PKG_FILES = AUTHORS ChangeLog COPYING README Makefile \ style.css
-PKG_DIRS = config htdocs include locale po plugins templates
+PKG_DIRS = config htdocs include locale po plugins styles templates
LIB_BASE = include/diogenes
$action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : "";
+$rw_str_opts = array ('menu_style', 'menu_theme', 'template_dir', 'template', 'html_editor', 'word_import', 'barrel_style_sheet');
+$rw_bool_opts = array('debugdatabase', 'debugplugins', 'validatepages');
+$ro_opts = array ('menu_styles', 'menu_themes', 'html_editors', 'word_imports', 'style_sheets');
switch ($action) {
case "options":
- $globals->updateOption("menu_style", $_REQUEST['menu_style']);
- if (isset($_REQUEST['menu_theme']))
- $globals->updateOption("menu_theme", $_REQUEST['menu_theme']);
- $globals->updateOption("template_dir", $_REQUEST['template_dir']);
- $globals->updateOption("template", $_REQUEST['template']);
- $globals->updateOption("html_editor", $_REQUEST['html_editor']);
- $globals->updateOption("word_import", $_REQUEST['word_import']);
- $globals->updateOption("debugdatabase", $_REQUEST['debugdatabase'] ? 1 : 0);
- $globals->updateOption("debugplugins", $_REQUEST['debugplugins'] ? 1 : 0);
- $globals->updateOption("validatepages", $_REQUEST['validatepages'] ? 1 : 0);
+ foreach ($rw_str_opts as $opt_name)
+ {
+ if (isset($_REQUEST[$opt_name]))
+ $globals->updateOption($opt_name, $_REQUEST[$opt_name]);
+ }
+ foreach ($rw_bool_opts as $opt_name)
+ {
+ if (isset($_REQUEST[$opt_name]))
+ $globals->updateOption($opt_name, $_REQUEST[$opt_name] ? 1 : 0);
+ }
// fill out values
-$page->assign('menu_styles', $globals->menu_styles);
-$page->assign('menu_style', $globals->menu_style);
+$all_opts = array_merge($ro_opts, $rw_str_opts, $ro_opts);
+$all_opts = array_merge($all_opts, $rw_bool_opts);
+foreach ($all_opts as $opt_name)
+ if (!isset($globals->$opt_name)) {
+ $page->info("warning : unknown option '$opt_name'");
+ } else {
+ $page->assign($opt_name, $globals->$opt_name);
+ }
if ($globals->menu_style == 1 || $globals->menu_style == 2) {
$page->assign('menu_themes', $globals->menu_themes);
$page->assign('menu_theme', $globals->menu_theme);
-$page->assign('template_dir', $globals->template_dir);
-$page->assign('template', $globals->template);
$page->assign('templates', $page->getTemplates());
-$page->assign('validatepages', $globals->validatepages);
-$page->assign('html_editors', $globals->html_editors);
-$page->assign('html_editor', $globals->html_editor);
-$page->assign('word_imports', $globals->word_imports);
-$page->assign('word_import', $globals->word_import);
-$page->assign('debugdatabase', $globals->debugdatabase);
-$page->assign('debugplugins', $globals->debugplugins);
// translations
$page->assign('greeting', __("Global options"));
$page->toolbar(__("Mode"), array( __("standard"), array(__("expert"), "options_expert.php")));
$homepage = mysql_insert_id();
$globals->db->query("update {$alias}_page set location='',title='Home',perms='public' where PID='$homepage'");
- /* create home page & copy CSS template */
+ /* create home page */
$rcs = new $globals->rcs($caller,$alias,$_SESSION['session']->username,true);
- $rcs->commit($homepage,$globals->cssfile,
- file_get_contents("{$globals->root}/{$globals->cssfile}") );
+ /* copy CSS template */
+ $def_css = file_get_contents("{$globals->root}/styles/{$globals->barrel_style_sheet}.css");
+ $rcs->commit($homepage,$globals->cssfile, $def_css);
'lush' => 'lush',
'mozilla' => 'mozilla'
+ /** Available style sheets */
+ var $style_sheets = array(
+ 'default_blue' => 'Default Blue',
+ 'funky_doc' => 'Funky Doc',
+ );
+ /** Default stylesheet for new barrels */
+ var $barrel_style_sheet = 'default_blue';
/** The HTML editor to use (ekit, kafenio) */
var $html_editor = "kafenio";
--- /dev/null
