XDB::rawExecute('DROP VIEW IF EXISTS fusionax_promo');
XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_import');
+// Fills pid fields in all table, to avoid to many joins.
+foreach (array('fusionax_activites', 'fusionax_adresses', 'fusionax_anciens', 'fusionax_formations') as $table) {
+ XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE $table AS f
+ INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
+ SET f.pid = p.pid");
+ XDB::rawExecute("DELETE FROM $table WHERE pid IS NULL");
// Includes entreprises we do not have into profile_job_enum.
// We first retrieve AX code, then add missing compagnies.
echo "Starts jobs inclusions.\n";
+XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_job_enum ADD INDEX (name(20))');
+XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_job_enum ADD INDEX (acronym(20))');
+XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_job_enum ADD INDEX (AX_code)');
XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_job_enum, fusionax_entreprises
SET profile_job_enum.AX_code = fusionax_entreprises.Code_etab
WHERE (profile_job_enum.name = fusionax_entreprises.Raison_sociale AND profile_job_enum.name != '' AND fusionax_entreprises.Raison_sociale != '')
// - the job is complete but the profile already has a job or more : this is an issue,
// - the job is complete and the the profile has no previous job : there is no issue.
-// We delete obvious duplicates.
+// We delete obvious duplicates and avoid multiple joins.
XDB::rawExecute("DELETE f
FROM fusionax_activites AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
INNER JOIN profile_job_enum AS pe ON (pe.AX_code = f.Code_etab)
- INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (p.pid = pj.pid AND pj.jobid = pe.id)");
+ INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (f.pid = pj.pid AND pj.jobid = pe.id)");
+foreach (array('fusionax_activites', 'fusionax_adresses') as $table) {
+ XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE $table AS f
+ INNER JOIN profile_job_enum AS pe ON (f.Code_etab = pe.AX_code)
+ SET f.jobid = pe.id");
+XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_job_enum DROP INDEX name');
+XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_job_enum DROP INDEX acronym');
+XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_job_enum DROP INDEX AX_code');
+XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_entreprises');
// We first update the issues table.
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_merge_issues (pid, issues)
- SELECT DISTINCT(p.pid), 'job'
- FROM profiles AS p
- INNER JOIN fusionax_activites AS f ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN fusionax_entreprises AS fe ON (fe.Code_etab = f.Code_etab)
- WHERE (fe.Raison_sociale = '' AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT *
- FROM profile_job AS pj
- WHERE pj.pid = p.pid))
- OR (fe.Raison_sociale != '' AND EXISTS (SELECT *
- FROM profile_job AS pj
- WHERE pj.pid = p.pid))");
-// Then we retrieve jobs without entreprise name.
-XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_job (id, pid, jobid, pub, description)
- SELECT 0, p.pid, NULL, IF(f.Annuaire = 1, 'ax', 'private'),
- IF(f.Raison_sociale,
- IF(f.Libelle_fonctio, CONCAT(f.Raison_sociale, ' ', f.Libelle_fonctio), f.Raison_sociale),
- f.Libelle_fonctio)
- FROM fusionax_activites AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN fusionax_entreprises AS fe ON (fe.Code_etab = f.Code_etab AND fe.Raison_sociale = '')
- FROM profile_job AS pj
- WHERE pj.pid = p.pid)");
-// We insert complete jobs for profile already having jobs.
-XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_job (id, pid, jobid, pub, description)
- SELECT MAX(pj.id) + 1, p.pid, pe.id, IF(f.Annuaire = 1, 'ax', 'private'),
- IF(f.Raison_sociale,
- IF(f.Libelle_fonctio, CONCAT(f.Raison_sociale, ' ', f.Libelle_fonctio), f.Raison_sociale),
- f.Libelle_fonctio)
- FROM fusionax_activites AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN fusionax_entreprises AS fe ON (fe.Code_etab = f.Code_etab AND fe.Raison_sociale != '')
- INNER JOIN profile_job_enum AS pe ON (pe.AX_code = f.Code_etab)
- INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (pj.pid = p.pid)
- GROUP BY p.pid");
-// Delete everything that has already been inserted.
