* Marketing:
- Switch to the new URI scheme. -MC
+ * Payment:
+ - Switch to the new URI scheme. -MC
* Platal:
- Create module. -MC
global $globals;
if ($globals->money->mpay_enable) {
- $globals->menu->addPrivateEntry(XOM_SERVICES, 30, 'Télépaiements', 'paiement/');
+ $globals->menu->addPrivateEntry(XOM_SERVICES, 30, 'Télépaiements', 'payment');
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Polytechnique.org *
- * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
- * Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
- ***************************************************************************/
-/* sort en affichant une erreur */
-function erreur($text) {
- $mymail = new HermesMailer();
- $mymail->addTo("telepaiement@polytechnique.org");
- $mymail->setFrom("webmaster@polytechnique.org");
- $mymail->setSubject("erreur lors d'un télépaiement (CyberPaiement)");
- $mymail->setTxtBody("\n\n".var_export($_REQUEST,true));
- $mymail->send();
- exit;
-/* http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formule_de_Luhn */
-function luhn($nombre) {
- $s = strrev($nombre);
- $sum = 0;
- for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); $i++) {
- $dgt = $s{$i};
- $sum += ($i % 2) ? (2*$dgt) % 9 : $dgt;
- }
- return $sum % 10;
-/* calcule la clé d'acceptation a partir de 5 champs */
-function cle_accept($d1,$d2,$d3,$d4,$d5)
- $m1 = luhn($d1.$d5);
- $m2 = luhn($d2.$d5);
- $m3 = luhn($d3.$d5);
- $m4 = luhn($d4.$d5);
- $n = $m1 + $m2 + $m3 + $m4;
- return $alpha{$n-1}.$m1.$m2.$m3.$m4;
-/* user id */
-$uid = clean_request('uid');
-/* reference banque (numero de transaction) */
-$champ901 = clean_request('CHAMP901');
-/* cle d'acceptation */
-$champ905 = clean_request('CHAMP905');
-/* code retour */
-$champ906 = clean_request('CHAMP906');
-/* email renvoye par la banque */
-$champ104 = clean_request('CHAMP104');
-/* reference complete de la commande */
-$champ200 = clean_request('CHAMP200');
-/* montant de la transaction */
-$champ201 = clean_request('CHAMP201');
-/* devise */
-$champ202 = clean_request('CHAMP202');
-$montant = "$champ201 $champ202";
-/* on extrait les informations sur l'utilisateur */
-$res = $globals->xdb->query("
- SELECT a.prenom,a.nom,a.promo,l.alias,FIND_IN_SET(a.flags,'femme')
- FROM auth_user_md5 AS a
-INNER JOIN aliases AS l ON (a.user_id=l.id AND type!='homonyme')
- WHERE a.user_id={?}", $uid);
-if (!list($prenom,$nom,$promo,$forlife,$femme) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
- erreur("uid invalide");
-/* on extrait la reference de la commande */
-if (!ereg('-xorg-([0-9]+)$',$champ200,$matches)) {
- erreur("référence de commande invalide");
-echo ($ref = $matches[1]);
-$res = $globals->xdb->query("SELECT mail,text,confirmation FROM paiement.paiements WHERE id={?}", $ref);
-if (!list($conf_mail,$conf_title,$conf_text) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
- erreur("référence de commande inconnue");
-/* on extrait le code de retour */
-if ($champ906 != "0000") {
- $res = $globals->xdb->query("SELECT rcb.text,c.id,c.text
- FROM paiement.codeRCB AS rcb
- LEFT JOIN paiement.codeC AS c ON rcb.codeC=c.id
- WHERE rcb.id='$champ906'");
- if (list($rcb_text, $c_id, $c_text) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
- erreur("erreur lors du paiement : $c_text ($c_id)");
- } else{
- erreur("erreur inconnue lors du paiement");
- }
-/* on fait l'insertion en base de donnees */
-$globals->xdb->execute("INSERT INTO paiement.transactions (id,uid,ref,fullref,montant,cle)
- VALUES ({?},{?},{?},{?},{?},{?})",
- $champ901, $uid, $ref, $champ200, $montant, $champ905);
-/* on genere le mail de confirmation */
-$conf_text = str_replace("<prenom>",$prenom,$conf_text);
-$conf_text = str_replace("<nom>",$nom,$conf_text);
-$conf_text = str_replace("<promo>",$promo,$conf_text);
-$conf_text = str_replace("<montant>",$montant,$conf_text);
-$conf_text = str_replace("<salutation>",$femme ? "Chère" : "Cher",$conf_text);
-$conf_text = str_replace("<cher>",$femme ? "Chère" : "Cher",$conf_text);
-$mymail = new HermesMailer();
-$mymail->addTo("\"$prenom $nom\" <$forlife@polytechnique.org>");
-/* on envoie les details de la transaction à telepaiement@ */
-$mymail = new HermesMailer();
-$msg = "utilisateur : $prenom $nom ($uid)\n".
