array('', "\n"), $this->text)), 'CEDEX')) !== false);
- $this->request = !is_null(AddressReq::get_request($this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type, $this->text));
+ $this->request = ($this->request || !is_null(AddressReq::get_request($this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type, $this->id)));
public function setId($id)
if ($this->changed == 1) {
$gmapsGeocoder = new GMapsGeocoder();
- }
- $componants = array();
- foreach ($this->components as $component) {
- $componants[] = Geocoder::getComponentId($component);
+ $componants = array();
+ foreach ($this->components as $component) {
+ $componants[] = Geocoder::getComponentId($component);
+ }
+ $this->componentsIds = implode(',', $componants);
- $this->componentsIds = implode(',', $componants);
return true;
if ($this->type == self::LINK_PROFILE) {
Phone::savePhones($this->phones, $this->pid, Phone::LINK_ADDRESS, $this->id);
+ if ($this->request) {
+ $req = new AddressReq(S::user(), $this->toFormArray(), $this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type, $this->id);
+ $req->submit();
+ }
public function updateGeocoding($text)
- $id = null;
- $texts = XDB::fetchAllAssoc('id', 'SELECT id, text
- FROM profile_addresses
- WHERE pid = {?} AND jobid = {?} AND groupid = {?} AND type = {?}',
- $this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type);
- $text = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $text);
- foreach ($texts as $key => $value) {
- if (strcmp($text, preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $value)) == 0) {
- $id = $key;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!is_null($id)) {
- XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_addresses
- SET text = {?}, postalText = {?}, types = {?}, formatted_address = {?},
- location_type = {?}, partial_match = {?}, latitude = {?}, longitude = {?},
- southwest_latitude = {?}, southwest_longitude = {?}, northeast_latitude = {?}, northeast_longitude = {?},
- geocoding_date = {?}, geocoding_calls = NOW()
- WHERE pid = {?} AND jobid = {?} AND groupid = {?} AND type = {?} AND id = {?}',
- $this->text, $this->postalText, $this->types, $this->formatted_address,
- $this->location_type, $this->partial_match, $this->latitude, $this->longitude,
- $this->southwest_latitude, $this->southwest_longitude, $this->northeast_latitude, $this->northeast_longitude,
- $this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type, $id, $this->geocoding_calls);
- XDB::execute('DELETE FROM profile_addresses_components
- WHERE pid = {?} AND jobid = {?} AND groupid = {?} AND type = {?} AND id = {?}',
- $this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type, $id);
- if ($this->componentsIds) {
- foreach (explode(',', $this->componentsIds) as $component_id) {
- XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_addresses_components (pid, jobid, groupid, type, id, component_id)
- VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})',
- $this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type, $id, $component_id);
- }
+ XDB::execute('UPDATE profile_addresses
+ SET text = {?}, postalText = {?}, types = {?}, formatted_address = {?},
+ location_type = {?}, partial_match = {?}, latitude = {?}, longitude = {?},
+ southwest_latitude = {?}, southwest_longitude = {?}, northeast_latitude = {?}, northeast_longitude = {?},
+ geocoding_date = NOW(), geocoding_calls = {?}
+ WHERE pid = {?} AND jobid = {?} AND groupid = {?} AND type = {?} AND id = {?}',
+ $this->text, $this->postalText, $this->types, $this->formatted_address,
+ $this->location_type, $this->partial_match, $this->latitude, $this->longitude,
+ $this->southwest_latitude, $this->southwest_longitude, $this->northeast_latitude, $this->northeast_longitude, $this->geocoding_calls,
