function NewsLetter($id=null)
- if (isset($id)) {
- if ($id == 'last') {
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT MAX(id) FROM newsletter WHERE bits!='new'");
+ if (isset($id)) {
+ if ($id == 'last') {
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT MAX(id) FROM newsletter WHERE bits!='new'");
$id = $res->fetchOneCell();
- }
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM newsletter WHERE id={?}", $id);
- } else {
- $res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM newsletter WHERE bits='new'");
+ }
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM newsletter WHERE id={?}", $id);
+ } else {
+ $res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM newsletter WHERE bits='new'");
if (!$res->numRows()) {
$res = XDB::query("SELECT * FROM newsletter WHERE bits='new'");
- $nl = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
+ $nl = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
- $this->_id = $nl['id'];
- $this->_date = $nl['date'];
- $this->_title = $nl['titre'];
- $this->_head = $nl['head'];
+ $this->_id = $nl['id'];
+ $this->_date = $nl['date'];
+ $this->_title = $nl['titre'];
+ $this->_head = $nl['head'];
- $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT cid,titre FROM newsletter_cat ORDER BY pos");
- while (list($cid, $title) = $res->next()) {
- $this->_cats[$cid] = $title;
- }
- $res = XDB::iterRow(
+ $res = XDB::iterRow("SELECT cid,titre FROM newsletter_cat ORDER BY pos");
+ while (list($cid, $title) = $res->next()) {
+ $this->_cats[$cid] = $title;
+ }
+ $res = XDB::iterRow(
"SELECT a.title,a.body,a.append,a.aid,a.cid,a.pos
FROM newsletter_art AS a
INNER JOIN newsletter AS n USING(id)
LEFT JOIN newsletter_cat AS c ON(a.cid=c.cid)
ORDER BY c.pos,a.pos", $this->_id);
- while (list($title, $body, $append, $aid, $cid, $pos) = $res->next()) {
- $this->_arts[$cid]["a$aid"] = new NLArticle($title, $body, $append, $aid, $cid, $pos);
- }
+ while (list($title, $body, $append, $aid, $cid, $pos) = $res->next()) {
+ $this->_arts[$cid]["a$aid"] = new NLArticle($title, $body, $append, $aid, $cid, $pos);
+ }
// }}}
function setSent()
- XDB::execute("UPDATE newsletter SET bits='sent' WHERE id={?}", $this->_id);
+ XDB::execute("UPDATE newsletter SET bits='sent' WHERE id={?}", $this->_id);
// }}}
function save()
- XDB::execute('UPDATE newsletter SET date={?},titre={?},head={?} WHERE id={?}',
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE newsletter SET date={?},titre={?},head={?} WHERE id={?}',
$this->_date, $this->_title, $this->_head, $this->_id);
function getArt($aid)
- foreach ($this->_arts as $key=>$artlist) {
- if (isset($artlist["a$aid"])) {
+ foreach ($this->_arts as $key=>$artlist) {
+ if (isset($artlist["a$aid"])) {
return $artlist["a$aid"];
- }
- return null;
+ }
+ return null;
// }}}
function saveArticle(&$a)
- if ($a->_aid>=0) {
- XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO newsletter_art (id,aid,cid,pos,title,body,append)
+ if ($a->_aid>=0) {
+ XDB::execute('REPLACE INTO newsletter_art (id,aid,cid,pos,title,body,append)
VALUES ({?},{?},{?},{?},{?},{?},{?})',
$this->_id, $a->_aid, $a->_cid, $a->_pos,
$a->_title, $a->_body, $a->_append);
- $this->_arts['a'.$a->_aid] = $a;
- } else {
- XDB::execute(
- 'INSERT INTO newsletter_art
- SELECT {?},MAX(aid)+1,{?},'.($a->_pos ? intval($a->_pos) : 'MAX(pos)+1').',{?},{?},{?}
- FROM newsletter_art AS a
- WHERE{?}',
+ $this->_arts['a'.$a->_aid] = $a;
+ } else {
+ XDB::execute(
+ 'INSERT INTO newsletter_art
