// }}}
+// {{{ function send_alert_mail
+function send_alert_mail($state, $body)
+ require_once("diogenes/diogenes.hermes.inc.php");
+ $mailer = new HermesMailer();
+ $mailer->setFrom("webmaster@polytechnique.org");
+ $mailer->addTo("hotliners@polytechnique.org");
+ $mailer->setSubject("ALERTE LORS DE L'INSCRIPTION de "
+ . $state['prenom'] . ' ' . $state['nom'] . '(' . $promo . ')');
+ $mailer->setTxtBody($body
+ . "\n\nIndentifiants :\n" . var_export($state, true)
+ . "\n\nInformations de connexion :\n" . var_export($_SERVER, true));
+ $mailer->send();
+// }}}
// {{{ function finish_ins
function finish_ins($sub_state)
case 3:
+ $alert = null;
if (count($_POST)) {
if (!isvalid_email(Post::v('email'))) {
$promo = (int)$sub_state['promo'];
if ($year > $promo - 15 || $year < $promo - 30) {
$err[] = "La 'Date de naissance' n'est pas correcte.";
- require_once("diogenes/diogenes.hermes.inc.php");
- $mailer = new HermesMailer();
- $mailer->setFrom("webmaster@polytechnique.org");
- $mailer->addTo("hotliners@polytechnique.org");
- $mailer->setSubject("ERREUR LORS DE L'INSCRIPTION de "
- . $sub_state['prenom'] . ' ' . $sub_state['nom'] . '(' . $promo . ')');
- $mailer->setTxtBody(
- "Date de naissance proposée $birth"
- . "\n\nIndentifiants :\n" . var_export($sub_state, true)
- . "\n\nInformations de connexion :\n" . var_export($_SERVER, true));
- $mailer->send();
+ $alert = "Date de naissance proposée $birth\n\n";
+ // Check if the given email is known as dangerous
+ $res = Xdb::iterRow("SELECT w.state, w.description, a.alias
+ FROM emails AS e
+ INNER JOIN emails_watch AS w ON (e.email = w.email AND w.state != 'safe')
+ INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (e.uid = a.id AND a.type = 'a_vie')
+ WHERE e.email = {?}
+ ORDER BY a.alias", Post::v('email'));
+ $aliases = array();
+ while(list($gstate, $gdescription, $alias) = $res->next()) {
+ $state = $gstate;
+ $description = $gdescription;
+ $aliases[] = $alias;
+ }
+ if (count($aliases) != 0) {
+ $alert .= "Email proposé : " . Post::v('email') . "\n"
+ . "Ce mails est connu avec l'état $state :\n"
+ . $description . "\n"
+ . "Pour les alias :\n* " . join("\n* ", $aliases) . "\n\n";
+ }
if (isset($err)) {
$err = join('<br />', $err);
} else {
$sub_state['step'] = 4;
+ if (!is_null($alert)) {
+ send_alert_mail($sub_state, $alert);
+ }