abstract class UserFilterCondition implements PlFilterCondition
+ const OP_EQUALS = '==';
+ const OP_GREATER = '>';
+ const OP_NOTGREATER = '<=';
+ const OP_LESSER = '<';
+ const OP_NOTLESSER = '>=';
+ const OP_NULL = 'null';
+ const OP_NOTNULL = 'not null';
+ const OP_CONTAINS = 'contains';
+ const OP_PREFIX = 'prefix';
+ const OP_SUFFIX = 'suffix';
+ protected function buildExport($type)
+ {
+ $export = array('type' => $type);
+ return $export;
+ }
public function export()
throw new Exception("This class is not exportable");
+ public static function comparisonFromXDBWildcard($wildcard)
+ {
+ switch ($wildcard) {
+ return self::OP_EQUALS;
+ return self::OP_PREFIX;
+ return self::OP_SUFFIX;
+ return self::OP_CONTAINS;
+ }
+ throw new Exception("Unknown wildcard mode: $wildcard");
+ }
+ public static function xdbWildcardFromComparison($comparison)
+ {
+ if (!self::isStringComparison($comparison)) {
+ throw new Exception("Unknown string coparison: $comparison");
+ }
+ switch ($comparison) {
+ case self::OP_EQUALS:
+ case self::OP_PREFIX:
+ case self::OP_SUFFIX:
+ case self::OP_CONTAINS:
+ }
+ }
+ private static function isNumericComparison($comparison)
+ {
+ return $comparison == self::OP_EQUALS
+ || $comparison == self::OP_GREATER
+ || $comparison == self::OP_NOTGREATER
+ || $comparison == self::OP_LESSER
+ || $comparison == self::OP_NOTLESSER;
+ }
+ private static function isStringComparison($comparison)
+ {
+ return $comparison == self::OP_EQUALS
+ || $comparison == self::OP_CONTAINS
+ || $comparison == self::OP_PREFIX
+ || $comparison == self::OP_SUFFIX;
+ }
+ public static function fromExport(array $export)
+ {
+ $export = new PlDict($export);
+ if (!$export->has('type')) {
+ throw new Exception("Missing type in export");
+ }
+ $type = $export->s('type');
+ $cond = null;
+ switch ($type) {
+ case 'and':
+ case 'or':
+ case 'not':
+ case 'true':
+ case 'false':
+ $class = 'pfc_' . $type;
+ $cond = new $class();
+ break;
+ case 'host':
+ if ($export->has('ip')) {
+ $cond = new UFC_Ip($export->s('ip'));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'comment':
+ if ($export->has('text') && $export->s('comparison') == self::OP_CONTAINS) {
+ $cond = new UFC_Comment($export->s('text'));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'promo':
+ if ($export->has('promo') && self::isNumericComparison($export->s('comparison'))) {
+ $cond = new UFC_Promo($export->s('comparison'),
+ $export->s('grade', UserFilter::DISPLAY),
+ $export->s('promo'));
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'lastname':
+ case 'name':
+ case 'firstname':
+ case 'nickname':
+ case 'pseudonym':
+ if ($export->has('text')) {
+ $flag = self::xdbWildcardFromComparison($export->s('comparison'));
+ if ($export->b('search_in_variants')) {
+ $flag |= UFC_Name::VARIANTS;
+ }
+ if ($export->b('search_in_particle')) {
+ $flag |= UFC_Name::PARTICLE;
+ }
+ $cond = new UFC_Name($type, $export->s('text'), $flag);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 'account_type':
+ case 'account_perm':
+ case 'hrpid':
+ case 'hruid':
+ $values = $export->v('values', array());
+ $class = 'ufc_' . str_replace('_', '', $type);
+ $cond = new $class($values);
+ break;
+ case 'has_profile':
+ $class = 'ufc_' . str_replace('_', '', $type);
+ $cond = new $class();
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new Exception("Unknown condition type: $type");
+ }
+ if (is_null($cond)) {
+ throw new Exception("Unsupported $type definition");
+ }
+ if ($cond instanceof PFC_NChildren) {
+ $children = $export->v('children', array());
+ foreach ($children as $child) {
+ $cond->addChild(self::fromExport($child));
+ }
+ } else if ($cond instanceof PFC_OneChild) {
+ if ($export->has('child')) {
+ $cond->setChild(self::fromExport($export->v('child')));
+ }
+ }
+ return $cond;
+ }
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_HasProfile
/** Filters users who have a profile
return '$PID IS NOT NULL';
+ public function export()
+ {
+ return $this->buildExport('has_profile');
+ }
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_AccountType
/** Filters users who have one of the given account types
return XDB::format('a.type IN {?}', $this->types);
+ public function export()
+ {
+ $export = $this->buildExport('account_type');
+ $export['values'] = $this->types;
+ return $export;
+ }
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_AccountPerm
/** Filters users who have one of the given permissions
return implode(' OR ', $conds);
+ public function export()
+ {
+ $export = $this->buildExport('account_perm');
+ $export['values'] = $this->perms;
+ return $export;
+ }
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Hruid
/** Filters users based on their hruid
* @param $val Either an hruid, or a list of those
return XDB::format('a.hruid IN {?}', $this->hruids);
+ public function export()
+ {
+ $export = $this->buildExport('hruid');
+ $export['values'] = $this->hruids;
+ return $export;
+ }
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Hrpid
/** Filters users based on the hrpid of their profiles
* @param $val Either an hrpid, or a list of those
return XDB::format('p.hrpid IN {?}', $this->hrpids);
+ public function export()
+ {
+ $export = $this->buildExport('hrpid');
+ $export['values'] = $this->hrpids;
+ return $export;
+ }
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Ip
/** Filters users based on one of their last IPs
* @param $ip IP from which connection are checked
$ip = ip_to_uint($this->ip);
return XDB::format($sub . '.ip = {?} OR ' . $sub . '.forward_ip = {?}', $ip, $ip);
+ public function export()
+ {
+ $export = $this->buildExport('host');
+ $export['ip'] = $this->ip;
+ return $export;
+ }
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Comment
class UFC_Comment extends UserFilterCondition
return $uf->getVisibilityCondition('p.freetext_pub') . ' AND p.freetext ' . XDB::formatWildcards(XDB::WILDCARD_CONTAINS, $this->text);
+ public function export()
+ {
+ $export = $this->buildExport('comment');
+ $export['comparison'] = self::OP_CONTAINS;
+ $export['text'] = $this->text;
+ return $export;
+ }
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Promo
/** Filters users based on promotion
* @param $comparison Comparison operator (>, =, ...)
