* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
+class PlLimit
+ private $count = null;
+ private $from = null;
+ public function __construct($count = null, $from = null)
+ {
+ $this->count = $count;
+ $this->from = $from;
+ }
+ public function getSql()
+ {
+ if (!is_null($this->count)) {
+ if (!is_null($this->from) && $this->from != 0) {
+ return XDB::format('LIMIT {?}, {?}', (int)$this->from, (int)$this->count);
+ } else {
+ return XDB::format('LIMIT {?}', (int)$this->count);
+ }
+ }
+ return '';
+ }
class PlSqlJoin
private $mode;
return $this->table;
- public function condiftion()
+ public function condition()
return $this->condition;
-abstract class PlFilter
- public abstract function filter(array $objects, $count = null, $offset = null);
- public abstract function setCondition(PlFilterCondition &$cond);
- public abstract function addSort(PlFilterOrder &$sort);
- private function replaceJoinMetas($cond, $key)
+ /** Replace all "metas" in the condition with their translation.
+ * $ME always becomes the alias of the table
+ * @param $key The name the joined table will have in the final query
+ * @param $joinMetas An array of meta => conversion to apply to the condition
+ */
+ public function replaceJoinMetas($key, $joinMetas = array())
- return str_replace(array('$ME'), array($key), $cond);
+ $joinMetas['$ME'] = $key;
+ return str_replace(array_keys($joinMetas), $joinMetas, $this->condition);
- private function formatJoin(array $joins)
+ /** Create a join command from an array of PlSqlJoin
+ * @param $joins The list of 'join' to convert into an SQL query
+ * @param $joinMetas An array of ('$META' => 'conversion') to apply to the joins.
+ */
+ public static function formatJoins(array $joins, array $joinMetas)
$str = '';
foreach ($joins as $key => $join) {
- if (! $join instanceof PlSqlJoin) {
- Platal::page()->kill("Error : not a join : $join");
+ if (! ($join instanceof PlSqlJoin)) {
+ Platal::page()->kill("Error: not a join: $join");
$mode = $join->mode();
$table = $join->table();
$str .= ' ' . $mode . ' JOIN ' . $table . ' AS ' . $key;
if ($join->condition() != null) {
- $str .= ' ON (' . $this->replaceJoinMetas($join->condition(), $key) . ')';
+ $str .= ' ON (' . $join->replaceJoinMetas($key, $joinMetas) . ')';
$str .= "\n";
return $str;
+abstract class PlFilter
+ /** Filters objects matching the PlFilter
+ * @param $objects The objects to filter
+ * @param $limit The portion of the matching objects to show
+ */
+ public abstract function filter(array $objects, PlLimit &$limit);
+ public abstract function setCondition(PlFilterCondition &$cond);
+ public abstract function addSort(PlFilterOrder &$sort);
+ public abstract function getTotalCount();
+ /** Get objects, selecting only those within a limit
+ * @param $limit The portion of the matching objects to select
+ */
+ public abstract function get(PlLimit &$limit);
+ */
+ /** List of metas to replace in joins:
+ * '$COIN' => 'pan.x' means 'replace $COIN with pan.x in the condition of the joins'
+ *
+ * "$ME" => "joined table alias" is always added to these.
+ */
+ private $joinMetas = array();
+ /** Build the 'join' part of the query
+ * This function will call all methods declared in self::$joinMethods
+ * to get an array of PlSqlJoin objects to merge
+ */
private function buildJoins()
$joins = array();
- foreach (self::$joinMethods as $method) {
+ foreach ($this->$joinMethods as $method) {
$joins = array_merge($joins, $this->$method());
- return $this->formatJoin($joins);
+ return PlSqlJoin::formatJoins($joins, $this->$joinMetas);
class PlSet
- private $from = null;
- private $groupby = null;
- private $joins = null;
- private $where = null;
+ private $conds = null;
+ private $orders = null;
+ private $limit = null;
protected $count = null;
private $mod = null;
private $default = null;
- public function __construct($from, $joins = '', $where = '', $groupby = '')
+ public function __construct(PlFilterCondition $cond, $orders)
- $this->from = $from;
- $this->joins = $joins;
- $this->where = $where;
- $this->groupby = $groupby;
+ if ($cond instanceof PFC_And) {
+ $this->conds = $cond;
+ } else {
+ $this->conds = new PFC_And($cond);
+ }
+ if ($orders instanceof PlFilterOrder) {
+ $this->orders = array($order);
+ } else {
+ foreach ($orders as $order) {
+ $this->orders[] = $order;
+ }
+ }
public function addMod($name, $description, $default = false, array $params = array())
- private function &query($fields, $from, $joins, $where, $groupby, $order, $limit)
+ public function addSort(PlFilterOrder &$order)
- if (trim($order)) {
- $order = "ORDER BY $order";
- }
- if (trim($where)) {
- $where = "WHERE $where";
- }
- if (trim($groupby)) {
- $groupby = "GROUP BY $groupby";
- }
- $fields
- FROM $from
- $joins
- $where
- $groupby
- $order
- $limit";
-// echo $query;
-// print_r($this);
- $it = XDB::query($query);
- $it = $it->fetchAllAssoc();
- $count = XDB::query('SELECT FOUND_ROWS()');
