global $globals;
+ $this->load('');
$action = null;
$archive = ($archive == 'archive' && may_update());
SET event_order = {?}
WHERE id = {?}",
$order, $globals->asso('id'));
- } else {
- $order = XDB::fetchOneCell("SELECT event_order FROM groups
- WHERE id = {?}",
- $globals->asso('id'));
- }
- if ($order == 'desc') {
- $evenements = XDB::iterator('SELECT e.*, LEFT(e.debut, 10) AS first_day, LEFT(e.fin, 10) AS last_day,
- IF(e.deadline_inscription,
- e.deadline_inscription >= LEFT(NOW(), 10),
- 1) AS inscr_open,
- e.deadline_inscription,
- MAX(ep.nb) IS NOT NULL AS inscrit, MAX(ep.paid) AS paid
- FROM group_events AS e
- LEFT JOIN group_event_participants AS ep ON (ep.eid = e.eid AND ep.uid = {?})
- WHERE asso_id = {?} AND archive = {?}
- GROUP BY e.eid
- ORDER BY inscr_open DESC, debut DESC',
- S::i('uid'), $globals->asso('id'), $archive ? 1 : 0);
- } else {
- $evenements = XDB::iterator('SELECT e.*, LEFT(e.debut, 10) AS first_day, LEFT(e.fin, 10) AS last_day,
- IF(e.deadline_inscription,
- e.deadline_inscription >= LEFT(NOW(), 10),
- 1) AS inscr_open,
- e.deadline_inscription,
- MAX(ep.nb) IS NOT NULL AS inscrit, MAX(ep.paid) AS paid
- FROM group_events AS e
- LEFT JOIN group_event_participants AS ep ON (ep.eid = e.eid AND ep.uid = {?})
- WHERE asso_id = {?} AND archive = {?}
- GROUP BY e.eid
- ORDER BY inscr_open DESC, debut ASC',
- S::i('uid'), $globals->asso('id'), $archive ? 1 : 0);
+ $order = get_event_order($globals->asso('id'));
+ $evts = get_events($globals->asso('id'), $order);
$page->assign('order', $order);
- $evts = array();
$undisplayed_events = 0;
- $this->load('');
- while ($e = $evenements->next()) {
+ foreach ($evts as $eid => &$e) {
if (!is_member() && !may_update() && !$e['accept_nonmembre']) {
$undisplayed_events ++;
$e['show_participants'] = ($e['show_participants'] && (is_member() || may_update()));
- $e['moments'] = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('SELECT titre, details, montant, ei.item_id, nb, ep.paid
- FROM group_event_items AS ei
- LEFT JOIN group_event_participants AS ep
- ON (ep.eid = ei.eid AND ep.item_id = ei.item_id AND ep.uid = {?})
- WHERE ei.eid = {?}',
- S::i('uid'), $e['eid']);
+ $e['items'] = get_event_items($eid);
$e['topay'] = 0;
$e['paid'] = 0;
- foreach ($e['moments'] as $m) {
- $e['topay'] += $m['nb'] * $m['montant'];
- $e['paid'] += $m['paid'];
+ $sub = get_event_subscription($eid, S::i('uid'));
+ if (empty($sub)) {
+ $e['inscrit'] = false;
+ } else {
+ $e['inscrit'] = true;
+ foreach ($e['items'] as $item_id => $m) {
+ if (isset($sub[$item_id])) {
+ $e['topay'] += $sub[$item_id]['nb'] * $m['montant'];
+ $e['paid'] += $sub[$item_id]['paid'];
+ }
+ }
+ $e['sub'] = $sub;
- $montant = XDB::fetchOneCell(
- "SELECT SUM(amount) as sum_amount
- FROM payment_transactions AS t
- WHERE ref = {?} AND uid = {?}", $e['paiement_id'], S::v('uid'));
- $e['paid'] += $montant;
+ $telepaid = get_event_telepaid($eid, S::i('uid'));