+ SELECT {?},MAX(aid)+1,{?},'.($a->_pos ? intval($a->_pos) : 'MAX(pos)+1').',{?},{?},{?}
+ FROM newsletter_art AS a
+ WHERE{?}',
$this->_id, $a->_cid, $a->_title, $a->_body, $a->_append, $this->_id);
- $this->_arts['a'.$a->_aid] = $a;
- }
+ $this->_arts['a'.$a->_aid] = $a;
+ }
// }}}
function delArticle($aid)
- XDB::execute('DELETE FROM newsletter_art WHERE id={?} AND aid={?}', $this->_id, $aid);
- foreach ($this->_arts as $key=>$art) {
- unset($this->_arts[$key]["a$aid"]);
- }
+ XDB::execute('DELETE FROM newsletter_art WHERE id={?} AND aid={?}', $this->_id, $aid);
+ foreach ($this->_arts as $key=>$art) {
+ unset($this->_arts[$key]["a$aid"]);
+ }
// }}}
global $globals;
$url = '';
- if ($html) {
- return '<div class="foot">Cette lettre est envoyée à tous les Polytechniciens sur Internet par l\'intermédiaire de</div>'
- . '<div class="foot">'
- . "[<a href=\"$url/nl\">archives</a> | "
- . "<a href=\"$url/nl/submit\">écrire dans la NL</a> | "
- . "<a href=\"$url/nl/out\">ne plus recevoir</a>]"
- . '</div>';
- } else {
- return "\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
- . "Cette lettre est envoyée à tous les Polytechniciens sur Internet par\n"
- . "l'intermédiaire de\n"
- . "\n"
- . "archives : [$url/nl]\n"
- . "écrire : [$url/nl/submit]\n"
- . "ne plus recevoir: [$url/nl/out]\n";
- }
+ if ($html) {
+ return '<div class="foot">Cette lettre est envoyée à tous les Polytechniciens sur Internet par l\'intermédiaire de</div>'
+ . '<div class="foot">'
+ . "[<a href=\"$url/nl\">archives</a> | "
+ . "<a href=\"$url/nl/submit\">écrire dans la NL</a> | "
+ . "<a href=\"$url/nl/out\">ne plus recevoir</a>]"
+ . '</div>';
+ } else {
+ return "\n\n--------------------------------------------------------------------\n"
+ . "Cette lettre est envoyée à tous les Polytechniciens sur Internet par\n"
+ . "l'intermédiaire de\n"
+ . "\n"
+ . "archives : [$url/nl]\n"
+ . "écrire : [$url/nl/submit]\n"
+ . "ne plus recevoir: [$url/nl/out]\n";
+ }
// }}}
function toText($prenom,$nom,$sexe)
- $res = "====================================================================\n";
- $res .= ' '.$this->title()."\n";
- $res .= "====================================================================\n\n";
+ $res = "====================================================================\n";
+ $res .= ' '.$this->title()."\n";
+ $res .= "====================================================================\n\n";
- $head = $this->head();
- $head = str_replace('<cher>', $sexe ? 'Chère' : 'Cher', $head);
- $head = str_replace('<prenom>', $prenom, $head);
- $head = str_replace('<nom>', $nom, $head);
- $head = enriched_to_text($head,false,true,2,64);
+ $head = $this->head();
+ $head = str_replace('<cher>', $sexe ? 'Chère' : 'Cher', $head);
+ $head = str_replace('<prenom>', $prenom, $head);
+ $head = str_replace('<nom>', $nom, $head);
+ $head = enriched_to_text($head,false,true,2,64);
- if ($head) {
+ if ($head) {
$res .= "\n$head\n\n\n";
- $i = 1;
- foreach ($this->_arts as $cid=>$arts) {
- $res .= "\n$i *{$this->_cats[$cid]}*\n";
- foreach ($arts as $art) {
- $res .= '- '.$art->title()."\n";
- }
- $i ++;
- }
- $res .= "\n\n";
- foreach ($this->_arts as $cid=>$arts) {
- $res .= "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
- $res .= "*{$this->_cats[$cid]}*\n";
- $res .= "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
- foreach ($arts as $art) {
- $res .= $art->toText();
- $res .= "\n\n";
- }
- }
- $res .= $this->footer(false);
- return $res;
