* Emails:
- #687: Don't lose authentication when editing a long mail -FRU
- #688: From name in the sending form -FRU
+ - #703: Fix management of mail adresses containing '+' -ALK
* Profile:
- Fix GoogleMaps links -FRU
- #663: Link to Xnet's map from the "My groups" page -FRU
- #689: Edit my profile from Xnet -FRU
- #692: Layout of the profile -FRU
+ - #693: Fix empty description for generic education -FRU
* Xnet:
- #694: Color of 'Promotion' groups -ALK
* Payment:
- #662: Fix the attribution of the payments -BOB
+ * XnetEvents:
+ - #684: Fix the list of coming members -FRU
VERSION 0.9.14 27 04 2007
$html = '<option value="-1"></option>';
$res = XDB::iterator("select * from applis_def order by text");
while ($arr_appli = $res->next()) {
- $html .= '<option value="'.$arr_appli["id"].'"';
- if ($arr_appli["id"]==$current) $html .= " selected='selected'";
- $html .= '>'.htmlspecialchars($arr_appli["text"])."</option>\n";
+ $html .= '<option value="'.$arr_appli["id"].'"';
+ if ($arr_appli["id"]==$current) $html .= " selected='selected'";
+ $html .= '>'.htmlspecialchars($arr_appli["text"])."</option>\n";
return $html;
function _applis_options_smarty($params){
- $params['selected'] = 0;
+ $params['selected'] = 0;
return applis_options($params['selected']);
$html = "";
$res=XDB::iterRow("select type from applis_def order by text");
if (list($appli_type) = $res->next()) {
- $html .= "new Array('".str_replace(",","','",$appli_type)."')";
+ $html .= "new Array('".str_replace(",","','",$appli_type)."')";
while (list($appli_type) = $res->next()) {
- $html .= ",\nnew Array('".str_replace(",","','",$appli_type)."')";
+ $html .= ",\nnew Array('".str_replace(",","','",$appli_type)."')";
return $html;
function applis_fmt($type, $text, $url) {
- if (($type!="Ingénieur")&&($type!="Diplôme"))
- $txt .= $type;
- if ($text!="Université") {
- if ($txt) $txt .= " ";
- if ($url)
- $txt .= "<a href=\"$url\" onclick=\"return popup(this)\">$text</a>";
- else
- $txt .= $text;
+ if (($type != "Ingénieur") && ($type != "Diplôme"))
+ $txt .= $type;
+ if ($text != "Université") {
+ if ($txt) $txt .= ' ';
+ if ($url)
+ $txt .= "<a href=\"$url\" onclick=\"return popup(this)\">$text</a>";
+ else
+ $txt .= $text;
+ }
+ if (!$txt) {
+ $txt .= $text;
return $txt;
{if $c.iso3166}
<img src='images/flags/{$c.iso3166}.gif' alt='{$c.nat}' height='11' title='{$c.nat}' />
- (X {$c.promo}{if $c.app0text}, {applis_fmt type=$c.app0type text=$c.app0text url=$c.app0url}
- {/if}{if $c.app1text}, {applis_fmt type=$c.app1type text=$c.app1text url=$c.app1url}{/if})
+ (X {$c.promo}{if $c.app0text}, {applis_fmt type=$c.app0type text=$c.app0text url=$c.app0url}{*
+ *}{/if}{if $c.app1text}, {applis_fmt type=$c.app1type text=$c.app1text url=$c.app1url}{/if})
{if $c.dcd}décédé{if $c.sexe}e{/if} le {$c.deces|date_format}{/if}
{if $smarty.session.auth ge AUTH_COOKIE}
{if !$c.dcd && !$c.wasinscrit}