+ $e['paid'] += $telepaid;
- make_event_date($e);
+ $e['date'] = make_event_date($e['debut'], $e['fin']);
+ if ($e['deadline_inscription'] == null || strtotime($e['deadline_inscription']) >= time()) {
+ $e['inscr_open'] = true;
+ } else {
+ $e['inscr_open'] = false;
+ }
if (Env::has('updated') && $e['eid'] == Env::i('updated')) {
$page->assign('updated', $e);
- $evts[] = $e;
$page->assign('evenements', $evts);
- $evt = get_event_detail($eid);
+ $evt = get_event($eid);
if (is_null($evt)) {
return PL_NOT_FOUND;
- if ($evt === false) {
- global $globals, $platal;
+ global $globals;
+ if (!$evt['inscr_open']) {
+ $page->kill('Les inscriptions pour cet événement sont closes');
+ }
+ if (!$evt['accept_nonmembre'] && !is_member() && !may_update()) {
$url = $globals->asso('sub_url');
if (empty($url)) {
$url = $platal->ns . 'subscribe';
'. Pour devenir membre, rends-toi sur la page de <a href="' . $url . '">demande d\'inscripton</a>.');
- if (!$evt['inscr_open']) {
- $page->kill('Les inscriptions pour cet événement sont closes');
- }
- if (!$evt['accept_nonmembre'] && !is_member() && !may_update()) {
- $page->kill('Cet événement est fermé aux non-membres du groupe');
- }
- global $globals;
$res = XDB::query("SELECT stamp
FROM requests
WHERE type = 'paiements' AND data LIKE {?}",
- PayReq::same_event($evt['eid'], $globals->asso('id')));
+ PayReq::same_event($eid, $globals->asso('id')));
$page->assign('validation', $res->numRows());
- $page->assign('event', $evt);
- if (!Post::has('submit')) {
- return;
- } else {
- S::assert_xsrf_token();
- }
- $moments = Post::v('moment', array());
- $pers = Post::v('personnes', array());
- $subs = array();
+ $page->assign('eid', $eid);
+ $page->assign('event', $evt);
- foreach ($moments as $j => $v) {
- $subs[$j] = intval($v);
+ $items = get_event_items($eid);
+ $subs = get_event_subscription($eid, S::v('uid'));
- // retrieve other field when more than one person
- if ($subs[$j] == 2) {
- if (!isset($pers[$j]) || !is_numeric($pers[$j]) || $pers[$j] < 0) {
- $page->trigError("Tu dois choisir un nombre d'invités correct !");
- return;
+ if (Post::has('submit')) {
+ S::assert_xsrf_token();
+ $moments = Post::v('moment', array());
+ $pers = Post::v('personnes', array());
+ $old_subs = $subs;
+ $subs = array();
+ foreach ($moments as $j => $v) {
+ $subs[$j] = intval($v);
+ // retrieve other field when more than one person
+ if ($subs[$j] == 2) {
+ if (!isset($pers[$j]) || !is_numeric($pers[$j]) || $pers[$j] < 0) {
+ $page->trigError("Tu dois choisir un nombre d'invités correct !");
+ return;
+ }
+ $subs[$j] = $pers[$j];
- $subs[$j] = $pers[$j];
- }
- // impossible to unsubscribe if you already paid sthing
- if (!array_sum($subs) && $evt['paid'] != 0) {
- $page->trigError("Impossible de te désinscrire complètement " .
- "parce que tu as fait un paiement par " .
- "chèque ou par liquide. Contacte un " .
- "administrateur du groupe si tu es sûr de " .
