+ public function emptyJob()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'id' => '0',
+ 'jobid' => '',
+ 'pub' => 'private',
+ 'name' => '',
+ 'hq_acronym' => '',
+ 'hq_url' => '',
+ 'hq_email' => '',
+ 'hq_address' => array(
+ 'text' => '',
+ 'accuracy' => '',
+ 'postalText' => '',
+ 'postalCode' => '',
+ 'administrativeAreaId' => '',
+ 'subAdministrativeAreaId' => '',
+ 'localityId' => '',
+ 'countryId' => '',
+ 'latitude' => '',
+ 'longitude' => '',
+ 'north' => '',
+ 'south' => '',
+ 'east' => '',
+ 'west' => '',
+ 'cedex' => '',
+ 'updateTime' => '',
+ 'changed' => '0',
+ 'removed' => '0',
+ ),
+ 'hq_phone' => '',
+ 'hq_fax' => '',
+ 'subSubSectorName' => null,
+ 'sector' => '0',
+ 'subSector' => '0',
+ 'subSubSector' => '0',
+ 'description' => '',
+ 'w_url' => '',
+ 'w_address' => array(
+ 'pub' => 'private',
+ 'text' => '',
+ 'accuracy' => '',
+ 'postalText' => '',
+ 'postalCode' => '',
+ 'administrativeAreaId' => '',
+ 'subAdministrativeAreaId' => '',
+ 'localityId' => '',
+ 'countryId' => '',
+ 'latitude' => '',
+ 'longitude' => '',
+ 'north' => '',
+ 'south' => '',
+ 'east' => '',
+ 'west' => '',
+ 'cedex' => '',
+ 'updateTime' => '',
+ 'changed' => '0',
+ 'removed' => '0',
+ ),
+ 'w_email' => '',
+ 'w_email_pub' => 'private',
+ 'w_email_new' => '',
+ 'w_phone' => array(0 => array(
+ 'type' => 'fixed',
+ 'tel' => '',
+ 'pub' => 'private',
+ 'comment' => '',
+ )),
+ );
+ }
private function cleanJob(ProfilePage &$page, $jobid, array &$job, &$success)
$success = true;
$profiletel = new ProfilePhones('pro', $jobid);
$job['w_phone'] = $profiletel->value($page, 'tel', $job['w_phone'], $s);
WHERE uid = {?} AND link_type = 'pro'",
foreach ($value as $id=>&$job) {
- if (isset($job['jobid']) && $job['jobid']) {
- XDB::execute("INSERT INTO profile_job (uid, id, description, sectorid, subsectorid,
- subsubsectorid, email, url, pub, email_pub, jobid)
- VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})",
- S::i('uid'), $id, $job['description'], $job['sector'], $job['subSector'],
- $job['subSubSector'], $job['w_email'], $job['w_url'], $job['pub'], $job['w_email_pub'], $job['jobid']);
- } else {
- XDB::execute("INSERT INTO profile_job (uid, id, description, sectorid, subsectorid,
- subsubsectorid, email, url, pub, email_pub)
- VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})",
- S::i('uid'), $id, $job['description'], $job['sector'], $job['subSector'],
- $job['subSubSector'], $job['w_email'], $job['w_url'], $job['pub'], $job['w_email_pub']);
+ if (isset($job['name']) && $job['name']) {
+ if (isset($job['jobid']) && $job['jobid']) {
+ XDB::execute("INSERT INTO profile_job (uid, id, description, sectorid, subsectorid,
+ subsubsectorid, email, url, pub, email_pub, jobid)
+ VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})",
+ S::i('uid'), $id, $job['description'], $job['sector'], $job['subSector'],
+ $job['subSubSector'], $job['w_email'], $job['w_url'], $job['pub'], $job['w_email_pub'], $job['jobid']);
+ } else {
+ XDB::execute("INSERT INTO profile_job (uid, id, description, sectorid, subsectorid,
+ subsubsectorid, email, url, pub, email_pub)
+ VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})",
+ S::i('uid'), $id, $job['description'], $job['sector'], $job['subSector'],
+ $job['subSubSector'], $job['w_email'], $job['w_url'], $job['pub'], $job['w_email_pub']);
+ }
+ $address = new ProfileAddress();
+ $address->saveAddress($id, $job['w_address'], 'job');
+ $profiletel = new ProfilePhones('pro', $id);
+ $profiletel->saveTels('tel', $job['w_phone']);
