers
-$msgDlyAvgI = 3;       # total of delays (used for averaging)
-$msgDlyMaxI = 4;       # max delay
-my (
-    $cmd, $qid, $addr, $size, $relay, $status, $delay,
-    $dateStr,
-    %panics, %fatals, %warnings, %masterMsgs,
-    %msgSizes,
-    %deferred, %bounced,
-    %noMsgSize, %msgDetail,
-    $msgsRcvd, $msgsDlvrd, $sizeRcvd, $sizeDlvrd,
-    $msgMonStr, $msgMon, $msgDay, $msgTimeStr, $msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec,
-    $msgYr,
-    $revMsgDateStr, $dayCnt, %msgsPerDay,
-    %rejects, $msgsRjctd,
-    %rcvdMsg, $msgsFwdd, $msgsBncd,
-    $msgsDfrdCnt, $msgsDfrd, %msgDfrdFlgs,
-    %connTime, %smtpPerDay, %smtpPerDom, $smtpConnCnt, $smtpTotTime
-# Messages received and delivered per hour
-my @rcvPerHr = qw(0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0);
-my @dlvPerHr = @rcvPerHr;
-my @dfrPerHr = @rcvPerHr;      # defers per hour
-my @bncPerHr = @rcvPerHr;      # bounces per hour
-my @rejPerHr = @rcvPerHr;      # rejects per hour
-my $lastMsgDay = 0;
-# "doubly-sub-scripted array: cnt, total and max time per-hour
-# Gag - some things, Perl doesn't do well :-(
-my @smtpPerHr;
-$smtpPerHr[0]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[1]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[2]  = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[3]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[4]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[5]  = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[6]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[7]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[8]  = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[9]  = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[10] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[11] = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[12] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[13] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[14] = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[15] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[16] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[17] = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[18] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[19] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[20] = [0,0,0];
-$smtpPerHr[21] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[22] = [0,0,0]; $smtpPerHr[23] = [0,0,0];
-$progName = "";
-$usageMsg =
-    "usage: $progName -[eq] [-d <today|yesterday>] [-h <cnt>] [-u <cnt>]
-       [--verp_mung[=<n>]] [--verbose_msg_detail] [--iso_date_time]
-       [-m|--uucp_mung] [-i|--ignore_case] [--smtpd_stats] [--mailq]
-       [--help] [file1 [filen]]";
-# Some pre-inits for convenience
-$isoDateTime = 0;      # Don't use ISO date/time formats
-    "d=s"                => \$opts{'d'},
-    "e"                  => \$opts{'e'},
-    "help"               => \$opts{'help'},
-    "h=i"                => \$opts{'h'},
-    "i"                  => \$opts{'i'},
-    "ignore_case"        => \$opts{'i'},
-    "iso_date_time"      => \$isoDateTime,
-    "m"                  => \$opts{'m'},
-    "uucp_mung"          => \$opts{'m'},
-    "mailq"              => \$opts{'mailq'},
-    "q"                  => \$opts{'q'},
-    "smtpd_stats"        => \$opts{'smtpdStats'},
-    "u=i"                => \$opts{'u'},
-    "verbose_msg_detail" => \$opts{'verbMsgDetail'},
-    "verp_mung:i"        => \$opts{'verpMung'}
-) || die "$usageMsg\n";
-# internally: 0 == none, undefined == -1 == all
-$opts{'h'} = -1 unless(defined($opts{'h'}));
-$opts{'u'} = -1 unless(defined($opts{'u'}));
-if(defined($opts{'help'})) {
-    print "$usageMsg\n";
-    exit;
-$dateStr = get_datestr($opts{'d'}) if(defined($opts{'d'}));
-# debugging
-#open(UNPROCD, "> unprocessed") ||
-#    die "couldn't open \"unprocessed\": $!\n";
-while(<>) {
-    next if(defined($dateStr) && ! /^$dateStr/o);
-    ($msgMonStr, $msgDay, $msgTimeStr, $cmd, $qid) =
-       m#^(...)\s+([0-9]+)\s(..:..:..)\s.*?(?:vmailer|postfix)[-/]([^\[:]*).*?: ([^:]+)#o;
-    ($msgMonStr, $msgDay, $msgTimeStr, $cmd, $qid) =
-       m#^(...)\s+([0-9]+)\s(..:..:..)\s.*?(vmailer|postfix[^\[:]*).*?: ([^:]+)#o unless($cmd);
-    next unless($cmd);
-    chomp;
-    # snatch out log entry date & time
-    ($msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec) = split(/:/, $msgTimeStr);
-    $msgMon = $monthNums{$msgMonStr};
-    $msgYr = $thisYr; --$msgYr if($msgMon > $thisMon);
-    # the following test depends on one getting more than one message a
-    # month--or at least that successive messages don't arrive on the
-    # same month-day in successive months :-)
-    unless($msgDay == $lastMsgDay) {
-       $lastMsgDay = $msgDay;
-       $revMsgDateStr = sprintf "%d%02d%02d", $msgYr, $msgMon, $msgDay;
-       ++$dayCnt;
-    }
-    if($qid eq 'warning') {
-       # regexp rejects happen in "cleanup"
-       if(my($rejTyp, $rejReas, $rejRmdr) =
