public $table;
// joint tables to delete when deleting an entry
public $jtables = array();
+ /** joint tables to add optional infos
+ * associative array : keys are the tables names, values are the joint
+ * clauses
+ * @see add_option_fields
+ */
+ public $otables = array();
+ /** optional fields
+ * These fields are used to display additionnal infos in listing (an only
+ * there). The additionnal infos are retreived from other tables. This var
+ * is an associative array : keys are the sql name of the fields
+ * (table.field) where table must be in $otables, values are a list of the
+ * name used in $vars, the description and the type of the field.
+ */
+ public $ofields = array();
// sorting field
public $sort = array();
// the id field
$this->jtables[$name] = array("joinid" => $joinid,"joinextra" => $joinextra?(" AND ".$joinextra):"");
+ /** Add optional table
+ * @see add_option_field
+ * @param $name the table sql name
+ * @param $jointclause the full joint clause. Use t as main table alias
+ * name.
+ */
+ public function add_option_table($name, $jointclause)
+ {
+ $this->otables[$name] = $jointclause;
+ }
+ /** Add optional field
+ * These fields are used to display additionnal infos in listing (and only
+ * there). The additionnal infos are retreived from other tables.
+ * @param $sqlname is the full sql name (table.field) where table must be
+ * added with add_option_table
+ * @param $name the name used for sort (please make it different from
+ * other fields in main table or subtables)
+ * @param $desc the description displayed as column header
+ * @param $type the typed used for display
+ */
+ public function add_option_field($sqlname, $name, $desc, $type)
+ {
+ $this->ofields[$sqlname] = array($name, $desc, $type);
+ }
// add a sort key
public function add_sort_field($key, $desc = false, $default = false)
if (count($this->sort) > 0) {
$sort = 'ORDER BY ' . join($this->sort, ',');
- $it = XDB::iterator("SELECT * FROM {$this->table} WHERE {$this->whereclause} $sort");
+ // optional infos columns
+ $optional_fields = '';
+ foreach ($this->ofields as $sqlname => $ofieldvalues) {
+ list($aliasname, $desc, $type) = $ofieldvalues;
+ $optional_fields .= ', '.$sqlname.' AS '.$aliasname;
+ $this->describe($aliasname, $desc, true);
+ $this->vars[$aliasname]['optional'] = true;
+ $this->vars[$aliasname]['Type'] = $type;
+ $this->vars[$aliasname]['Field'] = $aliasname;
+ }
+ $optional_joints = '';
+ foreach ($this->otables as $tablename => $jointclause) {
+ $optional_joints .= ' LEFT JOIN '.$tablename.' ON ('.$jointclause.')';
+ }
+ $it = XDB::iterator("SELECT t.* {$optional_fields} FROM {$this->table} AS t {$optional_joints} WHERE {$this->whereclause} $sort");
$this->nbfields = 0;
foreach ($this->vars as $field => $descr)
if ($descr['display']) $this->nbfields++;