- "ne pas venir.");
- return;
- }
- // update actual inscriptions
- $updated = false;
- $total = 0;
- $paid = $evt['paid'] ? $evt['paid'] : 0;
- $telepaid = $evt['telepaid'] ? $evt['telepaid'] : 0;
- $paid_inserted = false;
- foreach ($subs as $j => $nb) {
- if ($nb >= 0) {
- XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_event_participants (eid, uid, item_id, nb, flags, paid)
- VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})
- ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE nb = VALUES(nb), flags = VALUES(flags), paid = VALUES(paid)',
- $eid, S::v('uid'), $j, $nb, (Env::has('notify_payment') ? 'notify_payment' : ''),
- ((!$paid_inserted) ? $paid - $telepaid : 0));
- $updated = $eid;
- $paid_inserted = true;
- } else {
- XDB::execute(
- "DELETE FROM group_event_participants
- WHERE eid = {?} AND uid = {?} AND item_id = {?}",
- $eid, S::v("uid"), $j);
- $updated = $eid;
+ // count what the user must pay, and what he manually paid
+ $manual_paid = 0;
+ foreach ($items as $item_id => $item) {
+ if (array_key_exists($item_id, $old_subs)) {
+ $manual_paid += $old_subs[$item_id]['paid'];
+ }
- $total += $nb;
- }
- if ($updated !== false) {
- $evt = get_event_detail($eid);
- if ($evt['topay'] > 0) {
- $page->trigSuccess('Ton inscription à l\'événement a été mise à jour avec succès, tu peux payer ta participation en cliquant ci-dessous');
+ // impossible to unsubscribe if you already paid sthing
+ if (!array_sum($subs) && $manual_paid != 0) {
+ $page->trigError("Impossible de te désinscrire complètement " .
+ "parce que tu as fait un paiement par " .
+ "chèque ou par liquide. Contacte un " .
+ "administrateur du groupe si tu es sûr de " .
+ "ne pas venir.");
+ $updated = false;
} else {
- $page->trigSuccess('Ton inscription à l\'événement a été mise à jour avec succès.');
+ // update actual inscriptions
+ $updated = subscribe(S::v('uid'), $eid, $subs);
- subscribe_lists_event(S::i('uid'), $evt['short_name'], ($total > 0 ? 1 : 0), 0);
+ if ($updated) {
+ $evt = get_event_detail($eid);
+ if ($evt['topay'] > 0) {
+ $page->trigSuccess('Ton inscription à l\'événement a été mise à jour avec succès, tu peux payer ta participation en cliquant ci-dessous');
+ } else {
+ $page->trigSuccess('Ton inscription à l\'événement a été mise à jour avec succès.');
+ }
- if ($evt['subscription_notification'] != 'nobody') {
- $mailer = new PlMailer('xnetevents/subscription-notif.mail.tpl');
- if ($evt['subscription_notification'] != 'creator') {
- $admins = $globals->asso()->iterAdmins();
- while ($admin = $admins->next()) {
- $mailer->addTo($admin);
+ if ($evt['subscription_notification'] != 'nobody') {
+ $mailer = new PlMailer('xnetevents/subscription-notif.mail.tpl');
+ if ($evt['subscription_notification'] != 'creator') {
+ $admins = $globals->asso()->iterAdmins();
+ while ($admin = $admins->next()) {
+ $mailer->addTo($admin);
+ }
+ if ($evt['subscription_notification'] != 'animator') {
+ $mailer->addTo($evt['organizer']);
+ }
+ $mailer->assign('group', $globals->asso('nom'));
+ $mailer->assign('event', $evt['intitule']);
+ $mailer->assign('subs', $subs);
+ $mailer->assign('moments', $evt['moments']);
+ $mailer->assign('name', S::user()->fullName('promo'));
+ $mailer->send();
- if ($evt['subscription_notification'] != 'animator') {
- $mailer->addTo($evt['organizer']);
- }
- $mailer->assign('group', $globals->asso('nom'));
- $mailer->assign('event', $evt['intitule']);
- $mailer->assign('subs', $subs);
- $mailer->assign('moments', $evt['moments']);
- $mailer->assign('name', S::user()->fullName('promo'));
- $mailer->send();
- $page->assign('event', get_event_detail($eid));
+ $subs = get_event_subscription($eid, S::v('uid'));
+ // count what the user must pay
+ $topay = 0;
+ $manually_paid = 0;
+ foreach ($items as $item_id => $item) {
+ if (array_key_exists($item_id, $subs)) {
+ $topay += $item['montant']*$subs[$item_id]['nb'];
