* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
- * MISC
- */
+var is_netscape = (navigator.appName.substring(0,8) == "Netscape");
+var is_IE = (navigator.appName.substring(0,9) == "Microsoft");
// {{{ function getNow()
- * function used to print the client's computer datetime on the page
- */
function getNow() {
- dt=new Date();
- dy=dt.getDay();
- mh=dt.getMonth();
- wd=dt.getDate();
- yr=dt.getYear();
+ dt = new Date();
+ dy = dt.getDay();
+ mh = dt.getMonth();
+ wd = dt.getDate();
+ yr = dt.getYear();
if (yr<1000) yr += 1900;
- hr=dt.getHours();
- mi=dt.getMinutes();
- if (mi<10)
- time=hr+":0"+mi;
- else
- time=hr+":"+mi;
- days=new Array ("Dimanche","Lundi","Mardi","Mercredi","Jeudi","Vendredi","Samedi");
- months=new Array ("janvier","février","mars","avril","mai","juin","juillet","août","septembre","octobre","novembre","décembre");
- return days[dy]+" "+wd+" "+months[mh]+" "+yr+"<br />"+time;
+ hr = dt.getHours();
+ mi = dt.getMinutes();
+ time = (mi < 10) ? hr +':0'+mi : hr+':'+mi;
+ days = ['Dimanche', 'Lundi', 'Mardi', 'Mercredi', 'Jeudi', 'Vendredi', 'Samedi'];
+ months = ['janvier', 'février', 'mars', 'avril', 'mai', 'juin', 'juillet',
+ 'août', 'septembre', 'octobre', 'novembre', 'décembre']
+ return days[dy]+' '+wd+' '+months[mh]+' '+yr+'<br />'+time;
+// }}}
+// {{{ Events
+function eventClosure(obj, methodName) {
+ return (function(e) {
+ e = e || window.event;
+ return obj[methodName](e);
+ });
+function attachEvent(obj, evt, f, useCapture) {
+ if (!useCapture) useCapture = false;
+ if (obj.addEventListener) {
+ obj.addEventListener(evt, f, useCapture);
+ return true;
+ } else if (obj.attachEvent) {
+ return obj.attachEvent("on"+evt, f);
+ }
// }}}
// {{{ function popWin()
- * function that pops an anchor
- *
- * @param theNode anchor the anchor we are talking about
- * @param w int the desired width for the popup
- * @param h int the desired height for the popup
- */
function popWin(theNode,w,h) {
window.open(theNode.href, '_blank',
// }}}
// {{{ function auto_links()
- * parses an html file, and update the onclik handlers for anchors that need it.
- *
- * anchors :
- * - that points to another host are opened in a new window (mimic the target=_new)
- * - of class popup(2) or popup_###x### create real popups (no url bar, ...)
- * This function is designed to be used in <body onload="javascript:auto_links()">
- */
function auto_links() {
nodes = document.getElementsByTagName('a');
fqdn = document.URL;
// {{{ function pa_onload
-function pa_onload() {
- auto_links();
+attachEvent(document, 'load', auto_links);
// }}}