return '<a href="' . htmlentities($link) . $target . '">' . $text . '</a>';
+/** Format tree images links
+ * @param img STRING Image name (without extension)
+ * @param alt STRING alternative string
+ * @param width INT to force width of the image (null if not defined)
+ *
+ * This function can be overloaded by defining hook_makeImg()
+ */
+function makeImg($img, $alt, $width = null)
+ if (function_exists('hook_makeImg')
+ && $res = hook_makeImg($img, $alt, $width)) {
+ return $res;
+ }
+ if (!is_null($width)) {
+ $width = ' width="' . $width . '"';
+ }
+ $proto = empty($_SERVER['HTTPS']) ? 'http://' : 'https://';
+ $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
+ $file = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '/img/' . $img . '.gif';
+ $url = $proto . $host . $file;
+ return '<img src="' . $url . '"' . $width . ' alt="' . $alt . '" />';
* Taken from
function _to_html($_id, $_index, $_first=0, $_last=0, $_ref="", $_pfx_node="", $_pfx_end="", $_head=true)
- $spfx_f = '<img src="img/k1.gif" height="21" width="9" alt="o" />';
- $spfx_n = '<img src="img/k2.gif" height="21" width="9" alt="*" />';
- $spfx_Tnd = '<img src="img/T-direct.gif" height="21" width="12" alt="+" />';
- $spfx_Lnd = '<img src="img/L-direct.gif" height="21" width="12" alt="`" />';
- $spfx_snd = '<img src="img/s-direct.gif" height="21" width="5" alt="-" />';
- $spfx_T = '<img src="img/T.gif" height="21" width="12" alt="+" />';
- $spfx_L = '<img src="img/L.gif" height="21" width="12" alt="`" />';
- $spfx_s = '<img src="img/s.gif" height="21" width="5" alt="-" />';
- $spfx_e = '<img src="img/e.gif" height="21" width="12" alt=" " />';
- $spfx_I = '<img src="img/I.gif" height="21" width="12"alt="|" />';
+ $spfx_f = makeImg('k1', 'o', 9);
+ $spfx_n = makeImg('k2', '*', 9);
+ $spfx_Tnd = makeImg('T-direct', '+', 12);
+ $spfx_Lnd = makeImg('L-direct', '`', 12);
+ $spfx_snd = makeImg('s-direct', '-', 5);
+ $spfx_T = makeImg('T', '+', 12);
+ $spfx_L = makeImg('L', '`', 12);
+ $spfx_s = makeImg('s', '-', 5);
+ $spfx_e = makeImg('e', ' ', 12);
+ $spfx_I = makeImg('I', '|', 12);
if ($_index + $this->overview[$_id]->desc < $_first || $_index > $_last) {