- "mail : $forlife@polytechnique.org\n\n".
- "paiement : $conf_title ($conf_mail)\n".
- "reference : $champ200\n".
- "montant : $montant\n\n".
- "dump de REQUEST:\n".
- var_export($_REQUEST,true);
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Polytechnique.org *
- * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
- * Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
- ***************************************************************************/
-new_skinned_page('paiement/index.tpl', AUTH_MDP);
-$page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Télépaiements');
-// initialisation
-$op = Env::get('op', 'select');
-$meth = new PayMethod(Env::getInt('methode', -1));
-$pay = new Payment(Env::getInt('ref', -1));
- $page->trig("La transaction selectionnée est périmée.");
- $pay = new Payment();
-$val = (Env::has('montant') && Env::get('montant')!=0) ? Env::get('montant') : $pay->montant_def;
-if (($e = $pay->check($val)) !== true) {
- $page->trig($e);
-if ($op=='submit') {
- $pay->init($val, $meth);
- $pay->prepareform($pay);
-} else {
- $res = $globals->xdb->iterator("SELECT timestamp, montant FROM paiement.transactions WHERE uid = {?} AND ref = {?} ORDER BY timestamp DESC", Session::getInt('uid', -1), Env::getInt('ref', -1));
- if ($res->total()) $page->assign('transactions', $res);
-$val = floor($val).".".substr(floor(($val - floor($val))*100+100),1);
-$page->assign('meth', $meth);
-$page->assign('pay', $pay);
-$page->assign('evtlink', $pay->event());
+++ /dev/null
- * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Polytechnique.org *
- * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
- * *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
- * (at your option) any later version. *
- * *
- * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
- * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
- * GNU General Public License for more details. *
- * *
- * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
- * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
- * Foundation, Inc., *
- * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
- ***************************************************************************/
-new_skinned_page('paiement/retour_paypal.tpl', AUTH_MDP);
-/* sort en affichant une erreur */
-function erreur($text, $send=true) {
- global $page, $erreur;
- if ($erreur) return;
- $erreur = $text;
- if (!$send) return;
- $mymail = new HermesMailer();
- $mymail->addTo("telepaiement@polytechnique.org");
- $mymail->setFrom("webmaster@polytechnique.org");
- $mymail->setSubject("erreur lors d'un télépaiement (PayPal)");
- $mymail->setTxtBody("\n\n".var_export($_REQUEST,true));
- $mymail->send();
- $page->trig($text);
-/* user id */
-$uid = clean_request('uid');
-/* reference banque (numero de transaction) */
-$no_transaction = clean_request('tx');
-/* token a renvoyer pour avoir plus d'information */
-$clef = clean_request('sig');
-/* code retour */
-$status = clean_request('st');
-/* raison */
-$reason = ($status == 'Pending')?clean_request('pending_reason'):clean_request('reason_code');
-/* reference complete de la commande */
-$fullref = clean_request('cm');
-/* montant de la transaction */
-$montant_nb = clean_request('amt');
-/* devise */
-$montant_dev = clean_request('cc');
-$montant = "$montant_nb $montant_dev";
-/* on extrait le code de retour */
-if ($status != "Completed") {
- if ($status)
- erreur("erreur lors du paiement : $status - $reason");
- else
- erreur("Paiement annulé", false);
-/* on extrait les informations sur l'utilisateur */
-$res = $globals->xdb->query("
- SELECT a.prenom,a.nom,a.promo,l.alias,FIND_IN_SET(a.flags,'femme')
