* Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
- $Id: mescontacts.php,v 1.20 2004-10-29 01:24:20 x2000habouzit Exp $
+ $Id: mescontacts.php,v 1.21 2004-10-29 02:04:23 x2000habouzit Exp $
-if(isset($_GET['trombi'])) {
- require_once('trombi.inc.php');
- function getList($offset,$limit) {
- global $globals;
- $res = $globals->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contacts WHERE uid = {$_SESSION['uid']}");
- list($total) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
- mysql_free_result($res);
- $res = $globals->db->query("
- SELECT u.prenom, IF(u.epouse='',u.nom,u.epouse) AS nom, a.alias AS forlife, u.promo
- FROM contacts AS c
- INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON (u.user_id = c.contact)
- INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (u.user_id = a.id AND a.type='a_vie')
- WHERE c.uid = {$_SESSION['uid']}
- ORDER BY nom
- LIMIT ".$offset*$limit.",$limit");
- $list = Array();
- while($tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) $list[] = $tmp;
- mysql_free_result($res);
- return Array($total, $list);
- }
- $trombi = new Trombi('getList');
- $trombi->setNbRows(4);
- $page->assign_by_ref('trombi',$trombi);
- $page->run();
// si l'utilisateur demande le retrait de qqun de sa liste
if (isset($_REQUEST['action'])) {
if($_REQUEST['action']=='retirer') {
-$sql = "SELECT contact AS id,
- a.*, l.alias AS forlife,
- i.deces != 0 AS dcd, i.deces, i.matricule_ax, FIND_IN_SET('femme', i.flags) AS sexe,
- e.entreprise, es.label AS secteur, ef.fonction_fr AS fonction,
- IF(n.nat='',n.pays,n.nat) AS nat, n.a2 AS iso3166,
- ad0.text AS app0text, ad0.url AS app0url, ai0.type AS app0type,
- ad1.text AS app1text, ad1.url AS app1url, ai1.type AS app1type,
- adr.ville, gp.a2, gp.pays, gr.name AS region,
- IF(a.epouse<>'',a.epouse,a.nom) AS sortkey
- FROM contacts AS c
- INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS a ON (a.user_id = c.contact)
- INNER JOIN identification AS i ON (a.matricule = i.matricule)
- INNER JOIN aliases AS l ON (a.user_id = l.id AND l.type='a_vie')
- LEFT JOIN entreprises AS e ON (e.entrid = 0 AND e.uid = a.user_id)
- LEFT JOIN emploi_secteur AS es ON (e.secteur = es.id)
- LEFT JOIN fonctions_def AS ef ON (e.fonction = ef.id)
- LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS n ON (a.nationalite = n.a2)
- LEFT JOIN applis_ins AS ai0 ON (a.user_id = ai0.uid AND ai0.ordre = 0)
- LEFT JOIN applis_def AS ad0 ON (ad0.id = ai0.aid)
- LEFT JOIN applis_ins AS ai1 ON (a.user_id = ai1.uid AND ai1.ordre = 1)
- LEFT JOIN applis_def AS ad1 ON (ad1.id = ai1.aid)
- LEFT JOIN adresses AS adr ON (a.user_id = adr.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('active', adr.statut))
- LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp ON (adr.pays = gp.a2)
- LEFT JOIN geoloc_region AS gr ON (adr.pays = gr.a2 AND adr.region = gr.region)
- WHERE c.uid = {$_SESSION['uid']}
- ORDER BY sortkey, a.prenom";
+if(isset($_GET['trombi'])) {
+ require_once('trombi.inc.php');
+ function getList($offset,$limit) {
+ global $globals;
+ $res = $globals->db->query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM contacts WHERE uid = {$_SESSION['uid']}");
+ list($total) = mysql_fetch_row($res);
+ mysql_free_result($res);
+ $res = $globals->db->query("
+ SELECT u.prenom, IF(u.epouse='',u.nom,u.epouse) AS nom, a.alias AS forlife, u.promo
+ FROM contacts AS c
+ INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS u ON (u.user_id = c.contact)
+ INNER JOIN aliases AS a ON (u.user_id = a.id AND a.type='a_vie')