+/* insert your CSS customisations below */
+body {
+ background-color: #fff;
+ color: inherit;
+#header {
+ background: #f5f8fc;
+ border: 1px solid #69c;
+ margin: 0 1em;
+ color: #369;
+#header .logo { display: none; }
+#header .titlebar { margin: 0px; }
+#header .site { font-size: 20pt !important; letter-spacing: 0px }
+#header .page { color: #690; font-size: 20pt !important }
+#header .page:before { content: ' [ '; }
+#header .page:after { content: ' ] '; }
+#sidebar {
+ width: 14em;
+ font-family: "Trebuchet MS",Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
+ font-size: 10pt;
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 1em;
+ background: #f5f8fc;
+ border: 1px solid #69c;
+#main {
+ font-family: "Trebuchet MS",Verdana,Geneva,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
+ background: #f5f8fc;
+ border: 1px solid #69c;
+ line-height:125%;
+ padding: 0em 1em 1em 1em;
+ margin: 1em 1em 1em 15em;
+#main p { padding: 0px; margin: 1ex 1em; text-align: justify }
+#main ul { margin: 1ex 1em; }
+#main li { margin-top: 1ex; margin-bottom: 1ex; text-align: justify }
+h1 {
+ color: #369;
+ font-size: 130%;
+ border-bottom: 2px solid #369;
+ padding: 4px;
+ margin: 2em 0em 1em 0em;
+h2 {
+ color: #369;
+ padding: 0px 4px;
+ margin: 1em 0em 0.5em 0em;
+ font-size: 100%;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ border-bottom: 1px dotted #369;
+#main a:link, #main a:visited { color: #f60; background: transparent; }
+#main a:active, #main a:hover { color: #369; background: transparent; }
+.header {
+ background-color: #99aabb;
+ color: #202040;
+ {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ background: transparent;
+ width: 14em;
+ .item {
+ background: transparent;
+ .item a {
+ color: #690;
+ background: transparent;
+ border: 1px dotted #fff;
+ display: block;
+ padding: 1px 4px;
+ text-align: left;
+ font-size: 80%;
+ font-family: Bitstream Vera Sans,Verdana,sans-serif;
+ text-decoration: none;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ .item, .menu .item {
+ color: #f90;
+ background: transparent;
+ border-top: none;
+ border-left: none;
+ border-right: none;
+ border-bottom: 3px solid #f90;
+ text-transform: uppercase;
+ text-align: left;
+ padding: 0px 1ex;
+ margin: 1ex 0ex;
+ .item a.odd {
+ color: #690;
+ background: transparent;
+ .item a:hover {
+ color: #690;
+ background: #eaf2db;
+ border: 1px dotted #690;
+ .item[href]:hover {
+ color: #000;
+ background: transparent;
+ border-top: none;
+ border-left: none;
+ border-right: none;
+ border-bottom: 3px solid #000;
+/* table class 'light' */
+table.light {
+ border-collapse: collapse;
+ color: inherit;
+ background: #fff;
+ border: 1px solid #a2c2e1;
+ width: 98%;
+ margin-left: 1%;
+table.light tr.odd {
+ color: inherit;
+ background: #fff;
+table.light tr.even {
+ color: inherit;
+ background: #eee;
+table.light th {
+ color: #369;
+ background: #d6e1ec;
+ font-weight: bold;
+ text-align: center;
+ vertical-align: middle;
+ padding: 0px 4px;
+code, div code {
+ display: block;
+ background: white;
+ border: 1px dotted #2050a0;
+ color: inherit;
+ font-family: monospaced;
+ font-size: 10pt;
+ padding: 1em;
+ margin: 1em 2em;
+code pre {
+ padding: 0px;
+ margin: 0px;
+tt { font-size: 10pt; }
+li > code, p > code, tt.code {
+ display: inline;
+ border: 1px dotted #2050a0;
+ background: #fff;
+ color: inherit;
+ padding: 0 2px 0 2px;
+ margin: 0ex;
+#main p.version {
+ text-align: center;
+ font-family: georgia;
+ font-size: 9pt;
+ margin-top: 4em;
<td>{html_options name='template' selected=$template options=$templates}</td>
+ <td>{$msg_site_style_sheet}</td>
+ <td>{html_options name='barrel_style_sheet' selected=$barrel_style_sheet options=$style_sheets}</td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="validatepages"{if $validatepages} checked="checked"{/if}/></td>