+ $i = 1;
+ foreach ($this->_arts as $cid=>$arts) {
+ $res .= "\n$i *{$this->_cats[$cid]}*\n";
+ foreach ($arts as $art) {
+ $res .= '- '.$art->title()."\n";
+ }
+ $i ++;
+ }
+ $res .= "\n\n";
+ foreach ($this->_arts as $cid=>$arts) {
+ $res .= "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
+ $res .= "*{$this->_cats[$cid]}*\n";
+ $res .= "--------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n";
+ foreach ($arts as $art) {
+ $res .= $art->toText();
+ $res .= "\n\n";
+ }
+ }
+ $res .= $this->footer(false);
+ return $res;
// }}}
function toHtml($prenom, $nom, $sexe, $body=false, $urlprefix = false)
$u = $urlprefix ? 'nl/show/'.$this->_id : '';
- $res = '<div class="title">'.$this->title().'</div>';
- $head = $this->head();
- $head = str_replace('<cher>', $sexe ? 'Chère' : 'Cher', $head);
- $head = str_replace('<prenom>', $prenom, $head);
- $head = str_replace('<nom>', $nom, $head);
- $head = enriched_to_text($head, true);
- if($head) {
+ $res = '<div class="title">'.$this->title().'</div>';
+ $head = $this->head();
+ $head = str_replace('<cher>', $sexe ? 'Chère' : 'Cher', $head);
+ $head = str_replace('<prenom>', $prenom, $head);
+ $head = str_replace('<nom>', $nom, $head);
+ $head = enriched_to_text($head, true);
+ if($head) {
$res .= "<div class='intro'>$head</div>";
- $i = 1;
- $res .= "<a id='top_lnk'></a>";
- foreach ($this->_arts as $cid=>$arts) {
- $res .= "<div class='lnk'><a href='$u#cat$cid'><strong>$i. {$this->_cats[$cid]}</strong></a>";
- foreach ($arts as $art) {
- $res .= "<a href='$u#art{$art->_aid}'> - ".htmlentities($art->title())."</a>";
- }
- $res .= '</div>';
- $i ++;
- }
- foreach ($this->_arts as $cid=>$arts) {
- $res .= "<h1 class='xorg_nl'><a id='cat$cid'></a><span>".$this->_cats[$cid].'</span></h1>';
- foreach($arts as $art) {
- $res .= $art->toHtml();
- $res .= "<p><a href='$u#top_lnk'>Revenir au sommaire</a></p>";
- }
- }
- $res .= $this->footer(true);
- if ($body) {
- $res = <<<EOF
+ $i = 1;
+ $res .= "<a id='top_lnk'></a>";
+ foreach ($this->_arts as $cid=>$arts) {
+ $res .= "<div class='lnk'><a href='$u#cat$cid'><strong>$i. {$this->_cats[$cid]}</strong></a>";
+ foreach ($arts as $art) {
+ $res .= "<a href='$u#art{$art->_aid}'> - ".htmlentities($art->title())."</a>";
+ }
+ $res .= '</div>';
+ $i ++;
+ }
+ foreach ($this->_arts as $cid=>$arts) {
+ $res .= "<h1 class='xorg_nl'><a id='cat$cid'></a><span>".$this->_cats[$cid].'</span></h1>';
+ foreach($arts as $art) {
+ $res .= $art->toHtml();
+ $res .= "<p><a href='$u#top_lnk'>Revenir au sommaire</a></p>";
+ }
+ }
+ $res .= $this->footer(true);
+ if ($body) {
+ $res = <<<EOF
<style type="text/css">
<!-- { margin: auto; font-family: "Georgia","times new roman",serif; width: 60ex; text-align: justify; font-size: 10pt; }
div.title { margin: 2ex 0ex 2ex 0ex; padding: 1ex; width: 100%; font-size: 140%; text-align: center;
- font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 3px red solid; border-top: 3px red solid; }
+ font-weight: bold; border-bottom: 3px red solid; border-top: 3px red solid; }
a[href] { text-decoration: none; }
a[href]:hover { text-decoration: underline; }
div.lnk a { display: block; }
h1.xorg_nl { margin: 6ex 0ex 4ex 0ex; padding: 2px 4ex 2px 0ex; width: 60ex; font-size: 100%;
- border-bottom: 3px red solid; border-top: 3px red solid; }
+ border-bottom: 3px red solid; border-top: 3px red solid; }
h2.xorg_nl { width: 100%; margin: 0ex 1ex 0ex 1ex; padding: 2px 0px 2px 0px; font-weight: bold; font-style: italic; font-size: 95%; }