-           /^.*\/(cleanup)\[.*reject: ([^\s]+) (.*)$/o)
-       {
-           $rejRmdr = string_trimmer($rejRmdr, 64, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-           ++$rejects{$rejTyp}{$rejReas}{$rejRmdr};
-           ++$msgsRjctd;
-           ++$rejPerHr[$msgHr];
-           ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4];
-       } else {
-           (my $warnReas = $_) =~ s/^.*warning: //o;
-           $warnReas = string_trimmer($warnReas, 66, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-           ++$warnings{$cmd}{$warnReas};
-       }
-    } elsif($qid eq 'fatal') {
-       (my $fatalReas = $_) =~ s/^.*fatal: //o;
-       $fatalReas = string_trimmer($fatalReas, 66, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-       ++$fatals{$cmd}{$fatalReas};
-    } elsif($qid eq 'panic') {
-       (my $panicReas = $_) =~ s/^.*panic: //o;
-       $panicReas = string_trimmer($panicReas, 66, $opts{'verbMsgDetail'});
-       ++$panics{$cmd}{$panicReas};
-    } elsif($qid eq 'reject') {
-       # This could get real ugly!
-       # First: get everything following the "reject: " token
-       my ($rejTyp, $rejFrom, $rejRmdr) =
-           /^.* reject: ([^ ]+) from ([^:]+): (.*)$/o;
-       # Next: get the reject "reason"
-       my $rejReas = $rejRmdr;
-       unless(defined($opts{'verbMsgDetail'})) {
-           if($rejTyp eq "RCPT") {     # special treatment :-(
-#              $rejReas = (split(/[;:] /, $rejReas))[-2];
-#              $rejReas =~ s/\[[0-9\.]+\]//o;
-               $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*?[:;] )(?:\[[^\]]+\] )?([^;]+);.*$/$1/oi;
-#              $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*?[:;] )(?:\[.* blocked using )?([^;]+);.*$/$1/oi;
-#              $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*?[:;] )([^;]+);.*$/$1/oi;
-           } else {
-               $rejReas =~ s/^(?:.*[:;] )?([^,]+).*$/$1/o;
-           }
-       }
-       # stash in "triple-subscripted-array"
-       ++$rejects{$rejTyp}{$rejReas}{gimme_domain($rejFrom)};
-       ++$msgsRjctd;
-       ++$rejPerHr[$msgHr];
-       ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[4];
-    } elsif($cmd eq 'master') {
-       ++$masterMsgs{(split(/^.*master.*: /))[1]};
-    } elsif($cmd eq 'smtpd') {
-       if(/: client=/o) {
-           #
-           # Warning: this code in two places!
-           #
-           ++$rcvPerHr[$msgHr];
-           ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[0];
-           ++$msgsRcvd;
-           ++$rcvdMsg{$qid};   # quick-set a flag
-       }
-       else {
-           next unless(defined($opts{'smtpdStats'}));
-           if(/: connect from /o) {
-               /\/smtpd\[([0-9]+)\]: /o;
-               @{$connTime{$1}} =
-                   ($msgYr, $msgMon + 1, $msgDay, $msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec);
-           } elsif(/: disconnect from /o) {
-               my ($pid, $hostID) = /\/smtpd\[([0-9]+)\]: disconnect from (.+)$/o;
-               if(exists($connTime{$pid})) {
-                   $hostID = gimme_domain($hostID);
-                   my($d, $h, $m, $s) = Delta_DHMS(@{$connTime{$pid}},
-                       $msgYr, $msgMon + 1, $msgDay, $msgHr, $msgMin, $msgSec);
-                   delete($connTime{$pid});    # dispose of no-longer-needed item
-                   my $tSecs = (86400 * $d) + (3600 * $h) + (60 * $m) + $s;
-                   ++$smtpPerHr[$msgHr][0];
-                   $smtpPerHr[$msgHr][1] += $tSecs;
-                   $smtpPerHr[$msgHr][2] = $tSecs if($tSecs > $smtpPerHr[$msgHr][2]);
-                   unless(${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[0]++) {
-                       ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[1] = 0;
-                       ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2] = 0;
-                   }
-                   ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[1] += $tSecs;
-                   ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2] = $tSecs
-                       if($tSecs > ${$smtpPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2]);
-                   unless(${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[0]++) {
-                       ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[1] = 0;
-                       ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[2] = 0;
-                   }
-                   ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[1] += $tSecs;
-                   ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[2] = $tSecs
-                       if($tSecs > ${$smtpPerDom{$hostID}}[2]);
-                   ++$smtpConnCnt;
-                   $smtpTotTime += $tSecs;
-               }
-           }
-       }
-    } else {
-       my $toRmdr;
-       if((($addr, $size) = /from=<([^>]*)>, size=([0-9]+)/o) == 2)
-       {
-           next if($msgSizes{$qid});   # avoid double-counting!
