return S::v('log');
+ /** User object storage and accessor. The user object (an instance of the
+ * local subclass of PlUser) is currently stored as a S class variable, and
+ * not as a session variable, so as to avoid bloating the global on-disk
+ * session.
+ * TODO: When all the codebase will use S::user() as the only source for
+ * user ids, fullname/displayname, and forlife/bestalias, S::$user should
+ * move into the php session (and data it helds should be removed from
+ * the php session). */
+ private static $user = null;
+ public static function &user()
+ {
+ if (self::$user == null) {
+ self::$user = User::getSilentWithValues(S::i('uid'), $_SESSION);
+ }
+ return self::$user;
+ }
public static function has_perms()
return Platal::session()->checkPerms(PERMS_ADMIN);