static public $msgshow_withthread = true;
static public $msgshow_javascript = true;
+ static public $msgshow_pgpcheck = true;
+ static public $msgshow_pgppath = 'gpg';
+ static public $msgshow_pgpoptions = '';
/** Match an url
* Should be included in a regexp delimited using /, !, , or @ (eg: "/$url_regexp/ui")
* If it matches, return 3 main parts :
return Banana::$protocole->canSend();
+ public function getSignature()
+ {
+ $email = $this->getHeaderValue('from');
+ if (preg_match('/<?([^ <]+@[^ >]+)>?/', $email, $matches)) {
+ $email = $matches[1];
+ }
+ $signature = BananaMimePart::getSignature();
+ if (empty($signature)) {
+ return $signature;
+ } else {
+ foreach ($signature['identity'] as $ident) {
+ if (strpos($ident, "<$email>") !== false) {
+ return $signature;
+ }
+ }
+ $signature['certified'] = false;
+ $signature['certification_error'] = 'mauvaise identité';
+ }
+ return $signature;
+ }
// vim:set et sw=4 sts=4 ts=4 enc=utf-8:
if (empty($filename)) {
$filename = $this->getHeader('content-type', '/name="?([^"]+)"?/');
- }
+ }
list($type, $subtype) = explode('/', $content_type);
switch ($type) {
case 'text': case 'message':
$newpart = new BananaMimePart($part);
if (!is_null($newpart->content_type)) {
if ($signed && $newpart->content_type == $this->signature['protocole']) {
- $signature = $newpart->body;
+ $signature = $newpart->body;
} elseif ($signed) {
$signed_message = $part;
private function checkPGPSignature($signature, $message = null)
+ if (!Banana::$msgshow_pgpcheck) {
+ return true;
+ }
$signname = tempnam(Banana::$spool_root, 'banana_pgp_');
+ $gpg = 'LC_ALL="en_US" ' . Banana::$msgshow_pgppath . ' ' . Banana::$msgshow_pgpoptions . ' --verify '
+ . $signname . '.asc ';
file_put_contents($signname. '.asc', $signature);
$gpg_check = array();
if (!is_null($message)) {
file_put_contents($signname, str_replace(array("\r\n", "\n"), array("\n", "\r\n"), $message));
- exec('LC_ALL="en_US" gpg --verify ' . $signname . '.asc ' . $signname . ' 2>&1', $gpg_check, $result);
+ exec($gpg . $signname . ' 2>&1', $gpg_check, $result);
} else {
- exec('LC_ALL="en_US" gpg --verify ' . $signname . '.asc 2&>1', $gpg_check, $result);
+ exec($gpg . '2&>1', $gpg_check, $result);
if (preg_match('/Signature made (.+) using (.+) key ID (.+)/', array_shift($gpg_check), $matches)) {
if (preg_match('/Good signature from "(.+)"/', $signature, $matches)) {
$this->signature['verify'] = true;
$this->signature['identity'] = array($matches[1]);
+ $this->signature['certified'] = true;
} elseif (preg_match('/BAD signature from "(.+)"/', $signature, $matches)) {
$this->signature['verify'] = false;
$this->signature['identity'] = array($matches[1]);
+ $this->signature['certified'] = false;
} else {
return false;
if (preg_match('/aka "(.+)"/', $aka, $matches)) {
$this->signature['identity'][] = $matches[1];
+ if (preg_match('/This key is not certified with a trusted signature!/', $aka)) {
+ $this->signature['certified'] = false;
+ $this->signature['certification_error'] = _b_("identité non confirmée");
+ }
return true;
{assign var=files value=$message->getAttachments()}
{if $files|@count}
<tr class="pair">
- <td class="hdr">Fichiers joints</td>
+ <td class="hdr">{"Fichiers joints"|b}</td>
<td colspan="2">
{foreach from=$files item=file name=attachs}
{imglink img=save alt="Enregistrer"|b group=$group artid=$artid part=$file->getFilename() text=$file->getFilename()}{if !$smarty.foreach.attachs.last}, {/if}
+ {assign var=signature value=$message->getSignature()}
+ {if $signature|@count}
+ <tr class="pair">
+ <td class="hdr">{"Signature"|b}</td>
+ <td colspan="2">
+ {if $signature.verify && $signature.certified}
+ {img img=accept alt="Signature valide par une clé de confiance"|b}
+ {elseif $signature.verify}
+ {img img=error alt="Signature valide par une clé non vérifiée"|b}
+ {else}
+ {img img=exclamation alt="Signature non valide"|b}
+ {/if}
+ <strong>
+ {if $signature.verify}<span class="ok">{"Valide"|b}...</span>
+ {else}<span class="erreur">{"Non valide"|b}...</span>{/if}
+ </strong>
+ {"Message signé par la clé"|b} {$signature.key.format}:{$}
+ {if $signature.certified}
+ (<span class="ok">{"identité vérifiée"|b}</span>)
+ {else}
+ (<span class="erreur">{"non vérifiée"|b}</span> : {$signature.certification_error})
+ {/if}
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ {/if}
{assign var=alter value=$message->getAlternatives()}
{if $alter|@count}
<tr class="pair">