* Email:
- #1077: Removes email redirections <tr> line when ajax returns -Car
+ * Payments:
+ - #932: Adds the date of linked event in payments admin listing -Car
* Profile:
- #16, #528, #917: Changes job interface, updates business sectors -JAC
- #188: Adds informations about the Corps d'État -JAC
$table_editor->describe('amount_max','montant maximum',false);
$table_editor->describe('mail','email contact',true);
$table_editor->describe('confirmation','message confirmation',false);
+ // adds a column with the start date of the linked event if there is one
+ $table_editor->add_option_table('group_events','group_events.paiement_id = t.id');
+ $table_editor->add_option_field('group_events.debut', 'related_event', 'évènement', 'timestamp');
$table_editor->apply($page, $action, $id);