+ $manually_paid += $subs[$item_id]['paid'];
+ }
+ }
+ $paid = $manually_paid + get_event_telepaid($eid, S::v('uid'));
+ $page->assign('moments', $items);
+ $page->assign('subs', $subs);
+ $page->assign('topay', $topay);
+ $page->assign('paid', $paid);
function handler_csv($page, $eid = null, $item_id = null)
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
+// {{{ function get_event_order()
+/* get the order to paste the events
+ * @param $asso_id: group's id
+ */
+function get_event_order($asso_id)
+ $order = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT g.event_order
+ FROM groups as g
+ WHERE id = {?}',
+ $asso_id);
+ return $order;
+// }}}
+// {{{ function get_events()
+/* get the events of the given group ordered by the standard order for the group
+ * @param $asso_id: group's id
+ * @param $order: order to paste the events (asc or desc)
+ */
+function get_events($asso_id, $order)
+ if ($order != 'asc' && $order != 'desc') {
+ $order = 'desc';
+ }
+ $evts = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('eid', "SELECT ge.eid, ge.uid, ge.intitule, ge.debut, ge.fin, ge.show_participants, ge.deadline_inscription, ge.accept_nonmembre, ge.paiement_id
+ FROM group_events as ge
+ WHERE asso_id = {?}
+ ORDER BY ge.debut $order",
+ $asso_id);
+ return $evts;
+// }}}
+// {{{ function get_event() (detail, for subs page only for now)
+/* get event details
+ * @param $eid: event's id
+ */
+function get_event($eid)
+ $evt = XDB::fetchOneAssoc('SELECT ge.uid, ge.intitule, ge.descriptif, ge.debut, ge.fin, ge.deadline_inscription, ge.accept_nonmembre, ge.paiement_id
+ FROM group_events as ge
+ WHERE eid = {?}',
+ $eid);
+ if (!is_null($evt['deadline_inscription']) && strtotime($evt['deadline_inscription']) < time()) {
+ $evt['inscr_open'] = false;
+ } else {
+ $evt['inscr_open'] = true;
+ }
+ $evt['organizer'] = User::getSilent($evt['uid'])->profile();
+ $evt['date'] = make_event_date($evt['debut'], $evt['fin']);
+ return $evt;
+// }}}
+// {{{ function get_event_items()
+/** get items of the given event
+ *
+ * @param $eid : event's id
+ *
+ */
+function get_event_items($eid)
+ $evt = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('item_id', 'SELECT gei.item_id, gei.titre, gei.details, gei.montant
+ FROM group_event_items as gei
+ WHERE eid = {?}',
+ $eid);
+ return $evt;
+// }}}
+// {{{ function get_event_subscription()
+/* get all participations if uid is not specified, only the user's participation if uid specified
+ * @param $eid: event's id
+ * @param $uid: user's id
+ */
+function get_event_subscription($eid, $uid = null)
+ if (!is_null($uid)) {
+ $where = ' and gep.uid = '.$uid;
+ }
+ else {
+ $where = '';
+ }
+ $sub = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('item_id','SELECT gep.item_id, gep.nb, gep.paid FROM group_event_participants as gep
+ WHERE gep.eid = {?}'.$where,
+ $eid);
+ return $sub;
+// }}}
+// {{{ function get_event_telepaid()
+/* get the total payments made by a user for an event
+ * @param $eid: event's id
+ * @param $uid: user's id
+ */
+function get_event_telepaid($eid, $uid)
+ $telepaid = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT SUM(pt.amount)
+ FROM payment_transactions AS pt
+ LEFT JOIN group_events as ge ON (ge.paiement_id = pt.ref)
+ WHERE ge.eid = {?} AND pt.uid = {?}',
+ $eid, $uid);
+ return $telepaid;
+// }}}
// {{{ function get_event_detail()
function get_event_detail($eid, $item_id = false, $asso_id = null)
$evt['paid'] += $montant;
$evt['organizer'] = User::getSilent($evt['uid']);
- make_event_date($evt);
+ $evt['date'] = make_event_date($evt['debut'], $evt['fin']);
$evt['show_participants'] = ($evt['show_participants'] && $GLOBALS['IS_XNET_SITE'] && (is_member() || may_update()));
// }}}
+// {{{ function subscribe()
+/** set or update the user's subscription
+ *
+ * @param $uid: user's id
+ * @param $eid: event's id
+ * @param $subs: user's new subscription
+ *