- FROM auth_user_md5 AS a
-INNER JOIN aliases AS l ON (a.user_id=l.id AND type!='homonyme')
- WHERE a.user_id={?}", $uid);
-if (!list($prenom,$nom,$promo,$forlife,$femme) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
- erreur("uid invalide");
-/* on extrait la reference de la commande */
-if (!ereg('-xorg-([0-9]+)$',$fullref,$matches)) {
- erreur("référence de commande invalide");
-$ref = $matches[1];
-$res = $globals->xdb->query("SELECT mail,text,confirmation FROM paiement.paiements WHERE id={?}", $ref);
-if (!list($conf_mail,$conf_title,$conf_text) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
- erreur("référence de commande inconnue");
-/* on fait l'insertion en base de donnees */
-$globals->xdb->execute("INSERT INTO paiement.transactions (id,uid,ref,fullref,montant,cle)
- VALUES ({?},{?},{?},{?},{?},{?})",
- $no_transaction, $uid, $ref, $fullref, $montant, $clef);
-/* on genere le mail de confirmation */
-$conf_text = str_replace("<prenom>",$prenom,$conf_text);
-$conf_text = str_replace("<nom>",$nom,$conf_text);
-$conf_text = str_replace("<promo>",$promo,$conf_text);
-$conf_text = str_replace("<montant>",$montant,$conf_text);
-$conf_text = str_replace("<salutation>",$femme ? "Chère" : "Cher",$conf_text);
-$conf_text = str_replace("<cher>",$femme ? "Chère" : "Cher",$conf_text);
-$mymail = new HermesMailer();
-$mymail->addTo("\"$prenom $nom\" <$forlife@polytechnique.org>");
-/* on envoie les details de la transaction à telepaiement@ */
-$mymail = new HermesMailer();
-$msg = "utilisateur : $prenom $nom ($uid)\n".
- "mail : $forlife@polytechnique.org\n\n".
- "paiement : $conf_title ($conf_mail)\n".
- "reference : $no_transaction\n".
- "montant : $montant\n\n".
- "dump de REQUEST:\n".
- var_export($_REQUEST,true);
-$page->assign('texte', $conf_text);
-$page->assign('erreur', $erreur);
global $globals;
$roboturl = str_replace("https://","http://",$globals->baseurl)
- ."/paiement/cyberpaiement_retour.php?uid="
- .Session::getInt('uid')
+ ."/payment/cyber_return/".Session::getInt('uid')."?CHAMPBPX";
if (Cookie::has(session_name())) {
$returnurl .= "?".SID;
$name = $req->fetchOneCell();
$roboturl = str_replace("https://","http://",$globals->baseurl)
- ."/paiement/paypal_retour.php?uid="
- .Session::getInt('uid');
+ ."/payment/paypal_return/".Session::getInt('uid');
$this->infos = Array();
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Polytechnique.org *
+ * http://opensource.polytechnique.org/ *
+ * *
+ * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify *
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by *
+ * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or *
+ * (at your option) any later version. *
+ * *
+ * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, *
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of *
+ * GNU General Public License for more details. *
+ * *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License *
+ * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software *
+ * Foundation, Inc., *
+ * 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+/* sort en affichant une erreur */
+function cb_erreur($text) {
+ $mymail = new HermesMailer();
+ $mymail->addTo("telepaiement@polytechnique.org");
+ $mymail->setFrom("webmaster@polytechnique.org");
+ $mymail->setSubject("erreur lors d'un télépaiement (CyberPaiement)");
+ $mymail->setTxtBody("\n\n".var_export($_REQUEST,true));
+ $mymail->send();
+ exit;
+/* sort en affichant une erreur */
+function paypal_erreur($text, $send=true) {
+ global $page, $erreur;
+ if ($erreur) return;
+ $erreur = $text;
+ if (!$send) return;
+ $mymail = new HermesMailer();