h1.xorg_nl span { font-size: 140%; padding: 2px 1ex 2px 1ex; border-bottom: 3px red solid; }
h2.xorg_nl span { padding: 2px 4px 2px 4px; border-bottom: 2px yellow solid; } { padding: 2ex 3ex 0ex 3ex; width: 100%; margin: 0ex; text-align: left; font-size: 95%; }
div.intro { padding: 2ex; }
div.foot { border-top: 1px #808080 dashed; font-size: 95%; padding: 1ex; color: #808080; background: inherit;
- text-align: center; width: 100% }
+ text-align: center; width: 100% }
- }
- return $res;
+ }
+ return $res;
// }}}
function sendTo($prenom, $nom, $login, $sex, $html)
global $globals;
- require_once('diogenes/');
+ require_once('diogenes/');
- $mailer = new HermesMailer();
- $mailer->setFrom($globals->newsletter->from);
- $mailer->setSubject($this->title());
- $mailer->addTo("\"$prenom $nom\" <$login@{$globals->mail->domain}>");
+ $mailer = new HermesMailer();
+ $mailer->setFrom($globals->newsletter->from);
+ $mailer->setSubject($this->title());
+ $mailer->addTo("\"$prenom $nom\" <$login@{$globals->mail->domain}>");
if (!empty($globals->newsletter->replyto)) {
if (!empty($globals->newsletter->retpath)) {
- $mailer->setTxtBody($this->toText($prenom,$nom,$sex));
- if ($html) {
- $mailer->setHTMLBody($this->toHtml($prenom,$nom,$sex,true));
- }
- $mailer->send();
+ $mailer->setTxtBody($this->toText($prenom,$nom,$sex));
+ if ($html) {
+ $mailer->setHTMLBody($this->toHtml($prenom,$nom,$sex,true));
+ }
+ $mailer->send();
// }}}
function NLArticle($title='', $body='', $append='', $aid=-1, $cid=0, $pos=0)
- $this->_body = $body;
- $this->_title = $title;
- $this->_append = $append;
- $this->_aid = $aid;
- $this->_cid = $cid;
- $this->_pos = $pos;
+ $this->_body = $body;
+ $this->_title = $title;
+ $this->_append = $append;
+ $this->_aid = $aid;
+ $this->_cid = $cid;
+ $this->_pos = $pos;
// }}}
function toText()
- $title = '*'.$this->title().'*';
- $body = enriched_to_text($this->_body,false,true);
- $app = enriched_to_text($this->_append,false,false,4);
- return trim("$title\n\n$body\n\n$app")."\n";
+ $title = '*'.$this->title().'*';
+ $body = enriched_to_text($this->_body,false,true);
+ $app = enriched_to_text($this->_append,false,false,4);
+ return trim("$title\n\n$body\n\n$app")."\n";
// }}}
function toHtml()
- $title = "<h2 class='xorg_nl'><a id='art{$this->_aid}'></a><span>".htmlentities($this->title()).'</span></h2>';
- $body = enriched_to_text($this->_body,true);
- $app = enriched_to_text($this->_append,true);
- $art = "$title\n";
- $art .= "<div class='art'>\n$body\n";
- if ($app) {
+ $title = "<h2 class='xorg_nl'><a id='art{$this->_aid}'></a><span>".htmlentities($this->title()).'</span></h2>';
+ $body = enriched_to_text($this->_body,true);
+ $app = enriched_to_text($this->_append,true);
+ $art = "$title\n";
+ $art .= "<div class='art'>\n$body\n";
+ if ($app) {
$art .= "<div class='app'>$app</div>";
- $art .= "</div>\n";
- return $art;
+ $art .= "</div>\n";
+ return $art;
// }}}
function check()
- $text = enriched_to_text($this->_body);
- $arr = explode("\n",wordwrap($text,68));
- $c = 0;
- foreach ($arr as $line) {
+ $text = enriched_to_text($this->_body);
+ $arr = explode("\n",wordwrap($text,68));
+ $c = 0;
+ foreach ($arr as $line) {
if (trim($line)) {
- return $c<9;
+ return $c<9;
// }}}
$arr = array_map('trim',$arr);
$res = '';
foreach ($arr as $key => $line) {
- $nxl = isset($arr[$key+1]) ? trim($arr[$key+1]) : '';
- $nxl_split = preg_split('! +!',$nxl);
- $nxw_len = count($nxl_split) ? strlen($nxl_split[0]) : 0;