- $address = new ProfileAddress();
- $address->saveAddress($id, $job['w_address'], 'job');
- $profiletel = new ProfilePhones('pro', $id);
- $profiletel->saveTels('tel', $job['w_phone']);
ORDER BY j.id",
$this->values['jobs'] = array();
- while (list($id, $jobid, $name, $sector, $subSector, $subSubSector,
- $subSubSectorName, $description, $w_email, $w_emailPub, $w_url, $pub,
- $hq_acronym, $hq_url, $hq_email,
- $w_accuracy, $w_text, $w_postalText, $w_postalCode, $w_localityId,
- $w_subAdministrativeAreaId, $w_administrativeAreaId, $w_countryId,
- $w_latitude, $w_longitude, $w_pub, $w_updateTime,
- $w_north, $w_south, $w_east, $w_west,
- $hq_accuracy, $hq_text, $hq_postalText, $hq_postalCode, $hq_localityId,
- $hq_subAdministrativeAreaId, $hq_administrativeAreaId, $hq_countryId,
- $hq_latitude, $hq_longitude, $hq_pub, $hq_updateTime,
- $hq_north, $hq_south, $hq_east, $hq_west,
- ) = $res->next()) {
- $this->values['jobs'][] = array('id' => $id,
- 'jobid' => $jobid,
- 'name' => $name,
- 'sector' => $sector,
- 'subSector' => $subSector,
- 'subSubSector' => $subSubSector,
- 'subSubSectorName' => $subSubSectorName,
- 'description' => $description,
- 'pub' => $pub,
- 'w_email' => $w_email,
- 'w_email_pub' => $w_email_pub,
- 'w_url' => $w_url,
- 'hq_acronym' => $hq_acronym,
- 'hq_url' => $hq_url,
- 'hq_email' => $hq_email,
- 'w_address' => array('accuracy' => $w_accuracy,
- 'text' => $w_text,
- 'postalText' => $w_postalText,
- 'postalCode' => $w_postalCode,
- 'localityId' => $w_localityId,
- 'subAdministrativeAreaId' => $w_subAdministrativeAreaId,
- 'administrativeAreaId' => $w_administrativeAreaId,
- 'countryId' => $w_countryId,
- 'latitude' => $w_latitude,
- 'longitude' => $w_longitude,
- 'pub' => $w_pub,
- 'updateTime' => $w_update,
- 'north' => $w_north,
- 'south' => $w_south,
- 'east' => $w_east,
- 'west' => $w_west,
- ),
- 'hq_address' => array('accuracy' => $hq_accuracy,
- 'text' => $hq_text,
- 'postalText' => $hq_postalText,
- 'postalCode' => $hq_postalCode,
- 'localityId' => $hq_localityId,
- 'subAdministrativeAreaId' => $hq_subAdministrativeAreaId,
- 'administrativeAreaId' => $hq_administrativeAreaId,
- 'countryId' => $hq_countryId,
- 'latitude' => $hq_latitude,
- 'longitude' => $hq_longitude,
- 'pub' => $hq_pub,
- 'updateTime' => $hq_update,
- 'north' => $hq_north,
- 'south' => $hq_south,
- 'east' => $hq_east,
- 'west' => $hq_west,
- ),
- );
- }
- $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT link_id AS jobid, tel_type AS type, pub, display_tel AS tel, comment
- FROM profile_phones
- WHERE uid = {?} AND link_type = 'pro'
- ORDER BY link_id",
- S::i('uid'));
- $i = 0;
- $jobNb = count($this->values['jobs']);
- while ($phone = $res->next()) {
- $jobid = $phone['jobid'];
- while ($i < $jobNb && $this->values['jobs'][$i]['id'] < $jobid) {
- $i++;
+ if ($res->numRows() > 0) {
+ while (list($id, $jobid, $name, $sector, $subSector, $subSubSector,
+ $subSubSectorName, $description, $w_email, $w_emailPub, $w_url, $pub,
+ $hq_acronym, $hq_url, $hq_email,
+ $w_accuracy, $w_text, $w_postalText, $w_postalCode, $w_localityId,
+ $w_subAdministrativeAreaId, $w_administrativeAreaId, $w_countryId,
+ $w_latitude, $w_longitude, $w_pub, $w_updateTime,
+ $w_north, $w_south, $w_east, $w_west,
+ $hq_accuracy, $hq_text, $hq_postalText, $hq_postalCode, $hq_localityId,
+ $hq_subAdministrativeAreaId, $hq_administrativeAreaId, $hq_countryId,
+ $hq_latitude, $hq_longitude, $hq_pub, $hq_updateTime,
+ $hq_north, $hq_south, $hq_east, $hq_west,