+ $mymail->addTo("telepaiement@polytechnique.org");
+ $mymail->setFrom("webmaster@polytechnique.org");
+ $mymail->setSubject("erreur lors d'un télépaiement (PayPal)");
+ $mymail->setTxtBody("\n\n".var_export($_REQUEST,true));
+ $mymail->send();
+ $page->trig($text);
+/* http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Formule_de_Luhn */
+function luhn($nombre) {
+ $s = strrev($nombre);
+ $sum = 0;
+ for ($i = 0; $i < strlen($s); $i++) {
+ $dgt = $s{$i};
+ $sum += ($i % 2) ? (2*$dgt) % 9 : $dgt;
+ }
+ return $sum % 10;
+/* calcule la clé d'acceptation a partir de 5 champs */
+function cle_accept($d1,$d2,$d3,$d4,$d5)
+ $m1 = luhn($d1.$d5);
+ $m2 = luhn($d2.$d5);
+ $m3 = luhn($d3.$d5);
+ $m4 = luhn($d4.$d5);
+ $n = $m1 + $m2 + $m3 + $m4;
+ return $alpha{$n-1}.$m1.$m2.$m3.$m4;
+class PaymentModule extends PLModule
+ function handlers()
+ {
+ return array(
+ 'payment' => $this->make_hook('payment', AUTH_MDP),
+ 'payment/cyber_return' => $this->make_hook('cyber_return', AUTH_PUB),
+ 'payment/paypal_return' => $this->make_hook('paypal_return', AUTH_PUB),
+ );
+ }
+ function handler_payment(&$page, $ref = -1)
+ {
+ global $globals;
+ require_once 'profil.func.inc.php' ;
+ require_once 'money.inc.php' ;
+ $page->changeTpl('payment/index.tpl');
+ $page->assign('xorg_title','Polytechnique.org - Télépaiements');
+ // initialisation
+ $op = Env::get('op', 'select');
+ $meth = new PayMethod(Env::getInt('methode', -1));
+ $pay = new Payment($ref);
+ if($pay->flags->hasflag('old')){
+ $page->trig("La transaction selectionnée est périmée.");
+ $pay = new Payment();
+ }
+ $val = Env::get('montant') != 0 ? Env::get('montant') : $pay->montant_def;
+ if (($e = $pay->check($val)) !== true) {
+ $page->trig($e);
+ }
+ if ($op=='submit') {
+ $pay->init($val, $meth);
+ $pay->prepareform($pay);
+ } else {
+ $res = $globals->xdb->iterator("SELECT timestamp, montant
+ FROM paiement.transactions
+ WHERE uid = {?} AND ref = {?}
+ ORDER BY timestamp DESC",
+ Session::getInt('uid', -1), $ref);
+ if ($res->total()) $page->assign('transactions', $res);
+ }
+ $val = floor($val).".".substr(floor(($val - floor($val))*100+100),1);
+ $page->assign('montant',$val);
+ $page->assign('meth', $meth);
+ $page->assign('pay', $pay);
+ $page->assign('evtlink', $pay->event());
+ $page->assign('prefix',$globals->money->mpay_tprefix);
+ return PL_OK;
+ }
+ function handler_cyber_return(&$page, $uid = null)
+ {
+ require_once 'diogenes/diogenes.hermes.inc.php';
+ /* reference banque (numero de transaction) */
+ $champ901 = clean_request('CHAMP901');
+ /* cle d'acceptation */
+ $champ905 = clean_request('CHAMP905');
+ /* code retour */
+ $champ906 = clean_request('CHAMP906');
+ /* email renvoye par la banque */
+ $champ104 = clean_request('CHAMP104');
+ /* reference complete de la commande */
+ $champ200 = clean_request('CHAMP200');
+ /* montant de la transaction */
+ $champ201 = clean_request('CHAMP201');
+ /* devise */
+ $champ202 = clean_request('CHAMP202');
+ $montant = "$champ201 $champ202";
+ /* on extrait les informations sur l'utilisateur */
+ $res = $globals->xdb->query("
+ SELECT a.prenom,a.nom,a.promo,l.alias,FIND_IN_SET(a.flags,'femme')
+ FROM auth_user_md5 AS a
+ INNER JOIN aliases AS l ON (a.user_id=l.id AND type!='homonyme')
+ WHERE a.user_id={?}", $uid);
+ if (!list($prenom,$nom,$promo,$forlife,$femme) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
+ cb_erreur("uid invalide");
+ }
+ /* on extrait la reference de la commande */
+ if (!ereg('-xorg-([0-9]+)$',$champ200,$matches)) {
+ cb_erreur("référence de commande invalide");
+ }
+ echo ($ref = $matches[1]);
+ $res = $globals->xdb->query("SELECT mail,text,confirmation