-           if($addr) {
-               if($opts{'m'} && $addr =~ /^(.*!)*([^!]+)!([^!@]+)@([^\.]+)$/o) {
-                   $addr = "$4!" . ($1? "$1" : "") . $3 . "\@$2";
-               }
-               $addr =~ s/(@.+)/\L$1/o unless($opts{'i'});
-               $addr = lc($addr) if($opts{'i'});
-               # Hack for VERP (?) - convert address from somthing like
-               # ""
-               # to ""
-               # to prevent per-user listing "pollution."  More aggressive
-               # munging converts to something like ""
-               if(defined($opts{'verpMung'})) {
-                   if($opts{'verpMung'} > 1) {
-                       $addr =~ s/^(.+)-return-\d+-[^\@]+(\@.+)$/$1$2/o;
-                   } else {
-                       $addr =~ s/-return-\d+-/-return-ID-/o;
-                   }
-               }
-           } else {
-               $addr = "from=<>"
-           }
-           $msgSizes{$qid} = $size;
-           push(@{$msgDetail{$qid}}, $addr) if($opts{'e'});
-           # Avoid counting forwards
-           if($rcvdMsg{$qid}) {
-               (my $domAddr = $addr) =~ s/^[^@]+\@//o; # get domain only
-               ++$sendgDomCnt
-                   unless(${$sendgDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$sendgDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ${$sendgDom{$domAddr}}[$msgSizeI] += $size;
-               ++$sendgUserCnt unless(${$sendgUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$sendgUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ${$sendgUser{$addr}}[$msgSizeI] += $size;
-               $sizeRcvd += $size;
-               delete($rcvdMsg{$qid});         # limit hash size
-           }
-       }
-       elsif((($addr, $relay, $delay, $status, $toRmdr) =
-               /to=<([^>]*)>, relay=([^,]+), delay=([^,]+), status=([^ ]+)(.*)$/o) >= 4)
-       {
-           if($opts{'m'} && $addr =~ /^(.*!)*([^!]+)!([^!@]+)@([^\.]+)$/o) {
-               $addr = "$4!" . ($1? "$1" : "") . $3 . "\@$2";
-           }
-           $addr =~ s/(@.+)/\L$1/o unless($opts{'i'});
-           $addr = lc($addr) if($opts{'i'});
-           (my $domAddr = $addr) =~ s/^[^@]+\@//o;     # get domain only
-           if($status eq 'sent') {
-               # was it actually forwarded, rather than delivered?
-               if($toRmdr =~ /forwarded as /o) {
-                   ++$msgsFwdd;
-                   next;
-               }
-               ++$recipDomCnt unless(${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyAvgI] += $delay;
-               if(! ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] ||
-                  $delay > ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI])
-               {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] = $delay
-               }
-               ++$recipUserCnt unless(${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI]);
-               ++${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgCntI];
-               ++$dlvPerHr[$msgHr];
-               ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[1];
-               ++$msgsDlvrd;
-               if($msgSizes{$qid}) {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgSizeI] += $msgSizes{$qid};
-                   ${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgSizeI] += $msgSizes{$qid};
-                   $sizeDlvrd += $msgSizes{$qid};
-               } else {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgSizeI] += 0;
-                   ${$recipUser{$addr}}[$msgSizeI] += 0;
-                   $noMsgSize{$qid} = $addr;
-                   push(@{$msgDetail{$qid}}, "(sender not in log)") if($opts{'e'});
-                   # put this back later? mebbe with -v?