-XDB::rawExecute("DELETE f
- FROM fusionax_activites AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN fusionax_entreprises AS fe ON (fe.Code_etab = f.Code_etab)
- WHERE fe.Raison_sociale = ''
- OR (fe.Raison_sociale != '' AND EXISTS (SELECT *
- FROM profile_job AS pj
- WHERE pj.pid = p.pid))");
-// We finally add new complete jobs.
+ SELECT DISTINCT(f.pid), 'job'
+ FROM fusionax_activites AS f
+ FROM profile_job AS pj
+ WHERE pj.pid = f.pid))
+ FROM profile_job AS pj
+ WHERE pj.pid = f.pid))");
+// We then add new jobs.
$id = 0;
$continue = 1;
while ($continue > 0) {
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_job (id, pid, jobid, pub, description)
- SELECT $id, p.pid, pe.id, IF(f.Annuaire = 1, 'ax', 'private'),
- IF(f.Raison_sociale,
- IF(f.Libelle_fonctio, CONCAT(f.Raison_sociale, ' ', f.Libelle_fonctio), f.Raison_sociale),
- f.Libelle_fonctio)
- FROM fusionax_activites AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN profile_job_enum AS pe ON (pe.AX_code = f.Code_etab)");
+ SELECT $id, pid, jobid, IF(Annuaire = 1, 'ax', 'private'), description
+ FROM fusionax_activites");
XDB::rawExecute("DELETE f
- FROM fusionax_activites AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN profile_job_enum AS pe ON (pe.AX_code = f.Code_etab)
- INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (p.pid = pj.pid AND pj.id = $id AND pj.jobid = pe.id)");
+ FROM fusionax_activites AS f
+ INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (f.pid = pj.pid AND pj.id = $id AND pj.jobid = f.jobid AND pj.description = f.description)");
$continue = XDB::affectedRows();
+XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_activites');
// We also have to add related phones and addresses.
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_addresses (type, pid, id, text)
- SELECT 'job', p.pid, pj.id, f.text
+ SELECT 'job', f.pid, pj.id, f.text
FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN profile_job_enum AS pe ON (pe.AX_code = f.Code_etab)
- INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (p.pid = pj.pid AND pj.jobid = pe.id)
+ INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (f.pid = pj.pid AND pj.jobid = f.jobid)
WHERE f.Type_adr = 'E' AND f.text IS NOT NULL");
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_phones (link_type, link_id, tel_id, tel_type, pid, display_tel)
- SELECT 'pro', pj.id, 0, 'fixed', p.pid, f.tel
+ SELECT 'pro', pj.id, 0, 'fixed', f.pid, f.tel
FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN profile_job_enum AS pe ON (pe.AX_code = f.Code_etab)
- INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (p.pid = pj.pid AND pj.jobid = pe.id)
+ INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (f.pid = pj.pid AND pj.jobid = f.jobid)
WHERE f.Type_adr = 'E' AND f.tel != ''");
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_phones (link_type, link_id, tel_id, tel_type, pid, display_tel)
- SELECT 'pro', pj.id, IF(f.tel = '', 0, 1), 'fax', p.pid, f.fax
+ SELECT 'pro', pj.id, IF(f.tel = '', 0, 1), 'fax', f.pid, f.fax
FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN profile_job_enum AS pe ON (pe.AX_code = f.Code_etab)
- INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (p.pid = pj.pid AND pj.jobid = pe.id)
+ INNER JOIN profile_job AS pj ON (f.pid = pj.pid AND pj.jobid = f.jobid)
WHERE f.Type_adr = 'E' AND f.fax != ''");
-// Drops job related tables and addresses
-XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_entreprises');
-XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_activites');
-XDB::rawExecute("DELETE FROM fusionax_adresses WHERE Type_adr = 'P'");
+XDB::rawExecute("DELETE FROM fusionax_adresses WHERE Type_adr = 'E'");
echo "Jobs inclusions finished.\n";
// Retrieves information from fusionax_anciens: promo, nationality, corps, email, phone, deathdate.