+ */
+function subscribe($uid, $eid, $subs = array())
+ global $globals;
+ // get items
+ $items = get_event_items($eid);
+ // get previous subscription
+ $old_subs = get_event_subscription($eid, $uid);
+ $participate = false;
+ $updated = false;
+ // TODO : change the way to deal with manual payment
+ $paid = 0;
+ foreach ($old_subs as $item_id => $s) {
+ $paid += $s['paid'];
+ }
+ $paid_updated = false;
+ // for each item of the event
+ foreach ($items as $item_id => $details) {
+ // check if there is an old subscription
+ if (array_key_exists($item_id, $old_subs)) {
+ echo 'prev exists ';
+ // compares new and old subscription
+ if ($old_subs[$item_id]['nb'] != $subs[$item_id]) {
+ echo 'different ';
+ if ($subs[$item_id] != 0) {
+ echo "je m'inscris ";
+ XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_event_participants (eid, uid, item_id, nb, flags, paid)
+ VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})
+ ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE nb = VALUES(nb), flags = VALUES(flags), paid = VALUES(paid)',
+ $eid, $uid, $item_id, $subs[$item_id],(Env::has('notify_payment') ? 'notify_payment' : 0), (!$paid_updated ? $paid : 0));
+ $participate = true;
+ $paid_updated = true;
+ } else { // we do not store non-subscription to event items
+ echo "je me desinscris ";
+ XDB::execute('DELETE FROM group_event_participants
+ WHERE eid = {?} AND uid = {?} AND item_id = {?}',
+ $eid, $uid, $item_id);
+ }
+ $updated = true;
+ }
+ } else { // if no old subscription
+ echo 'no prev ';
+ if ($subs[$item_id] != 0) {
+ echo 'subscribe ';
+ XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_event_participants (eid, uid, item_id, nb, flags, paid)
+ VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})',
+ $eid, $uid, $item_id, $subs[$item_id], '', 0);
+ $participate = true;
+ $updated = true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // item 0 stores whether the user participates globally or not, if he has to be notified when payment is created and his manual payment
+ /*
+ if (array_key_exists(0, $old_subs)) {
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE group_event_participants
+ SET nb = {?}
+ WHERE eid = {?}, uid = {?}, item_id = 0',
+ ($participate ? 1 : 0), $eid, $uid);
+ } else {
+ XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_event_participants (eid, uid, item_id, nb, flags, paid)
+ VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})',
+ $eid, $uid, 0, ($participate ? 1 : 0), (Env::has('notify_payment') ? 'notify_payment' : ''), 0);
+ }
+ */
+ // if subscription is updated, we have to update the event aliases
+ if ($updated) {
+ echo "inscription mise a jour ";
+ $short_name = get_event_detail($eid)['short_name'];
+ subscribe_lists_event($uid, $short_name, ($participate ? 1 : -1), 0);
+ }
+ return $updated;
+// }}}
+// TODO : correct this function to be compatible with subscribe() (use $eid, remove useless argument)
+// TODO : correct other calls
// {{{ function subscribe_lists_event()
/** Subscribes user to various event related mailing lists.
// }}}
// {{{ function make_event_date()
-function make_event_date(&$e)
+function make_event_date($debut, $fin)
- $start = strtotime($e['debut']);
- $end = strtotime($e['fin']);
- $first_day = $e['first_day'];
- $last_day = $e['last_day'];
+ $start = strtotime($debut);
+ $end = strtotime($fin);
+// $first_day = $e['first_day'];
+// $last_day = $e['last_day'];
+ $first_day = strftime("%d %B %Y", $start);
+ $last_day = strftime("%d %B %Y", $end);
$date = "";
if ($start && $end != $start) {
if ($first_day == $last_day) {
} else {
$date .= "le " . strftime("%d %B %Y à %H:%M", $start);
- $e['date'] = $date;
+ return $date;
// }}}
{if $archive}Archives {else}[<a href="{$platal->ns}events/archive">Archives</a>] {/if}
-{if $updated}
+{if t($updated) && $updated}
<p class='error'>
La modification de l'inscription a été prise en compte !