-                   # msg_warn("no message size for qid: $qid");
-               }
-               push(@{$msgDetail{$qid}}, $addr) if($opts{'e'});
-           } elsif($status eq 'deferred') {
-               my ($deferredReas) = /, status=deferred \(([^\)]+)/o;
-               if (!defined($deferredReas)) 
-                       {
-                       $deferredReas = "---[] connect to";
-                       }
-               unless(defined($opts{'verbMsgDetail'})) {
-                   $deferredReas = said_string_trimmer($deferredReas, 65);
-                   $deferredReas =~ s/^[0-9]{3} //o;
-                   $deferredReas =~ s/^connect to //o;
-               }
-               ++$deferred{$cmd}{$deferredReas};
-                ++$dfrPerHr[$msgHr];
-               ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[2];
-               ++$msgsDfrdCnt;
-               ++$msgsDfrd unless($msgDfrdFlgs{$qid}++);
-               ++${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDfrsI];
-               if(! ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] ||
-                  $delay > ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI])
-               {
-                   ${$recipDom{$domAddr}}[$msgDlyMaxI] = $delay
-               }
-           } elsif($status eq 'bounced') {
-               my ($bounceReas) = /, status=bounced \((.+)\)/o;
-               unless(defined($opts{'verbMsgDetail'})) {
-                   $bounceReas = said_string_trimmer($bounceReas, 66);
-                   $bounceReas =~ s/^[0-9]{3} //o;
-               }
-               ++$bounced{$relay}{$bounceReas};
-                ++$bncPerHr[$msgHr];
-               ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[3];
-               ++$msgsBncd;
-           } else {
-#              print UNPROCD "$_\n";
-           }
-       }
-       elsif($cmd eq 'pickup' && /: (sender|uid)=/o) {
-           #
-           # Warning: this code in two places!
-           #
-           ++$rcvPerHr[$msgHr];
-           ++${$msgsPerDay{$revMsgDateStr}}[0];
-           ++$msgsRcvd;
-           ++$rcvdMsg{$qid};   # quick-set a flag
-       }
-       else
-       {
-#          print UNPROCD "$_\n";
-       }
-    }
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# debugging
-#close(UNPROCD) ||
-#    die "problem closing \"unprocessed\": $!\n";
-print_recip_domain_summary(\%recipDom, $opts{'h'});
-# print "per-recipient-domain" traffic summary
-# (done in a subroutine only to keep main-line code clean)
-sub print_recip_domain_summary {
-    use vars '$hashRef';
-    local($hashRef) = $_[0];
-    my($cnt) = $_[1];
-    return if($cnt == 0);
-    my $topCnt = $cnt > 0? "(top $cnt)" : "";
-    my $avgDly;
-    my $parity = 0;
-    foreach (sort by_count_then_size keys(%$hashRef)) {
-       # there are only delay values if anything was sent
-       if(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgCntI]) {
-           $avgDly = (${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgDlyAvgI] /
-                      ${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgCntI]);
-       } else {
-           $avgDly = 0;
-       }
-        printf "<tr class=\"%s\"><td>%s</td><td align=\"center\">%.1f%s</td><td align=\"center\">%.1f%s</td><td align=\"center\">%d%s</td><td align=\"center\">%d%s</td></tr>\n",
-           ($parity?"pair":"impair"),
-           $_,
-           adj_time_units($avgDly),
-           adj_time_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgDlyMaxI]),
-           adj_int_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgCntI]),
-           adj_int_units(${$hashRef->{$_}}[$msgDfrsI]);
-       $parity=!$parity;
-       last if --$cnt == 0;
-    }
-# Subroutine used by host/domain reports to sort by count, then size.
-# We "fix" un-initialized values here as well.  Very ugly and un-
-# structured to do this here - but it's either that or the callers
-# must run through the hashes twice :-(.
-sub by_count_then_size {
-    ${$hashRef->{$a}}[$msgDfrsI] = 0 unless(${$hashRef->{$a}}[$msgDfrsI]);
-    ${$hashRef->{$b}}[$msgDfrsI] = 0 unless(${$hashRef->{$b}}[$msgDfrsI]);
-    return ((${$hashRef->{$b}}[$msgDfrsI]) <=> (${$hashRef->{$a}}[$msgDfrsI]));
-# if there's a real domain: uses that.  Otherwise uses the first
-# three octets of the IP addr.  (In the latter case: usually pretty
-# safe to assume it's a dialup with a class C IP addr.)  Lower-
-# cases returned domain name.
