- First instance of the plugin class : class Trombi. (FS#135) -MC
- Now only use iso3166 countries, no more `nationalites`. -MC
+ * Contacts :
+ - Trombino of the contacts is available ! (FS#138) -MC
* Lists :
- Refusal message is shown on mail moderation page. (FS#138) -MC
+ * Search :
+ - Hide SoundEX search when neither name nor second name selected. -MC
* Search+Contacts :
- Homeland is now a flag. (FS#124) -MC
- Women now have a • (no more dirty gender icons). (FS#122) -MC
- Nicer icons. -MC
- * Contacts :
- - Trombino of the contacts is available ! (FS#138) -MC
Fixes (from 0.9.1 branch) :
* Lists :
* Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
- $Id: search.tpl,v 1.22 2004-11-02 06:51:31 x2000habouzit Exp $
+ $Id: search.tpl,v 1.23 2004-11-02 07:19:07 x2000habouzit Exp $
{if $nb_resultats_total==0}Aucune{else}{$nb_resultats_total}{/if} réponse{if $nb_resultats_total>1}s{/if}.
<td class="right titre">
- {if $with_soundex==0}
+ {if $with_soundex==0 && ($smarty.request.prenom || $smarty.request.nom)}
[<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?with_soundex=1&rechercher=1&{$url_args}&mod_date_sort={$mod_date_sort}">
Recherche par proximité sonore</a>]
{if $nb_resultats_total==0}Aucune{else}{$nb_resultats_total}{/if} réponse{if $nb_resultats_total>1}s{/if}.
<td class="right titre">
- {if $with_soundex==0}
+ {if $with_soundex==0 && ($smarty.request.prenom || $smarty.request.nom)}
[<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}?with_soundex=1&rechercher=1&{$url_args}&mod_date_sort={$mod_date_sort}">
Recherche par proximité sonore</a>]