// Updates uncertain promotions, but when we are we are right.
echo "Starts various informations inclusions.\n";
-XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues AS pm, fusionax_anciens AS f, profiles AS p, profile_display AS pd, profile_education AS pe
+XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues AS pm, fusionax_anciens AS f, profile_display AS pd, profile_education AS pe
SET pm.issues = IF(pm.issues, CONCAT(pm.issues, ',', 'promo'), 'promo'), pm.entry_year_ax = f.promotion_etude
- WHERE pm.pid = p.pid AND p.ax_id = f.ax_id AND p.pid NOT IN (18399,21099,40616)
- AND pd.pid = p.pid AND pe.pid = p.pid AND FIND_IN_SET('primary', pe.flags)
+ WHERE pm.pid = f.pid AND f.pid NOT IN (18399,21099,40616)
+ AND pd.pid = f.pid AND pe.pid = f.pid AND FIND_IN_SET('primary', pe.flags)
AND pd.promo != CONCAT('X', f.promotion_etude)
AND !(f.promotion_etude = pe.entry_year + 1 AND pe.grad_year = pe.entry_year + 4)");
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_merge_issues (pid, issues, entry_year_ax)
- SELECT p.pid, 'promo', f.promotion_etude
- FROM profiles AS p
- INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (p.pid = pd.pid)
- INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON (p.pid = pe.pid)
- INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.ax_id = f.ax_id)
- WHERE pd.promo != CONCAT('X', f.promotion_etude) AND p.pid NOT IN (18399,21099,40616)
+ SELECT f.pid, 'promo', f.promotion_etude
+ FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
+ INNER JOIN profile_display AS pd ON (f.pid = pd.pid)
+ INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON (f.pid = pe.pid)
+ WHERE pd.promo != CONCAT('X', f.promotion_etude) AND f.pid NOT IN (18399,21099,40616)
AND !(f.promotion_etude = pe.entry_year + 1 AND pe.grad_year = pe.entry_year + 4)");
// Updates nationality.
XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE geoloc_countries ADD INDEX (licensePlate)');
XDB::rawExecute('UPDATE profiles AS p
- INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.ax_id = f.ax_id)
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.pid = f.pid)
INNER JOIN geoloc_countries AS g ON (g.licensePlate = f.Code_nationalite)
SET p.nationality1 = g.iso_3166_1_a2
WHERE p.nationality1 IS NULL');
XDB::rawExecute('UPDATE profiles AS p
- INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.ax_id = f.ax_id)
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.pid = f.pid)
INNER JOIN geoloc_countries AS g ON (g.licensePlate = f.Code_nationalite)
SET p.nationality2 = g.iso_3166_1_a2
WHERE p.nationality1 != g.iso_3166_1_a2 AND p.nationality2 IS NULL');
XDB::rawExecute('UPDATE profiles AS p
- INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.ax_id = f.ax_id)
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.pid = f.pid)
INNER JOIN geoloc_countries AS g ON (g.licensePlate = f.Code_nationalite)
SET p.nationality3 = g.iso_3166_1_a2
WHERE p.nationality1 != g.iso_3166_1_a2 AND p.nationality2 != g.iso_3166_1_a2 AND p.nationality3 IS NULL');
// Updates corps.