+ $this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type, $this->id);
+ XDB::execute('DELETE FROM profile_addresses_components
+ WHERE pid = {?} AND jobid = {?} AND groupid = {?} AND type = {?} AND id = {?}',
+ $this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type, $this->id);
+ if ($this->componentsIds) {
+ foreach (explode(',', $this->componentsIds) as $component_id) {
+ XDB::execute('INSERT IGNORE INTO profile_addresses_components (pid, jobid, groupid, type, id, component_id)
+ VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})',
+ $this->pid, $this->jobid, $this->groupid, $this->type, $this->id, $component_id);
-function addAddress()
+function addAddress(pid)
var i = 0;
while ($('#addresses_' + i + '_cont').length != 0) {
$('#add_address').before('<div id="addresses_' + i + '_cont"></div>');
- $('#addresses_' + i + '_cont').updateHtml('profile/ajax/address/' + i,
+ $('#addresses_' + i + '_cont').updateHtml('profile/ajax/address/' + i + '/' + pid,
var text = $('#' + prefid + '_cont').find("[name*='[text]']").val();
$('#' + prefid + '_cont').find('[name*=changed]').val("1");
$.xpost('map_url/', { text:text, color:color }, function(data) {
- $('.static_map_url').find('img').attr('src', data);
+ $('#' + prefid + '_static_map_url').show();
+ $('#' + prefid + '_static_map_url').find('img').attr('src', data);
-function deleteGeocoding(prefid, hrpid)
+function deleteGeocoding(prefid)
- var confirmation = confirm(
+ if($('#' + prefid + '_geocoding_removal').find('[name*=request]:checkbox:checked').length == 0) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ return confirm(
"La localisation de l'adresse sert à deux choses : te placer dans "
+ "le planisphère et te faire apparaître dans la recherche avancée par "
+ "pays, région, département, ville... La supprimer t'en fera disparaître. "
+ "est réellement erronée. Avant de supprimer cette localisation, l'équipe de "
+ " tentera de la réparer.\n\nConfirmes-tu ta "
+ "demande de suppression de cette localisation ?");
- if (confirmation) {
- var address = $('#' + prefid).find("[name*='[text]']").val();
- $.xpost('profile/ajax/address/del/' + hrpid, { address:address });
- $('#' + prefid + '_geocoding_removal').html('Localisation en attente de validation.');
- }
// {{{1 Phones
// {{{ properties
// Address primary field that are not in its formatted array.
- public $pid;
- public $jobid;
- public $groupid;
- public $type;
+ public $key_pid;
+ public $key_jobid;
+ public $key_groupid;
+ public $key_type;
+ public $key_id;
// We need the text given by the user, and the toy version to try to improve
// the geocoding.
// }}}
// {{{ constructor
- public function __construct(User $_user, Profile $_profile, $_text, $_pid, $_jobid, $_groupid, $_type, $_stamp = 0)
+ public function __construct(User $_user, array $_address, $_pid, $_jobid, $_groupid, $_type, $_id, $_stamp = 0)
+ $_profile = Profile::get($_pid);
parent::__construct($_user, $_profile, false, 'address', $_stamp);
$this->key_pid = $_pid;
$this->key_jobid = $_jobid;
$this->key_groupid = $_groupid;
$this->key_type = $_type;
- $this->given_text = $_text;
- $address = new Address(array('changed' => 1, 'text' => $_text));
- $address->format();
- $this->address = $address->toFormArray();
+ $this->key_id = $_id;
+ $this->given_text = $_address['text'];
+ $this->address = $_address;
// }}}
public function commit()
$this->address = array_merge($this->address, array(
- 'pid' => $this->key_pid,
- 'jobid' => $this->key_jobid,
+ 'pid' => $this->key_pid,
+ 'jobid' => $this->key_jobid,
'groupid' => $this->key_groupid,
- 'type' => $this->key_type
+ 'type' => $this->key_type,
+ 'id' => $this->key_id
$this->address['text'] = ($this->modified ? $this->toy_text : $this->given_text);;