- $line = trim($line);
- if (strlen($line)+1+$nxw_len < $n) {
- $res .= "$line\n";
- continue;
- }
- if (preg_match('![.:;]$!',$line)) {
- $res .= "$line\n";
- continue;
- }
- $tmp = preg_split('! +!',trim($line));
- $words = count($tmp);
- if ($words <= 1) {
- $res .= "$line\n";
- continue;
- }
- $len = array_sum(array_map('strlen',$tmp));
- $empty = $n - $len;
- $sw = floatval($empty) / floatval($words-1);
- $cur = 0;
- $l = '';
- foreach ($tmp as $word) {
- $l .= $word;
- $cur += $sw + strlen($word);
- $l = str_pad($l,intval($cur+0.5));
- }
- $res .= trim($l)."\n";
+ $nxl = isset($arr[$key+1]) ? trim($arr[$key+1]) : '';
+ $nxl_split = preg_split('! +!',$nxl);
+ $nxw_len = count($nxl_split) ? strlen($nxl_split[0]) : 0;
+ $line = trim($line);
+ if (strlen($line)+1+$nxw_len < $n) {
+ $res .= "$line\n";
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (preg_match('![.:;]$!',$line)) {
+ $res .= "$line\n";
+ continue;
+ }
+ $tmp = preg_split('! +!',trim($line));
+ $words = count($tmp);
+ if ($words <= 1) {
+ $res .= "$line\n";
+ continue;
+ }
+ $len = array_sum(array_map('strlen',$tmp));
+ $empty = $n - $len;
+ $sw = floatval($empty) / floatval($words-1);
+ $cur = 0;
+ $l = '';
+ foreach ($tmp as $word) {
+ $l .= $word;
+ $cur += $sw + strlen($word);
+ $l = str_pad($l,intval($cur+0.5));
+ }
+ $res .= trim($l)."\n";
return trim($res);
$text = trim($input);
if ($html) {
- $text = htmlspecialchars($text);
- $text = str_replace('[b]','<strong>', $text);
- $text = str_replace('[/b]','</strong>', $text);
- $text = str_replace('[i]','<em>', $text);
- $text = str_replace('[/i]','</em>', $text);
- $text = str_replace('[u]','<span style="text-decoration: underline">', $text);
- $text = str_replace('[/u]','</span>', $text);
- $text = preg_replace('!((https?|ftp)://[^\r\n\t ]*)!','<a href="\1">\1</a>', $text);
- $text = preg_replace('!(([a-zA-Z0-9\-_+.]*@[a-zA-Z0-9\-_+.]*)(?:\?[^\r\n\t ]*)?)!','<a href="mailto:\1">\2</a>', $text);
- return nl2br($text);
+ $text = htmlspecialchars($text);
+ $text = str_replace('[b]','<strong>', $text);
+ $text = str_replace('[/b]','</strong>', $text);
+ $text = str_replace('[i]','<em>', $text);
+ $text = str_replace('[/i]','</em>', $text);
+ $text = str_replace('[u]','<span style="text-decoration: underline">', $text);
+ $text = str_replace('[/u]','</span>', $text);
+ require_once('');
+ $text = url_catcher($text);
+ return nl2br($text);
} else {
- $text = preg_replace('!\[\/?b\]!','*',$text);
- $text = preg_replace('!\[\/?u\]!','_',$text);
- $text = preg_replace('!\[\/?i\]!','/',$text);
- $text = preg_replace('!((https?|ftp)://[^\r\n\t ]*)!','[\1]', $text);
- $text = preg_replace('!(([a-zA-Z0-9\-_+.]*@[a-zA-Z0-9\-_+.]*)(?:\?[^\r\n\t ]*)?)!','[mailto:\1]', $text);
- $text = $just ? justify($text,$width-$indent) : wordwrap($text,$width-$indent);
- if($indent) {
- $ind = str_pad('',$indent);
- $text = $ind.str_replace("\n","\n$ind",$text);
- }
- return $text;
+ $text = preg_replace('!\[\/?b\]!','*',$text);
+ $text = preg_replace('!\[\/?u\]!','_',$text);
+ $text = preg_replace('!\[\/?i\]!','/',$text);
+ $text = preg_replace('!(((https?|ftp)://|www\.)[^\r\n\t ]*)!','[\1]', $text);
+ $text = preg_replace('!(([a-zA-Z0-9\-_+.]*@[a-zA-Z0-9\-_+.]*)(?:\?[^\r\n\t ]*)?)!','[mailto:\1]', $text);
+ $text = $just ? justify($text,$width-$indent) : wordwrap($text,$width-$indent);
+ if($indent) {
+ $ind = str_pad('',$indent);
+ $text = $ind.str_replace("\n","\n$ind",$text);
+ }
+ return $text;