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_corps (pid, original_corpsid, current_corpsid, rankid, corps_pub)
- SELECT p.pid, c.id, c.id, r.id, 'ax'
- FROM profiles AS p
- INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.ax_id = f.ax_id)
+ SELECT f.pid, c.id, c.id, r.id, 'ax'
+ FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
INNER JOIN profile_corps_enum AS c ON (f.corps_sortie = c.abbreviation)
INNER JOIN profile_corps_rank_enum AS r ON (f.grade = r.abbreviation)
FROM profile_corps AS pc
- WHERE p.pid = pc.pid AND pc.original_corpsid != 1)");
+ WHERE f.pid = pc.pid AND pc.original_corpsid != 1)");
XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_corps AS c
INNER JOIN profile_corps_enum AS e ON (c.original_corpsid = e.id)
LEFT JOIN profile_corps_enum AS a ON (a.name = 'Aucun (anc. démissionnaire)')
// Updates email_directory.
XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profiles AS p
- INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.ax_id = f.ax_id)
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (p.pid = f.pid)
SET p.email_directory = f.Mel_usage
- WHERE f.Mel_publiable != '0' AND f.Mel_usage != '' AND p.email_directory IS NULL");
+ WHERE f.Mel_publiable = 1 AND f.Mel_usage != '' AND p.email_directory IS NULL");
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO register_marketing (uid, email, type)
SELECT ap.uid, f.Mel_usage, 'ax'
FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (p.ax_id = f.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.pid = p.pid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', perms))
+ INNER JOIN account_profiles AS ap ON (ap.pid = f.pid AND FIND_IN_SET('owner', perms))
LEFT JOIN emails AS e ON (e.uid = ap.uid AND e.flags = 'active')
WHERE f.Mel_usage != '' AND f.Mel_usage NOT LIKE '%@polytechnique.edu'
AND f.Mel_usage NOT LIKE '%@polytechnique.org' AND f.Mel_usage NOT LIKE '%@m4x.org'
// Retrieves different deathdates.
XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues AS pm
INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (pm.pid = p.pid)
- INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (f.pid = p.pid)
SET pm.issues = IF(pm.issues, CONCAT(pm.issues, ',', 'deathdate'), 'deathdate'), pm.deathdate_ax = f.Date_deces
WHERE p.deathdate != f.Date_deces");
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_merge_issues (pid, issues, deathdate_ax)
- SELECT p.pid, 'deathdate', f.Date_deces
+ SELECT f.pid, 'deathdate', f.Date_deces
FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
+ INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.pid = p.pid)
WHERE p.deathdate != f.Date_deces");
echo "Various informations inclusions finished.\n";
// We consider there is conflict if a profile has a phone in both databases.
echo "Starts phones inclusions.\n";
XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues AS pm
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (pm.pid = p.pid)
- INNER JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = p.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user' AND pp.tel_id = 0)
- INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_anciens AS f ON (f.pid = pm.pid)
+ INNER JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = f.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user' AND pp.tel_id = 0)
SET pm.issues = IF(pm.issues, CONCAT(pm.issues, ',', 'phone'), 'phone')
WHERE f.tel_mobile != ''");
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_merge_issues (pid, issues)
- SELECT p.pid, 'phone'
+ SELECT f.pid, 'phone'
FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = p.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user' AND pp.tel_id = 0)
- WHERE f.tel_mobile != ''");
+ INNER JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = f.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user' AND pp.tel_id = 0)
+ WHERE f.tel_mobile != '' AND f.Mob_publiable = 1");
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_phones (pid, link_type, tel_id, tel_type, display_tel, pub)
- SELECT p.pid, 'user', 0, 'mobile', f.tel_mobile, 'ax'
+ SELECT f.pid, 'user', 0, 'mobile', f.tel_mobile, 'ax'
FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
FROM profile_phones AS pp
- WHERE pp.pid = p.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user' AND pp.tel_id = 0)
- AND f.tel_mobile != ''");
+ WHERE pp.pid = f.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user' AND pp.tel_id = 0)
+ AND f.tel_mobile != '' AND f.Mob_publiable = 1");
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_phones (pid, link_type, tel_id, tel_type, display_tel, pub)
- SELECT p.pid, 'user', MAX(pp.tel_id) + 1, 'mobile', f.tel_mobile, 'ax'
+ SELECT f.pid, 'user', MAX(pp.tel_id) + 1, 'mobile', f.tel_mobile, 'ax'
FROM fusionax_anciens AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = p.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user')
- WHERE f.tel_mobile != ''
- GROUP BY p.pid");
+ INNER JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = f.pid AND pp.link_type = 'user')
+ WHERE f.tel_mobile != '' AND f.Mob_publiable = 1
+ GROUP BY f.pid");
XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_anciens');
echo "Phones inclusions finished.\n";
XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_addresses ADD INDEX (text(20))');
XDB::rawExecute("DELETE f
FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = p.pid AND pa.type = 'home')
+ INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = f.pid AND pa.type = 'home')
WHERE pa.text = f.text");
// Deletes addresses of unknown type.
