* Core:
- Work hard to add nice URI's into Platal. -MC
+ - Use fancy icons from http://www.famfamfam.com/ for flags. -MC
* Banana:
- Switch to the new URI scheme. -MC/FRU
<div class='formation'>
{if $x.iso3166}
- <img src='{rel}/images/flags/{$x.iso3166}.gif' alt='{$x.nationalite}' height='14' title='{$x.nationalite}' />
+ <img src='{rel}/images/flags/{$x.iso3166}.gif' alt='{$x.nationalite}' height='11' title='{$x.nationalite}' />
X {$x.promo}
{if ($x.promo_sortie-3 > $x.promo)}
<div class="appli">
{if $c.iso3166}
- <img src='{"images/"|url}flags/{$c.iso3166}.gif' alt='{$c.nat}' height='14' title='{$c.nat}' />
+ <img src='{rel}/images/flags/{$c.iso3166}.gif' alt='{$c.nat}' height='11' title='{$c.nat}' />
(X {$c.promo}{if $c.app0text}, {applis_fmt type=$c.app0type text=$c.app0text url=$c.app0url}
{/if}{if $c.app1text}, {applis_fmt type=$c.app1type text=$c.app1text url=$c.app1url}{/if})
<td><input type="text" name="free" size="32" value="{$smarty.request.free}" /></td>
- {min_auth level='cookie'}
- <p>
- <input type='checkbox' name='order' value='date_mod' {if $smarty.request.order eq "date_mod"}checked='checked'{/if} />
- mettre les fiches modifiées récemment en premier
- </p>
- {/min_auth}
- <p class="center">
- <script type="text/javascript">{literal}
- function launch_form(url) {
- var f = document.getElementById('recherche');
- f.action = url;
- f.submit();
- }
- {/literal}</script>
- {if $use_map}
- <input type="button" value="Voir les résultats sur une carte" onclick="launch_form('geoloc/')"/>
- {/if}
- <input type="button" value="Chercher" onclick="launch_form('{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}')"/>
+ {min_auth level='cookie'}
+ <p>
+ <input type='checkbox' name='order' value='date_mod' {if $smarty.request.order eq "date_mod"}checked='checked'{/if} />
+ mettre les fiches modifiées récemment en premier
+ {/min_auth}
+<p class="center">
+ <script type="text/javascript">{literal}
+ function launch_form(url) {
+ var f = document.getElementById('recherche');
+ f.action = url;
+ f.submit();
+ }
+ {/literal}</script>
+ {if $use_map}
+ <input type="button" value="Voir les résultats sur une carte" onclick="launch_form('{rel}/geoloc/')"/>
+ {/if}
+ <input type="button" value="Chercher" onclick="launch_form('{rel}/search/adv')"/>
<strong>N.B.</strong> Le caractère joker * peut remplacer une ou plusieurs lettres dans les recherches.