+ FROM paiement.paiements WHERE id={?}", $ref);
+ if (!list($conf_mail,$conf_title,$conf_text) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
+ cb_erreur("référence de commande inconnue");
+ }
+ /* on extrait le code de retour */
+ if ($champ906 != "0000") {
+ $res = $globals->xdb->query("SELECT rcb.text,c.id,c.text
+ FROM paiement.codeRCB AS rcb
+ LEFT JOIN paiement.codeC AS c ON rcb.codeC=c.id
+ WHERE rcb.id='$champ906'");
+ if (list($rcb_text, $c_id, $c_text) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
+ cb_erreur("erreur lors du paiement : $c_text ($c_id)");
+ } else{
+ cb_erreur("erreur inconnue lors du paiement");
+ }
+ }
+ /* on fait l'insertion en base de donnees */
+ $globals->xdb->execute("INSERT INTO paiement.transactions (id,uid,ref,fullref,montant,cle)
+ VALUES ({?},{?},{?},{?},{?},{?})",
+ $champ901, $uid, $ref, $champ200, $montant, $champ905);
+ /* on genere le mail de confirmation */
+ $conf_text = str_replace("<prenom>",$prenom,$conf_text);
+ $conf_text = str_replace("<nom>",$nom,$conf_text);
+ $conf_text = str_replace("<promo>",$promo,$conf_text);
+ $conf_text = str_replace("<montant>",$montant,$conf_text);
+ $conf_text = str_replace("<salutation>",$femme ? "Chère" : "Cher",$conf_text);
+ $conf_text = str_replace("<cher>",$femme ? "Chère" : "Cher",$conf_text);
+ $mymail = new HermesMailer();
+ $mymail->setFrom($conf_mail);
+ $mymail->addTo("\"$prenom $nom\" <$forlife@polytechnique.org>");
+ $mymail->addCc($conf_mail);
+ $mymail->setSubject($conf_title);
+ $mymail->setTxtBody($conf_text);
+ $mymail->send();
+ /* on envoie les details de la transaction à telepaiement@ */
+ $mymail = new HermesMailer();
+ $mymail->setFrom("webmaster@polytechnique.org");
+ $mymail->addTo("telepaiement@polytechnique.org");
+ $mymail->setSubject($conf_title);
+ $msg = "utilisateur : $prenom $nom ($uid)\n".
+ "mail : $forlife@polytechnique.org\n\n".
+ "paiement : $conf_title ($conf_mail)\n".
+ "reference : $champ200\n".
+ "montant : $montant\n\n".
+ "dump de REQUEST:\n".
+ var_export($_REQUEST,true);
+ $mymail->setTxtBody($msg);
+ $mymail->send();
+ exit;
+ }
+ function handler_paypal_return(&$page, $uid = null)
+ {
+ global $globals;
+ $page->changeTpl('payment/retour_paypal.tpl');
+ require_once 'diogenes/diogenes.hermes.inc.php';
+ /* reference banque (numero de transaction) */
+ $no_transaction = clean_request('tx');
+ /* token a renvoyer pour avoir plus d'information */
+ $clef = clean_request('sig');
+ /* code retour */
+ $status = clean_request('st');
+ /* raison */
+ $reason = ($status == 'Pending')?clean_request('pending_reason'):clean_request('reason_code');
+ /* reference complete de la commande */
+ $fullref = clean_request('cm');
+ /* montant de la transaction */
+ $montant_nb = clean_request('amt');
+ /* devise */
+ $montant_dev = clean_request('cc');
+ $montant = "$montant_nb $montant_dev";
+ /* on extrait le code de retour */
+ if ($status != "Completed") {
+ if ($status)
+ paypal_erreur("erreur lors du paiement : $status - $reason");
+ else
+ paypal_erreur("Paiement annulé", false);
+ }
+ /* on extrait les informations sur l'utilisateur */
+ $res = $globals->xdb->query("
+ SELECT a.prenom,a.nom,a.promo,l.alias,FIND_IN_SET(a.flags,'femme')
+ FROM auth_user_md5 AS a
+ INNER JOIN aliases AS l ON (a.user_id=l.id AND type!='homonyme')
+ WHERE a.user_id={?}", $uid);
+ if (!list($prenom,$nom,$promo,$forlife,$femme) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
+ paypal_erreur("uid invalide");
+ }
+ /* on extrait la reference de la commande */
+ if (!ereg('-xorg-([0-9]+)$',$fullref,$matches)) {
+ paypal_erreur("référence de commande invalide");
+ }
+ $ref = $matches[1];