+ WHERE c.uid = {$_SESSION['uid']}
+ ORDER BY nom
+ LIMIT ".$offset*$limit.",$limit");
+ $list = Array();
+ while($tmp = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) $list[] = $tmp;
+ mysql_free_result($res);
+ return Array($total, $list);
+ }
+ $trombi = new Trombi('getList');
+ $trombi->setNbRows(4);
+ $page->assign_by_ref('trombi',$trombi);
+} else {
+ $sql = "SELECT contact AS id,
+ a.*, l.alias AS forlife,
+ i.deces != 0 AS dcd, i.deces, i.matricule_ax, FIND_IN_SET('femme', i.flags) AS sexe,
+ e.entreprise, es.label AS secteur, ef.fonction_fr AS fonction,
+ IF(n.nat='',n.pays,n.nat) AS nat, n.a2 AS iso3166,
+ ad0.text AS app0text, ad0.url AS app0url, ai0.type AS app0type,
+ ad1.text AS app1text, ad1.url AS app1url, ai1.type AS app1type,
+ adr.ville, gp.a2, gp.pays, gr.name AS region,
+ IF(a.epouse<>'',a.epouse,a.nom) AS sortkey
+ FROM contacts AS c
+ INNER JOIN auth_user_md5 AS a ON (a.user_id = c.contact)
+ INNER JOIN identification AS i ON (a.matricule = i.matricule)
+ INNER JOIN aliases AS l ON (a.user_id = l.id AND l.type='a_vie')
+ LEFT JOIN entreprises AS e ON (e.entrid = 0 AND e.uid = a.user_id)
+ LEFT JOIN emploi_secteur AS es ON (e.secteur = es.id)
+ LEFT JOIN fonctions_def AS ef ON (e.fonction = ef.id)
+ LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS n ON (a.nationalite = n.a2)
+ LEFT JOIN applis_ins AS ai0 ON (a.user_id = ai0.uid AND ai0.ordre = 0)
+ LEFT JOIN applis_def AS ad0 ON (ad0.id = ai0.aid)
+ LEFT JOIN applis_ins AS ai1 ON (a.user_id = ai1.uid AND ai1.ordre = 1)
+ LEFT JOIN applis_def AS ad1 ON (ad1.id = ai1.aid)
+ LEFT JOIN adresses AS adr ON (a.user_id = adr.uid AND FIND_IN_SET('active', adr.statut))
+ LEFT JOIN geoloc_pays AS gp ON (adr.pays = gp.a2)
+ LEFT JOIN geoloc_region AS gr ON (adr.pays = gr.a2 AND adr.region = gr.region)
+ WHERE c.uid = {$_SESSION['uid']}
+ ORDER BY sortkey, a.prenom";
+ $page->mysql_assign($sql,'contacts','nb_contacts');
* Foundation, Inc., *
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA *
- $Id: mescontacts.tpl,v 1.11 2004-10-28 20:28:42 x2000habouzit Exp $
+ $Id: mescontacts.tpl,v 1.12 2004-10-29 02:04:23 x2000habouzit Exp $
<p class="erreur">{$erreur}</p>
-{if $trombi}
- Mon trombino de contacts
-[<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}">vue classique</a>]
Ma liste personnelle de contacts
-<form action="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}" method="post">
+<form action="{$smarty.server.REQUEST_URI}" method="post">
Ajouter la personne suivante à ma liste de contacts (prenom.nom) :
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="ajouter" />
il te suffit de cliquer sur l'icône <img src="images/ajouter.gif" alt="ajout contact" /> en face de son nom dans les résultats !
-{if $nb_contacts}
+{if $nb_contacts || $trombi}
Pour récupérer ta liste de contacts dans un PDF imprimable :<br />
[<a href="mescontacts_pdf.php/mes_contacts.pdf?order=promo" onclick="return popup(this)"><strong>Triée par promo</strong></a>]
[<a href="mescontacts_pdf.php/mes_contacts.pdf" onclick="return popup(this)"><strong>Triée par noms</strong></a>]
+{if $trombi}
+ Mon trombino de contacts
+Pour afficher la liste détaillée de tes contacts: [<a href="{$smarty.server.PHP_SELF}"><strong>vue classique</strong></a>]
+ Vue classique des contacts
Pour afficher le trombi de tes contacts : [<a href="?trombi=1"><strong>vue sous forme de trombi</strong></a>]
<p>Actuellement ta liste de contacts est vide...</p>
{* vim:set et sw=2 sts=2 sws=2: *}