return $field . ' IS NOT NULL AND ' . $field . ' ' . $this->comparison . ' ' . XDB::format('{?}', $this->promo);
+ public function export()
+ {
+ $export['comparison'] = $this->comparison;
+ if ($this->grade != UserFilter::DISPLAY) {
+ $export['grade'] = $this->grade;
+ }
+ $export['promo'] = $this->promo;
+ return $export;
+ }
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_SchoolId
/** Filters users based on their shoold identifier
* @param type Parameter type (Xorg, AX, School)
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_EducationSchool
/** Filters users by formation
* @param $val The formation to search (either ID or array of IDs)
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_EducationDegree
class UFC_EducationDegree extends UserFilterCondition
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_EducationField
class UFC_EducationField extends UserFilterCondition
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Name
/** Filters users based on name
* @param $type Type of name field on which filtering is done (firstname, lastname...)
return implode(' OR ', $conds);
+ public function export()
+ {
+ $export = $this->buildExport($this->type);
+ if ($this->mode & self::VARIANTS) {
+ $export['search_in_variants'] = true;
+ }
+ if ($this->mode & self::PARTICLE) {
+ $export['search_in_particle'] = true;
+ }
+ $export['comparison'] = self::comparisonFromXDBWildcard($this->mode & 0x3);
+ $export['text'] = $this->text;
+ return $export;
+ }
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_NameTokens
/** Selects users based on tokens in their name (for quicksearch)
* @param $tokens An array of tokens to search
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Nationality
class UFC_Nationality extends UserFilterCondition
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Dead
/** Filters users based on death date
* @param $comparison Comparison operator
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Registered
/** Filters users based on registration state
* @param $active Whether we want to use only "active" users (i.e with a valid redirection)
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_ProfileUpdated
/** Filters users based on profile update date
* @param $comparison Comparison operator
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Birthday
/** Filters users based on next birthday date
* @param $comparison Comparison operator
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Sex
/** Filters users based on sex
* @parm $sex One of User::GENDER_MALE or User::GENDER_FEMALE, for selecting users
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Group
/** Filters users based on group membership
* @param $group Group whose members we are selecting
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Binet
/** Selects users based on their belonging to a given (list of) binet
* @param $binet either a binet_id or an array of binet_ids
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Section
/** Selects users based on section
* @param $section ID of the section
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Email
/** Filters users based on an email or a list of emails
* @param $emails List of emails whose owner must be selected
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Address
abstract class UFC_Address extends UserFilterCondition
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_AddressText
/** Select users based on their address, using full text search
* @param $text Text for filter in fulltext search
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_AddressField
/** Filters users based on their address,
* @param $val Either a code for one of the fields, or an array of such codes
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Corps
/** Filters users based on the corps they belong to
* @param $corps Corps we are looking for (abbreviation)
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Corps_Rank
/** Filters users based on their rank in the corps
* @param $rank Rank we are looking for (abbreviation)
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Job_Company
/** Filters users based on the company they belong to
* @param $type The field being searched (self::JOBID, self::JOBNAME or self::JOBACRONYM)
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Job_Terms
/** Filters users based on the job terms they assigned to one of their
* jobs.
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Job_Description
/** Filters users based on their job description
* @param $description The text being searched for
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Networking
/** Filters users based on network identity (IRC, ...)
* @param $type Type of network (-1 for any)
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Phone
/** Filters users based on their phone number
* @param $num_type Type of number (pro/user/home)
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Medal
/** Filters users based on their medals
* @param $medal ID of the medal
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Photo
/** Filters profiles with photo
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Mentor
class UFC_Mentor extends UserFilterCondition
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Mentor_Expertise
/** Filters users by mentoring expertise
* @param $expertise Domain of expertise
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Mentor_Country
/** Filters users by mentoring country
* @param $country Two-letters code of country being searched
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Mentor_Terms
/** Filters users based on the job terms they used in mentoring.
* @param $val The ID of the job term, or an array of such IDs
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_UserRelated
/** Filters users based on a relation toward a user
* @param $user User to which searched users are related
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_Contact
/** Filters users who belong to selected user's contacts
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_WatchRegistration
/** Filters users being watched by selected user
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_WatchPromo
/** Filters users belonging to a promo watched by selected user
* @param $user Selected user (the one watching promo)
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_WatchContact
/** Filters users watched by selected user
// }}}
// {{{ class UFC_MarketingHash
/** Filters users using the hash generated
* to send marketing emails to him.