+ ) = $res->next()) {
+ $this->values['jobs'][] = array(
+ 'id' => $id,
+ 'jobid' => $jobid,
+ 'name' => $name,
+ 'sector' => $sector,
+ 'subSector' => $subSector,
+ 'subSubSector' => $subSubSector,
+ 'subSubSectorName' => $subSubSectorName,
+ 'description' => $description,
+ 'pub' => $pub,
+ 'w_email' => $w_email,
+ 'w_email_pub' => $w_emailPub,
+ 'w_url' => $w_url,
+ 'hq_acronym' => $hq_acronym,
+ 'hq_url' => $hq_url,
+ 'hq_email' => $hq_email,
+ 'w_address' => array(
+ 'accuracy' => $w_accuracy,
+ 'text' => $w_text,
+ 'postalText' => $w_postalText,
+ 'postalCode' => $w_postalCode,
+ 'localityId' => $w_localityId,
+ 'subAdministrativeAreaId' => $w_subAdministrativeAreaId,
+ 'administrativeAreaId' => $w_administrativeAreaId,
+ 'countryId' => $w_countryId,
+ 'latitude' => $w_latitude,
+ 'longitude' => $w_longitude,
+ 'pub' => $w_pub,
+ 'updateTime' => $w_updateTime,
+ 'north' => $w_north,
+ 'south' => $w_south,
+ 'east' => $w_east,
+ 'west' => $w_west,
+ ),
+ 'hq_address' => array(
+ 'accuracy' => $hq_accuracy,
+ 'text' => $hq_text,
+ 'postalText' => $hq_postalText,
+ 'postalCode' => $hq_postalCode,
+ 'localityId' => $hq_localityId,
+ 'subAdministrativeAreaId' => $hq_subAdministrativeAreaId,
+ 'administrativeAreaId' => $hq_administrativeAreaId,
+ 'countryId' => $hq_countryId,
+ 'latitude' => $hq_latitude,
+ 'longitude' => $hq_longitude,
+ 'pub' => $hq_pub,
+ 'updateTime' => $hq_updateTime,
+ 'north' => $hq_north,
+ 'south' => $hq_south,
+ 'east' => $hq_east,
+ 'west' => $hq_west,
+ ),
+ );
- if ($i >= $jobNb) {
- break;
+ $res = XDB::iterator("SELECT link_id AS jobid, tel_type AS type, pub, display_tel AS tel, comment
+ FROM profile_phones
+ WHERE uid = {?} AND link_type = 'pro'
+ ORDER BY link_id",
+ S::i('uid'));
+ $i = 0;
+ $jobNb = count($this->values['jobs']);
+ while ($phone = $res->next()) {
+ $jobid = $phone['jobid'];
+ while ($i < $jobNb && $this->values['jobs'][$i]['id'] < $jobid) {
+ $i++;
+ }
+ if ($i >= $jobNb) {
+ break;
+ }
+ $job =& $this->values['jobs'][$i];
+ if (!isset($job['w_phone'])) {
+ $job['w_phone'] = array();
+ }
+ if ($job['id'] == $jobid) {
+ $job['w_phone'][] = $phone;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach ($this->values['jobs'] as $id => &$job) {
+ if (!isset($job['w_phone'])) {
+ $job['w_phone'] = array(
+ 0 => array(
+ 'type' => 'fixed',
+ 'tel' => '',
+ 'pub' => 'private',
+ 'comment' => '',
+ )
+ );
+ }
- $job =& $this->values['jobs'][$i];
- if (!isset($job['w_phone'])) {
- $job['w_phone'] = array();
+ $job['w_email_new'] = '';
+ if (!isset($job['hq_phone'])) {
+ $job['hq_phone'] = '';
- if ($job['id'] == $jobid) {
- $job['w_phone'][] = $phone;
+ if (!isset($job['hq_fax'])) {
+ $job['hq_fax'] = '';
- }
- foreach ($this->values['jobs'] as $id => &$job) {
- if (!isset($job['w_phone'])) {
- $job['w_phone'] = array();
+ if (!isset($job['w_email_pub'])) {
+ $job['w_email_pub'] = 'private';
+ if (!$job['hq_address']['text']) {
+ $job['hq_address'] = array(
+ 'text' => '',
+ 'accuracy' => '',
+ 'postalText' => '',
+ 'postalCode' => '',
+ 'administrativeAreaId' => '',
+ 'subAdministrativeAreaId' => '',
+ 'localityId' => '',
+ 'countryId' => '',
+ 'latitude' => '',
+ 'longitude' => '',
+ 'north' => '',
+ 'south' => '',
+ 'east' => '',
+ 'west' => '',
+ 'cedex' => '',
+ 'updateTime' => '',
+ 'changed' => '0',
+ 'removed' => '0',
+ );
+ }
+ $job['w_address']['cedex'] = '';
+ $job['w_address']['changed'] = '0';
+ $job['w_address']['removed'] = '0';
+ } else {
+ $this->values['jobs'][] = $this->settings['jobs']->emptyJob();