-sub gimme_domain {
-    $_ = $_[0];
-    # split domain/ipaddr into separates
-    my($domain, $ipAddr) = /^([^\[\(]+)[\[\(]([^\]\)]+)[\]\)]:?\s*$/o;
-#    print STDERR "dbg: in=\"$_\", domain=\"$domain\", ipAddr=\"$ipAddr\"\n";
-    # now re-order ""/"" to
-    # "host.dom.mach"/""
-    if($domain eq 'unknown') {
-        $domain = $ipAddr;
-       # For identifying the host part on a Class C network (commonly
-       # seen with dial-ups) the following is handy.
-        # $domain =~ s/\.[0-9]+$//o;
-    } else {
-        $domain =~
-            s/^(.*)\.([^\.]+)\.([^\.]{3}|[^\.]{2,3}\.[^\.]{2})$/\L$2.$3/o;
-    }
-    return $domain;
-# Return (value, units) for integer
-sub adj_int_units {
-    my $value = $_[0];
-    my $units = ' ';
-    $value = 0 unless($value);
-    if($value > $divByOneMegAt) {
-       $value /= $oneMeg;
-       $units = 'm'
-    } elsif($value > $divByOneKAt) {
-       $value /= $oneK;
-       $units = 'k'
-    }
-    return($value, $units);
-# Return (value, units) for time
-sub adj_time_units {
-    my $value = $_[0];
-    my $units = 's';
-    $value = 0 unless($value);
-    if($value > 3600) {
-       $value /= 3600;
-       $units = 'h'
-    } elsif($value > 60) {
-       $value /= 60;
-       $units = 'm'
-    }
-    return($value, $units);
-# Trim a "said:" string, if necessary.  Add elipses to show it.
-sub said_string_trimmer {
-    my($trimmedString, $maxLen) = @_;
-    while(length($trimmedString) > $maxLen) {
-       if($trimmedString =~ /^.* said: /o) {
-           $trimmedString =~ s/^.* said: //o;
-       } elsif($trimmedString =~ /^.*: */o) {
-           $trimmedString =~ s/^.*?: *//o;
-       } else {
-           $trimmedString = substr($trimmedString, 0, $maxLen - 3) . "...";
-           last;
-       }
-    }
-    return $trimmedString;
-# Trim a string, if necessary.  Add elipses to show it.
-sub string_trimmer {
-    my($trimmedString, $maxLen, $doNotTrim) = @_;
-    $trimmedString = substr($trimmedString, 0, $maxLen - 3) . "..." 
-       if(! $doNotTrim && (length($trimmedString) > $maxLen));
-    return $trimmedString;
-# Emit warning message to stderr
-sub msg_warn {
-    warn "warning: $progName: $_[0]\n";
index a25406b..d85e4c4 100755 (executable)
@@ -138,44 +138,6 @@ set yr [0:]
 plot "/tmp/disk.dat" using 1:3 title 'rdwr/s' with lines
-#gnuplot <<EOF   
-#set output "$STATSDIR/graph-http.png"
-#set term png small 
-#set size 640/480
-#set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
-#set format x "%Hh"
-#set xdata time
-#set yr [0:]
-#plot "/tmp/access.dat" using 1:3 title 'get' with lines, "/tmp/access.dat" using 1:5 title 'post' with lines
-#[OK] nbmails
-gnuplot <<EOF
-set output "$STATSDIR/graph-nbmails.png"
-set term png small 
-set size 640/480
-set xdata time
-set timefmt "%m/%d/%y"
-set format x "%m/%y"
-set yr [0:]  
-set key left
-plot "/tmp/nbmails" using 1:2 title 'recus' with lines, "/tmp/nbmails" using 1:3 title 'envoyes' with lines, "/tmp/nbmails" using 1:7 title 'refuses' with lines
-#[OK] nbmails par jour
-gnuplot <<EOF
-set output "$STATSDIR/graph-nbmails-day.png"
-set term png small
-set size 640/480
-set xdata time
-set timefmt "%m/%d/%y"
-set format x "%m/%y"
-set yr [0:]
-set key left
-plot "$STATSDIR/nbmails" using 1:2 title 'recus' with lines, "$STATSDIR/nbmails" using 1:3 title 'envoyes' with lines, "$STATSDIR/nbmails" using 1:7 title 'refuses' with lines
 #[OK] promo
 gnuplot <<EOF
 set output "$STATSDIR/graph-promo.png"
index c00a822..bf0e836 100644 (file)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ PATH=/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/bin:/home/web/bin
 # stats
-25 0 * * *     web     cd $WD/stats; ./evolution-inscrits-mails ; ./plot-graphs ; ./mailParselog
+25 0 * * *     web     cd $WD/stats; ./evolution-inscrits-mails ; ./plot-graphs
 # db
 0  5 * * *     web     cd $WD; ./clean.php