+ $res = $globals->xdb->query("SELECT mail,text,confirmation
+ FROM paiement.paiements WHERE id={?}", $ref);
+ if (!list($conf_mail,$conf_title,$conf_text) = $res->fetchOneRow()) {
+ paypal_erreur("référence de commande inconnue");
+ }
+ /* on fait l'insertion en base de donnees */
+ $globals->xdb->execute("INSERT INTO paiement.transactions (id,uid,ref,fullref,montant,cle)
+ VALUES ({?},{?},{?},{?},{?},{?})",
+ $no_transaction, $uid, $ref, $fullref, $montant, $clef);
+ /* on genere le mail de confirmation */
+ $conf_text = str_replace("<prenom>",$prenom,$conf_text);
+ $conf_text = str_replace("<nom>",$nom,$conf_text);
+ $conf_text = str_replace("<promo>",$promo,$conf_text);
+ $conf_text = str_replace("<montant>",$montant,$conf_text);
+ $conf_text = str_replace("<salutation>",$femme ? "Chère" : "Cher",$conf_text);
+ $conf_text = str_replace("<cher>",$femme ? "Chère" : "Cher",$conf_text);
+ $mymail = new HermesMailer();
+ $mymail->setFrom($conf_mail);
+ $mymail->addTo("\"$prenom $nom\" <$forlife@polytechnique.org>");
+ $mymail->addCc($conf_mail);
+ $mymail->setSubject($conf_title);
+ $mymail->setTxtBody($conf_text);
+ $mymail->send();
+ /* on envoie les details de la transaction à telepaiement@ */
+ $mymail = new HermesMailer();
+ $mymail->setFrom("webmaster@polytechnique.org");
+ $mymail->addTo("telepaiement@polytechnique.org");
+ $mymail->setSubject($conf_title);
+ $msg = "utilisateur : $prenom $nom ($uid)\n".
+ "mail : $forlife@polytechnique.org\n\n".
+ "paiement : $conf_title ($conf_mail)\n".
+ "reference : $no_transaction\n".
+ "montant : $montant\n\n".
+ "dump de REQUEST:\n".
+ var_export($_REQUEST,true);
+ $mymail->setTxtBody($msg);
+ $mymail->send();
+ $page->assign('texte', $conf_text);
+ $page->assign('erreur', $erreur);
+ return PL_OK;
+ }
$page->assign('prefs', $globals->hook->prefs());
+ return PL_OK;
-<form method="post" action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}">
+<script type='text/javascript'>
+function payment_submit(form)
+ form.op.value = 'select';
+ form.montant.value = 0;
+ form.action = form.action + '/' + form.ref.value;
+ form.submit();
+<form method="post" action="{rel}/payment">
<p> Si tu ne souhaites pas utiliser notre interface de
télépaiement, tu peux virer directement la somme de ton choix sur notre compte
30004 00314 00010016782 60. Nous veillerons à ce que ton paiement parvienne à
- <select name="ref" onchange="this.form.op.value='select'; this.form.montant.value=0; this.form.submit();">
+ <select name="ref" onchange="payment_submit(this.form)">
{select_db_table table="`$prefix`paiements" valeur=$pay->id where=" WHERE FIND_IN_SET('old',flags)=0"}
{if $pay->url}
<select name="methode">
- {select_db_table table="paiement.methodes" valeur=$methode}
+ {select_db_table table="paiement.methodes" valeur=$smarty.request.methode}
-<p>[<a href='index.php'>retour aux Télépaiements</a>]</p>
+<p>[<a href='{rel}/payment'>retour aux Télépaiements</a>]</p>
{* vim:set et sw=2 sts=2 sws=2: *}
<td colspan="2" {if $montant > $e.paid}class="erreur"{/if}>
Tu dois payer {$montant|replace:'.':','} €{if $e.paid > 0}, et tu as déjà payé {$e.paid|replace:'.':','} €{/if}.
{if $e.paiement_id && $montant > $e.paid}
- [<a href="https://www.polytechnique.org/paiement/?ref={$e.paiement_id}&montant={math equation="x - y" x=$montant y=$e.paid}">Payer en ligne</a>]
+ [<a href="https://www.polytechnique.org/payment/{$e.paiement_id}?montant={math equation="x - y" x=$montant y=$e.paid}">Payer en ligne</a>]
<hr />
-<a href="https://www.polytechnique.org/paiement/?ref={$p.id}">{$p.text}</a>
+<a href="https://www.polytechnique.org/payment/{$p.id}">{$p.text}</a>
{if $trans[$p.id]}