{if $updated.topay > $updated.paid}
-{foreach from=$evenements item=e}
+{foreach from=$evenements key=eid item=e}
<table class="bicol" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<col width='25%' />
<th colspan="2"{if !$e.inscr_open} class="grayed"{/if}>
- <a href="{$platal->ns}events/ical/{$e.short_name|default:$e.eid}/{$e.short_name|default:$e.eid}.ics" style="display: block; float: left;">
+ <a href="{$platal->ns}events/ical/{$eid}/{$eid}.ics" style="display: block; float: left;">
{icon name=calendar_view_day title="Événement iCal"}
{if $is_admin}
<br />
- [<a href="{$platal->ns}events/edit/{$e.short_name|default:$e.eid}">
+ [<a href="{$platal->ns}events/edit/{$eid}">
{icon name=date_edit title="Édition de l'événement"}</a>]
- [<a href="javascript:$.dynPost('{$platal->pl_self()}?token={xsrf_token}',{if !$archive}'archive'{else}'unarchive'{/if},{$e.eid})">
+ [<a href="javascript:$.dynPost('{$platal->pl_self()}?token={xsrf_token}',{if !$archive}'archive'{else}'unarchive'{/if},{$eid})">
{if !$archive}
{icon name=package_add title="Archivage"}</a>]
{icon name=package_delete title="Désarchivage"}</a>]
- [<a href="javascript:$.dynPost('{$platal->ns}events?token={xsrf_token}','del',{$e.eid})"
+ [<a href="javascript:$.dynPost('{$platal->ns}events?token={xsrf_token}','del',{$eid})"
onclick="return confirm('Supprimer l\'événement effacera la liste des inscrits et des paiements.\n Es-tu sûr de vouloir supprimer l\'événement ?')">
{icon name=delete title='Suppression'}</a>]
<td class="titre">Informations :</td>
<td class='actions'>
{if $is_admin || $e.show_participants}
- <a href="{$platal->ns}events/admin/{$e.short_name|default:$e.eid}">
+ <a href="{$platal->ns}events/admin/{$eid}">
consulter la liste des participants
{icon name=group title="Liste des participants"}
</a><br />
<td class="titre">
État inscription :
{if $e.inscr_open}
- <input type="hidden" name="evt_{counter}" value="{$e.eid}" />
+ <input type="hidden" name="evt_{counter}" value="{$eid}" />
{if !$e.inscrit}
<span class='error'>Non inscrit</span><br />
- {foreach from=$e.moments item=m}
- {if !$m.nb}
+ {foreach from=$e.items key=item_id item=m}
+ {if !t($e.sub.$item_id) || !$e.sub.$item_id.nb}
Tu ne viendras pas
- Tu as inscrit {$m.nb} personne{if $m.nb > 1}s{/if}
+ Tu as inscrit {$e.sub.$item_id.nb} personne{if $e.sub.$item_id.nb > 1}s{/if}
{/if} à <em>{$m.titre}</em>.<br />
Tu as déjà payé les {$e.paid|replace:'.':','} € de ton inscription.
- {if $e.paiement_id && $e.paid < $e.topay}
+ {if t($e.paiement_id) && $e.paid < $e.topay}
[<a href="{$platal->ns}payment/{$e.paiement_id}?montant={math equation="a-b" a=$e.topay b=$e.paid}">
Payer en ligne</a>]
<td colspan='2' class='center'>
- <a href='{$platal->ns}events/sub/{$e.short_name|default:$e.eid}'>
+ <a href='{$platal->ns}events/sub/{$eid}'>
Gérer mon inscription et voir les détails de l'événement.
<p class='descr'>
- {assign var=profile value=$event.organizer->profile()}
Cet événement a lieu <strong>{$}</strong> et a été proposé par
- <a href='{$profile->hrpid}' class='popup2'>
+ <a href='{$event.organizer->hrpid}' class='popup2'>
-{if $admin || $event.show_participants}
+{if $is_admin || $event.show_participants}
<p class='descr'>
Tu peux
- <a href="{$platal->ns}events/admin/{$event.eid}">
+ <a href="{$platal->ns}events/admin/{$eid}">
consulter la liste des participants
{icon name=group title="Liste des participants"}</a>
déjà inscrits.