- $this->count = intval($count->fetchOneCell());
+ $this->orders[] = $order;
+ }
+ /** This function builds the right kind of PlFilter from given data
+ * @param $cond The PlFilterCondition for the filter
+ * @param $orders An array of PlFilterOrder for the filter
+ */
+ abstract private static function buildFilter(PlFilterCondition $cond, $orders);
+ public function &get(PlFilterLimit $limit = null)
+ {
+ $pf = self::buildFilter($this->conds, $this->orders);
+ $it = $pf->get($limit);
+ $this->count = $pf->getTotalCount();
return $it;
return $encode ? urlencode($qs) : $qs;
- public function &get($fields, $joins, $where, $groupby, $order, $limitcount = null, $limitfrom = null)
- {
- if (!is_null($limitcount)) {
- if (!is_null($limitfrom)) {
- $limitcount = "$limitfrom,$limitcount";
- }
- $limitcount = "LIMIT $limitcount";
- }
- $joins = $this->joins . ' ' . $joins;
- if (trim($this->where)) {
- if (trim($where)) {
- $where .= ' AND ';
- }
- $where .= $this->where;
- }
- if (!$groupby) {
- $groupby = $this->groupby;
- }
- return $this->query($fields, $this->from, $joins, $where, $groupby, $order, $limitcount);
- }
public function count()
return $this->count;
public function args();
+/** This class describes an Order as used in a PlView :
+ * - It is based on a PlFilterOrder
+ * - It has a short identifier
+ * - It has a full name, to display on the page
+ */
+class PlViewOrder
+ public $pfo = null;
+ public $name = null;
+ public $displaytext = null;
+ /** Build a PlViewOrder
+ * @param $name Name of the order (key)
+ * @param $displaytext Text to display
+ * @param $pfo PlFilterOrder for the order
+ */
+ public function __construct($name, PlFilterOrder &$pfo, $displaytext = null)
+ {
+ $this->name = $name;
+ if (is_null($displaytext)) {
+ $this->displaytext = ucfirst($name);
+ } else {
+ $this->displaytext = $displaytext;
+ }
+ $this->pfo = $pfo;
+ }
abstract class MultipageView implements PlView
protected $set;
protected $bound_field = null;
+ /** Builds a MultipageView
+ * @param $set The associated PlSet
+ * @param $data Data for the PlSet
+ * @param $params Parameters of the view
+ */
public function __construct(PlSet &$set, $data, array $params)
$this->set =& $set;
$this->params = $params;
- public function joins()
- {
- return null;
- }
- public function where()
- {
- return null;
- }
- public function groupBy()
- {
- return null;
- }
- public function bounds()
+ /** Add an order to the view
+ */
+ protected function addSort(PlViewOrder &$pvo, $default = false)
- return null;
- }
- protected function addSortKey($name, array $keys, $desc, $default = false)
- {
- $this->sortkeys[$name] = array('keys' => $keys, 'desc' => $desc);
+ $this->sortkeys[$pvo->name] = $pvo;
if (!$this->defaultkey || $default) {
- $this->defaultkey = $name;
+ $this->defaultkey = $pvo->name;
+ /** Returns a list of PFO objects, the "default" one first
+ */
public function order()
$order = Env::v('order', $this->defaultkey);
if ($invert) {
$order = substr($order, 1);
- $list = array();
- foreach ($this->sortkeys[$order]['keys'] as $item) {
- $desc = ($item{0} == '-');
- if ($desc) {
- $item = substr($item, 1);
+ $list = array(0 => null);
+ foreach ($this->sortkeys as $name => $sort) {
+ $desc = $sort->pfo->isDescending();;
+ if ($invert) {
+ $sort->pfo->toggleDesc();
- if ($desc xor $invert) {
- $item .= ' DESC';
+ if ($name == $order) {
+ $list[0] = $sort->pfo;
+ } else {
+ $list[] = $sort->pfo;
- $list[] = $item;
- return implode(', ', $list);
+ return $list;
+ }
+ /** Returns information on the order of bounds
+ * @return * 1 if normal bounds
+ * * -1 if inversed bounds
+ * * 0 if bounds shouldn't be displayed
+ */
+ public function bounds()
+ {
+ return null;
+ /** Name of the template to use for displaying items of the view
+ */
abstract public function templateName();
+ /** Returns the value of a boundary of the current view (in order
+ * to show "from C to F")
+ * @param $obj The boundary result whose value must be shown to the user
+ */
+ abstract private function getBoundValue($obj);
+ /** Applies the view to a page
+ * @param $page Page to which the view will be applied
+ */
public function apply(PlPage &$page)
- $res = $this->set->get($this->fields(),
- $this->joins(),
- $this->where(),
- $this->groupBy(),
- $this->order(),
- $this->entriesPerPage,
- $this->offset);
+ foreach ($this->order() as $order) {
+ $this->set->addSort($order->pfo);
+ }
+ $res = $this->set->get($this->limit());
$show_bounds = $this->bounds();
$end = end($res);
if ($show_bounds) {
if ($show_bounds == 1) {
- $first = $res[0][$this->bound_field];
- $last = $end[$this->bound_field];
+ $first = $this->getBoundValue($res[0]);
+ $last = $this->getBoundValue($end);
} elseif ($show_bounds == -1) {
- $first = $end[$this->bound_field];
- $last = $res[0][$this->bound_field];
+ $first = $this->getBoundValue($end);
+ $last = $this->getBoundValue($res[0]);
$page->assign('first', $first);
$page->assign('last', $last);