$this->address['changed'] = 0;
// }}}
// {{{ function get_request()
- static public function get_request($pid, $jobid, $groupid, $type, $address)
+ static public function get_request($pid, $jobid, $groupid, $type, $id)
$reqs = parent::get_typed_requests($pid, 'address');
foreach ($reqs as &$req) {
if ($req->key_pid == $pid && $req->key_jobid == $jobid && $req->key_groupid == $groupid
- && $req->key_type == $type && $req->address['text'] == $address) {
+ && $req->key_type == $type && $req->key_id == $id) {
return $req;
$requests = parent::get_all_typed_requests('address');
foreach ($requests as &$req) {
if ($req->key_pid == $pid && $req->key_jobid == $jobid && $req->key_groupid == $groupid && $req->key_type == $type) {
- $count = XDB::fetchOneCell('SELECT COUNT(*)
- FROM profile_addresses
- WHERE pid = {?} AND jobid = {?} AND groupid = {?}
- AND type = {?} AND text = {?}',
- $pid, $jobid, $groupid, $type, $req->address['text']);
- if ($count == 0) {
- $req->clean();
- }
+ $req->clean();
$page->assign('medal_list', $mlist);
- function handler_ajax_address($page, $id)
+ function handler_ajax_address($page, $id, $pid)
$page->changeTpl('profile/adresses.address.tpl', NO_SKIN);
$page->assign('i', $id);
$page->assign('address', array());
- }
- function handler_ajax_address_del($page, $hrpid)
- {
- if ($profile = Profile::get($hrpid)) {
- if (S::user()->canEdit($profile)) {
- $address = Post::t('address');
- if (is_null(AddressReq::get_request($profile->id(), 0, 0, Address::LINK_PROFILE, $address))) {
- $req = new AddressReq(S::user(), $profile, $address, $profile->id(), 0, 0, Address::LINK_PROFILE);
- $req->submit();
- }
- }
- }
- exit();
+ $page->assign('profile', Profile::get($pid));
+ $page->assign('isMe', true);
+ $page->assign('geocoding_removal', true);
function handler_ajax_tel($page, $prefid, $prefname, $telid, $subField, $mainField, $mainId)
Phone::deletePhones($page->pid(), Phone::LINK_ADDRESS, null, $deletePrivate);
Address::deleteAddresses($page->pid(), Address::LINK_PROFILE, null, null, $deletePrivate);
- Address::saveFromArray($value, $page->pid(), Address::LINK_PROFILE, null, $deletePrivate);
AddressReq::purge_requests($page->pid(), 0, 0, Address::LINK_PROFILE);
+ Address::saveFromArray($value, $page->pid(), Address::LINK_PROFILE, null, $deletePrivate);
if (S::user()->isMe($page->owner) && count($value) > 1) {
Platal::page()->trigWarning('Attention, tu as plusieurs adresses sur ton profil. Pense à supprimer celles qui sont obsolètes.');
- <div class="static_map_url" {if !t($address.latitude)}style="display: none"{/if}>
+ <div id="{$prefid}_static_map_url" {if !t($address.latitude)}style="display: none"{/if}>
<img src="{insert name="getStaticMapURL" latitude=$address.latitude longitude=$address.longitude color=$profile->promoColor()}" alt="Position de l'adresse" />
{if t($geocoding_removal)}
<br />
<small id="{$prefid}_geocoding_removal">
{if !t($address.request)}
- <a href="javascript:deleteGeocoding('{$prefid}', '{$hrpid}')">{icon name=cross title="Adresse mal localisée"} Signaler que le repère est mal placé</a>
+ <label><input type="checkbox" name="{$prefname}[request]" onclick="return deleteGeocoding('{$prefid}')" /> Signaler que le repère est mal placé</label>
Localisation en attente de validation.
+ <input type="hidden" name="{$prefname}[request]" value="{$address.request}" />
<tr {if $hiddenaddr}style="display: none"{/if}>
{if !$isMe}
- <small><strong>Adress postale :</strong><br />{$address.postalText|nl2br}</small>
+ <small><strong>Adresse postale :</strong><br />{$address.postalText|nl2br}</small>
<div id="add_address" class="center">
- <a href="javascript:addAddress()">
+ <a href="javascript:addAddress({$profile->id()})">
{icon name=add title="Ajouter une adresse"} Ajouter une adresse