XDB::rawExecute("DELETE FROM fusionax_adresses
WHERE Type_adr != 'E' AND Type_adr != 'P'");
XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues AS pm
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (pm.pid = p.pid)
- INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = p.pid AND pa.type = 'home' AND pa.id = 0)
- INNER JOIN fusionax_adresses AS f ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_adresses AS f ON (f.pid = pm.pid)
+ INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = f.pid AND pa.type = 'home' AND pa.id = 0)
SET pm.issues = IF(pm.issues, CONCAT(pm.issues, ',', 'address'), 'address')
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_merge_issues (pid, issues)
- SELECT p.pid, 'address'
+ SELECT f.pid, 'address'
FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = p.pid AND pa.type = 'home' AND pa.id = 0)
+ INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = f.pid AND pa.type = 'home' AND pa.id = 0)
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_addresses (pid, type, id, pub, text)
- SELECT p.pid, 'home', 0, 'ax', f.text
- FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- FROM profile_addresses AS pa
- WHERE pa.pid = p.pid AND pa.type = 'home' AND pa.id = 0)
- AND f.text IS NOT NULL");
-XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_addresses (pid, type, id, pub, text)
- SELECT p.pid, 'home', MAX(pa.id) + 1, 'ax', f.text
+ SELECT f.pid, 'home', IF(pa.id IS NULL , 0, MAX(pa.id) + 1), 'ax', f.text
FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = p.pid AND pa.type = 'home')
+ LEFT JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = f.pid AND pa.type = 'home')
- GROUP BY p.pid");
+ GROUP BY f.pid");
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_phones (pid, link_type, tel_id, tel_type, display_tel, pub, link_id)
- SELECT p.pid, 'address', IF(pp.tel_id IS NULL, 0, MAX(pp.tel_id) + 1), 'fixed', f.tel, 'ax', pa.id
+ SELECT f.pid, 'address', IF(pp.tel_id IS NULL, 0, MAX(pp.tel_id) + 1), 'fixed', f.tel, 'ax', pa.id
FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = p.pid AND pa.type = 'home' AND f.text = pa.text)
- LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = p.pid AND pp.link_type = 'address' AND pp.link_id = pa.id)
+ INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = f.pid AND pa.type = 'home' AND f.text = pa.text)
+ LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = f.pid AND pp.link_type = 'address' AND pp.link_id = pa.id)
WHERE f.tel != ''
- GROUP BY p.pid");
+ GROUP BY f.pid");
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT INTO profile_phones (pid, link_type, tel_id, tel_type, display_tel, pub, link_id)
- SELECT p.pid, 'address', IF(pp.tel_id IS NULL, 0, MAX(pp.tel_id) + 1), 'fax', f.fax, 'ax', pa.id
+ SELECT f.pid, 'address', IF(pp.tel_id IS NULL, 0, MAX(pp.tel_id) + 1), 'fax', f.fax, 'ax', pa.id
FROM fusionax_adresses AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = p.pid AND pa.type = 'home' AND f.text = pa.text)
- LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = p.pid AND pp.link_type = 'address' AND pp.link_id = pa.id)
+ INNER JOIN profile_addresses AS pa ON (pa.pid = f.pid AND pa.type = 'home' AND f.text = pa.text)
+ LEFT JOIN profile_phones AS pp ON (pp.pid = f.pid AND pp.link_type = 'address' AND pp.link_id = pa.id)
WHERE f.fax != ''
- GROUP BY p.pid");
+ GROUP BY f.pid");
XDB::rawExecute('ALTER TABLE profile_addresses DROP INDEX text');
XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_adresses');
echo "Addresses inclusions finished.\n";
SET f.eduid = pe.id, f.degreeid = pd.id, f.fieldid = pf.id');
// Updates non complete educations.
XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_education AS e
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (e.pid = p.pid)
- INNER JOIN fusionax_formations AS f ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_formations AS f ON (f.pid = e.pid)
INNER JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS pd ON (e.degreeid = pd.id)
INNER JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS fd ON (f.degreeid = fd.id)
SET e.eduid = f.eduid
WHERE NOT FIND_IN_SET('primary', e.flags) AND e.eduid IS NULL AND pd.level = fd.level");
XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_education AS e
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (e.pid = p.pid)
- INNER JOIN fusionax_formations AS f ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_formations AS f ON (f.pid = e.pid)
SET e.degreeid = f.degreeid
WHERE NOT FIND_IN_SET('primary', e.flags) AND e.degreeid IS NULL AND e.eduid = f.eduid");
// Deletes duplicates.
XDB::rawExecute("DELETE f
FROM fusionax_formations AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
INNER JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS fd ON (fd.abbreviation = f.Intitule_diplome)
- INNER JOIN profile_education AS e ON (e.pid = p.pid AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('primary', e.flags))
+ INNER JOIN profile_education AS e ON (e.pid = f.pid AND NOT FIND_IN_SET('primary', e.flags))
INNER JOIN profile_education_degree_enum AS pd ON (pd.id = e.degreeid)
WHERE f.eduid = e.eduid AND fd.level = pd.level");
// Updates merge_issues table.
XDB::rawExecute("UPDATE profile_merge_issues AS pm
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (pm.pid = p.pid)
- INNER JOIN fusionax_formations AS f ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
+ INNER JOIN fusionax_formations AS f ON (f.pid = pm.pid)
SET pm.issues = IF(pm.issues, CONCAT(pm.issues, ',', 'education'), 'education')");
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_merge_issues (pid, issues)
- SELECT p.pid, 'education'
- FROM fusionax_formations AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)");
+ SELECT pid, 'education'
+ FROM fusionax_formations");
$id = 0;
$continue = 1;
while ($continue > 0) {
XDB::rawExecute("INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_education (id, pid, eduid, degreeid, fieldid, program)
- SELECT $id, p.pid, f.eduid, f.degreeid, f.fieldid, f.Descr_formation
- FROM fusionax_formations AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)");
+ SELECT $id, pid, eduid, degreeid, fieldid, Descr_formation
+ FROM fusionax_formations");
XDB::rawExecute("DELETE f
FROM fusionax_formations AS f
- INNER JOIN profiles AS p ON (f.ax_id = p.ax_id)
- INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON (pe.pid = p.pid AND pe.id = $id AND pe.eduid = f.eduid AND pe.degreeid = f.degreeid
+ INNER JOIN profile_education AS pe ON (pe.pid = f.pid AND pe.id = $id AND pe.eduid = f.eduid AND pe.degreeid = f.degreeid
AND pe.fieldid = f.fieldid AND pe.program = f.Descr_formation)");
$continue = XDB::affectedRows();
FROM profile_education
WHERE eduid = '' OR eduid IS NULL OR degreeid = '' OR degreeid IS NULL");
XDB::rawExecute('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS fusionax_formations');
echo "Educations inclusions finished.\n";