-<form action="{$platal->ns}events/sub/{$event.eid}" method="post">
+<form action="{$platal->ns}events/sub/{$eid}" method="post">
<table class="tiny" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
- {foreach from=$event.moments item=m}
+ {foreach from=$moments key=item_id item=m}
<tr><th>{$m.titre} ({$m.montant} €)</th></tr>
{if $m.details}
{if $event.inscr_open}
- <label><input type="radio" name="moment[{$m.item_id}]" value="0"
- {if !$m.nb}checked="checked"{/if}/>Je ne m'inscris pas</label><br />
- {if $event.noinvite}
- <label><input type="radio" name="moment[{$m.item_id}]" value="1"
- {if $m.nb eq 1}checked="checked"{/if}/>Je m'inscris</label>
+ {assign var=nb value=$subs.$item_id.nb}
+ <label><input type="radio" name="moment[{$item_id}]" value="0"
+ {if !$nb}checked="checked"{/if}/>Je ne m'inscris pas</label><br />
+ {if $event.accept_nonmembre}
+ <label><input type="radio" name="moment[{$item_id}]" value="1"
+ {if $nb eq 1}checked="checked"{/if}/>Je m'inscris</label>
- <label><input type="radio" name="moment[{$m.item_id}]" value="2" id="avec"
- {if $m.nb > 0}checked="checked"{/if}/>J'inscris</label>
- <input size="2" name="personnes[{$m.item_id}]"
- value="{if $m.nb > 1}{$m.nb}{else}1{/if}"/><label for="avec"> personnes</label>
+ <label><input type="radio" name="moment[{$item_id}]" value="2" id="avec"
+ {if $nb > 0}checked="checked"{/if}/>J'inscris</label>
+ <input size="2" name="personnes[{$item_id}]"
+ value="{if $nb > 1}{$nb}{else}1{/if}"/><label for="avec"> personnes</label>
- {if !$m.nb}
+ {if !$nb}
Je ne viendrai pas.
- J'ai inscrit {$m.nb} personne{if $m.nb > 1}s{/if}.
+ J'ai inscrit {$nb} personne{if $nb > 1}s{/if}.
<tr><th>À payer</th></tr>
- {if $event.topay}
- <div class="error">
- {if $event.paid eq 0}
- Tu dois payer {$event.topay|replace:'.':','} €.
- {elseif $event.paid < $event.topay}
- Tu dois encore payer {math equation="a-b" a=$event.topay b=$event.paid|replace:'.':','} €
- (tu as déjà payé {$event.paid|replace:'.':','} €).
+ {if $topay}
+ <div class="error">
+ {if $paid eq 0}
+ Tu dois payer {$topay|replace:'.':','} €.
+ {elseif $paid < $topay}
+ Tu dois encore payer {math equation="a-b" a=$topay b=$paid|replace:'.':','} €
+ (tu as déjà payé {$paid|replace:'.':','} €).
- Tu as déjà payé {$event.paid|replace:'.':','} € pour ton inscription.
+ Tu as déjà payé {$paid|replace:'.':','} € pour ton inscription.
- {if $event.paiement_id && $event.paid < $event.topay}
- <a href="{$platal->ns}payment/{$event.paiement_id}?montant={math equation="a-b" a=$event.topay b=$event.paid}">
+ {if $event.paiement_id && $paid < $topay}
+ <a href="{$platal->ns}payment/{$event.paiement_id}?montant={math equation="a-b" a=$topay b=$paid}">
{icon name=money} Payer en ligne</a>
- {elseif $validation && $event.paid < $event.topay}
+ {elseif $validation && $paid < $topay}
<br />Le télépaiement pour cet événement est en instance de validation :<br />
<input type="checkbox" name="notify_payment" {if $event.notify_payment}checked="checked"{/if} id="notify" />
<label for="notify">être prévenu lorsque le télépaiment pour cet événement sera disponible.</label>
Rien à payer
- {if $event.paid > 0}
- (tu as déjà payé {$event.paid|replace:'.':','} €).
+ {if $paid > 0}
+ (tu as déjà payé {$paid|replace:'.':','} €).